Would you like a repeatable mission to grant Rift Fragments?
Condition would be: You are done with every other challenge in the tomb and ofc not yet maxed out with your Tier. It could be something like: „Earn 100,000 Bloodpoints and rewards 3 Rift Fragments. I suggest this because I sort of miss the carrot on the stick at the end of each book.
Do you think that the doctor should be nerfed?
I feel that the doctor needs a nerf. The only counter to the doctor's abilities at the current moment is calm spirit; a perk that not many people are willing to run. I feel that maybe a nerf to either his ability to cancel abilities with shock therapy or a cooldown nerf to static blast should be implemented soon. What do…
Which is your favorite NEW perk from this chapter?
What the title says, which was your favorite perk released this chapter? and why?
What map would you consider to be the most balanced in the game?
At least from the 10 maps that you can choose from below. I tried to pick 10 maps that would cover the entire range of balance that maps currently have, so that there's at least one map that represents a certain balance level of any map that has a similar balance level, but do keep in mind that the balance of each map…
Moved: Killer idea: The Jackal
This discussion has been moved.
Les tueurs sont trop avantagé ou les survivant ?
Bonjour, je pense qu'il est temps de tirer au claire la question du qui est beaucoup plus avancé tant niveau perks que capacité spéciales. Les survivants ou les tueurs ? Répondez sincèrement s'il vous plaît en espérant que cela remonte jusqu'au développeurs. Quelques modifications qui tardent ne ferais pas de mal..
Best Exhaustion Perk?
In my opinion, all exhaustion perks are valuable. Some perks have more potential, and some perks can be used more frequently. Because of this it can be difficult to decide which is superior. When you are assessing the perks, I would suggest taking into account how effective they are, how easily can they be used, and how…
Who should the next killer be?
There's a lot of killers from movies, TV shows, and comics, that I would like to see in dead by daylight. I think a lot of them would have potential. So which guest character would you like to see as the next dead by daylight killer?
Which horror b-movie killer would you like to see in DBD?
Not always mainstream...but usually with a cult following. For those who know...who would you like...
Should Struggle Phase Even Exist?
First hook phase is fine, and while the 4% chance to pull off hook kinda sucks, it's still not awful nor is pulling off of hook yourself necessary most of the time. But second stage is what I don't like. Having to spam a button just to survive on hook for a minute is so annoying for me. And when you happen to have your…
The Second Rift is ending
Are you going to farm the last tiers that you dont have ? And will you do that the next time too ?
Today's Teachables: Jake Park
His Teachables: Iron Will, Calm Spirit, Saboteur. Which of the 3 would you put in your last Perk slot if that slot only allowed Jake Perks?
Opinion on the Plague
I personally love the plague, but I know a lot of people hate her. I am making a poll to see people's opinions. My boyfriend and friend are upset about the buff she is getting, saying she is already broken, but I don't personally think she is that broken.
Should the Devs take a break on the New Killers and survivors for a while?
I believe that the Game needs so many fixes, I suggest that the game needs more fixing than it needs New content. If the Devs do make this decision to put a halt on new content and focus on game improvements and balancing, I will be more than happy to support them and stay by their side.
Entity Displeased Sound
What do you think of the sound that plays when you get an "Entity Displeased" screen after a game ends when playing as killer?
Trapper v. Wraith
I am gonna have a little contest on killers vs. each other. Starting off we have Trapper v. Wraith
Time Basis Breakdown
Anybody else want to see a break down of Trial time? I would like to see how long the match is and the time breakdown of each category.
Do you do dailys when in your SWF?
I have to be chased as my low perked Bill and sabotage two hooks... I would never do this in an SWF. Do others do this? (if so it makes playing solo even worse!)
Does your game cancel the grab action as any killer?
It does for me espcially with grabbing off of the gens. It has done it with me as the Trapper (once though), Spirit, Michael, and Pig. I play on the PS4. If it messes up on you what platform and what killer.
What stats should I collect?
After collecting my own stats against 100 red rank survivors, I feel like I want to collect more stats, but want to know what the community wants as well. Im going to go on a bit of a tangent, so skip this if you just want to vote. There are three different things that I want to try, and data will have to be collected…
What do you consider to be the most toxic action a player can do?
What was the first survivor you ever purchased with iredesent shards or auric cells?
I'm a mobile beta tester and my first ever survivor was laurie once I saved up enough auric cells. I'm curious which one did you get first? ( You can play any platform to vote on this poll)
If you had to marry a killer, who would it be?
You're chosen as a survivor, but The Entity offers you an unusual proposal: marry one of the killers or participate in the trials. The killer of your choosing is unable to hurt or harm you, and you will stay in their realm with them. Yeah, while everyone's at each other's throats about nerfs and buffs, I'm that person.
What to do about sWFs
Best Girl
Which of the female killers is the best girl?
Just Out of Interest, Is There Anyone Out There Who Actually Likes the Struggle Mechanic?
From all the posts I've seen on the forums recently, and everyone I've talked to outside of the forums, it seems like there isn't anyone at all who likes the struggle mechanic and doesn't want it removed or changed. But as we all know, what seems to be the majority voice quite often is not, which is why I'm curious: is the…
Which Killer or survivor perks (purchasable with shards) do you think are most fun?
