Broken Pillar Collision on Forgotten Ruins Near Vecna's Alchemy Lab
Step 1 : Play on Forgotten Ruins as Myers or Ghostface. Step 2 : Go to the shown place in the Dungeons and attempt to stalk. Step 3 : Notice that you clip into the wall here and can stalk through this object without the Survivor seeing you. Additional information This is easily replicable 100% of the time as these Killers.…
We find a bug in decimated borgo map on the shatterd square variant. Please fix it a bug in borgo's paladin variant, borgo teleports randomly on the map, i would appreciate if you fix it as soon as possible.
The Cenobite Chain FoV: Obnoxious zooming effect still present on chain summoning.
Step 1 : Play as the Cenobite. Step 2 : Summon a Chain. Step 3 : Notice slight FoV zoom in and out on chain spawn-in, which can cause nausea. Additional information This has been an issue since at least the patch where the FoV slider was added to the Beta tab. The effect is still happening and did not do this before this…
Off the Record Not Giving Up Endurance State on Conspicuous Action
Step 1 : Equip Off the Record, get hooked, get off the hook. Step 2 : Attempt to do a Conspicuous Action while it is active. Step 3 : Notice the Endurance hit continues to be there anyway when the Killer eventually hits you. Additional information This seems to mostly affect OTR, but it may be affecting other Endurance…
Survivor model issues in RPD
Steam While I was playing a match with the Doctor, when I would hook any survivor, their model would disappear. This has happened once so far.
ps5 pixelation game result
i puted it in youtube because i cant share it anyway possible and this pixelated came when 8.0.0 come out
Pig has no traps on Lery's
Platform Nintendo Switch I was playing SoloQ with a Pig as Killer. I have attached the end game screen. She had no traps. She downed a Survivor and showed us She couldn't put a trap on her. In Addition, there were zero jigsaw boxes on the map. We looked everywhere. The Pig decided to DC after we looked.
*PC * DeadByDaylight_Win64_Shipping
Every time I start the game on computer, steam. After the opening video the following error appears and the game closes. Does anyone know how to solve it?
perk and addon doesnt work
Off the record - doesnt work. i had 30 sec more of this perk, but i got knocked anyway. Styptic Agent (medkit addon) works badly. sometimes i loose my medkit and got knocked anywway, and i can see 5 sec of endurance, but im on the ground!!!
Double pallets in constructions on the decimated borgo maps
There are broken pallet spawns in jungle gyms on the shattered square and forgotten ruins, which allow the game to spawn two pallet in one spot of the construction. And some dishonest survivors can easily abuse this. These maps should be killswitched
Survivor hooked on thin air; game not able to finish properly.
PC: Steam / I was playing Ghostface on Forsaken Boneyard, I downed a survivor and went to go hook him but got body blocked by 2 others, he got some decent wiggle progress and I ended up right next to the hook but the 2 survivors were in my way so I decided to drop him, I think he jumped off at the same exact time and…
Unsaved game settings
What can I do if everytime I close and restart the game my settings keep getting restarted. I play in steam by the way.
Forgotten ruins nurse falling trough map
Might be caused by my huge frame rate drop
Hand of Vecna only teleports to lockers on the same level on the new D&D Map
I was lucky enough to get the hand but any time I hopped into a locker on the ground level it would only teleport me around the above ground level. Trying to escape and ending up teleporting right back into the loop is not how I think the teleportation was intended when there are some lockers downstairs that look like they…
Stuck in the portal
Playing on Steam, PC, got stuck in the portal in Forgotten ruins map. Chased by killer, just recently got out of other portal. Go into library portal and got stuck Just standing there, killer cant hit me, but a survivor could heal me and I could heal them, at that point killer can hit me, but he still cant pick me up. Only…
Stuck in portal
Im playing on xbox I tried to go through a portal on the Forgotten Ruins map and got stuck in the portal when I came out the other side. I could not move or perform any actions other than emotes and squatting.
