PC - Character Disconnected from model after using blast mine
Playing as survivor in a public match, I have experienced a strange glitch twice today where, after placing a blast mine immediately after standing up from a generator, my character model would remain in the generator fixing animation while I was controlling an invisible entity, who had the collision and interactibility of…
Getting kicked every match on Playstation 5
Ever sense the patch went live for the Alien chapter, i have been unable to complete one game as the new killer or survivor because in the middle of the match i get kicked due to dedicated servers. the error message is i cannot connect to dedicated servers and I'm already up to a 15 minute dc ban because i get kicked every…
Singularity's Cameras Just Not Working
Its never gotten this bad with cameras, its always been really wonky and honestly just wish it like how it worked with ghostface but as of recently it's felt even worse, maybe it's this specific map as my worst singularity matches have been on it. https://streamable.com/65n9f0
Couldn’t leave the basement
Not sure if this is a bug or just something that can just be abused but I had a match against Xeno and while in their runner mode, we could not get past them on the stairs to or from the basement unless they hit us. Which means, they waited till our endurance was out or just sat there so we couldn’t save. Most killers, you…
Blinds sometimes bug chases for the rest of the game.
Sometimes when you are blinded in a chase, you lose the ability to start a chase for the entire rest of the game. The only way to start a chase once bugged is to hit someone, and this chase only lasts 10 seconds. This means you are denied bloodlust and the normal 3 vaults = blocked window. It also denies any perks that…
Missing Blood Texture - Xenomorph
The Xenomorph’s prestige 4 reward Stained Arm is not fully visible. While Xeno climbs down from above and during certain animations where it moves in the lobby, the blood texture is on their arms, but once it stops moving, the texture disappears. Me and my friend went into a custom game cause I wanted to know if he could…
PC - Unplayable servers that take my items
Today alone I have lost around 45 min - an hour of gametime, 2-3 escape cakes, at least 1 blood party streamers, and at least 2 commodious toolboxes with socket swivels and wire spools. I'm constantly getting to the end of the game where I'm then pulled out and told that the game has failed due to a server error and I'm…
7.2 - Fast Vaults are still bugged by gender
Male survivors are still vaulting a different distance from female survivors. Female survivors are back to the bugged fast vaults from before they were lengthened and are ending them pressed up against the window, while male survivors are moving and being positioned as they were prior to the uber vaults. Example here:…
PC - loop - Nostromo map
I had (un)luck in this trial and got 2 bots that exploited this: vaulting from this point of view and going left won't trigger the window block as, even in bloodlust, for some reason the "chase" music stops everytime you turn the corner
Alien M2 triggers Devour Hope
I have a clip where u can see that the Alien M2 triggers Devour Hope
Clown First Person and Third Person animations are bugged. Maybe.
Idk if this is intentional but this came with the release of Nicolas Cage chapter. The animations are much unsmooth and he is unable too fully look down. And other issues in the video below. Here is the video showcasing this. Pls fix and buff and thank you.
Turret animation immunity
Survivors are immune to damage while setting up a turret. Bug or intented feature?
Alien Bug, enter tunnel and cant get out of under tunnel.
Video Link
End game screen not showing match result
Title. Where normally you would see 'Escaped', 'Sacrificed', 'Ruthless Killer' etc, now nothing shows up, the screen remains blank while everything else still works fine (music, killer/survivor walking, etc). Platform: PC, Steam, Windows 10.
