Deep Red- Marcus Daly Character Concept
It seems to me that almost no one, if anyone, has proposed ideas for adding characters or chapters from the movies of Italian horror director Dario Argento. Thus I have decided to create one myself based on my favorite Argento film, Deep Red. I love Deep Red for many reasons, but one of the biggest reasons is because of…
New Chapter: One's Misfortune
Please leave feedback :) Chapter: One’s Misfortune Killer name: The Broken. Benedict’s journal entry: “He’s younger than the others, but broken inside, I can see it in his eyes, stalking us from the woods around the campfire. The two following him seem harmless...better not let my guard down” ~ Benedict Baker Killer Power:…
Perk Ideas
some perk ideas i thought of (SURVIVOR PERKS) Ego Boost : Helping others boosts your ego Gain a token every time you heal another survivors health state. Gain 2 tokens every time you unhook a survivor. every 3 tokens gain a 1% permanent haste effect . every token grants a 1% bonus to all action speeds up to a maximum of…
The Legion Rework (Fantasy)
I feel the gameplay rework I would begin to spell out hear would be far too much to implement and perhaps viewed as overpowered by some or most but I can still dream xD Imagine if playing as or against the legion was commanding or facing the entire group. Probably not a new idea considering I am much late to the forums but…
The Nightmare Freddy Rework idea
I've been thinking of new ways to improve Freddy while keeping him fair yet by game rules unfair to the game what I've come up with so far I've liked Firstly I believe Freddy should be a two power killer what powers should he have well Power 1 Freddys dreem power -should remain but should be an aura similar to doctor that…
New Killer Hellraiser
Hello Community! I have an idea for a New Killer. Do you know the pinhead from the movie Hellraiser? I think that would be quite suitable for the game. As a weapon you can give him a chain to hit or throw. As Mori, I think of the pulling apart of the survivors with the chains. I also have ideas for perks. For example, you…
Warframe killer: The shadow/ stalker
Killer: The Shadow/ Stalker This is an embed external element. It can be deleted using the delete key or the backspace key. To view the full element, press the preview button below. Weapon: war Bio: Once a lower guardian for the Orokin empire during the Sentient war and when the mysterious Tenno ended the war for the…
Killer Idea: Long-Hair Woman
I'm almost certain something like this has been mentioned before, and I'm not claiming it's an original idea, but I would love to see a slender woman in a tattered robe with long black hair down to her feet stalking around hunting survivors. For a base attack I think she should just have long nails, not hold any kind of…
Some killers perk changes and reworks ideas.
Beast Of Prey Your lust for a kill is so intense that your connection with the Entity is momentarily lost, making you totally unpredictable. The Red Stain and Your Terror Radius disappears after gaining Bloodlust Tier I , you don't lose Bloodlust when breaking a pallet. Gain 30/40/50 % more Bloodpoints for actions in…
Supernatural DLC
Sam and dean winchester end up in the woods where they try to find and kill a Wendigo that feeds off humans but end up with 3 other campers and tell them that it isn’t safe here and they say we got this. But then one of the campers disappear then right next to them is a generator so Sam and dean think this is a game but…
Marionette Hag Skin
With the new Pulcinella Clown Skin, I could imagine The Hag with a Marionette Skin, strings on her joints fading upwards matching her erratic movement. The wooden/painted body compliments her already emaciated form. I know she is wood/swamp/jerky themed but I think its a fun thought.
New Myers add-on idea
This add-on is based off of the Plague's add-on, Iridescent Seal. Name: Iridescent Blade/Bloody Blade Rarity: Ultra Rare Effects: -Moderately reduces speed while in Evil Within III -Tremendously decreases the duration of Evil Within III -Evil Within I/II becomes Evil Within III once a generator is completed and will return…
New killer suggestion: The SlenderMan.