I am not getting the bp bonus from roles
I am on ps5, European UK server. On my server the killer has 100% bp bonus (tried to find a match as killer but of course waited 10+ minutes and couldnt get one) so i joined my friend who is on east american server has 100% bonus for survivor so we are playing on his server. I am not getting his server 100% extra bp. He is…
Infinite hook bug
Platform: PC Description of the issue: So when i was playing a game as artist, I hooked a claudette while someone was attempting to body block me, the body block worked and i attempted to drop claudette, when i did claudette became hooked mid air (Away from the hook) and the timer stopped, they were floating their for the…
[Steam] Terminus not countering Adrenaline
I don't know exactly if this is intended or not, but before the 8.0.0 update Terminus would keep survivors broken even if they had Adrenaline, basically countering the perk. Now this isn't the case anymore, which would be a great nerf to an already niche perk.
Survivors downed by Flight of the Damned don't scream properly
What I mean by this is, that when you use Flight of the Damned to down an injured survivor, they make the 'getting hit' noise instead of 'getting downed' noise if that makes sense. As if you just hit them normally with an M1 or special attack. See the example below (timestamped): PC, Steam, Windows 10
Short DS stun
i ate 2 decisive strikes but both times the stun was only around 1-2 seconds and i was able to catch up with the survivor immediately. i was running starstruck, awawa, agitation and pop on mother daughter ring and rusty flute spirit.
PC-Frequent Crashes following 8.0 update
Following the latest update my game has been crashing in the middle of matches fairly frequently. In the past I've had one or two crashes since I've started playing around November of last year. After the 8.0 update the game has crashed several times. All of the crashes have been while I was playing killer, although I play…
Bugged vault on Lery's (Steam)
This vault on Lery's which drops down into the basement appeared like one png, and there was no actual vault there. You could just walk through it like a doorway. I saw this with one other different vault in another game as survivor but I did not get a picture of it.
Sudden In-game disconnection.
If anyone is able to review my last game, it is discouraging to play a game and near the end I receive an idle/inactivity from the game. I have a PS5. As both killer and survivor I had games where I disconnected without warning following the inactivity prompt. I don't know what or why but it makes it hard for me to even…
PC- Crashing out after Intro cutscene
I am on Steam, i was playing fine before the D&D update. now i crash out after the intro scene whether i watch it or skip it, fullscreen, windowed, uninstalling and reinstalling, and verifying all did nothing. i really hope this can get fixed before the aniversary, have an Nvidea RTX 3050 and an 11th gen I5 intel processor…
One shot attack spamming
Why can the killers spam their 1 shot abilities? They absolutely abuse it. Make it to where certain abilities have a cool down that increases with every use. I love watching as a hillbilly is flying across the map at mach Jesus and wipes all the survivors in literal seconds. We literally CANNOT FIGHT BACK so having any 1…
PS5 - Dissolution and Gearhead Not Activating
The perks do not activate when injuring a survivor by any means except from a basic attack, contrary to their descriptions. These have both been tested on Plague and Skull Merchant and neither activated after a survivor is injured from becoming fully infected or after being claw trapped by a drone from the healthy state.…
Bugged window on lery's
Dont know if anyone has encountered this yet, but there's a windo on Lery's near the center that just didn't exist on one side. I don't know if it was caused by basement spawning on the other side of it, or if it's another issue.
Stuck in wall after exiting DND dungeon
Switch version on US servers with residency in Europe (maybe lag?) Tried to exit the DND dungeon through green doorway, got stuck in wall for the rest of the match. Could crouch and execute heal prompts, but nothing beyond that. Enter online lobby, land on Borgo, enter DND dungeon area, try to exit through another doorway,…
Um.... Not sure how to title this but hooked but not hooked?
I'm not even sure how to describe this but a survivor was attempting to sabo the hook at the same time that the killer was trying to hook and it wound up putting the dwight in the hooked animation but not on the hook and the hook wasn't counting. He was hung in mid air and we couldn't hook him. The killer was able to make…
hag trap
there a chanche we can get it that survivers dont turn around or whatever when they run over a trap. its really getting annoying just running back into the killers hands that he can tp there instantly and hit you im fine with that but youl get hit and you dont have a clue where your gooing and your haste of sprint is gone…
Sly Rogue Armor gives Susie Frank's Voice
Platform PC Sly Rogue will Give Susie frank's voice in both menu and during a trial. Just equip the cosmetic and it will do so every time.
