Ranking up (Make it harder)
With the rank reset just having happened, I find myself thinking about rank and ranking up. With the issue of deranking going on, I wonder if it wouldn't just be better to remove the safety pip from the equation all together, maybe even make it easier to actually depip in the game. Hell, even the double pip could go.…
Why doesn't Meg have a beanie cosmetic?
it needs to happen. Just use her 2 regular braids and put a beanie on top of it, and bam. A cosmetic literally everyone will buy.
Secondary objective and the hatch
Add an extra generator visually different from the regular once, directly linked to the hatch. Killers can no longer grab a survivor at the hatch, but in order for it to open that specific gen has to be completed(can still be opened with a key without completing a hatch generator). It won't affect the gates, hatch only. If…
the even is no longer active for me on xbox and it said it was lasting until the 12th if you were going to end it today then ######### did you put to the 12th and not to the 11th come on i was planing on farming BP for the next survivor today but now i cant with the 1.5x boost great game guys great ######### game. also…
Something to avoid to be unhooked by nubs\farmer
Have Resilience Affect Madness Recovery
Title. Thoughts?
Ranking and disconnecting
It's absolutely fair that you lose rank pips for disconnecting/ragequitting because it's unsportsmanlike, but why are Survivors being punished for the Killer dc'ing on them? I lost two pip marks because a salty Killer decided that they will dc just right after the remaining survivors escaped. I'm not sure if the others…
Let's Talk Decisive Strike
So lately everyone seems to be putting in their 2 cents about Decisive Strike. I guess it is time for me to share my input. Decisive Strike is essentially a free escape from the killers grasp while he or she takes you to a hook. Since this perk is an Obsession Perk (unlocked via leveling up Laurie Strode) you will be given…
Proposed Changes: Trapper mechanics
The most recent changes to the Trapper's trap setting speed has been a welcomed change, as well as the alterations made to his add-ons. I would like to thank BHVR for implementing these changes. One thing that still remains problematic for the Trapper is the time he needs to "prep" areas of the map. Most if not all of the…
Could you add new maps in "poor" realms?
Everybody knows: there are five maps for each original realm (MacMillan, Autohaven, Coldwind), but only one (Gideon, Haddonfield...) or two (Asylum, swamps...) in newer realms. It would be great and more balanced to have three or more maps in every realm!
Please make indicators for SWF. It could be a good thing. And incentive to vs them.
I'm gunna be dodging anything remotely looking like an SWF like Neo dodging bullets. And it seems like SWFs are going to be that damn common. Seems like it. Maybe they aren't? Maybe they just happened to pop in rapid fire? I mean it looks like an SWF, but what if it's not? I'd be more willing to try. Until then, I'll opt…
Toolbox + swf
4 people SWF + 4 toolboxes + 2 minutes = 5 gens... Fix... It... Please...
Make NOED automatic for all games and scale the number of totems by killer rank
The devs have always wanted something else for survivors to do, aside from just doing gens, and I think that this would definitely fit the bill. If every game automatically applies the Exposed effect once the last gen is done, it would make the cleansing of all totems a priority. Rank 20-17 killers have 5 totems, 16-13…
April Fools
Devs should have some fun temporary changes for April fools. Like, The Pig’s noises replaced by Peppa the Pig.
Buff Solo HUD's
We're aware that the devs are trying to bridge the information gap between Survivors who play solo and Survivors who play Survive With Friends while using voice chat. There is some information that can be displayed on the HUD to help Survivors, but, to keep balance, some Killers ask that said information cost a perk slot…
Let killers wave
Let killers wave and point like survivors. I wanna be able to wave at people at the exit gates as micheal/doctor when i fail as a lighthearted send off after a good match against good survivors
What about perk Fire Up?
Since the developers have done a faster pick up of the survivor from the ground for all the killers, then why not replace the parameter "Pick up / drop" to some other parameter? I think a faster recharge of a successful attack would fit in here perfectly. It would be more logical based on the description of the perk…
Prove Thyself Buff
Can Prove Thyself receive a buff? It is largely outclassed by Leader, as the mathematics will show a preference to it. How about when 1 survivor is nearby, you get the max bonus? 3/6/9% for tier 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
Survivor carrying another survivor
I would like to see male characters carrying other males or females. I mean, this would be cool right?
Make loading screen more attractive !!
My idea is to put some images from: game or artworks etc, in loading screen to make more interesting, and more pleasant to wait. Tell me guys , is a bad idea ? Thanks for reading !
Key mappings for ps4?
It would be cool to see new key mappings for ps4, for example you can use the left and right dpad to turn left and right but still be able to use the joystick, similar to pc, where some people use q & e to control billy's chainsaw, and still use the mouse to look around. This would be really helpful. Pls bhvr!!
Idea for a Rank reward
This has been brought up multiple times by now i know that but i got an idea to reward Ranks that, as far as i am aware, noone had brought up in this way. The devs would need to make a new set of cosmetics but because they don't want to exlude anyone anymore(like they said on dev stream once) i came up with a special idea…
Why is it if I perform a Mori on last survivor and they dc it doesn't count for me and waste my offering
Why is it if I perform a Mori on last survivor and they dc it doesn't count for me and waste my offering
Filter option
There should be a filter option in the game to weed out who you do and do not want to face as a killer
No HUD Option.
More options for survivers
Hello, I think that being a survivor is way harder than playing the killer. Especially when you are not wounded or down sometimes the killers can still see you behind walls and that's way to overpowered I think. And when you are hit you can barely escape. Maybe make parts on the map where there is a lot of sand so that the…
Hook idea
Make it one stage long and be on the struggle but with skill checks that slowly go faster and faster no time limit. Hooking a good team 3 times each with second chance perks is no longer "fun".
