Empathetic Connection icon
Platform: PC Description of the issue: I had a teammate running Empathetic Connection disconnect. Despite this, my HUD still had the perk icon pop up for me. I believe they were already disconnected when I became injured. Screenshot below. Steps to reproduce (if possible): Have a teammate running Empathetic Connection DC.…
Infinite Loading Screen (Switch)
After updating to latest Bigfix Patch I experienced infinite Loading Screen. I was playing as survivor (Mikaela), Halloween toolbox, and these perks (BT, DS, B2L, Resilience) I will try to duplicate the issue to verify if anything changes. Edit: it was on Coal Tower vs. Artist
Hag: Non-functional Addons
The following addons currently do nothing. Absolutely nothing. They are totally dead and are 100% inactive. Bog Water, Bloodied Water, Bloodied Mud, Grandma's Heart, Disfigured Ear. The first three are supposed to affect her trap trigger radius but currently do not do so. Grandma's Heart neither suppress's Hag's terror…
PS4 - Matchmaking time out error
I keep getting this error message "The matchmaking process failed. Reason: timeoutCreated" when I try looking for a match. I get it several times in a row after waiting about 30-60 seconds before finally finding a match. I have only received this as survivor because I haven't played killer today - this time of day survivor…
Wrathful Charm
There’s a lot of people that did not receive the charm even when playing every day since the release date of the Onryō.
Stuttering while sprinting after self-unhook
If I'm lucky enough to unhook myself, sprinting immediately after unhook causes me to stutter backwards about a second afterward. It's happened to me every time I've self-unhooked, and at first I believed it to be tied to using Sprint Burst, but it happened while I wasn't using it as well. Evidence:…
Stuck in a locker
I was playing on Ormond running Inner healing, small game, we’re gonna love forever and borrowed time. I went in a locker to use my inner healing and once I had healed I couldn’t leave the locker. There was no prompt at the bottom of my screen like their normally is. So I spent the remainder of the game in a locker while…
Nemesis camera bug
When using your tentacle strike your camera is now locked(during whip animation),meaning you cant flick anymore like you used to making it even easier for survivors to dodge and restricts Nemesis ability to hit survivors even more.
Nemesis Serum Chest Glitch
Step 1 : Killer is Nemesis. Step 2 : Played as Survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, opened a chest containing the cure for Nemesis's virus. Step 4 : Ran away from the chest to unhook, heal, and returned to get the serum. Game made me re-open the already open chest to pick the serum up again. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION…
Sadako Unable to M1 If Cancelled Demanifesting
So, I've had this issue consistently since Sadako was released. If I try to demanifest but cancel it and M1 right afterwards, I'm unable to M1 until I hit the button to demanifest again. If I do not not hit the button to demanifest, I can't M1 at all. It only seems to happen if demanifesting has almost completed and I stop…
"Angsty Artist" Skin for the Legion uses incorrect model
The skin for the Legion "Angsty Artist" uses the incorrect model. It's a skin for Susie but the character model is Julie. Under the mask it even uses Julies face instead of Susie's. You can tell it's Julie's model by the same model markings and skin tone. Susie's skin tone is a bit darker than Julie's and the hands on…
Couldn't pick up a wounded survivor On the Springwood map
I tried to lift Meg on my shoulder playing as a nightmare, but for some reason it didn’t work at this place. Then on the same card everything was fine. Everything is clearly shown in the video
Head On doesn't stun but gives exhausted status
Here's how to recreate it. Just as Cannibal comes out of tantrum, stun him and watch it not work. It at least didn't work for me. Extra information was that I was on Eyrie of Crows and it was in the corner locker of shack.
Played as Killer - Spirit Platform - Steam Map - The Game Incident: Basic attack on Michaela whilst she was doing a white glyph (sorry) got stuck instantly after hitting her. Unable to move camera. Could only face forward and not turn at all. Even being pallet stunned - nothing changed. Perks used - BBQ & Chilly, Lethal…
Still Carburetor Tunning Guide is bugged and tremendously decreases your movement speed (not 2.00%). I thought after PTB they will fix that, but still nothing. This addon is bugged 1 year, and still... No words for that Please fix that!