Plague Skin Power display reversed
Platform: PC Steps to Reproduce: Plague must be wearing the 'Dark Devotee' skin (might be other skins too but only have seen it with this skin thus far) Description: The indicator for her power is reversed, she will appear as if she has power when she does not (signified by the red glow on the skin itself), the particles…
ALL PLATFORMS - Unknown only uses Female voice
Female Voice only No matter what head is used Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Select The Unknown Step 3 : In Customization select a male head Step 4 : Notice how The Unknown only uses the Female voice lines when a male head is equipped and a line is chosen for it to speak Character Played : The Unknown Perks played : N/A…
PC (STEAM) - The Unknown sound bug.
The Unknown has a bug that makes his voice sound female even if you have a male skin. Not only that, but the female voice of the Unknown sounds like a normal voice. How to reproduce: Step 1: Log into the game Step 2: go to the main menu and choose a Killer role Step 3: choose the Unknown Step 4: wait for it to say…
Map - Temple of Purgation and Vecna's Hand (+ Vecna's items don't show an icon)
While playing with Vecna in Temple of Purgation, a survivor that had the Vecna's Hand teleported using a locker. The problem is, he teleported into one of the lockers on the underground layer of the temple, with the gen not being done and no way of healing. In other words, he got stuck in there. Step 1 : Play against…
Vecna and Xeno: Survivor Facing the Hook
• Platform: Steam • Description of the issue When Vecna (and Xenomorph) hangs the survivor on a hook, the survivor suddenly faces the hook for half a second. And survivor is behind the killer and inside the killer's body for a moment. • Steps to reproduce (if possible): When killer is hooking survivors • How often does…
Map Prevention Not Working
I have been sent to the new map 6 games in a row without any map offerings being used. The duplicate map prevention should stop this from happening but is clearly not working.
PC - GeForce issues
Step 1 - Boot the game Step 2 - Observe that NVidia recording no longer works - any desktop recordings in progress also stop. NVidia visibly turns on and off, as the icons representing NVidia flash.
Prove Thyself still bugged
This is so random. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, even in the same match. Platform Nintendo Switch As you can see, I'm not seeing the little green buff icon that indicates the perk is working. Eearlier in the match, it worked and I saw the little green buff icon. Please acknowledge this as it's so random when it…
No control
I am on Xbox series X. Since the Vecna update/release i was able to play 2 games and since then i have had no control over my Survivor, not being able to look around or move regardless of what survivor i am using in every single match.
Game Crashing Post Match
Unfortunately, I cannot screenshot a crash, but it's happened 3 times now and started since the new update came out (never happened before) as the match ends and the post match results load up, the second they show up, the entire game freezes and I cannot close it or open another application and use it to close DBD (so I…
New map, buggy teleporters
I am on pc and was playing with my boyfriend when we spawned on the new Vecna map at first we were amazed by it but then my boyfriend used a teleporter and got stuck, he was the only player left and unfortuantly the hatch spawned right in front of him, but couldn't escape due to being stuck in the teleporter wall. Then we…
Invocation : WS and blocked gens
Blocked gens aren't affected by the charge reduction. Step 1 : Use Invocation : Weaving Spiders Step 2 : Activate it while gens are blocked Step 3 : Notice that blocked gens weren't affected. Congatulations, you wasted your time.
Can very rarely create or join customs. Cannot play survivor or load in to lobbies
I am getting extremely annoyed because it’s been happening for months now and I’ve tried so many fixes. I can’t create or join customs almost ever. When I do join customs it breaks it for everyone after one or two games. I also often have trouble logging in and it will make me reset at least once.
Merciless Storm Bug- Potentially w/ Invocation Weaving Spiders
Merciless-Storm-Bug PC - Merciless Storm Triggering Despite a Successful Skill check (potentially due to invocation weaving spiders) Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 3 : In-game, activate the perk Invocation: Weaving Spiders Step 4 : In-game, repair a generator to 90% Step 5: When…
Switch - Illusion Survivors Progress Generators
I was playing Dwight and came across an Illusion of my teammate, Mikela. I joined the Illusion in working on a generator while the real Mikela worked on another generator. As you can see from the red in the repair bar, the Illusion is actually working and progressing the generator. Despite neither of us have Prove Thyself,…
Map: Forgotten Ruins. Bug: Teleport + Stuck
little back story, my friend and I joined this map and whilst exploring. we saw this teleporter and entered, a killer followed us in almost right after. thus getting me the survivor stuck inside of it and killer was unable to do harm please note in video. adult language used.
New Legion skin Backstabber (Susie) has franks voice
Little strange 😂