Weird slug interaction on DC
I had a survivor get slugged under a hook, and I was unable to pick them up as I hooked. They DC'd while they were slugged and teleported 20 feet away. See the clip https://streamable.com/ml4x4d
Xeno Cannot Access Crawler Form
PC - I was playing a public match and the crawler meter was full. Despite this, I was on two legs and could not use my tail attack. I went in and out of tunnels, and confirmed the meter bar was full. Additionally, there was some sort of audio bug as well. There was a "droning" sound that drowned out almost any other audio…
Chemical Trap Permanently Disabled with Any Means Necessary
Step 1: Use a Chemical Trap on a dropped pallet Step 2: Use Any Means Necessary on the dropped+trapped pallet (maybe an allied Survivor instead?) Step 3: Chemical Trap Perk permanently disabled for the rest of the match, no 2 minute time out, no progress on gens to earn another one, just permanently disabled. A teammate…
Xbox - Alien tunnel make survivors impossible to pick
If Alien go to a map that his tunnel spawn with a small space between the tunnel and something else like a wall, car, fridge, scenario things, it's impossible to pick the survivors, it happens 3 times in a roll with me, in different matches, the time to find a match as a killer makes this problem worse
Hook screams off synch
Every platform The screams of hooked survivors are still not aligned with the displayed action of the HUD. The survivors scream before actually getting hooked (animation is still being carried by the killer) including triggering of scourge hook pain resonance screams, where the survivor on the most progressed gen screams…
Lobby is very blurry for some reason
PC The lobby for some reason is very blurry for me. I've seen a few other people talk about it on discord, so it's not just me. 3080ti RTX nVidia GPU i9 processor 32 gigs o' ram
Sound issue during Demogorgon attacks
(I am French, I use google translate to write my post, please excuse me for the mistakes) Hello, I started playing the Demogorgon again a few days ago, and I noticed an audio bug. Indeed, when you use your basic attack, or your power, I sometimes hear the sound of a male survivor (Jake Park?) groaning in pain. Yet I don't…
Alien Queen too big for the main boat on the Swamp
Swamp map with the generator on the front of the boat and the basement in the boat as well. The Queen and I were both standing in the bottom (To the side of the basement.) While we were both standing there, the Queen's lower half went invisible for a couple of frames while she was still. Maybe she's too big for that spot?
Nostromo Wreckage exit gate
PS5 - Xenomorph and possibly all killers cannot grab a survivor after downing them while they are opening and exit gate on Nostromo Wreckage Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer on Nostromo Wreckage Step 3 : In-game, down a survivor opening an exit gate Step 4 : Survivor cannot be picked up until they crawl away…
RPD Bugged
I am playing on PS5, with the PS5 newest update of DBD. Every time a match is randomly sending us to RPD, the game fails to load. My SWF and I had this several times with a random map, but also replicated the issue with a RPD offering. The message given is ‘Sorry, something went wrong with loading your match.’
PC - Xenomorph (Alien) Ability Tooltip Off-screen
Steps to reproduce Step 1 : Have a 4k monitor and resolution (unknown if bug occurs at other resolutions/sizes) Step 2 : Go to Xenomorph (Alien) killer loadout Step 3 : Attempt to read ability tooltip Step 4 : Notice tooltip is too large and cuts off words at top of screen.
Survivors can not be hit while setting a turrent
PC (Steam) I saw a survivor carrying a turrent, when I pressed m1 to hit him he started the animation of placing the turrent, I got the cooldown of a missing attack and did no damage to the survivor, and then the turrent activates and got me out of crawler mode Steps to reproduce 1.Play as the xenomorph 2.Find a survivor…
Xenomorph prestige arm bugged
PC/STEAM Xenomorph's arm with prestige skin loses bloody particles & pattern during lobby idle animation. Choose Xenomorph -> Equip stained arm cosmetic & splattered mesoskeleton -> press start game and wait for the lobby to be created. This issue also appears when equipping / unequipping splattered mesoskeleton cosmetic…
Decimated Borgo unable to pick up survivor under exit gate switch
Playing as xenomorph on ps4 in crawler mode, downed a survivor that was opening an exit gate using the tail attack and was unable to pick up the survivor until they moved off of the switch. Hope this gets fixed so it can't be abused
Unable to Rotate Xenomorph (Lobby screen)
Simply just that, cannot rotate the Xenomorph in the lobby screen. It was like that in the PTB and remains being the only killer unable to spin. Hope this gets fixed eventually!
Clown bottle type indicator is missing.
When playing the Clown, the purple/yellow gas indicator in the bottom left of the screen showing you whether you're currently on a Tonic or Antidote bottle is missing. This started with today's update.
Flame turrets briefly invulnerable
How to reproduce As Alien, enter and then exit out a tunnel When encountering a flame turret during the brief time they are disabled when exiting a tunnel, you'll find that basic attacks will NOT destroy the turret and will instead force you into your obstructed hit cooldown during which the turret will likely come online
Blast Mine/Wiretap Not Working Aloneside Repressed Alliance
[Xbox Series X] Prior to the New Update today, you could combo either Blast Mine or Wiretap with Repressed Alliance or all 3 perks together. However if you run all 3 I noticed that it will only activate Repressed Alliance now.
