Should I keep playing this game?
This game is BAD, it's all about killers and only about killers. Why should I keep playing if everything is nerffed against survivors and there's no guarantee that I'll escape from the get go cause everything works against survivors. I would love to heard what y'all have to say.
Should we make dead by daylight games longer so they don't end in like 4 minutes.
Basically should we add more generators to fix or nah.
How do you react as killer when there's a key in your lobby?
I see many players handle the situation different, when there's someone with a key in their lobby. I really would love to see the results of this poll. This poll is anonymous, so please be honest.
Should a question about dedicated servers / ping have been in the Player Satisfaction Survey?
I think the title speaks for itself. General bonus points for putting a question about hitboxes in the survey, but you are ignoring the #1 elephant in the room. Contrary to your repeated statements playing at 150ms ping is neither viable nor fun, has a game-deciding impact and on top of it all the sacrifices made to put us…
How do you find Ghost Face's reveal mechanic to be?
Just being observational by picking out the weeds in the community.
Today's Add-ons: Spencer's Last Breath
DISCLAIMER: Due to limited poll options, all options will have 2 Add-ons with Killer Power polls. You can simply vote for your favorite, but if you'd like to make it clear which you mean, a comment is required. Which Add-on would you put on if Spencer's Last Breath had only 1 Add-on slot?
Change mechanics release from maniac grip
I noticed that often when a maniac picks you up, you have little chance of escaping his grip. The time you dial the "scale" to escape is not enough and so I suggest a little change in the mechanics of the process when you try to free yourself from the maniac 's grip. I suggest you introduce the mechanics of checking the…
Cosmetics: Rancher's Vest vs. The Scarecrow
The two oldest cosmetics for Hillbilly from The Bloodstained Sack DLC, which looks better in your opinion?
which version of the Demogorgon chase music is the best?
It'S very old I know, but there's still 2 version of the demogorgon chase music, the PTB and live, which version is better in your opinion? ptb version live version
Survivor perks
Which perk is better? Spine chill or unbreakable? And why?
Today's Add-ons: Chainsaw
DISCLAIMER: Due to limited poll options, all options will have 2 Add-ons with Killer Power polls. You can simply vote for your favorite, but if you'd like to make it clear which you mean, a comment is required. Which Add-on would you put on if Chainsaw had only 1 Add-on slot?
Which is better? Michael Myers or Ghostface
Which killer has the best Teachables?
Today's Add-ons: Wailing Bell
DISCLAIMER: Due to limited poll options, all options will have 2 Add-ons with Killer Power polls. You can simply vote for your favorite, but if you'd like to make it clear which you mean, a comment is required. Which Add-on would you put on if Wailing Bell had only 1 Add-on slot?
Moved: Do you think there should be cross platform data
This discussion has been moved.
who would be more accessible with bhvr about friday the 13th: sean cunningham or victor miller?
the lawsuit is about to end in June 2020, and with this we will know the winner of the lawsuit, this left me thinking about several things, especially if jason could be in dbd or in the worst case that this license stays in the oblivion drawer forever. So dbd community tell me who suits us to win the lawsuit to have jason:…
Best Survivor Map
What do you think is the best survivor map, NOT taking into consideration the upcoming map changes
Today's Add-ons: Bear Trap
Oh boy, here we go, boys and girls. Time to go over all Killer Powers and determine which YOU like the most. (On its own, NO ADD-ON COMBINATIONS ALLOWED!!! 😡) Which Add-on would you put on if Bear Trap had only 1 Add-on slot?
Today's Add-ons: Med-Kit
Which Add-on would you put on your Med-Kit if Med-Kits had only 1 Add-on slot? P.S. As stated in the "Today's Add-ons: Toolbox" poll, due to the 10 poll options limit, some Add-ons will share a poll option. Just specify which you mean when you choose an option that has multiple Add-ons.
Today's Add-ons: Map
Which Add-on would you put on your Map if Maps had only 1 Add-on slot? NOTE: Yellow Wire & Black Silk Cord are useless on Rainbow Map as they unlock what has already been unlocked by Rainbow Map itself.
Tuxedo Leatherface? AKA “pretty girl” leatherface
Does anyone else want this as a cosmetic for him?
Today's Add-ons: Keys
Which Add-on would you put on your Key if Keys had only 1 Add-on slot? NOTE: While i will always allow all Add-ons to be chosen, just in case you don't know: Since this poll asks you to imagine you have only 1 Add-on slot for your Item, the Add-ons Prayer Rope, Scratched Pearl & Prayer Beads are useless Add-ons on all Keys…
Is odd bulb useful?
I see for flashlight saves is useful the green bulb but for the odd bulb I don't know the timing so it's worth to use it? (If you say yes could you say the time to wait to flashlight save or the animation time to start blinding the killer?) Yes Yes (almost/totally avoiding flashlight saves) No (Sorry, I wanted to make a…
Matchmaking Options
I’m curious to see if many of you feel the same way as I do. I have had 8 consecutive matches ALL against the Deathslinger. Feel like there should be matchmaking options to help limit these kinds of things from happening. Such as selecting up to 3 killers that you prefer to avoid for your next match. It’s a concept I could…
What is truly the best killer perk? (Round 1) (Part 4)
Yet again, which of these 4 perks is the best killer perk. One advances,the rest leave.
