What's the point on buffing killer
Seriously, i dont want to sound like the typical survivor main complaining and bla bla, i play a lot killer and even at low ranks, i think that killer as it is right now, it's pretty strong, and having to get facecamped, right at the start of the game, until i die, just to lose pips and not get points, it's really stupid,…
More Options for KYF! (Kill Your Friends)
Currently, we have an option in the game that allows people who don't really want to play against try-hards, but instead get killed by their best friend! However our options are very limited. For 1 this mode is very buggy and the only changes we can do is: Want DLC Killers? Want people to use perks and perks? You want to…
**NEW FEATURE** Add a "Play Again" Button.
So basically what the title says.. This game needs a Play again Feature if you're playing with friends. So when you finish a match and if im with a premade i will get the feature "Play again" My friends and I, are getting tired of inviting each other Over and Over again. Going all the way out to the menu, for picking…
Unhooking ourselves
when we’re the last player left and haven’t been hooked and finally get hooked, we should at least have the chance to get off the hook, instead of dying right away! It’s only fair, since all the other players, get the chance to do so.
when exit gates are open....
when exit gates are open enable a button that lets the killer DANCE that way survivors know they arent salty. each killer should have a unique dance/emote. trapper wraith hillbilly nurse doctor hag huntress shape cannibal nightmare clown spirit pig comment below what dance each one should have
I Want to Be Able to Unhook Players as the Killer
I understand that at first glance that sounds like I just want to rapidly hook and unhook one person just for a faster kill, but that's not actually my goal here. There have been a number of times where I had planned on mori'ing or sparing a survivor after they got saved, but then they never got saved. Additionally,…
spirit add ons
after buying the spirit, i feel she has a lot of potential and she's a lot of fun to play i'd love to add a add on to allow the spirit to see the survivor when phase walking with a penalty of: the woosh being directional; blood, scratch marks are not visible and moderately decrease the duration
new killer, survivor and map idea
survivor: doll maker killer: doll / puppet map: theatre
More Maps in Buildings
would be cool if we had more Maps inside Buildings like in a theatre, mansion, catacomb, cinema or somethings like that :) . Not always outside.
Detailed post on fixing Killer Queue times
Remove Easy Anti Cheat. It's utter #########. There are a lot better ways of preventing cheating without randomly kicking survivors from lobbies / taking a millennial to verify the host / list the lobby as "open" for survivors to join. Alternatively: Get dedicated servers. Thanks for listening.
2 seconds to burn the wraith while he's invisible is way too much... 1.5 was enough I need to know if i'm the only one thinking this ?
The chatbox
Dear squad family at DBD, please put in that chatbox at the end of matches. Some of these people are just plain bad, and should feel bad too.
Can you just nerf nurse?
There is no fun to play when the killer is nurse. I want to dodge every game when I hear the scream
the shape's soundtrack change
It would be cool to change the shape's evil within 3's soundtrack into "the shape hunts allyson" from the new halloween movie
slight hatch fix
IF THE GATES ARE OPEN YES ONLY WHEN THERE OPEN the hatch closes after 30 seconds or if a survivor is standing on it for more then 3 seconds it closed reason I'm asking this is because ive had multiple hostage games were the person on the hatch refused to leave unless I walked there way or hit them this slight change makes…
A DS nerf
dont see an issue with this, and we did not want a NOED “buff” in response to the failed DS nerf mid chapter patch
Survivor plants / Killer hooks and the event
When we have completed 60 vials, we can still get points as a killer, just hooking survivors. But as a survivor, and if 4 survivors have completed the event, is not possible to earn BP with plants, so It'd be awesome for survivors who completed the event to still collect nectar and earn more BP.
