3rd person killer view?
Could the devs try out making the killers have 3rd person (With the option of choose between 3rd person or 1st person) for a PTB? I Play Identity 5 and honestly I can survivor and killer very well in that game. I think playing killer and survivor that way would be fun, It would make chases easier, but not make juking…
Keep event items and offerings when you prestige? / New Killer: Ghostface (Scream)
Event Items and offerings: I was mostly wondering why aren't we able to atleast keep our event items and offerings when you prestige a character. Event though we can't use them when the events are over, it would be nice if you were able to keep them for when you prestige way before the event is up again. I don't know if…
Keep event items and offerings when you prestige? / New Killer: Ghostface (Scream)
Event Items and offerings: I was mostly wondering why aren't we able to atleast keep our event items and offerings when you prestige a character. Event though we can't use them when the events are over, it would be nice if you were able to keep them for when you prestige way before the event is up again. I don't know if…
New Killer: The Thing
I think a new killer could destroy survivors' hopes and trust: the Thing, with the power to become very similar to a survivor previously hit! It would be very nasty!
Borrowed Time Effect for Successful Escape Attempts
You ever find yourself in that situation where you're getting face camped and exit gates are open? If it was your first hook, you would usually attempt to escape right? Would be nice if that you got that 4% or whatever %, or even deliverance, and you could still have a chance to escape. I would say the timer would be 15…
How to make the game fun/nier
The biggest problem right now is, that gens are done to fast and the killer lacks the counterplay to the SWF. How could we tackle this? First of all, this IS an asymmetrical game! The killer should have the power advantage and the survivors the number advantage. A killer should obliterate any survivor 1v1 within seconds.…
Fuel for gens / Reward killer for switching target
TL;DR: 1: Survs have another objective which is to get FUEL/GAS for the gens to be able to power them, ideally (maybe?) from JigSaw boxes which would now spawn regardless of who killer is. 2: Survs sit doing gens if killer is chasing nearby, there's no real 'fear' for them; buff killer who goes for a different surv…
Technician could use a buff.
I think technician is a really cool idea for a perk, but the fact that it has a 50% chance to not work makes it a huge turn off. I think it would be fine to either a) change it to 100% or if thats too strong b) change it to 100% and add a cooldown to it. That way you can only miss something like 1 skill check every 20…
Because im sick and tired of kids talking about decisive strike...
I thought of a way to rework decisive so all killers and survivors will like it (YOU HAVE TO READ ALL OF IT BEFORE MESSAGING/COMMENTING) decisive strike is now an unlimited use perk with a HUGE rework towards the instant "get out of jail" free card ability to it When obsession your struggle speed is increased by 40/50/60%,…
If you fake farmed survivors, is it a bannable cause?
For example if I slapped a generator or hex or event item and pulled them off and made other survivors believe it too
Matchmaking changes for SWF
As a new killer, i keep running into SWF groups that consist of two new players and two red ranks. They get in my lobby because of that, so the red ranks can troll me around the whole round. I do think there are groups who are intentionally seeking up new and low rank players to get in matches with less experienced…
Stop SWF Abuse Please!
I admit, I am not the best player. I am stuck around rank 10/11 with killer and even lower with survivor. So this is even more of a problem for me than for others who are good enough to eventually get to rank 1. Almost every game is against SWF. This in itself is not the real problem, but it leads to it. What I mean is…
New event = test run for secondary objective
What are your thoughts and feelings about the secondary objective? Does it slow down the game enough to matter? Is it too much? Do you think it's better with more or less objectives and how do survivors feel about competing for the objectives? Please feel free to share your thoughts
LF Buffs (Fun Changes)
Warning: If you see anything that is OP please remain calm as these numbers aren't final meaning they can always change! Thank you! Leather Face (Basic Changes) Terror Radius: 24 meters (Was 32 meters) Leather Face (Bubba's Chainsaw) Chainsaw Swing now last for 6 seconds and destroying pallets reduces 2 seconds from the…
New Cosmetics for The Pig?
I know I am not the first one to whine about not having cosmetic options for the pig other than the prestige but I would still love it. I love playing the pig and having a new cosmetic even as simple as a black robe or leather gloves would be really neat. The pig in the SAW franchise has taken many forms and had many…
QoL Change: Needed Role
This suggestion is aimed at making lobbies fill up easier, paired with another idea someone else had. I imagine the developers record statistical data on various game functions, and this suggestion would use those statistics (if recorded) to increase the efficiencies of lobbies. First, to pair off of someone else's idea…
20+ minutes to find survivors.
This has been an issue for a damn long time now. I create lobbies and wait for 20 minutes straight to have one, ONE, survivor join my lobby until he decides it's not worth it to wait 5 minutes to find another one. In the rare case I actually get to play, the game usually lasts about 2 minutes because the game is getting…
my wishlist
sorry for my english i have my wishlist: * ingame icon for alert the completed pip after done the correct point. * sistem for local pc for colorize the player toxic for me (if i found in party i see name in red/yellow etc) after i have add it in blacklist * if a toxic player disconnect for rage or suicide other survivor…
accidental repost delete
accidentally posted something twice and dont know how to delete threads
When devs make somthing with insta heal?!