Ping filter
Can we have something like that PLEASE? I'm pretty sure no one wants to be put in lobbies of 200+ ping over and over. I'd gladly wait more than 5 seconds(that I usually do) for a lobby with a better ping.
Change for BBQ and chili
Ok.....so we have camping and we have hook rushers. BBQ was meant as an incentive to go away from hook, and to chase someone that you could see further away. The reality is, that if they dont see 3 other people, they will just stay at the hook. As a survivor this is annoying. But so are people who farm the people on the…
Punishment for disconnecting??!!?
Why the f*** don't you make some temporary ban for people who disconnect? And why don't you make sure the game starts with 4 survivors? It's the fourth consecutive game I start with 3 survivors because someone leaves immediately before the loading... 30 minutes on loading to play 20 minutes... that's annoying.
Nintendo Switch Version ?
Why BBQ is superior to its Survivor counterpart We Are Gonna Live Forever - and how to change that
I won't drop a wall of text here. Everyone clicking the title knows the two perks, so I will give short summaries: BBQ: * Has a very decent side effect that gives the killer a ton of information * Scales off of something that, on average, will definitely happen each game. Getting stacks is almost a guaranteed natural…
Motion Sickness - Daily Rituals
OK, I have motion sickness, it plagues a lot of people when in first person perspective. Now I get the reasoning behind why the killers need to be that perspective it makes sense. What I find frustrating is being unable to do ANY daily rituals because I keep getting killer rituals, and can only delete one...which often…
End game chat box
Squad family at DBD, please bring that end game chatbox for PS4. You gotta let us talk smack on a game like this!
Quadruple bloodpoints for running no perks, addons, or offerings.
Fixing the issue with looping once and for all + End camping for killers
I have played this for about 60-100 hours, so i'm not entirely a st*pid noob, but i'm not that great either, ill admit that, and I am level 14, so yes, my ranking "sucks" thus my gameplay, but that's beyond the point, as we all face the same problem. The survivors running around. Now, I play as both survivor and killer,…
Collectible Mori's
I'd love to have a selection of mori's for killers to choose from, y'know. For example with Trapper, why dont we get a Mori where he shoves his machete into the surv's head and turns it into a makeshift RBT. Or on that sort of note, with amanda, why not give her a Mori where she forces the RBT to open? And final example,…
Option to Reveal What Killer You'll be Playing as in Lobby
Basically, let the killer reveal themselves in the lobby to the survivors so they know what fun they'll be getting into. While I don't think it should have any "bonus" for revealing yourself to the survivors, it'd be akin to you trying to handicap yourself by letting them prepare themselves better.. or perhaps fool them by…
Kill your friends option
Hey I would really like it if you would make The kill your friends option open for other online players to join the session. I wan't to be able to play as the killer with my girlfriend but I can't because we never have enough players to play kill your friends.
2v8 mod
it would be nice if there was a mod where there is 2 killers against 8 survivors or more.
Press Ctrl instead of hold
Hey guys, I was wondering if you guys could change that you can press ctrl one time to crouch and that you need to press ctrl again to walk or shift for a sprint, cause I play this game a lot and my fingers are hurting after a few games already from holding the crouch button xd
Dead by Daylight makers, Please read this
Hi, i’m just a nomal person who plays dead by daylight. Befor i request you anything, i want to say i’m enjoying this game. and thank you for making this fun game. So, I am writing this because, i have a really good suggestion. Please make a ranking reward. Dead by Daylight don’t have a ranking compensation, so there are…
Badham Preschool Guaranteed Spawn
Could you stop spawning me here (https://xboxclips.com/Nos37/6d4e700c-af95-4618-91d2-9f5c5b4a7745 )? It's the first place Killers check (I know I do, as I have found that a Survivor spawns here almost every time), and sneaking off to another area is limited early on in the game if the Killer decides to bee-line it to this…
When ban for dc?!
Like in topic when finaly you make somthing with this #########? Like this is too often from surv site like i use rancor oh no i dc i got last hook nope i dc etc.And still i see too many dc survs with out any punishment and raport every dc surv.This is pointless i start think.
Boil Over debuff icon
Please remove debuff icon from the killer's HUD.I mean killers with rank 1 know very good maps.
Let Fellow Survivors See Resilience Perk Icon
It's annoying having to sprint away from Survivors healing me before they reach 100% (to keep my Resilience buff; especially with Sprint Burst equipped), or to have them finish off the last 1% after I 99% with Self Care. I think Resilience should get the same treatment as We'll Make It, as far as the shared perk icon goes.…
Please separate "SelfCare" and other actions on Controller
I so wish RB (on Xbox) or R1 (on PS4) was not the same button used for EVERYTHING!!! I can't count the amount of times that it has cost me a hook save and caused me to die as well. You run to someone on a hook and they are being camped, you take the hit when attempting to hook save and when you go to try again, you instead…
Quick Fix: Bloodpoint Disparity
Simply put, Survivors on average get drastically lower Bloodpoints per game, especially if you factor in BBQ&Chilli vs WGLF. In an attempt to figure out why this is I've come across two rather obvious realizations. * The Killer will always play the full extent of the game. This gives them ample opportunity to cap out in…
Hooks - Remove some of them
This is my opinion. There are too many hooks. It's entirely too easy for a killer to hook a player. For any perk that increases the killer's walk/run speed - a certain number of hooks should be removed. With so many hooks, wiggling seems pointless. Hooks shouldn't be convenient for the killer to walk to (they're almost…