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  • and For the love of god please let trapper start with more traps at base lol . And give him a Left ctrl option to reset traps already on the ground rather then picking them up and replacing them .
  • to Me all he really needs is an addon change , add more range to his base kit and make it so the shock instantly keeps you from actions or stops you from doing the action while in the early animation like it should do rather then saying fk it let them finish lol so basically as soon as that shock touches your damn ankles…
  • I think the double basement idea would be amazing ! But I think it would b cool if the tiers were -make both basements 50 60% 70% longer . So you have to go deeper into the basement to get the unhooks . Or put all 4 hooks on the back wall instead of in the middle
  • This killer makes my pinky hurt lol but I love playing her . I use nurses monitor ruin and sloppy. Another build knock out deerstalker nurses and sloppy . So many builds you can use though . Sometimes I swap out ruin for corrupt intervention
  • Sometimes I swap out bamboozle for devour hope for some quality gameplay
  • For trapper I use currupt intervention enduring spirit fury and bamboozle . But I play in red so you really need chase perks on m1 killers lol
  • I kinda wish they lowered that power cd a little. 30 seconds is a long time and even with addons it still feels kinda slow to me. maybe like 20-25 seconds at base?
  • Gotta guess where they are going to go , know the map . Half the time I blink to people I don’t even see because I guess where they are going to go . And sounds are pretty fixed so you can hear them through walls now so that makes it much easier
  • A lot of these guys complaining about getting 3 gend If theres 2 stacks . L.. makes no sense cause you gotta royally ######### up to be in a position where 1 you guys got hooked a ######### ton and 2, 3 gend yourselves god forbid you you have any advantages as killer for survivors making huge mistakes
  • 1: Hey there big fella! If you woulda read more than just the title you would see I did say buff :D 2: thanks!
  • The reason you are having trouble finding survivors in your power is because the sound is broken in this game and you can’t hear survivor foot steps or groaning in most cases even without iron will . This is def a survivor favorited patch because every survivor has an inate iron will and (dead silence ) from call of duty…
  • Which those hooks were fairly earned
  • i think with stacks it would replace ruin for a lot of killers because i hate ruin but at least half the games you play you regret not using it when 3 gens pop after a 1 min chase xD
  • id be happy with just an unlimited duration. but tokens i believe would be fair i mean you worked for them. even if it stacks just up to 2 its not like 25 % gen reduction is that crazy op unless they keep tapping it or they gen locked themselves it which case its their fault they are in that situation anyway. but id be…
  • "PGTW is fine as it is. It synergises well with other gen perks such as Surveillance, and it teaches you as killer how to priorities. Your goal is to prevent gen repairs, subsequently preventing escape. It’s more important to inflict the instant 25% regression, so ignore survivors in your search for a gen to kick. 30…
  • Rip
  • Ever play shelter woods as a survivor ? Also a horrible map for survivors. Or haddonfeild as killer against someone with balanced ? Some maps are just better for one side then others. Ironworks isn’t the worst
  • Not gonna lie, I kinda wanna wanna play wraith and hook one in the basement and when one or two people run down for the save block the stairs so they can’t leave for 3 minutes loooool
  • I’d honestly like to see the collapse start when the last gen is finished it would make as some butt clenching games as survivor that’s for sure
  • I got a trapper one of these also if you’d like to go over it and tell me what you think
  • They are reworking huntress hatchets so I doubt they will add any more insta down addons . But I’d honestly be just fine with true invisibility at 25m and any closer have the current invisibility . And get rid of the sounds lol
  • Yeah it would ! Do you get the masks at p1?
  • I wish there was a bloody Susie outfit for p3 lol
  • I feel like against good loopers if you aren’t running enduring spirit fury you are struggling all game
  • Trapper and wraith need buffs and QOL lol
  • I could dig it . Maybe at least take away the sound and footsteps so on maps with walls survivors aren’t already running cause they heard my damn Smoker lung and brick feet before I even turned a corner lol
  • I love all the ideas. But I’d also just like him to start with all his traps as walking around picking them uo does multiple things to waste your time -start with all your traps :this would save time , and you would at least be able to place some crutial traps right away without you having to expose yourself by picking up…
  • He just struggles with time , while all your points are valid honestly just giving him all his traps at start would probably be near enough. And being able to reset traps on ground with lctrl but do do that they would need fix the traps moving when survivors get caught ( like Rapto stated) But I do love the idea of adding…
  • And then he can just open them back up where they were placed with l-ctrl
  • It’s not really like the hag . He still has to go back to where he initially placed his traps . He just starts with them
  • I wouldn’t even call it skill. I can barely be paying attention and see / hear that shithead from a mile away. And we even have spine chill which requires even the less aware players to not struggle against it . His current state is just so boring and his power is meh . Half the time when I’m playing /playing against a…
  • That’s a pretty cool idea !
  • I think the killer having the ability to boot survivors would be a bad thing because any killer that knows a certain survivor is good will exploit that . Low rank killers will kick p3 survivors as they usually dodge them anyway it would be pretty annoying lol
  • I just want trapper to be better then his current state. These changes are mostly QOL and save a trapper time which he’s struggling with. survivor perks have nothing really to do with this post as it’s about trapper not survivor and nurse with these changes it would make trapper a much better killer without breaking him
  • I mean it’s kind of counter productive . Let’s say you start with 5-6 traps (I can’t actually remember how many I have I never counted but it’s around that many. Trapper would be so much more viable if he started with those, changes the grey yellow and purple bag addons to add 1-2-3 traps to the map so instead of 5 you’d…
  • The thing is is I don’t want killers to be completely reliant on addons to make them viable. Adding iridescent stone base would be too much I think. His problem is time , he needs to spend less time and I don’t mind manually resetting traps as that is part of the killer . But having to go completely out of your way to grab…
  • Thanks for the support guys! And yeah noed can just as easily be nullified if you don’t rush gens I usually start looking for totems when there’s 2 or less gens left and break them if I come by them
  • It can be countered just as well by not being found but I guess I could live with 45 seconds if it refreshed. And all those things like a noed hag or whatever can all be countered by not gen rushing finding totems not being found ect. Blood warden leads to some pretty intense games on both sides and I’d love to see it a…
  • Or hell even just start with all your traps lol.
  • I absolutely love trapper. He really needs some love. The buffs to his setting speed was nice and the new addons are nice but I feel like trapper should be able to -Start with 2 traps baseline, rest are scattered like normal. -Have the ability to Pick up all your traps and hold them all so you don’t have to walk back and…
  • I like the idea it would be pretty fun to use. I also think Freddy shouldn’t move grass because he is in an alternate plane and shouldn’t effect anything not in the dream world outside of gens and vaults ex
  • The first blink is longer then the blinks after that .so your second third fourth ex will be shorter then the first blink . But playing her without addons and getting used to her with two blinks is your best bet
  • The distance you kinda of have to play her and you will get a feel for how far you will go. Now when I play her even if I use short or long range addons I still know how far I will go just from experience with the killer A lot of people will try to juke you around walls . At higher ranks I usually blink to the corner first…
  • so it takes 40 seconds for exhaustion perks to come back while standing still just make vigil takes double while sprinting. If you chase someone for that long and can’t get them you’re playing wrong anyway lol . Maybe a little les then half then but I stil think it’s a good idea since pallets are used so quickly
  • Just leave ASAP if it really hurts you that much . Or maybe just add an option to hide the chat box for people who’s feelings get hurt easy. I personally like the salt lol