Please, do PTBs of the temporary gamemodes before releasing them
Past gamemodes were kinda fun, not gonna lie. However, the new 2v8 has some mechanics that can be abused by survivors. First of all, the gen progress bonification for each hook phase encourages gen rushing and ending games too fast for everyone to enjoy. Applying pressure and preventing repairs is more difficult than ever.…
Remove basekit endurance when getting unhooked for protection hits
Kinda a hot take but here we go. The endurance given to a survivor when they are unhooked is supposed to be for dissuading the killer from focusing on that survivor and ignoring the rest. However survivors use this mechanic recklessly to protect others, thus encouraging the behavior this feature is sought to fight against.…
Make the "open gate" bar regress when nobody is opening the gate
Ok, many instances in a match I have found survivors who start opening the gates and leave them 99% open, so they go and look for the killer or try to call them, which is fairly annoying and frustrating for a killer. I believe the preference should be to "get out ASAP" once all generators are completed, not engaging in…
Killer concept: the proxy
"If you want something done well, do it yourself". A physical puppet that serves the Entity's machinations, a direct manifestation of its will and its urge for feedement that exerts its power through the realm to play with the hopes of the survivors, ultimately leading them to their demise. Killer power: Hopeless control…
The "PTB effect"
This concept I refer to as "PTB effect" is simple. When a new chapter or inportant update is released, it usually spends from 2 to 3 weeks in the ptb, where PC players can try the update before everyone else. Now you see new/buffed/reworked killers being absolute beasts there at first, seemingly being broken,…
Sadako changes are wrong.
Sadako is a killer whose performance depends on certain add-on. This should have been an indicator of her needing a buff, not a nerf. Her base kit should not be touched if the add-on is to remain all the same. However, i would simply rework the add-on and buff her base kit. Sadako is weaker than even your average stealth…
Singularity: EMPs are too much
I have played a few games as Hux and I can tell there is something a little bit off with the EMPs. There are too many and they are also fairly easy to obtain while being a fairly powerful tool against this killer, capable of completely nullifying his power, only allowing you to wartch them as they repair with you being far…
Does Boil Over need a rework/nerf?
Title. After an experience today with a premade that ran no mither, sabo and boil over in Ormond, using the second floor to abuse BO especially, this question came to my mind.
Which is the meanest build, used only by demons who escaped from hell, for survivor and killer?
So which is the most evil, annoying, or highly effective builds you hate to see used against you but you love using/ seeing your teammates using as both killer and survivor? Also why do you regard said builds in that way?
Boil Over needs to change or have more counterplay.
Recently I have seen many survivors using Boil Over in maps in which the main building has two floors, which they abuse so that they cannot be hooked. My most recent experience involves a premade with a swf group consisting of 4 survivors using BO, then two had sabo and No Mither (with the other two having unbreakable…
Some main buildings may need an upstairs hook.
Today I faced 4 survivors who used the Ormond offering and Boil Over, intending to use the main building as their safe spot and basically making sure they were downed on that floor, so that boil over could do its magic. Luckily I was playing as knight and could delay them to down them where I wanted using the guards, plus…
Most ps4 dbd players I encounter have chat disabled...coincidence? I think not.
I mainly play on ps4, and as a killer main, though sometimes, when planets allign, I do play survivor. Now, every time I encounter another fellow ps4 player in the game I see the option to create a chat with them is disabled. At first I thought these were isolated cases, but they have multiplied as time went on. When I…
Call of Brine, overcharge and skull merchant
These two perks were not a real problem, I do not get why have they been nerfed. I get that some killers can be quite territorial, but these perks are only a complement and not the actual issue. The slowdown effect they applied to generators wasnot that strong and could be easily countered. The problem comes when a killer…
Protection hits should be considered conspicuous actions
Sometimes recently unhooked survivors use their basekit BT or perks such as Off the Record to do protection hits when the purpose of these perks is to discourage tunelling, not being used to give other survivors better chances. Many times this is done to leave them on the ground so that they can use their DS too. If…
What is the best build and killer for jumpscaring? And how to correctly apply it?
So basically title, what is the best jumpscare build and how have you got to play in order to be as efficient as possible (basically make people jump off their seats and get hooks, with the first one as a preference)?
Dredge nightfall sounds.
This has to be said. When playing Dredge I don't want nightfall to come, as it means I will be having to hear strange echoes that are quite annoying and affect my auditive detection abilities. I am not saying anything about survivors hearing it but for the killer it is perhaps too much. So if this issue could be dealt with…
The SWF issue and a possible solution.
We all know that perhaps the most unbalanced thing in the game are the dreaded SWF groups. Killers usually underperform against them due to their coordination and map control. Solo q players also fear and hate them because they sometimes end up leaving them behind for the benefit of their group. The fact that your MMR…
Failed attempts to try Wesker due to matchmaking
Every time a new killer is added I am looking forward to trying the content I paid for or invested my time into obtaining. The thing is that every time I try a killer I end up playing against survivors who compulsively repair and/or are experienced loopers and I cannot get to do a thing. I am not saying that genrush is the…
Stop bully squads?
Killers are often treated as a Jose by survivors. I am of course talking about the typical 4 Head On bully squad. These creatures will always try to stun you whenever It is possible. I know that Head On has a cooldown due to it being an exhaustion perk, but two people hiding inside two lockers that are close is simply too…
Thanatophobia change. Balanced, weak or abusive?