Yup, here we go. >Slenderman - 4/6m.s speed - tall (same as plague but he also is a bit crooked) - terror - 32M. >Backstory: The mythology of Slenderman is a gruesome one; clutches of children disappearing without a trace, adults found impaled on treetop branches, and organs missing from his victims. But his legend runs…
Of Fear and Fury (PT.2 to 'under lock and key')
Survivor: Danielle Skye Backstory: Danielle grew up innocent in a not so innocent household. Both of her parents were drug abusers and her brother was a suspected murderer. With all these things hanging above her head, it made it hard to not go insane and kill everything in site. But she pushed through and did good deeds,…
A Quiet Place: DLC Chapter
Killer: The Alien Special Ability: Listen The Alien can switch between two stances: The hunting stance and the listening stance. The Alien starts off in the hunting stance. Hunting Stance: The Alien moves at 120% speed, and FOV is decreased by 8. Listening Stance: The Alien moves at 100% speed. FOV is increased by 16.…
New Killer Perk Ideas
I have came up with 2 new Killer Perks! I don't know if they're any good and they will probably need tweaking for balance but I think the base ideas are alright. Meltdown - Each time a generator is repaired, the rate at which damaged generators' progression decreases grows faster by 25/30/35 percent. This has no effect on…
Gameplay idea: Intractable objects
The idea is quite simple: Different maps would have different intractable object and mechanisims which changes the flow of the game. Example idea 1: On Badham You can intact with the furnace in he basement as killer if a survivor is varying a survivor that's already been hoked before and uou can roast them in the furnace…
Common and general archive of new Offerings and Perks
I open this thread to collect ideas about new offerings and perks, according to the following rules: 1) everybody is entitled to add new proposals and to comment and amend existing ones; 2) be constructive and reasonable and avoid dogmatic or sarcastic answers, please; 3) everyone's merits will be recognized and…
The Nightmare REWORK idea
introducing a new state for survivors: Nightmarish state When survivors are in Trancision state - They cant: heal, repair, open chests, cleanese, open gates, jump throw the hatch, rescue and sabotage - auras from vaults are revealed to the survivor - they cant see The Nightmare, but they can hear his steps heavly and…
New Killer-The Ignited
(Edited) I've created a dead by daylight OC (original character), and I wanted to share her with you guys. Please let me know what you think! :) Maybe she'll be added into that game! ..Okay. That's a long shot haha x) Chapter: Tribal Massacre Lore: Shell Abra was a young and curious 17 year old from Africa. For all of her…
DLC Chapter Idea - Dark Bidding
**New Killer: The Puppeteer** Ever since Alan Bradshaw saw his first play as a child, he dreamed of owning his own theater. It was at first a minor inspiration, something he thought about lightly and didn't truly consider. But as he grew older, so did his obsession. Over the course of his teenager years, he must've bought…
Chapter Idea: Deserted Sorcerer
Killer: The Sorcerer Terror radius: 32 meters Movement speed: 4,6 m/s Height: Tall Appearance: a little bit similar to nurse (is flying) but he is like completly black mist with sea color runes and his eyes are the same colour Power: Distractive hologram - The Sorcerer can use his power, Distractive hologram, to create his…
Killer Perk: Feed the Entity
Feed the Entity(only tier 3): The killer can get tokens, if he hook survivors on special hooks. The map has 9(4 Basement hooks after 1 token and 4 hooks on the map) special hooks. 1 Tokens = All basement hooks are special hooks,too.(Basement get a new design) 3 Tokens = visual thing(The Entity is around the killers…
New Killer: The Dollmaker
Back to the top: Sorry if something in sentence structure or grammar sounds strange, I'm from Germany and am not the best in English :) I hope that does not bother too much :) Name: Dollmaker History: Martin Smith was a good-natured person. He was a single father and had two children. By profession, he was a doll maker and…
I want to paint on legion masks
I make way many too paint overs masks for legion. Almost do 3-5 masks nightly probally cause want to make legion masks. Should probally invest in mask materials.
Paragraph idea (Killer). Decomposition March
New killer is "The Decay" Bio: Faul Tod, age 34, former doctor, in 1935 made a mistake and accidentaly killed one of his patients. He was fired from hospital and then sent to prison. However, his true nature became apparent once he was made free and invited to join the team of scientists, because of his achievements in…
The lovely Adiris
Manhunt chapter
Piggsy for next killer Having James Earl Cash as survivor What do you think? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmpCx8roXXU
The White Walkers DLC
Imagine this killer with the Game of Thrones Hype
Every killer drawn
except plague, she tormented me with her face These took a while to make, some appreciation would be really welcome. Next? Drawing survivors.
Ash cosmetics expectations
Honestly, I had in mind a few options like: But what I got in game is unexpected and delicious: Those shorts are the best to be honest, I don't know how many times I got mori'd lmfao
The Heretic (Killer idea)
Killer's name: The Heretic. Real name: Nick Insanity "Boy" Lewis Weapon: Butcher's knife Killer's ability Demon Withen. Killer's stats: Height: tall: Movement speed 115% Terror Radius: 20 meters A twisted and brutal killer. able to bend powerful beings into his will. His power: Demon Withen. Lets him summon two out of…
The Witch
This killer would be a Witch/Warlock that is accompanied by a Familiar. The Familiar could be any small animal (maybe a default black cat, but with other animals like a bird, a mouse/rat, a puppy, etc available for purchase). The Familiar would roam the map independently and the killer would have the ability to look…
Dead Man's Island Chapter
Any feedback is welcome!
