First off, here's the stats You're right, Nurse as a whole is not above 60% kill threshold, but SM, Sadako, Cenobite, and Freddy are. You can argue the 1,2,3% differences but there is missing kill data from disconnects. The poster made 3 recommendations to "fight back". I agree that you can't essentially give survivors a…
The original argument is whether or not it is agreeable to level the playing field by nerfing killers. People choose avatar/profile pics based on a reflection of their interests and likes, 1400+ posts and you have artist as your avatar pic. I would bet my bank account you play killer more and are biased towards that role -…
You are now arguing semantics by throwing in words like "extremely" to happy endings". It's also quite obvious you are biased with "The Artist" as your avatar. I never argued how many people died, the core ending of nearly every slash horror movie is that there are survivors that escape or survive. I merely stated survivor…
You do know, horror movies have more happy endings than not, right?
What's chuckies kill rate? 80%?
This is absolutely false. It is the best for killers, even the DBD data proves it Not only that, the kill rate doesn't bake in the % of hatch escapes , people who disconnect from D-bag camping/tunnelers and the killers who purposely let…
The definition of tunneling in the majority of the community is by definition the killer focusing on 1-specific player survivor out of the game. The argument that "killers" need this strategy to go well in their favor early game is fair. However, killers ALWAYS discount that as more generators are completed, there are less…
There are so many solutions to tunneling, or different game mode changes that ill do the job for the product managers here at behavior interactive (I'm looking at you Jerome). Remove notification triggers when survivor is unhooked. If there's no "notification trigger", then the killer who stepped away for a second is less…
3/5 games lights-out games are legion killers, which just ruins the game mode Behavior, at least remove the HUD for killers so they struggle to find hooks
Give us a killer bot queue gaming option, problem solved.
Chuckie is overpowered, as a survivor and minor killer (I own alien, onryo, etc.) - he has the strength of multiple killers with little downside. He is the size of a Oompa Loompa, and his red stain is impossible to see when his stealth ability is active, but when he goes into his "scamper" mode, it's removed. He gets 3rd…
Your roadmap is missing Nerf Chuckie
Bumping this thread Yeah Chuckie is overpowered, but I guess Behavior is trying to get people to buy Chuckie for the re-release of the movie and keep him beyond S-tier. His charge cooldown is too quick and you can zig zag it, it's a better version of Wesker's lunge Not only can he "Slide" over a pallets, but he can still…
Hi has there been any updates on this? I was just in a game with Cenobite and there is no timer resetting the box after Cenobite finds it for over 4-5 minutes. Reproduction Steps 1 Play as survivor against Cenobite Cenobite finds box OR downs you while you are holding box Infinite chains begins Let timer run for 4-5…
You know what would make this game way better - choosing to play against a human killer or a bot killer. Killers of course can choose to play against bots or humans as well. If my hypothesis is correct, the killers need human survivors more than the survivors need human killers. Balance the game Behavior.
I get Behavior is trying to maximize sales with the Chuckie IP. However, he has too many advantages that doesn't scale to his true killer nature. His red stain size needs to be significantly larger that scales with a normal killer. His advantage is already his height, and he currently has a 3rd person FOV, so there's no…
Playing against chuckie is like having having to go against OddJob from 007 Golden Eye with a golden gun. Except you get slappers.
To argue your points.... It is not a mediocre attack, you're giving it a biological ranged gun, bolt-action. Turrets should still be used to pull it out of stealth and it's crouch stance. Why bother having stealth specialty killers or only handful of killers default crouch, when for example.. Ghostface for suffers from a…
I play killer 25% of the time and I have ran Xeno and it is really overpowered - I'm just Tail Whipping over loop terrain and if it's in pallet drop distance, regardless if they fake it or not, it's a instant tail whip shot because the distance between the gap to get stunned by it and faking it cannot stop the length of…
Tail needs a nerf, I own Xeno but main survivor and after playing as and against Xenomorph - that Tail Whip just sucks the fun out of both sides. You can't loop against Xeno, and the tail whip has little to no punishment for missing. The fire turrets take so much time to setup just to prevent a tail whip that the return is…
Out of 10 games a day, I don't see a single survivor selecting this perk.
Unless you're playing on speakers or a really crappy headset, most headsets can isolate specific sounds and if the audio is coming from the left or right side of you. Moaning and footsteps are easily distinguishable in DBD with the exception if a player is running around a burning camp fire.
Disagree - every killer that plays this uses headsets so 75% noise reduction is useless. Every horror movie has a "survivor" who hides their audio while hiding under a bed or closet. What kind of survivor runs around moaning like they're in porno? However, you can vote and the polls will decide
confident it was timed perfectly i saw the animation
I was responding to this - the fact that this user quoted as saying "of course you're gonna steamroll your first matchups you have no MMR. I can do the same thing with a never touched hag or trapper." - The argument is not only a single case…
I mean that's not fair to survivors either way, that implies low MMR killer vs. low MMR survivors is expected to get steam rolled - that's just not a good experience for new survivors and adds evidence to why a nerf is necessary But yes, happy to continue to steam roll with nurse up the ranks; also there's a reason why she…
Of course you can play devil's advocate and argue any point with personal case studies. However the very fact that this thread exists and those like it exists more often than nearly every killer (for example you will seldom or if at all a "nerf thread" about TWINS); reinforces that a nerf should more likely than not occur.…
75% Survivor / 25% Killer Reasons for Survivor: It feels like I'm playing in a horror movie and I try to avoid mistakes a dumb actor or extra would that costs them their lives in the movie. Feels like it has comradery when playing with others It's a challenge that forces you to improve your ability to remain calm and…
I just played against a nurse who was toxic, typical "eeeezzz" comments. So I logically ask, how about you play survivor and I play nurse? You can even recruit a team of survivors against my nurse (who I haven't touched in months AND im running yellow perks. He refuses. So I figure let's see how well I do in a solo queue..…
I tried this while not in mending state - in a normal wounded state; I see the "endurance" effect award process in my top right screen, but i was still downed
This patch ruined the game for survivors, I'm leaving until they fix this. Brought a competent 4 man team that use to win all the time... to The Game with 3x Tool Boxes and Brand New Parts and still got steam rolled by a Spirit. The why... Iron Will is effectively useless, any killer with a headset can trace sounds…
1000% percent agree - 75% does nothing, i run killer and survivor and i hear everything...