Need a refresh League/Match 2-try outs
We always had to count a killer and we always wanted him her to be gone from the game. Vote down below which killer you want to be nerfed or reworked! 👇👇👇 Personally I want spirit. Her Katana is huge so she can hit you easily. Also an add-on that makes me annoy is the one that can make her phase sound to be heard in the…
What is truly the best killer perk? (Round 1) (Part 3)
Decided I'd do these every now and then rather than flooding the system. Remember, one perk goes through, the rest are out!
Need to get refreshed League/ Match 1-try outs
We always had to count a killer and we always wanted him/her to be gone from the game! So this is Need to get refreshed League! Vote down below which killer you want to be nerfed or reworked👇👇👇👇
Today's Add-ons: Flashlight
Flashlight's Add-ons: Battery, Leather Grip, Power Bulb, White Lens, Focus Lens, Heavy Duty Battery, Low Amp Filament, Rubber Grip, TIR Optic, Intense Halogen, Long Life Battery, High-End Sapphire Lens, Odd Bulb. Which Add-on would you put on your Flashlight if Flashlights had only 1 Add-on slot? P.S. As stated in the…
Should DbD be played on PlayStation Vita?
The PlayStation Vita is a Sony product that is use by many people and is simplistic. The console is a mix between a Nintendo DS, the Nintendo Wii U, and a PlayStation 4 controller. The downsides to the PS Vita is that there would be more chances for bugs to occur because of another platform, it is slightly slower, and the…
Would you like the next change that would solve many problems regarding this game?
The change that came to mind because of my other thread: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/143453/dear-developers-tired-of-constant-winning-4-kills-as-a-killer-rank-1#latest SWF queues and SOLO queues need to be seperate based on ranks as well. People are going to queue SWF if they feel like the game is too…
Who would you rather see added into the game as a new killer? A. Pennywise - IT B. Jason Voorhees - Friday The 13th OR Comment what killer YOU think should be added ( Not Chucky tho that would be one short ass killer )
Which Killer for an outfit design
I want to make an outfit design for a killer but I cant pick one. Can you guys help me out?
Today's Add-ons: Toolbox
Perhaps you've seen them before: My "Today's Teachables" poll series. In those, you choose which Teachable you like the most per character. Today, i'm going to start with which Add-on you like the most per Item, with Killer Powers counting as Items. (So obviously, there's gonna be a lot more Killer versions of this kind of…
Who is the hottest killer in your opinion?
I'm bringing it back baby. Who is the hottest of the hottest? Do you think hag? Plague. Bubba? Let me know belowww Leeeeeeets begin!
Best Pair of Jeff Pants (Done wrong, please delete this)
Best pair of pants for Jeff Johanson
Hot coffee or iced coffee?
Do you like to experience a nice, cold, refreshing iced beverage that gives you a jolt of energy so you can feel alive again (however briefly)? Or would you rather pour boiling hot lava straight into your gullet and accept that life is not to be enjoyed? Or do you not drink coffee because none of this is real anyway.
Would You Use Insidious If It Had This Feature?
Insidious is a simple perk that does what it says it does; once you stand still for a certain amount of time, you become undetectable. Though this perk stops having use once you realize that time standing still and setting up plays with it is time that is not spend putting pressure on survivors. When you do this, you risk…
Change Spine Chill Description
Vault 6% faster and have a chance against stealth Killers (like Deathslinger)
What's your least favourite map?
It doesn't have to be your least favourite map balance wise, just the map you hate playing on the most. Can't put all maps seperately to the poll options so please specify which one in the comments.
What is truly the best killer perk? (Round 1) (Part 2)
The second part of round 1! One perk goes through! The other three are out! This one to me has a clear winner, but that's just my opinion.
Hitboxes or dedicated servers
What is the problem with hitboxes, design or dedicated servers?
Candyman Power?
If Candyman actually ends up being added, what should his power be?
Should there be amiibo for dead by daylight switch edition
I have dead by daylight on the switch but I always wanted a amiibo for them and maybe a possible dlc for smash bros what do you guys think about having amiibo for dead by daylight?
Cosmetic contest choices for me
First should I do Wraith or Legion, second if Wraith then should I do a chicken costume or an entity related outfit, and if Legion, a car accident outfit where their clothes are ripped up and the mask is cracked or an entity related outfit?
DS or borrowed time
Should I run DS or borrowed time? I usually run as a survivor solo
Which kind of Killer would you rather have out of these two?
Should a player blacklist exist?
There is a player on PS4 that day in and day out will hook bomb in front of killer without borrowed time and killer will without hesitation will kill the survivor being hook bombed. I have made several report tickets on this player but seeing as the issue is never resolved shouldn't we have some form of awareness to this…
Who Should I Prestige Next?
My Feng Min is P3 Level 50, and Claudette is P3 Level 43. My Nea and Meg are both P1 Level 15, while Yui is P1 Level 1. Who should I get to P3?
You Can Implement ONE thing to Dead by Daylight. What would you choose?
Let's imagine that you're a developer for a day. With Dead by Daylight constantly growing, many things are being planned for the near future; new characters, new perks, map changes, bug fixes, and more. However, if you could be a developer for a day, which of the following options below would you prioritize to implement in…