Killer Idea - The Siren
Killer info * name: Irena Ludos * gender: Female * ethnicity: European * realm: * power: Siren's Song * weapon: Coral Blade * speed: 110% * terror radius: 32 M * heart beat range: 8/12 M Killer ability: Siren's Song - effect: Survivors in your terror radius hear your song, begin to slowly lose their will to resist. Applies…
Beneath a Blood Moon "The Feral"
Hired someone to design me a personal killer that I've been working over for a while now, he is called "The Feral" and is apart of my original chapter "Beneath a Blood Moon"
Pinhead Chapter, Summon the Sadist
Killer: Pinhead "The Cenobite" Survivor: Kirsty Cotton Pinhead: Weapon will be a loose chain with a hook on the end, make his left hand holding the Lament configuration (The cube). If you wanted to you could make his terror radius the sound of the chains clanging together and that ominous sound from the movies when they're…
Paragraph IV: Sally Hardesty
LORE After escaped from a slaughter in a travel through Texas, Sally Hardesty get sad. She lost her friends, her boyfriend, Jerry, and her invalid brother, Franklin Hardesty. She build a plan with her uncle Lt. Lefty to get revenge for her brother and friends and extingue the Sawyer family, along with Bubba Sawyer, as know…
Weeping Angels as DbD Killer
Short Concept: The Player has 4 statues. All Weeping angels see where the survivors are looking(field of view). The Player can switch between the statues (1,2,3,4 on the keyboard). Every Weeping angel is really fast. But if she is in the field of view of a survivor, then she can not move. The Weeping angels attack(M1) like…
Depressed Myers and Fat Nurse
nurse ate too many burgers and myers got friendzoned by laurie
Under Lock And Key (New Dbd Chapter Idea)
New Survivor: Ed Jackson Ed was a student of KV. College, he made a few friends that he was happy to keep, but things went wrong on the fabled day: 3rd of December 2013, the day the mass murder happened. He managed to escape by restoring the power and phoning the police. But he was scared, and he had the scar to prove it.…
New Chapter Idea: Hatred Of Love
https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/ba9kjn/new_chapter_consept_hatred_of_love/ Chapter: Hatred of love Killer : The Eye Keep in mind that this is a work-in progress guide, that means that if i get a feedback from the community or if i will get a better idea, i will change the perks or anything. (The Eye object…
New Survivor Idea: OLIVIA BECK
Olivia Beck is a very young and intelligent young girl, living in Detroit, Michigan. When she was young, she would get bullied for the lack of friends she had and how she was 'nerd' looking, she didn't let it bother her though, she only became stronger. Olivia was always excluded from people, she had a little group of…
Sacrificial Lamb - Survivor Concept
Normally I'd make a backstory, but I'm being lazy today. Jessie Leebrom Appearance - Female in 20s, medium length black hair in a ponytail. White sweater and black pants. Perks The Greater Good - You are determined to help others no matter the cost. Once per trial, when hit with an attack that would put you in the dying…
Im looking for people(Fan chapters
Whats this about. so i have a project called fan chapters, where me and some people create chapters we make and release on youtube, kinda like the king does, but we are mainly focused on licensed, and we did begin before he did so you can't call us copy cats ;D. its not like a totally big project i just would like more…
New Survivor Perk Idea: Nexus Ward
Your sheer will to protect a friend manifests in a peculiar way. At the start of the trial this perk is deactivated. After you are adjacent to another survivor you can press the action key to ward them at which point the perk activates. While the perk is active any time your ally would've taken damage you take damage…
Drawing killers part 1
I tried my best, i hope you guys like it
New Perk Idea: Beast of Burden
Perk Description: You are as strong as the greatest beasts of burden. Your single minded determination allows you to go through defenses even when holding onto something. Tier 1: While carrying a survivor, you can break pallets. Breaking a pallet while a survivor is on your shoulder decreases the time they have to wiggle…
Survivor concept: Noah Maxwell (TribeTwelve)
Survivor: Noah Maxwell is a survivor based around auras and isolation. Bio: Noah Maxwell created the TribeTwelve YouTube account as part of a project on the Twelve Tribes of Israel for his Religious Studies class before his teacher cancelled the project mysteriously. Because his video project was cancelled, he converted…