auto knocked off killer
Hey, so recently I was playing a game with my friends, and it was a 4 man swf. The nea is an experienced player, while the other 2 just got the game. The Michael was running only noed 1. Nea - Decisive 3, Boon Shadow Step 3, Boon Healing 3, Borrowed 3 Bill - Unbreakable 2, No one left behind 2, left behind 1 Ace - Ace in…
Typical Dead by daylight.
-PC -Escaped from the killer's shoulder without resisting... -Playing Yui Kimura. Map of Yamaoka Estate, Family residence. Perk Usage: Decisive Strike, Dead Hard, Fixed, No Mither. Covered the player who is carried on the hook. Having fallen, the killer picked me up and I immediately jumped off his shoulder... -First time.…
(Switch) No Terror Radius VS Plague
Example Step 1 : Boot the game. Step 2 : Play VS Plague as survivor. Step 3 : Game will not play terror radius music. NOTE: The heart beat sfx DOES play, however the accompanying music does not. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character played : Jake Park Perks played : Borrowed Time, Boilover, Power Struggle, W/ Gonna Live Forever…
PC - Onryo/Sadako Unharvestable Red Glyph Bug
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Equip red glyph challenge Step 3 : Play as Sadako in public match Step 4 : Find red glyph in map, which is not harvestable ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Character: Onryo lvl 50 Perks: Eruption, Call of Brine, Fearmonger, and Sloppy Butcher Map: Gideon Meat Plant Other: I had also disconnected…
Game DC's me anytime a gen gets done or I vault
I'm running Quick and quiet, Iron will, Dance with me and Lithe. Everytime I vault something typically near the end of the game my game will just freeze and jam. Then after like a minute it will load and I will have dced and been given a penalty for dcing when I haven't intentionally dced. It often occurs when vaulting…
Inexorable stare does not count towards "Kill the Obsession 8 time(s) by any means."
Platform: PC (Steam) Description of the issue: Inexorable stare kill does not count towards "Kill the Obsession 8 time(s) by any means." Archive challenge. Steps to reproduce: try to mini mori the obsession How often does it occur: every game.
PC - Chase music not ending
Chase music would not end after downing survivor at the very start of the chase. Happened as Legion on the Thompson house.
Artist Iridescent Feather + PWYF Bugged
Step 1 : Loadout - Iridescent Feather, Play With Your Food (The Artist) Step 2 : Chase the Obsession, then shoot crows to activate Iridescent Feather's Undetectable Status. No tokens of Play With Your Food are gained (it should) Step 3 : Gain x tokens of Play With Your Food. Chase Obsession. Shoot crows to activate…
five hours instead of five minutes
i just dc from a game because the oni wanted to slug for the 4k instead of the five minutes penalty i have a five hours penalty. it was my first dc/crash in days so its definitely a bug
I think Pig is bugged somehow
I've gotten 2 speedhackusations in the past 3 days playing her, and the survivors were telling me I was moving super fast while crouched despite not having John's Medical File. Apparently I was also grabbing and M1ing while crouched (which never happened on my screen). I thought the first batch was just salty and didn't…
Exposed on hook
I was hooked and got exposed by starstruck shelter woods map, PlayStation
Trappers trap bug in lobby (PC)
When in the killer lobby with the trapper selected the trap appears open and not closed like usual.
