NEW DLC CHAPTER : THE EVIL WITHIN NEW MAP : ABANDONED CHURCH Abandoned church and the grave field. NEW KILLER : The Priest Overview He was possessed by the great evil. He was in exorcism ritual once but it ended up everybody in the ritual were dead. Few day later he killed all the nuns and priest in the church. There is a…
Killer Concept: The Soldier (New and improved version!)
So. I originally had an idea for a killer based on a Soldier, with the intention of making him fire based. However, to make things simpler I decided to mix in the perks and design ideas from the Soldier and the power from my unused Mobster idea to make an overall simpler killer. He introduces a new type of status effect…
Backstory Lore Bio David King 2 was the unaffectionate name David King's twin received from his parents. At an early age he was kicked from the household and forced to fend for himself on the streets, spending most of his time wasting what little money he could make in bars. One day he was particularly drunk, and as a…
Killer idea: Crow King
This is my concept of what Crow King (or just Crows) should be made in this game. Please give me your oppinion about this! >Crow King is a monstrous killer, able to manipulate crows to attack survivors and control different objects on the map. His perks "Scavangers", "Rapt attention" and "Feast for the crows" allow him to…
Frederick Stark - Survivor Perk suggestions
Behaviour Launcher
Hello, This is my idea for a Behaviour Launcher! Download: Video:
Five nights at Freddy's killer: Scrap baby
Killer: The Machine/ Scrap Baby Model by: ChuizaProductions on Deviant art Power, Elizabeth's damnation: If the ability button is held you enter a new state called 'Scanning mode' where you can't attack and your movement speed is decreed by 3% but all survivor noises are made louder and certain actions such as running,…
New killer/perks for killers
New killer:wolfblood (normal perks) Main: man with knuckles Power: transform into the beast when hit someone and lick the blood State to survivor:mend 60 sec transformation Beast (does have unique unchangeable perks) Speed increase a little Can track the farther survivor(footprints) Can hear farther the crow and generators…
Chapter idea: Rubber Hose
(Go to the bottom if you do not know what Rubber hose animation is)This chapter involves a survivor and killer, based around an animation called rubber hose, the chapter will contain the killer "The Blank" and "Joe Messmer" so we will start with facts about the names of the killer and survivor Survivor fact: The name…
KnockDown (Fanmade chapter idea)
Samuel was a boxer. Each week he’d go out onto the ring, and would punch someone else into oblivion. He was the reigning champion, and always won. Until Tuesday. Someone else was in the ring. It was a kid, with a Silver tooth and a cocky smile. Samuel was Knocked down. That was when the lights went out. When they turned…
Susie's mask (a WIP) Edit: the mask has been finished.
if it's sideways, sorry. I don"t know what my computer is doing
New Secondary Objectives idea: Gasoline Canisters and Fuse boxes
In order to repair a generator a survivor must first fuel it. 8 Gas cans would be scattered around the trial in the various totem spawns. The cans would be bright red and rather small. Just walk to an unfueled generator and interact with it while holding a gas can to fuel it. In order to allow survivors to open the exit…
ITEMS: ROCK [common] - You can stun killer for 2,5 seconds by throwing Rock to him. Killer after stun is in Maniacal Fury - he's speed is increased for 5 seconds (5%) KNIFE [Rare] - You can stun killer for 4 seconds. Killer falls on the Ground. Killer after stun got Slowness Effect for 10 Seconds (5%) After use knife…
Dead By Daylight: Rise Up Dead Man (Hunt: Showdown Killer DLC)
I love Dead By Daylight and I love Hunt Showdown. These two games, while very different mechanically, have a lot of similar themes of mistrust, terror, and demonic influence. As such, I couldn't restrain myself from trying to bring the two together via suggestion. There aren't many "survivors" in Hunt since almost everyone…
Beneath a Blood Moon Chapter: Killer: "The Feral"
New chapter... The Seven Seas...
Survivor and killer... Killer: The Pirate Stats: Height- Slightly tall (Average<slightly tall<tall) Terror radius- 28m Walking speed- 4.2m/s Looks: Old Moldy version of Black Beard (barnacles included) and peg leg Old rusty cutlass and a parrot on his shoulder... Power: Parrot The parrt flies up and reveals auras of…
The Huntress of Anna (Cosplay)
The photography, costume, props, lighting, all the details of the later stage all by myself for handmade. & It 's also my first attempt to make synthetic images🙂 Hope you like it :P I print masks in 3D,& the makeup was painted by my hand.