PS5 - Archives not registering, Alien Update
I have gotten halfway through the first page of the tome and two of the killer archives are just not completing for some odd reason or tracking any progress, the two have been: - "Another for the Entity" - "Darkly Obsessed" I have tried re-selecting the archives and restarting the game to no avail. In these games, I have…
Buried Underground Bugged
I don't know if it's bugged on every map but I had the issue specifically on Dvarka Deepwood. I was playing Huntress no add-ons with lethal pursuer, brutal strength, iron grasp, and agitation
Xenomorph fatigue inconsistency
I play on Xbox series S and xenomorph can on occasion not suffer any sort of movement speed penalty when either missing or successfully hitting a survivor with the tail attack. This is seemly random and i can't find any specific way to recreate this effect, but it happens fairly often.
Cenobite's camera is bugged (again)
i turned invisible as survivor?
I am on pc i turned invis and could see my body still on the gen after placing a blastmine that insta blew up on me somehow
Stuck on rubble on Nostromo
Was playing a game on Nostromo and got stuck on some rubble. I figure it's unintended, so I went into a custom game and found it and got stuck on the same spot. Video included.
PC - Unable to Rush After Slowed by Pallet Trap
My friends and I were trying out the new perks on the Nostromo Wreckage when suddenly I wasn't able to rush anymore. We did some further testing to try and figure out what exactly happened and I think I might know. I broke a pallet with a chemical trap on it and rapidly pressed M2 while I was slowed Didn't bump off of…
Endgame Screen Oopsie
When someone DC's and a bot shows up in their place the game sees that as a brand new player I'm guessing so I've been seeing 5 people on my end screen since the update launched with them. It puts the final survivor overlaid with another since there's only 4 slots and it looks really cursed.
Thalita default hairstyle (and recolors) bandana glitches in her body.
imma show you with photos how it looks like glitched. (sorry for the white side of the photo)
Immediately got Terror of LV-426 upon starting DBD.
On PC Steam. The achievement instantly unlocked for me. Nothing else to say beyond that.
Terror of LV-426 achievement not counting progress
Platform: Xbox One Issue: When I tail whip attack a survivor as Xenomorph I seem to get 0 progress on the achievement related to hitting 30 survivors with the tail whip. Step to reproduce: Play a match as Xenomorph on Xbox One. How often does this occur: Since the Alien chapter release
PC-Visual bug in Xenomorph Mori animation
Under certain conditions, the Xenomorph's head, and arms detach from the body while performing their mori animation. The conditions I found was when I started the animation while still under the slowdown effects of Chemical Trap. Specifics: Map: Nostromo Wreckage Killer Loadout: Xenomorph, with Ebony Memento Mori, Cereal…
Dead Man's Switch Debuff Icon Doesn't Appear when Triggered
Platform: Steam (at least) Description: When the killer is running Dead Man's Switch and a Survivor lets go of a gen after a hook, the red debuff icon that is supposed to appear in the lower-right of the HUD while the debuff is active no longer appears. Logs:
I am not getting the prompt to place my trap for Wiretap after repairing a generator 50%. I played two rounds and I never got it.
Screen Option has disappeared
On PC. When testing the new screen resolution I switched from 'Borderless Windowed' to 'Fullscreen', but now the 'Borderless Windowed' option seems to have disappeared, as the only options are now 'Fullscreen', 'Windowed', and 'Windowed Fullscreen'. If one of these is the same as the previous 'Borderless Windowed' I would…
Claudette store page resolution drop (Nintendo Switch)
Ever since the Singularity/Gabriel chapter the game's texture quality drops significantly when in Claudette's store page. No other survivor or killer is affected. Going to another character's page causes the resolution to revert back to normal. However, going back to Claudette's page causes the quality to drop again.
Duration addons on Bubba have penalties.
Cannibal has 4 addons increasing Chainsaw Sweep duration in some ways. [PC] Because of acceleration code, duration addons cause that Cannibal needs more time to reach maximum movement speed with a Chainsaw. 1) Base Kit Bubba - needs 1.2 seconds to reach maximum movement speed. Why? Bubba reaches maximum movement speed…
Singularity power is straight up not working
PC- steam I can shoot the biopods but cannot control them no matter how much I press the button and the game registers that I am pressing it because the hud with the power buttons disappears when I do. This only happened once, in custom games It works fine and I have no idea what caused it