Nightmare Edition Ps5 Vouchers
Now that stranger things has officially returned can those of us with dead by daylight nightmare edition receive vouchers for ps5 edition
can anyone answer this question
so recently i just got a ps5 but i currently have dead by daylight nightmare edition for playstation 4 and because dbd is free with playstation plus i was wondering if i downloaded the digital version would I still have my dlcs i own like demo etc
This patch worries me
we all saw the changes announced yesterday but can we acknowledge how bad some of this is killers lost all regression perks without buffing any perks to compensate like pop or ruin meaning gens are gonna fly faster than before meaning more tunneling and camping which has still not been addressed also because they gutted…
4 months after meta shake up
i remember being genuinely excited at first hearing about a meta shake up now months after nothing has really changed honestly it’s simply gotten worse the meta change was a good idea but was horribly executed gens feel so much faster to deal with even faster than before 6.1.0 while as on the survivor side this gen kick…
We don’t like limited cosmetics
this is ridiculous an absolutely disgusting why are you removing the ability for us to buy these cosmetics especially for collections that came out almost 2 years ago this is incredibly scummy an also wild because they won’t even become available for shards
Quality of life change
can ds and off the record have a quality of life change if i’ve been unhooked before the last gen pops and i’m being tunneled an i still have time left on off the record or ds why does it just deactivate completely i’m fine with both perks deactivating at end game but seriously if i’m being tunneled long before the last…
locker flashlight save this and that
can we get more of the community to start talking about cross progression we have so many players who want it an we haven’t gotten any news other then it’s being worked on all of us console players want to switch to pc eventually an it’s so annoying to watch games like overwatch launch with it can more of the community…
what changes do you guys think are next
honestly i see changes to the twins ,nurse ,blight and wesker for twins i see buffs an maybe some big quality of life changes for wesker i see slight changes to the infected mechanic an for blight an add on pass and slight or even major changes to the nurse i’m hoping they revisit perks like eruption but what changes do…
Hook grabbing
why is hook grabbing still a thing people have been saying for years it should be removed the only time you see the feature is when killers are camping it’s ping related an just annoying what’s everyone stance on hook grabbing
what ever happened to balancing grunts
i thought survivor grunts were supposed to be balanced this mid chapter
Flashlights feel insanely clunky
I’m glad the devs made flashlights more accessible for people with epilepsy but they way they went an changed them to do so made them feel so insanely clunky especially for me a console player i can no longer use them to try to mimic pc movement the beam bug for male survivors is on all survivors now an i know they said…
Cross progression
it’s tiring having to wait so long for a feature we should’ve had awhile ago we’ve had no updates for switch , playstation or xbox an it’s not even a priority right now what will it take for us to finally receive it it’s so upsetting to the console community because we don’t even know if it’s an issue on bhvr end or if it…
”new meta is fun lots of variety “
why do people continue to act like meta has change an any significant way compared to a year ago to now especially for killer ?
regarding 6.1.0
I wanna start off by how i honestly think the 6.1.0 was ironically a failure an everyone denies it because it gave killer quality of life changes they should’ve had years ago while i think 6.1.0 was a major change an dbd history what did it exactly accomplish? i feel like the meta is the exact same thing for both sides an…
killer queues are insanely bad
(title) i doubt even the incentive will help this just seems like people don’t wanna play survivor rn rightfully so, just sucks that queues are so long last night i ether got a really good swf or survivors with 50 hours an that really bad meaning that game is having a harder time finding people at my mmr an just throwing…
Can we expect some solo queue changes now
Dh is gone survivors have perk variety but can we expect some changes for solo queue i’m sure everyone have been having problems with there games today it’s been horrible gens just not being done not getting saved tunneled etc queues are horrible it’s like no survivors are playing regardless of this fact when will we…
exhaustion perks
with dh being nerfed everyone will still just use sprint burst or lithe an some overcomes would everyone be against other exhaustion perks receiving slight buffs or number changes like now that a lot of drop offs have been changed especially on haddonfield would old balanced be a problem would head on with a 4 second stun…
do you think killers queues are gonna be bad
do you guys think killer queues will be bad after the update i genuinely think they will i planned on playing a lot of killer this update but if queues are bad i don’t really know especially when i’m probably just gonna get swf because solos are not gonna wanna play as much during this update survivor isn’t dead but i feel…