SWITCH - Performance Issues Since Latest Patch
Since the most recent bugfix patch (5.6.1) there have been some performance issues as both survivor and killer with the characters' position stuttering and jumping around (ping has been fairly low & stable during these instances). For example: As survivor, even when standing still, my character will occasionally teleport…
Xbox one- Crossplay stuck permanently on
Went to go turn off crossplay today because I've been getting hackers a lot and it's the only option that you cannot interact with at all. You cannot turn it off on Xbox. I'm also on the next gen. Tried restarting my system and the game completely, no change. Either this is a "bug", there's not enough players with it…
PS4 - Doctor blast makes locker survivor stuck
PS4, crossplay off. Was playing match as Doctor on Father Campbell's Chapel map. Was just having fun relaxed match, I was just trying to get a kick gen/pallet/wall challenge done and at start survivors were already goofing around. I was shocking them randomly and using my blast whenever it loaded. At one point 2 survivors…
PC - hooked when another player got hooked on opposite side of map
I was playing Mikaela and on the other side of the map someone got hooked, but it also hooked me. I couldn't move nor try to pull myself off, because I was in the air, not on a hook. I was playing with a friend and apparently I wasn't up in the air for them, in fact, they could heal me. I'm not sure if it'll happen again,…
New wiggle (beta) reverse skill check on Stadia
The reverse (counter-clockwise) skill check on Stadia of the new wiggle mechanic (beta) seems to require a very precise hit to get a great skill check. I have also played on GeForce NOW and it does not have this problem. On Stadia you have to hit the great skill check zone precisely when the white bar starts or it does not…
Mad Grit does not affect (briefly pause) Boil Over
As the Onryo, I had Mad Grit equipped, was carrying a survivor who had Boil Over, and successfully hit another survivor. The survivor on my shoulder stopped the wiggling animation, but I was still struggling to walk normally because of Boil Over's continued effect. Since Boil Over increases the survivor's Wiggle effects…
No Hook Near Corner On Farm
On This Map There Is Only 1 hook near corner so its impossible to hook someone if near corner
Nurse chain blink charge bug
Yesterday I encountered a strange bug, where the nurse would automatically do a fully charged chain blink without me actually charging it. I did not have Campbells Last Breath equipped, nor any other addons. As you can see in the attached video file, I could not have charged my chain blink in the time between blinks, it…
Cannot use For The People with certain key bindings
I had wrist surgery so my left hand can't do more than WASD. Thusly I changed all my other keybinds to being right hand/mouse buttons. I have mouse-wheel-down as 'activate ability' and it works for dead hard, and seemingly everything else. But it will not trigger For The People. Even though it should be a single button…
Consistent, non-reproducible crashes
Hi I'm playing on Windows 10 I have recently been experiencing consistent, non-reproducible crashes. These crashes appear similar in nature to the "Wake Up" exploit which caused instant crashes to desktop, in that there is typically no warning, lagging, glitching, looping, or strange behavior until the instant that my game…
New wiggle preventing ds
It was a random occurrence but now it happens to me consistently. I hit my ds skill check (I went back and watched several videos to confirm) but instead of it counting the wiggle progression interrupts it and I don’t get dropped.
Inexorable Stare - Sadako
On steam, I was in a match playing as Sadako, I needed to kill 4 more survivors by any means for the archive challenge "Execution". I killed three via hooks, and one from Inexorable Stare and only got kill credit for 3/4 survivors.
Sadako’s “Other” weapons have dulled sound effects ?
Her default weapon is very satisfying to use you get a cool static sound effect when using it, but her prestige weapon and her legendary weapon seems to have their sound effects turned way waaay down ? Is this intended ?
(PC) Flashbangs are bugged on stairs and elevated levels
I've noticed this strange bug where the character does the animation as if they are dropping the flashbang but nothing happens. Item isn't dropped even though the animation is completed. This happens on stairs and elevated levels. Not a game-breaking bug but it still exists.
(PC) Crystal Bead causes frame drops
I just had a game where survivor used this addon for the map. Every time auras were shown, FPS dropped. Steps to reproduce: Use a map with the crystal bead addon. How often does this occur: Every time this addon is used and auras are revealed. I was unsure if I should post this here or in the optimization section. I'll let…
Nurse does not go into pallet stun after hitting chain blink attack
If the Nurse performs a chain blink and hits a survivor and the survivor drops the pallet immediately after getting hit, the Nurse goes through her normal fatigue and can still move around and turn the camera when they would normally be stunned instead. After the Nurse rework, I had previously just been getting stunned if…
Decisive Strike Bug With New Wiggle Mechanic
I played Cheryl the other day, and I was going against a Trapper. I was the first down in the entire match. He picked me up and the first time I hit the button to wiggle, my character looked like she used Decisive Strike and hopped down. I didn't have DS equipped. This isn't fair to killers, plus this bug makes it look…
Ps5 - Purple Glyph not giving credit
I closed two purple glyphs in two separate trials, but only got credit for closing the second one. Character: Onryo Perks: 1st trial: Ruin, Corrupt intervention, scourge hook:pain resonance, call of brine 2nd trial: BBQ&Chili,corrupt intervention,scourge hook: pain resonance,pop goes the weasel Maps: 1st - Shelter…
Nurse's range add ons either secretely buffed or broken confirmed by Zubat
I think I dont have to introduce Zubat, a popular dbd content creator with huge nurse experience from the very beginning. He noticed immidiately that Nurse is not the same she was before. If not fully charged her range add-ons make her blinks extremely fast. I suppose the percentage of additional range given also applies…
Killer can swing before DS skill check
Since then is this a thing? And I noticed a lot of killers will do that hoping you will miss the skill check.
Demogorgon Daily ritual bugged??