Killer Idea - The Archer
Raised in a small community of no more than 100 people, the Archer took pride in going out hunting, preferring to use a bow and arrow. Before an unexpectedly hot and dry summer, a majority of the animals left the area to seek relief from the heat and find a reliable water source, which caused the Archer to be without game…
Camping penalty - too one-sided solution
I'd like to share a few of my thought about recently making the camping a penalized thing. For starters - dev team have always been addressing camping as one of possible tactics so I find it inconsistent that nowadays it will be a BPs drainer. One the survivor side the penalized action is the unhook farming (and penalty…
Lithe Question/Suggestion
First, I have a question, and if people could answer, that would be great because I have not tested this out just yet. How much has the new medium vault impacted the use of Lithe? Does Lithe trigger with medium vaults or only fast ones? If Lithe does not work with medium vaults, then the perk has become much less useful…
Escaping Killer Grasp
Squad family, any chance you could take a gander at this absolute nonsense? Getting away from the killer up on the shoulder is a bad time, with some minimal win odds. There's a hook every ten feet and the wiggle time is a most un-fresh hour to get away. Please fix, much love.
Hook camping
I was just thinking about maybe a way to improve the game flow and to like advocate better play styles. I’ve been in multiple games where I have just got face camped and farmed and it kinda just sucks. It really does. I mean I may not be the best, but that just makes it basically unplayable, especially with skill gaps and…
Why does this game match high rank survivor with low rank killer?
Is not the rank function originally a thing to match with players of the same rate? In this game the low ranked killer and the high ranked survivor are in the same match. why? Yes it is! All the party is bad! It often happens that survivor of rank 4 or less and killer of rank 8 or more are in the same match due to presence…
Lobbies, and a small Killer Disadvantage issue
Dead by Daylight is fantastic but a few small but key flaws can make the experience frustrating. I believe there are a number of these flaws but there are two in particular that I believe should be easy enough to fix: 1. Having to re-invite party members every match. - Please can we see a change implemented where the game…
Shrine of Secrets Rotation Time
How does everyone feel about the rotation time for perks in the Shrine of Secrets? There are 36 survivor perks and 39 killer perks in the game and it seems like they are randomly selected rather than rotating seeing how certain perks have been in the shrine more than others. Would a rotation time of 2 or 3 days be better…
Laurie and Michael outfits
I think Dead by Daylight should add new cosmetics to Laurie and Michael. I think this because in the addition to the new Halloween movie with older laurie and Michael they should add skins.I recommend longer hair for laurie and a hammer for Michael as these are shown in the movie. I understand lisenseing issuses but maybe…
will the licensed killers ever be buffed?
They are so static. They rarely every get any kind of balance change. I think the pig could use some buffs to her ambush (it's very sluggish) and then leather face and Freddy speak for themselves. I don't know about Myers i haven't played him since like 2016 lol. Does anyone have some suggestions for these killers?
Add a timer for unhooks.
Seriously solo survivor is unplayable. Game after game after game some troll Dwight unhooks everyone immediately afrer they've been hooked. Killers love it obviously but for the rest of us its no fun. There should be a 10 second time after hooking before someone can be unhooked to prevent game trolling. Or some kind of…
Pallet balance idea
Make throwing down a pallet give 10sec exhaustion or 2 in 30sec cause it.
Windows on the warehouse map
Why constantly blocked window on this map? To run it is absolutely impossible, because when you run the warehouse of a maniac you will have time to deliver 10 times, explain to me how then am I supposed to escape from the maniac, if the window is located opposite the generator(and not that of the basement) is constantly…
Please fix the lobby for killers.
I can't find survivors at all or after 15-20 minutes. I need to finish the event but I can't even play for killers. Please. Do something
Let Us Prey
So after a while of grinding up people to get their perks on people I like playing, only to get through 50 levels on someone and not get the perk combo I want, I was thinking. Would it be to hard to let us ask the entity to put a perk, or add-on on our next bloodweb generation? Like just one. That way if I'm leveling…
Get rid of DS
freddy rework
WELCOME FOG TRAVELER! so we all know that the nightmare is the worst killer in the game for many reasons: * his power is useless in a chase * you can't hurt anyone right off the bat * it's too easy to wake up * he's very vulnerable to palletlooping and much more stuff that i can't remember but how can you buff the…
Campers to turn into chickens
One thing that really spoils the game are campers. A feature should be added that if the killer hangs around the survivor on the hook they should turn into a chicken for 10 seconds to hopefully disencourage them from camping. If they continue to camp then an extra 10 seconds added per camping hook!