Kill rate for survivors is gonna drop dramatically
Solo queue is gonna be absolutely hell we were supposed to have some changes but we never saw any. new builds like forever legion gonna make people kill themselves on hook immediately i just don’t see a reason to play this game without friends anymore unless i’m playing killer it just won’t be worth an if survivors kill…
The ptb
now that the ptb has been opened can we agree some perks that were nerfed an some were buffed for no reason other than to change the meta but the meta will still consist of the same designed perks so what really was the point ? just for the perk to say a different name plus i genuinely feel like some perks nerfs were…
if iron will is gone
if the iron will nerf goes threw can character’s have a set range of volume because some characters are far louder than others an it’s a major disadvantage an it’s incredibly annoying claire is a major example of this without iron will she’s one of most annoying characters to play jane as well i think every character…
ptb is gonna be insanely chaotic
the ptb is gonna be the absolute best ptb or the worst ptb ever with how large this mid chapter is an how many good an bad changes i’m kinda eager to see how this plays out
so what to we do against blight or nurse now
these changes just made blight an nurse stronger you get hit your going down the cool down time between attacks has been decreased an blight an nurse still have there absolutely busted add ons what exactly are we supposed to do against them now or will they finally get the changes they need ? also some of these changes…
will deadlock become a problem ?
after doing the math with gens an camping wouldn’t it be more effective for killers to simply camp with these changes an killers who can camp effectively have essentially become stronger like bubba a face camping with bubba with deadlock is logically unbeatable unless everyone splits up i still see this as problematic…
base kit changes ?
do you guys think with the perk changes coming soon that we will see changes to some higher tier killers an base kit survivor changes meaning buffs or nerfs most likely if we see nerfs to any killer i think blights next maybe because of his add ons an maybe some changes to medkits on surv or a weaker borrowed time base kit
meta shift ?
so we all know a dead hard change is coming real soon which granted the perk definitely needs but i wanna to discuss some things that will happen because of the nerf an id like to hear everyone opinion so with deadhard being changed i think we’d see a overcome, sprint burst meta. sprint burst is basically on deadhard level…
gallery feature
i think dbd should have a gallery feature where you can see all banners all cosmetics in there design phase maybe pictures of old maps an reworked survivors an killers i think this would such a an interesting feature would you guys be against this ?
anyone notice at high mmr
at high mmr i have been seeing a lot more ds’s than i used to i’m not complaining but this is so strange because after the nerf you hardly saw it now i have it an almost everyone of my games for killer also the perks have virtually remained the same though but why did ds usage just increase so fast i wonder what caused its…
cross progression
i have some questions regarding cross progression on consoles other than switch will we ever see cross progression ? it’s been years no information regarding it and i was just wondering is this something that we have to take up with sony an microsoft or is behavior not ready to implement it right now because a lot of us…
can we atleast change exhaustion meta
i know i can’t be the only one who’s tired of dead hard and sprint burst every game as killer would you guys be against other exhaustion perks getting a slight buff or change so we could actually have some variety like i remember when we used to see balanced landing all the time now you never see it can you atleast give…
what are you guys hopes for the mid chapter
mines are perk fixed and maybe a spirit change
why were bubbas problems never addressed
i’m curious to why bubba problems mainly face camping issues were never addressed when he got his rework or buffs last year i know he has a tantrum now but it doesn’t even feel like a penalty it doesn’t make any sense to me how billy was almost completely gutted and is severely punished for face camping and messing up with…
twins change
devs please revert or atleast tweak twin changes i know there aren’t liked by majority of the community but they feel so clunky as right now and feel like a chore to play now you nerfed the collision aspect of charlotte which was something only good twins players new how to use and now it out right feels like i’m punished…
Stridor meta ?
every one has seen the lucky break buff and have voiced there opinions the perk is strong and imma be honest i kinda want it to go live with some number tweaks of course but i wanna see what this perk does to meta for both sides and how killers learn to play around with it for example freddy and huntress got stridor type…
was the unhooking part of the ds nerf intentional because it wasn’t remember correctly it was apart of the ptb because it seems to be bugged i love the nerf ds got as well just curious about this change
rank reset
can rank reset not occur this month especially with the emblem bug that allows to de pip