Before this patch, a fully charged shred was holding it for about 1.33 seconds. But now, I played a game holding shreds for almost 3 seconds and none of them counted for the ritual (screenshot for proof). Can someone else confirm this or did I messed up? Also, it used to be 4 survivors, why 5 now? Platform: Steam
fix it
Undying double Hex cleanse bugged interaction.
Undying does not proc the another hex totem effect when two of them are cleansed at the same time. Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, starts cleansing hex totem, another survivor starts cleansing another hex totem. Killer has two hex totems - Undying and Haunted Ground…
Adept Cenobite Not Working
I fulfilled all the criteria for adept cenobite. Had his perks only, and got merciless but did not receive the achievement.
Empathic Connection with Empathy causing game crash
PLATFORM: PC DESCRIPTION OF ISSUE: When I run the new perk Empathic Connection with the perk Empathy, my game disconnects and crashes mid-match. It does not do this when running Empathy by itself, leading me to believe that Empathic Connection is the problem. STEPS TO REPRODUCE: Load in as survivor with Empathic Connection…
Overcome not activating with endurance
Lately been using Overcome and for some reason getting hit with the endurance effect from either borrow time or using the styptic agent doesn't activate the perk while not exhausted. it used to work and on the dbd wiki it's also written that it works with the endurance effect, might be a bug or something that got changed…
Ruin Not Regressing Generators
Engaged in a chase, lasted around 1 minute and the gen never regressed during the whole chase? As you can see my Undying was cleansed but my Ruin was still active. Wouldn't let me kick the gen either. Not sure if it's specifically this generator on Ormond or if it's all of them as I didn't get a chance to really patrol the…
Survivor pickup in the corner
Step 1 : Survivor moves to this corner Step 2 : Stay there and heal Step 3 : Gets downed Step 4 : Wasting time for killer because he knows he won't get picked up C Character played : Killer- The huntress / Survivor: N/A Perks played: NAA Map: Gideon Meat Plant
Game crash - Searching lockers while demanifested
I just crashed on Yamaoka's Estate searching a locker while demanifested as Sadako. I don't know if a survivor was inside of it or not. Attempting to join another game after crash brings up the error message that I could not connect to the host. Restarting the game seems to have allowed me to play again after 10 seconds of…
Fatshaming rock next to killershack on Disturbed Ward
Survivors can get through this gap. Killers can't.
Spirit’s heads bugged
Hello, i would like to bring to attention that all Spirit’s heads that have the same hair as the default one will look like this in-game And sometimes she’d go completely bald. also i would like to add two heads to the list, one being the Loose Shimada head that sticks up in the air looking stiff and doesn’t flow naturally…
kate denson default tops and nail polish
Her tops are missing the bra stripe! Only the prestige one has it, and also there's NO PHYSICS on the tops... Please fix its been bugged since a while also her red nail polish IS MISSING it was available on all tops now just selected ones! Also her default tops that have the red bracelet is MISSING PHYSICS. I would like to…
Sadako Idle Animation Doesn't Match Her Skin
With the rotten remains skin selected Sadako's idle animation still shows her default "white" weapon.
Sadako showing two different skins while she is manifesting/demanifesting
Platform: Any Issue: When Sadako is Manifesting/Demanifesting while she has the skin "Rotten remains" equiped, you can see a projection of her base skin.
Onryō Secondary Mori Does Not Count as a Kill
After playing a few games in public matches, I noticed that the Onryō's secondary mori, with a full condemned bar, does not award kill points toward grade emblems nor toward Tome Challenges. I tried using the "Kill 4 Survivors by Any Means" challenge, and a 3k with 2 secondary mori kills counted as only 1. That same game,…
Dailies cannot be re-rolled.
Platform: PC Description: Recieved new Daily, re-roll button is greyed out as if i have already used it, i have no other dailies but the new one. Reproduction: Recieve new Daily Occurance: As of now, seven time's in succesion, when the update went live, the dailies i had couldn't be re-rolled (I completed these on the day…
Killers with chargable powers have a hand displayed rather than their power icon
Any* killer with a power that charges up (such as the onryo shown) have a hand displayed to the left of their bar, rather than their power icon *I have only seen this on onryo and wraith, haven't spotted it on any other killers however it may still be present
Key bug - killer cannot pick up
Hello, I noticed a bug while using a Skeleton Key with the add-ons Blood amber and Prayer Beads. What happens is if i am being chased and I use my key for aura reading right before i get knocked down, the use of the key will not interrupt and the killer will not be able to pick me up for as long as the aura reading lasts.…