Hollowgast as DBD killer
When the "miss peregrine's home for peculiar children" came out on big screens I really loved their representation of hollowgasts from the book: So, here is my concept of a hollowgast, as a DBD killer. >Hollowgast is a deadly and stealthy killer, able to surprise its victims with sudden and unexpected attacks using its…
Wallpaper with all the survivors and killers together
Hi everyone! I haven't seen any wallpaper yet with all the survivors and killers together, so photoshopping it was! I put Jane and the plague in there as well! I hope you all like it as much as I do! My German shepherd was ready to tackle the villains with me!🤦♀️😂
3 new perks ideas <3
Новый маньяк: Суицидница
История: Алиса была обычной девочкой подростком, ругалась с родителями, слушала все виды металла. Со временем она становилась все депрессивные, чаще проявляла негативные эмоции. Ее первая попытка самоубийства не увенчалась успехом и Алису поместили в Кротус Пренн на лечение. Но ее психику уже нельзя было вылечить. Она даже…
Fanmade chase music #2
Link to the video: https://youtu.be/VxY4CbtB9MM
New Capter: The Forgotten. (This was before the legion)
This was before the legion. It was a capter I made a while ago. Dead by Daylight killer idea: The Forgotten The Restless Enco Gorge lived in a small town in New Hampshire, his family was more on the wealthy side. His mother left them soon after Enco was born. Enco always succeed in his classes, he had a large number of…
Detective Jonathan saves Meg Thomas from The Hillbilly.
With no bullets in his revolver and armed with only a flashlight, Detective Jonathan tries to save Meg Thomas from the clutches of Max Thompson Jr. AKA The Hillbilly
KnockDown (Fanmade chapter idea)
Samuel was a boxer. Each week he’d go out onto the ring, and would punch someone else into oblivion. He was the reigning champion, and always won. Until Tuesday. Someone else was in the ring. It was a kid, with a Silver tooth and a cocky smile. Samuel was Knocked down. That was when the lights went out. When they turned…
The Obsessed-Fan Killer/Survivor
Really long. I don't ever expect this to be implemented, but I thought this was fun. Survivor: Jack Rue Height: 5'10 Backstory: As one of the first survivors to come into the Entity's realm, Jack was naturally scared. His strong conviction to escape was constantly thwarted by hulking behemoths of monsters and they had used…
New chapter "Life and Death"
New survivor: Tanya Peerson Bio: Tanya spent years working as psychiatrist in Crotus Prenn's department for suicidals. She helped many people dealing with any kind of depression and life problems. But she got difficulties with girl called Alice Vasilevtseva who emigrate with her family from Eastern Europe. One morning she…
New Chapter: Cries Of Regret
New Killer: The Weeper Alice Stone was a happily married woman. She was 6 months into her pregnancy when one night she couldn't bear the pain, so she was taken to the hospital. She struggled many hours in the hospital room, just to end up with her dead baby in her own hands. She started crying loudly, but wouldn't let her…
Chapter, Deceitful Eye
Now that we've gotten The Plague we know a religious killer/survivor is not out of the question. So I present The Chapter Deceitful Eye; New Killer Loki, The Trickster, New Survivor Noah Evans, New Map Factory. Loki, The Trickster: Loki is a deceitful and some would say evil but Loki will find a way to change your mind as…
Killer Items
Killer items are items that the killer can get from chests. Searching chests takes as long as it does for survivors. Now this is (most likely) not going to get into the game. Toolbox: Repair sabo'd hooks/Sabo genorators. A sabo genorator will auto fail a skill check the first time a survivor gets a skill check while…
New Cosmetic for The Plague
I was wondering if you guys can take this cosmetic idea into dead by daylight. I have a cosmetic for the new killer ‘The Plague’, the cosmetic is from the US government. The cosmetic that I found is called Lady Justice. I know it doesn't fit the theme of The Plague but it seems like the cosmetic will look well on her.
Fan-Made Chapter: The Looking Glass.
The Watcher Name: Pratt Karcher Bio: Pratt Karcher if you could guess his parents you'd probably think they were loki and morgana, this would be incorrect though. Pratt was the greatest street thief dubbed "the watcher" for his back of watching his victims meticulously setting his victims up in the right spots, a master of…
Fan Chapter: King Of The Beasts
New Killer: The King Difficulty: Hard Playstyle: The King is a strategic killer, able to move at high speeds and slow the game down with his ability Give Your Gift. His 3 perks, Hex: Don’t Question The King, Hex: Don’t Offend The King and Hex: Don’t Disappoint The King help catch up with survivors and slow the match down.…
New Chapter; Leaf's Jungle
Killer: The Wild (Wolfy) Chapter "Leaf's Jungle" Power: Control a wolf from the Mist. The wolf is a "trap" that approaches a player begins to growl if the latter approaches too much the wolf the attack putting him in a wounded state if the wolf puts him in critical condition he reports directly to a side the killer by…
Fan-Chapter: The Brothers Grin
Killer: The Servant A magical killer, able to track down survivors and use harming curses. His personal perks are Eye for Death, Hex: Hunter's Plaything, and Damnation. Lore: Timothy Reveil was never popular with the other kids in his school. This was in fact not a small fault of his, as his obsession with dangerous spells…
Immortal sunset (new killer)
I think the dev should add a creature of a fire type in there display her ability Every 4 hooks she has fire ability where can put ground on fire so they cant go certain ways and cant loop as much sorta like making them go into a trap or a good hex perk for this thought
I finished my mask! (susie/legion)
Ew. Bad lighting, sorry. I may have to go in with a little more texturing around the pins... What do you think?