Rite of The Demogorgon daily is bugged
Platform: PC (Steam) Description of the issue: Rite of The Demogorgon ritual does not count the shred attacks at all. I have tested it in multiple games even after keeping the charge animation for the shred for 10 seconds it doesn't count it towards completion. Steps to reproduce: tried multiple games in a row now How…
No bottle effects when playing clown
When playing clown, the bottle effects (purple/yellow) that help you know what bottle your using in the bottom left aren’t visible. This happens to me every match on Xbox Series X
PC - Rocks in shack in crotus prenn (nurse one)
The survivor can go through but the killer can't The killer was the clown (i know he have big curves but it's unfair he can't go through)
Dead Man's Switch Bug
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, while doing a gen, wait for a fellow survivor gets hooked Step 4 : Notice the killer triggers Pain Resonance and Dead Man's Switch perk to your gen but still able to do the gen. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character played: Mikaela Reid Perks…
Can’t load into killer or survivor
I’ve updated my ps5 and seen many others have the same issue where we cannot load into killer or survivor nothing loads or a circle is shown then disappears.
Strange free DS - instant wiggle off bug.
Idk what is up with this bug I've played 2 custom games where its just me and my gf and I got hit with a instant wiggle free after picking her up. I've had it happen once on Trickster on RPD and twice on Huntress on Badham 1. From what I can see it only comes up after she wiggles off my shoulders and I down her again after…
Yui, skins visual bug
Hi,the skins sunset drive, shredded shirt and their variants present visual errors depending on the illumination,textures look bad on ps5.
Nemesis, tentacle visual bug
This: that's it. Visual bug (mostly; does hinder my ability to dodge since it looks like he's putting it away, not attacking), not sure of the cause. PC, Steam. Happens every once in a while with no apparent pattern.
Family Residence Shack Basement: Impossible To Pick Up Survivor At Base Of Stairs
Here's a clip from the survivor perspective: I was playing the Nurse. The Feng appears to clip into the wall as she went down and I wasn't able to get the 'pick-up survivor' prompt. The survivor was unaware of the bug and moved away from the wall soon after, I was able to pick-up normally then. I'm playing on PC/Steam.
Weird Protection Hits at Hook Bug
My friend and I were taking hits at hook for our teammate causing them to escape from grasp. I was downed soon after and immediately picked up. For some reason I escaped from grasp in front of the same hook with no clear reason why. No one stunned or blinded the killer. The killer that I was hacking, but I have no idea why…
Channeling keys prevents the killer from picking you up
1. Use a key with a addon so you can channel it. 2. Begin to channel it when you are about to go down Now the killer can't pick you up until you cancel the channeling or the key runs out of charges. This does not work for maps. Please killswitch keys or these addons that let's you channel the keys like Blood amber, gold…
Kill the obsession by any means and Sadako’s mini mori
Sadako’s mini mori doesn’t count for the « Kill the obsession by any means » challenge.
Can't join into lobbie with a friend
PC, Steam While I play alone, I can go into game lobby and play as usual, both as a killer and as survivor. But when I invite a friend, our lobbies don't connect properly. When I join directly, I don't appear in their lobby, and they still search for a game alone, as if I'm not there.
Demogorgan Shred Daily ritual not logging progress
Hey everyone. Had a Demo Daily ritual yesterday where you had to hit survivors with 5 Fully charged shred attacks. I played two games, shredding quite a bit and after each game it said i got 0/5 completed. One game i had an AFK Quentin so i made sure to fully charge and hit him twice with the shred. again in the end 0/5. I…
Sadako with "Well Water" add on doesn't count for "hits with your weapon while undetectable."
Got around 20 hits in a match just after manifesting, all while undetectable and running Tinkerer like the challenge said, did not count for 4 in a match.
Daily Ritual - Demogorgon
Platform - Xbox One. Description - Rise of The Demogorgon daily ritual doesn't register any fully charged hits on any map. Reproduce - I've been attempting it for 3 days. I even had a SWF stand still and let me hit them over & over with a fully charged attack. It doesn't matter what map or survivors. It hasn't registered…
Yui Kimura animation bug in lobby
hi, on some occasions playing with yui I noticed that her animation in the lobby. Yui grabs the item with both outstretched hands. i play in ps5
PC - Disturbed Ward Killer Shack Boulder in Way
I was playing on Disturbed Ward as Freddy and went to go chase a survivor around killer shack when I could not squeeze between the boulder next to killer shack and the survivor could. I am not sure if this is map specific or if Father Campbell's Church has a similar problem.