In the brand new developer notes some changes for Thana have been shown, including a reducción in the slowdown and a bonus in slowdown isfall 4 survivors are injured (Idk if It will still work with a dead survivor) So, according to the descripción given by the devs, is the perk weaker, stronger or balanced?
When playing as survivor, which killer perks annoy you the most?
When playing as killer, which survivor perks annoy you the most?
Albert Wesker's power
We all know that Project W will bring a Wesker to DBD (most likely Albert, but Alex also exists) . After thinking about it for a while, I have no idea how would the power of this Wesker killer work, and I simply wanted to know what is the community expecting from this iconic RE character.
Sprintburst nerf?
With Dead Hard being nerfed, the meta's seemingly mandatory exhaustion perk needed to be changed. Although I have seen many exhaustion perks being used currently (new dead hard, agility and balanced landing), the one that is more common for me is sprintburst. And they use it the same way, as they keep repairing a generator…
Should clicking and teabagging be addressed?
Those who have played as killers know that sometimes empowered survivors like to mock someone who cannot catch them by clicking their flashlights or teabagging. I personally find this unnecessary and sometimes even offensive. To avoid clicking I suggest that turning on and off a flashlight fast in a short period of time…
Survivor from real Life?
I have been thinking about It. There are a few people well-known by the community and that are icons between us. People whose name we all know in the community, whether if they are streamers or devs. And I would personally like to see at least one of them in the game. For example, Mathieu Cote. We all know his voice, his…
Best Sadako build?
Sadako is a weak killer these days, we all know that. And I just wanted to know if there is a build that helps her improve in a match.
Left handed killer when?
I am sure that everyone has noticed that se have no left-handed killers. Most of them use their right hand when wielding their weapons (except Dredge, who has a fleshy thing instead of his left hand, so it would not be fair to count It as right-handed) and some just use both their left or right hand, like Oni when…
Killers you love and hate going against?
Almost every player has tried to play survivor in this game. And, as a survivor, we all have our favourite killer to go against and the one we despise, hate and/or fear to see in a match going against us. I personally hate going against a bubba, as that killer usually means that you are going to be camped. The killer I…
Trapper buff
Trapper is one of the OG killers, and arguably the most iconic original killer. But due to him only having his addons changed and not his base power, he has fallen behind other killers. After doing a poll, the majority voted that he needed a buff that allowed him to adapt to the current state of the game. My suggestion is…
Which original killer themes would you prefer?
There is a wide range of original killers in DBD, each one with a unique or shared theme. For instance, we have two japanese-themed killers, one Wild West- themed and a babylonian one. But there are still many unexplored topics regarding killer themes, so which one would you prefer? These are the ones I was able to think…
Which licensed killer cosmetic would you prefer?
Dbd has many licensed killers that can be played, and while some of them have several cosmetics, some of them don't have any, or maybe that cosmetic you were exoecting is not in the game. So, out of these, which one would you prefer and why?
Should DCs be punished harder?
We have all been in a match in which there is a DC. As a survivor, seeing a teammate DC is frustrating, as that makes the match more difficult for the remaining survivors, and seeing a killer DC simply crashes the match and prevents earning more BP. As a killer, seeing a survivor DC (they usually do that when they consider…
Favourite killer perk type?
Killers have now three general types of perks: the ones I'll call "common", the hexes and the scourge hooks. Each of these categories share a common mechanic, and not everyone is fond of them. Taking this un count, I would like to know what does the community prefer between these perk types.
Which builds have names a what do they do?
I have started seeing a lot of people mentioning "forever legion/plague" recently, and I was wondering what kind of build would that be. This took me to the question of which other builds have these "nicknames" and what do they do exactly.
When should the hatch be given to a survivor?
As a killer main, I have wondered when should I consider giving the hatch to a survivor. I know that the Survivor's Imaginary Rulebook has something to say, but I would like to hear something from fellow players than thenrules made by a toxic bunch of ppl.
What makes a survivor toxic and/or a bully?
I have moreless clear how do toxic survs and bullys act. However, there are some things that I may not understand at all ( all the game language seems to be reduced to teabags and pointing, which is confusing for me) , and when I play as surv I don't want to come across as one of those creatures. And to avoid that, I would…
Trapper buff still needed?
Trapper often comes across as one of the weakest killers and often acts as an exclussively m1 killer. I know this issue has been tackled a lot; but does it still need a buff of some kind, a rework or is he fine like this? Feel free to share your suggestions.
Does genrush exist?
Should madness have more effects?
The Doctor is a killer whose power is mainly used to detect, stun survivors and end loops; however, madness on survivors goles beyond that, as there are strange skillchecks and hallucinations of The Doctor and pallets when having certain addons. However, many people say that this power has not reached it's full deceptive…
Spirit beginning camera angle
Has anyone played as Spirit and, when a match was beginning, found him/herself staring right at Rin's butt? I simply want to know if the community wants to do something about it and these things should be saved for Hooked on You.
Add-on concepts
Nemesis: William's flesh: A piece of flesh taken from the corpse of a scientist who mutated himself to protect his investigation from those above him. The G-virus it contains enhances the zombies, but also makes them more independent. When eqquiped: - The Nemesis will no longer be able to see the auras zombies emmit. -…
Killer concept: The Curse
The Curse is a killer with no body. It is undetectable and invisible, but moves at a higher speed than usual (mucho like cloaked wraith) at the beginning, and it cannot interact with anything on the map. Three rifts will appear in three different spots, and will be moving around (like the purple glyph). Once The Curse…