New chapter:Elephants foot
(1986)The Chernobyl disaster left a city in ruins. The elephants foot is a piece of a highly radioactive melted core of the power plant that caused the disaster. It is known to be the most deadly object on earth. People who stood next to it have died shortly after a horrible radiation exposure. Killer: The elephant Lore:A…
New Killer Powers
Here are some powers for killers I thought of (Based on Five Nights At Freddy's) Springlock: Put a Springlock Suit on a Dying Survivor. A survivor in the Injured or Healthy state can preform a "Reset" Action while not next to an interactable item. It takes 10 seconds default and uses skill checks. If this is not done after…
Fan Killer & Survivor: A study in victimology
New KILLER - The Impostor Appearance: A towering figure, clad in black robes reminiscent of the Grim Reaper with a white mask depicting horror and sadness. Weapon: Knife Name: Kenny Blake “Psychology/Sociology major college student Kenny ran his experiments on human response to extreme conditions and stressful dangerous…
Chapter idea: Technical issue
Map: Old workshop-Italy This was once a place of peace, machines were created and people worked all day and night, one fateful evening lead to this place being abandoned. Killer: The Tinkerer He loved creating little toys, one of his "favorites" was a ballerina, but he never found it to be perfect, so every fail he started…
Perk Ideas
SURVIVOR: P-Jelly You work hard for the money and tend to only get greasy stuff... maybe it can be of use somehow? while in the injured state, repairing a generator reveals your aura to the killer while healing you at a 50%/75%/100% conversion rate. (0% to 100% on a generator by yourself equals one health state) Big Boned…
Nurse Blink Animation
Thank you for watching this animation! I have been working on this for about a week or so and wanted to practice my hand on 2D animation again! Most of the sounds that can be heard in this comes from the game itself, but the cough you hear comes from Freesound.org! Link below for the Foley sound. Coughing sound:…
Totem perk idea
I have a idea for a Perk that is based on totems for the surviver. Its called: Broken bones For every Totem that gets destroyed by your hands the entity will reward you with a token. For every Token you gain an additional 1%/2%/3% speed increase for healing others. -Sticks and stones may break my bones.
New Killer Idea: The Favourite
Before you start reading I wanted to say that I made this killer because I had an interesting idea for the lore and based the power around that. So if you like lore you might find this interesting. So, yeah, enjoy and please leave feedback ;) Chapter: The Entity’s Kiss Killer name: The Favourite Benedict’s Journal Entry:…
New Killer Idea: The Pygmy
New Killer: The Pygmy Name: Megawa Story: Born in the Flores Indonesian jungle, Megawa grew up in a very poor village, death and starvation were common. Megawa was the only child of 7 to live into adulthood although not without complications. Megawa was a pygmy and constantly ridiculed for it. He was one of the smallest…
Chapter idea: Pitch black
Location: Infected location This used to be a simple town, then was quarantined during a mass infection, that cannot be dubbed, causing humans to have symptoms of "The Plagues" Diseases, but instead turned into something, much, much worse Killer: The Patient Lore: His name was Marrow, he never had a last name, he was known…
Chainsaw Killer's change idea!
Since Billy can permanently run around with his Chainsaw and insta down people and not even get a slowdown when charging up the Chainsaw unlike Leatherface I found a good solution to at least make Billy a bit more fun to verse and with this new mechanic I would also buff Leatherface's power. Billy: - 90% movement speed…
Survival Instinct - Fanmade Chapter Idea
Survivor - Alexander Herondale A character who has been defined by pain. He learned that people sometimes do bad things. He knows that, and was taught that lesson when he was taken by a guy outside of an airport. His life was ended there, by his own hands. And he learned that when people fight you… you need to fight back.…
Joke Licensed Chapter: Nightmarish Payday
Killer: The Cloaker A fast paced killer, able to rush survivors and down them quickly. His personal perks are Go Cry In The Forums, Should Have Stayed Home, and Hex: Did That Hurt. Lore: All his life he studied the art of fighting, running. And everything else that would make him the toughest and baddest kid on the block.…