Ripple of Violence Tome Challenge
Platform; PC Heyo, so I've currently been having a major issue again but with the tome. It's a previous tome challenge but I've done it several times. Hitting all survivors including the hooked survivor while Blood Echo was activated. Yet, It didn't say I got it. When as a matter fact I counted, each hit with blood echo up…
Console possible Huntress Baba Yaga skin has no terror radius/all her sounds are muffled
Played a game as Detective Tapp on Dead Dawg Saloon, huntress had no terror radius and her singing was almost silent, even right next to her was it very quiet, her perks were Noed, huntress Lullaby, BBQ and Chili and enduring, no reason I could see for her to be silent, she had 20% hatchet speed and 1 extra hatchet add ons
Potential bug? Shack gen unusable on one side
DESCRIPTION Unsure if this behavior is recreatable, but: Step 1: Boot into game Step 2: Shack gen unrepairable from one side, closest to basement ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character played: Yui Perks played: Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time, We're Gonna Live Forever, Dead Hard Map: Can't remember, screenshot included probably…
“Disconnection From Host” + DC Penalty
The last 3 days has been a pain to play. Randomly during the match I’ll get kicked out (happens far more often as killer but sometimes as survivor) and it will show Disconnection From Host. I’ll still receive my bloodpoints (although my party streamers will be wasted since for some reason these offerings are not working…
I think it's pc only, since it requires quite high sensitivity for survivors. Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Gather your friends into KYF game Step 3 : Take Hag with Scarred Hand addon and select a map with any small hill or something like that (easiest to do on Dead Dawg Saloon) Step 4 : If you chose Dead Dawg Saloon, As…
Soundbug on Killer
So first i started my game with some newly aquired dlc's. i played one game and then I got kicked with a message that had the error code:111. after rejoining I played 3 games, 2 as the legion and 1 as the twins. In all of those games I had a soundbug that made me hear only the sound the killer makes, meaning I couldn't…
PC- Boil over wiggle transfers to other survivors. (Also breakout)
(Please excuse my english) So this is weird and happened to me after taking 2 protection hits under a hook. Sadly i didn't get to screenshot the aftermatch because i missclicked, open the rift and i lost the info, but i remember that this adam had boil over. I took this protection hits, i was left on dying state, Adam…
Medkit + Instaheal doesn't invalidate DS?
Not sure if this is a bug, or whether I was against a hacker? The survivor had been rescued off hook, and took to hide behind a rock. As I approached (with Nurses), I saw them healing, went around and gave chase. They were down about 3 seconds later. And then I get hit with DS... weird, they were healing?? So I continue…
No Ringu Special Charm for me: Console Player
I bought Ringu Chapter since March 9th, I play every day even after the patch update. And I haven't yet to see the new charm. I am not sure if it is a PC exclusive or available on consoles as well; there seem to be no indication when you get this charm. Also, I am a PS4 player
Shrine of Secrets resets after closing game
Went to purchase a perk from the Shrine of Secrets that I already own. Closed and then reopened the game. went back to the Shrine and saw that the perk I have purchased before is available to be purchased again. bought the perk again and restarted the game again. perk is available to be bought again.
Missing Icons
-PC Steam -Perk icons and power icons randomly disappear and reappear between and during matches. -No idea -It was happening almost every game for a while I tried verifying the integrity of the game files to see if maybe something was messed up there but they all succesfully verified. I have never seen this happen before,…
Killer Grab Stun Bug
I was playing as the twins realizing that I grabbed a leon and then there was no DS, Flashbang, Flashlight, and fire crackers. And then I was stunned for no exact reason. I find this strange actually and I'm totally seeing a lot of people having this issue too.
BANG flash crash!
not sure exactly how often it is since im queue banned quite a bit but with the flashlight perk game often crashes if you craft one in the locker mainly when in terror radius (for me) im racking up bans and its getting annoying currently im at 30 min ban everyday soon it will be much worse
Decisive Strike usable without being hooked
1) 1st Hook = Nea 2) Dwight is downed by being pulled out of a locker. 3) Carrying Dwight to be my overall 2nd hook. 4) Elodie takes two protection hits and goes down. 5) Dwight wiggles free. 6) I pick up Elodie. Elodie uses Decisive Strike.
Your platform: Epic games/Nvidia geforce Which region are you from: Eu West The time frame when the error occurred (The date and time you had the issue): 19.3-20.3.2022 Logs (apply to PC only) I have since yesterday been bullyed by your servers. It kicks me out in the middle of match and shows me that the killer DC and…
pig bug
pig stand afk at start of match against 1 of his traps so you cant get trap off, 3 survivors died at the same time because they needed that box to get the trap off, why is this still possible?
New wiggle action ate my DS
The Ringu killer grabbed me from a locker and right when I tried to use my DS the new wiggle meter popped up and ate it. I was unable to use my DS the next time I was downed. I recorded the match so I know for a fact that my DS was eaten the exact moment the gauge reached the skill check.