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  • @Halloulle is pretty much covering all of the main points. One thing to add - any perk that causes a loud noise notification will attract zombies. This includes Discordance, Eruption, No Way Out, Spies from the Shadows, Tinkerer, etc - always have one of these in your build, because it helps immensely with keeping zombies…
  • Patch notes for 6.1.0 has all the numbers. Each rank of the perk counts as 1 point, so a level 3 perk is 3 points. 70 for the first catch up prestige, 50 more each level. BHVR just confirmed that ANY prestige level will give two extra prestiges on twitter -…
  • It doesn't actually let you show off anything, looks a lot like piss, and if you don't have everyone they feel out of place. A name border or portrait in postgame would have been better. I'm just going to turn it off.
  • "At the start of a match, The Pig begins with three "searches" per trap, or 12 searches in a normal game. Each time she places a trap, a number of the remaining searches is chosen, from one to four. This is how many searches it will take the Survivor to remove the trap." So then the +1 trap addons would increase the total…
  • Having the same issue in every game. I'm on 1GB internet and not experiencing this in any other games.
  • A dead survivor can't come back into the game. A survivor with a trap on will get that trap off unless the map is big or you're constantly harassing them. Then they heal up and go back to doing gens. If you want kills, you go for the survivor on death hook when you have the opportunity to kill them. Kills = skill remember?
  • Yeah, I feel like this is kind of the same feeling a lot of players are getting. He's got aesthetics, he's got a fun power to use (for most people), but goddamn is he ineffective against a team who just split up and do gens. And any map that doesn't have many low loops? Might as well farm.
  • Trapper, definitely. Keep the theme, change the power. Focus on making him more versatile, and make up for his lack of threat when he is out of traps. The Trapper has 4 types of traps - tripwire, beartrap, barbed wire and explosive. They would be contextual based on what the Trapper is interacting with. Tripwire - can only…
  • Covered most of the actual builds already so I'm gonna throw a couple of memes in. All the BP: Hex: Thrill of the Hunt BBQ & Chili Distressing Hex: Ruin Skillcheck Hell: Hex: Huntress Lullaby Distressing Unnerving Presence Overcharge OR Oppression OR Hex: Undying (Also Iri King/Calm or Double Calm addons for that phat…
  • Wraith - Golden Ox Swift Hunt & Bone Clapper Make Your Choice, BBQ & Chili or Thrilling Tremors, Sloppy Butcher, Ruin Go ahead, unhook someone. I dare you.
  • C'mon Sluzzy, are you out of ideas or something? This is the worst bait you've posted yet.
  • I think it is really by his design. He's a simple killer - power is simple to understand from both sides. From the survivor side he's not overly oppressive and has counterplay - you can see/hear him within a certain distance and gives a warning when he's using his power. From the killer side, he can easily cut distance…
  • Let's be honest here. In six months he will get a very minor buff that will bring him in line with the weakest killers. Then in another 6 months to a year, he'll get a full rework to make him average.
  • That is good to hear. I was playing him the other night and thinking man, they reaaaally overtuned for his movespeed buff.
  • Honestly, there should be an obsession in every match instead of having to run certain perks to trigger one.
  • I love the base feel of the game. Getting a hit on a survivor, seeing them go down, grabbing them off a gen, the little clink or thud behind you when you vault a window/pallet just in time... it just feels good.
  • Favorites (To play): Wraith Pig Doctor Legion Spirit Least Favorites (To play): Myers Hillbilly Nurse Pyramid Head Twins
  • You're expecting it to adjust far too quickly. Even if you played for the entire 24 hours, you would still get some matches outside of your range. Good matchmaking with SBM requires A LOT of games. It should be a couple weeks at least to see real effect for MMR, that's the biggest issue with this test.
  • If I already know where the 4th survivor is and can get there quickly? I'll slug. Otherwise, hook them and move on. I don't want to spend 2-3 matches finding a hatch to get there and watch them jump in.
  • The point is if you're playing at top MMR and just lose because you're Legion, you won't stay at top MMR, and you'll stop losing. If the majority of the community can't get Legion into the same MMR range as Spirit, then Legion needs work and BHVR can see that more easily. There is no downside if BHVR commits to balancing…
  • Only for you. It's only a meta when many people use it and it's successful. If it gets to that point, then there needs to be rework to remove what makes it better than other options.
  • Or everything is balanced and you use what you feel is best for you.
  • Extra BP each month based on the rank you get to... which are pretty small rewards unless you're getting to red rank every month. Doing a week's worth of dailies rewards more BP than getting to rank 4 on a single side. If you got to rank 1 on both sides, it's 500k BP.
    in Rewarding Comment by katapad March 2021
  • Ignore the forums for most of the time playing DBD. Finally make account and start lurking/posting. Less than a couple weeks in, already look forward to Sluzzy's troll posts.
  • It depends on BHVR. If they decide that having a strong meta is a problem, or listen to the community and decide it is a problem, then we will get a change. Personally, I hate metas. IMO the ideal state of any game is getting all perks/characters (or whatever the equivalent is) to be equally viable and letting skill sort…
  • Reading through the other reactions to SBM just makes me think of how little people understand how SBM works, and how badly BHVR needs to explain it to the community. We also don't know what it takes into account (which we shouldn't) and how much data is has been fed to calculate SBM so far. At best case, it's been taking…
  • Should all 3 get their own maps? Yes, definitely. I would love to see what the design team does with each of them. A lab for Blight, a gypsy camp for Twins, and a concert venue for Trickster? Love it. Should they prioritize fixing the current realms? Also yes, definitely.