Hi, I got some shards now and I don't know where to spend them. I'd like some tips what you think - should I just buy hag for her good perks or another survivor or just buy a killer I might have more fun with? I do enjoy playing huntress, but haven't played other killers that much yet. Oni looks kinda fun though. People…
Thoughts On Hag
Recently I've seen a lot more people in the community than usual saying Hag is horrible, so i'm just seeing ######### is up. imo she's top 5
Do you think there are some unbeatable killer builds?
Do you think there exists unbeatable killer builds? Like something so dominating if played perfectly no one can ever escape? Let's ignore Memento Mori and map offerings. Focus just on killer's with specific perks and add-ons. EDIT: Let's also disregard keys because I believe they can supersede anything the killer has…
Should there be more cowboys in Dead by Daylight?
Do you think there should be more cowboy Characters and more skins for existing ones? To date, only the Deathslinger and Jake have them. If you feel like it, write a comment below saying what cowboy-related Character or skin you'd want in-game.
Liscenced Killer "The Spartan"
Who all thinks Santa Monica Studios should jump on the DBD bandwagon and make Kratos a killer.
Did Dead By Daylight made a crossover with call of duty?
I have no words but uuuh..... my boy deathslinger changes this game completely
Would you like double bloodpoints?
I've been seeing quite a bit of people asking for a double bloodpoints event during this pandemic that is going on. While I do see a lot of people wanting double bloodpoints, there are some people that disagree with it.
Should generators take longer/shorter to complete depending on the Killer?
Killers vary between size, movement speed and terror radius, but generators always take 80 charges to completely repair. What if the number of required charges became variable, making gens take longer/shorter to complete depending on the Killer? With Old Hex: Ruin gone, gen speed became even more of a hot topic. While map…
What Licensed Solo Survivor does everyone here would think fit most into DBD
This also includes some characters that may not fit the genre of DBD though in my opinion could work. I have made this to give some insight to the developers that we love solo chapters and I think this can give a ton of variety by adding survivors from movies and series we love but at the same time giving the devs the…
Adrenaline Overrated?
Is anyone else experience long a lag when running as survivor on PS4?
Yes No Yes but not on PS4
Rate The Deathslinger
How fine he is for you?
Would you like a dance emote?
We have the "point" and "come" emotes,would you like to see a dance emote in the future? Personally i'd love to see it someday.It will be toxic i know,but what game isn't?
Who misses the Killer to Survivor switch button?
I find it a bit annoying to switch back and forth between the Killer and Survivor screens on my Xbox now since you can no longer tap a button that switches for you. Now you have to go to the main page, select Killer or Survivor, use bloodpoints, go back to the main page, pick Survivor or Killer.... Anybody else miss that…
'Which Survivor/Killer is the most...' Quiz
Just for laughs quiz. One answer for Survivor and one for Killer. Which Survivor/Killer is the most: 1. Smelliet 2. Smartest 3. Uneducated 4. Strongest 5. Depressed 6. Flirtatious 7. Cowardly 8. Ticklish 9. Two-faced 10. Temperamental 11. Dull 12. Excitable 13. Unintimidating 14. Arrogant 15. Threatening 16. Brave 17.…
Killers only: Would you like to have a real endgame perk?
I've been thinking about ideas to give good killers rewarding endgame perks, I mean "killers who struggle" have NOED, but good killers don't. No matter how many hooks you do, if you try and hook'em all three times is just not possible. So my humble idea is this: Shutdown: When you hook a survivor you win a token. When you…
should ban penalties be reduced to a 20 minute limit ?
ban times are clearly unfair so cast your vote on if you think they should be changed
Should mumble be linkable ?
As you know maybe, mumble is like discord, but you can hear with a suround sound 7.1 where people are in the game. I'm thinking about the possibility of linking mumble and dead by daylight but I'm not allow to do this (I think). This is way I ask you if you think it would be a great idea if it was possible and if you think…
What's your favorite killer lobby queue music?
(I'm not counting Myers' brief music as a separate option because it's basically default music after)
Oni's range is now too far
The 3.6.1 update came on Playstation 4 yesterday. When I played the Oni again I noticed that the range had increased, which I find very unfair. Friends of mine tested it if it could also be on the Internet, but it was the same with them. I would like to know whether it is the same with you or not.
Should the last survivor get a escape & struggle chance?
When the last survivor is hooked it immediately skips the 3 attempt escape stage and the struggle stage. Do you think the last survivor should get to attempt and or struggle if they haven’t been hooked at all until that point?
Moved: Should Decisive Strike stop a Mori/kill a survivor
This discussion has been moved.
Would you like always having the option to Kill (Mori) the last Survivor?
For me, the Memento Mori Kill sequences are some of the greatest tributes Dead by Daylight has made to the Horror genre. As a quick reminder, the Cypress Memento Mori allows the Killer to Kill the last Survivor instead of Sacrificing them. In my opinion, allowing the Killer to perform a Memento Mori Kill on the last…
Should The Redeemer be changed?
I feel like being injured even though you were able to escape makes struggling against The Redeemer chain kinda pointless, I feel as though you shouldn't be punished as hard if you can escape without being hit. What do you think should happen to the victim? (assuming they're healthy)