slippery meat
i don't know if this has been posted on here before or not but... i have a idea for this perk. why not make it give u chances at getting off the hook in phase 2. (4% or whatever) like 1/2/3 based on level. and it would be funny. if when it works the entity misses. and knocks u off the hook vs just unhooking. =P
Thompson House
Can mcote get run for 30 minutes on this map and get blinded at each of the 20+ pallets on this map before they ######### fix this map? This map is ######### broken. Jesus christ, play anyone other than the nurse on this map and you'll never get a single sacrifice. How the hell has the ######### map remained on the radar…
Discriptions & Daily Rituals
What I'd like to see is the words moderately, considerably and tremendously separated into their own color catagory. Right now those terms are crossing over into other colors rendering the meaning of the color system useless. Along with the color system. I believe there should be an exact explanation of what an item…
Idea for a Barbecue and Chilli (BBQ) rework and other aura perks
Hi guys, first I want to say this is not a flame & cry thread. I want to open up a polite discussion of how is your view on this topic and what will increase the fun on playing this game for both sides (killers and survivors). I'm playing the game for a few months now and made me an overview of the strengths and weaknesses…
The Exterminator (killer idea)
The exterminator knows that the pests always scatter when they hear footsteps, or when the lights come on. He also knows where the pests gather together. Power: Bug Bomb: The exterminator traps a generator/ exit gate/ chest. The next survivor to attempt to use the object will be given a series of hard skillchecks. Failing…
Skin Ideas for The Clown
In 2018 the clown was added, until now the clown doesn't have too many different skins. I had some ideas that would maybe be fun to think about to add more different skins to this character. Even though he is called the clown he could have many different skins that is maybe not related to him. First of all because it's…
New DLC Idea: TLOU x Dead by Daylight Collab For PS4 Players Only
Hello! I'm pretty new here but my boyfriend had an amazing idea about this game. We both talked about how PS4 players don't have the character Bill so I was thinking we could have something exclusive for us. That's when I thought that maybe it could be possible for DBD to collab with Naughty Dog to bring Joel or Ellie as a…
Killer vs 360's - Controller Compensation.
I'm watching the recent Game Mechanics Q&A right now, and they are discussing the Killer's turn rate being limited on console, or with a controller, rather (8:00 minute mark in the YouTube video, roughly). Since the game can detect the use of a controller, may I suggest increasing the FOV when a controller is used? It…
I don't mind the camping fix, but it's oddly obnoxious. It's like micromanaging.
I understand that face campers need to be punished, but more often than not the people who do camp are people who don't understand that camping affects their score. During the halloween event I got my survivor from rank 19 to rank 13 and I didn't see killers avoid camping until around now. On the other hand, I still…
New map
When dead by daylight hits it's anniversary it would maybe be fun to think about putting in a brand new map for this event/anniversary. Maybe this is a map that says more about the entity or the other characters in the history of dead by daylight. Also it would just be a nice treat for all the fans to have a brand new map…
Clown add on change to reflect recent balance updates
The clown has a specific add on called "Solvent jug", it makes it so that survivors that come into contact with the afterpeice tonic suffer from exhaustion for 30 seconds. When the clown was initially released this add on was fine. however once the recent exhaustion changes went live it hasn't been adjusted in any way…
A Super fit Old Guy Survivor
I play on ps4 and "Old Guy Jake" doesn't look very old, and it made me think about the trope of the super athletic old guy. Perks: Second wind: Exhaustion lasts 75/65/55% as long Eat My Dust: After being in a chase for 30 seconds, gain a 150% burst of speed for 1/2/3 seconds. This perk aligns with the killers second burst…
I had an idea, bad or not i don't know. Change Survive with friends to team match in main menu, add 1 or 2 survivors to the party, abd add second killer. This mode will have voice chat and the same amount of bp and exp as regular.
Self Care priority change
Can self care not take priority over unhooking and gate opening? It's so annoying to get smacked out of those actions and then press m1 with hope to pull some clutch plays just to stan there, heal and fail miserably because SC took priority. Or just give us different button to bind it.
Secondary Objective -- Shrines to the Entity
This Halloween event has shown that adding a secondary objective in addition to the generators is a great idea. However, milking these plants doesn't help survivors in the game and has caused killers to have an easy time of it. So what if instead of these plants, there were 4 shrines to the entity where you can worship --…