  • I mean... Michael is immortal Freddy can only "die" if people forget about him Pyramid head can only die if the person he is manifested from dies or has a mental breakthrough Spirit is already dead Nurse is already dead If we go by seeming in-game strength and not their canon versions, Pyramidhead or Oni would probably do…
  • I gotta agree with this - I am actively bad at survivor when it comes to looping in chases. Just doesn't click. I'd love to see me in chase as killer. But the active lack of basic game knowledge when I'm playing soloq is astounding. I'm on hook running kindred... and watching three people crouch walk toward the hook as a…
  • That's not the point. People are going to complain regardless of when they share information, but they need to get community feedback early and often. What they did with OoO is an example of what they should be doing, it should be the case for most changes. Tell people what you're doing and why you're doing it. You are…
  • The problem is that we don't know what they are planning. Almost ever. How will the new MMR work? What is the goal for game balance? What is being done to address balance issues? Why are perks that are useless or nearly useless not being improved, and perks that are considered problematic being targeted or not targeted?…
  • Actually just bought Tapp a few days ago, so I assume it'll change things up.
  • Mostly chill. If I'm only on for a single game or to clean out dailies I'll go all out because that's all I'm going to do, but if I'm playing for a couple hours I'm just going to take what I get, memes or otherwise.
  • Totems are in a desperate need of a rework regardless. The majority of maps have spawns out in the open, in fixed locations, appearing directly next to generators... etc. This only applies if you're the only one doing bones. If everyone is keeping an eye out for the totems during the game and does them when there is an…
  • Killer: BBQ & Chili - Bloodpoints. Duh. Thrilling Tremors - Gotta see them gens. I'm going to run either this or BBQ on almost every build. Pop Goes the Weasel - Obvious Surge - Regression without having to kick gens Oppression - Multi-gen regression Surveillance - Oppression and Surge go very nicely with this one.…
  • Make Your Choice is honestly my favorite perk on Wraith, so as soon as I saw that move speed increase I was drooling. Sloppy Butcher, MYC, and your pick of two others is just a beautiful party of slapping down survivors.
  • Honestly, I never play Huntress, so I'm very bad at landing hatchets. Iri Head just makes doing a Huntress daily not a complete blowout. Do I think it's a healthy mechanic? No.
  • This is probably the big thing for me. If the Dev showcases give us more "hey, this is what we're EXACTLY targeting in the next 2-3 patches, here are some details" I will be happy. I can sort of understand waiting on the UI to go live before making final decisions, as it was a major change - but they should have made the…
  • Honestly, I just like the amount of love that was put into him. You can tell they put a ton of effort into the new animations and design. Personally I'm not a huge fan of the bright yellow pretty boy aesthetic, but I think a shift from all mangled, deformed, gore covered killers is a good thing. Pull in more types of…
  • Killer: Haddonfield Survivor: Suffocation Pit
  • I'd take the extra BP and being shown the SWF groups. Anything else just breaks the game. Honestly, I think making an overhaul to perks from mostly "...notification when..." to "...reveal aura when..." would slap down a lot of frustration with SWFs. Being able to see what the survivors are doing lets the killer react to…
  • Don't even need to pick a special killer. Anyone but Spirit/Nurse/Huntress on the game will work on The Game. Did it with Slinger just because I wanted it done.
  • Survivor-sided at high skill levels, killer otherwise. SWF definitely beats down killers at all skill levels - I only play with buddies on the survivor side and it's borderline unfair some times. Rank 4/5 killer - R8/9 survivor About 200 or so Cleaning up perk builds on killers, but what I have is mostly just 1 off for who…
  • Had a nice game as Bubba the other night. Just prestiged, so I was just screwing around with only BBQ on and got a game in Dead Dog. Cleaned up two survivors before endgame, they popped the last gen with me having the Adam dead to rights on death hook. He stopped in front of me and accepted his fate, so I decided screw it…
  • Doc is a pubstomper. He's extremely rough to play against for anyone who doesn't know the right way to counter him, and he has a fairly simple to use power. Grab and go for new killers, overwhelming for new survivors. By the time you've gotten to survivors who do know how to play against him, you've probably racked up…
  • Killer Predator - Make the scratch marks more visible, not closer together. Beast of Prey - Just needs an entirely new function. Furtive Chase - Same as Beast of Prey. Iron Maiden - This one is good in theory, but probably just needs a bit of a buff and it could be at least meme-level. Hex: Blood Favor - needs either a…
  • I don't think most people are against the final survivor getting hatch. It's the fact that 2, 3, or 4 survivors can bypass the last gens/endgame collapse with a key. Adding skillchecks, interaction timer, closing after a single survivor escapes - anything would help give the killer counterplay to keys. Bypassing part of…
  • I'm fine with the majority of the changes, but moving the survivors from the bottom left to the top left is gonna be a royal pain in the ass. Gens at the top is fine - it's in line with a lot of games with objectives. Would I rather have it at the bottom? Probably. Survivors should be able to see each other's hooks - the…
  • I can't see DS as a skill based perk. Unlike regular skill checks, you know exactly when it's going to happen, still have the notification, and have nothing else to focus on in that moment. This isn't healing someone or working on a gen where you're scanning around for the killer in addition to skill checks. The second…