Honestly i must hit as killer 2x but surv can insta heal in one sec just becose why not?Excuse me not all killers can hit surv on 1 hit and take him on hook.On my eyes surv jump off from hook insta heal him self and run to gate gg ez .Nice balance rly nice god when you finaly make somthing with this #########?!
Can we lower the amount of hooks?
Like srsly even if you run 4 petrified oaks the amount of hooks on a map is to much, ive played 50 rounds and timed myself for escape, and littrly the average time it takes for a killer to hook is 5 sec. Not to mention if they have iron grasp and knockout you cant escape at all. In general whise why must there be so meny…
Potential for Jason
It would seem that in lieu of certain events happening in certain games that it wouldn't be too hard right now for the powers-that-be to reach out to help make mr. Voorhees find himself in the realm of entity.It all boils down to acquisition of license Now is the time it would make a lot of fans dream come true, to see…
Suggestion: How to fix gen rush
Gens will be covered in plants and the survivors must harvest these plants in order to work on the gens. Each plant will reward the survivors with bloodpoints. This will be beneficial to both teams. The survivors will be rewarded and the killer will have extra time. The time to harvest should be similar to halloween pods…
Rebalance your match matching system. (or add unranked)
I am getting sick and tired and the bullshit people can pull off but when I try that ######### I get killed every ######### time. and yes I meant to curse there it has me at the point where I'm demanding my money back. I play this game at a pretty average skill level. but your stupid matchmaking system ranks me with…
Flies in the Bloodweb?
Hey all, I thought I would throw in a suggested new item in the bloodweb for both players and killers. Ever feel frurstrated while working the bloodweb that that next item is only a few hundred points away? I know I have and I'm willing to bet everyone else has, too. So my suggestion is to add flies to the bloodweb :) .…
Pallet Effect - Wounded
Hi there! So recently the pallets we're made further apart and in some maps, continuous pallets are less accessible, making pallets more valuable and should be respected by the survivors who uses them. In the current state, pallets are good but not that great. Killers can straight up ignore the pallets (or avoid them by…
New party system
Nww party system would be awesome so no one have to invite again to party once they leave the lobby or the game after it ends it would come handy so we don't have to invite other so many times.
New Hex Perk for Killers
I think it would be fun for survivors and killers if you added a new hex perk that would work exactly like ruin but for healing. I play more survivor and as a survivor I think it would be more fun and will slow the game down just a little bit or a little bit more if killers get the swamp map and they have ruin and this…
Let me push other survivors off me
I like to call this "heal #########" It tends to happen at lower skill levels for survivors. It's when a survivor unhooks you and heals you under the hook with the killer coming right at you or otherwise runs up to you and starts healing you and the same thing happens, and your left screaming "get off of me!" in a futile…
Halloween Blight
I love the idea for this Event and I love doing the flowers but pitting Survivors against Survivors to get Nectar is weird in a game based on random cooperation between Survivors. I also want to add that getting 4,000 or however many points you get (if you play the flower offering) is cool but if one plant equals 33%…
Hollowed Blight and Secondary Objectives
So Hollowed Blight shows a possible route to extend games with secondary objectives for survivors. The name of the game is greed! Give the survivors something to do that takes a fair amount of time, but make it worth their while. For example, there could be a dumbwaiter on the map that requires repairs. Repairing it would…
Please add more blood to the P3 cosmetics
i dont know about other survivors but Neas P3 bloody clothing attire on her neck shows all skin when it should be bloody and i feel that all P3 clothing attire sets should be relooked and have more blood be added to uncovered areas like on neas hat as well its clean yet her whole head is bloody. i feel that they should all…
Old Michael Myers
In my opinion, Michael Myers needs another skin besides the original one (no, I’m not suggesting a shirtless Daddy Myers, although, that would be very interesting to see). I get that there would probably be a lot of red tape, but the new costume from the 2018 Halloween movie would be an amazing addition to the game. For…
Different Game Mode Concepts
I know that implementing new game modes takes a long time to do, but I wanted to suggest a couple of basic game mode concepts, that we could see down the road. RANKED MODE Right now, the game is only Ranked mode. It should be a game mode for competitive play, without SWF and KYF. This would solely be for players that want…
I think that if you drop a hook within a certain radius of the killer holding a survivor you should get rescue points if they wiggle free, you get rewarded for every other save but this one it seems
DLC exclusifs sur consoles
[FR]: Salut! En tant que joueur PS4 j'ai été déçu comme la plupart des gens de ne pas avoir le DLC Left 4 Dead mais je sais que ce n'est pas la faute des développeurs. J'ai eu une idée. Pourquoi ne pas mettre un DLC Resident Evil en exclusivité consoles (PlayStation 4 & Xbox One) ? ;) Ça pourrait être sympa. [EN]: Hi! As a…
Huntress hatchet costmetics?
So uhh. I play huntress and I think it would be really cool if huntress could get hatchet cosmetics. Idk just a thought because it would be cool.
Pallet Effect - Wounded
Hi there! So recently the pallets we're made further apart and in some maps, continuous pallets are less accessible, making pallets more valuable and should be respected by the survivors who uses them. In the current state, pallets are good but not that great. Killers can straight up ignore the pallets (or avoid them by…
You must survive the lag
Don' t add skins, add dedicate servers
Cashcrop game
We have to buy 7 DLCs each $7 for a $20 game and NOW like 1/4 of the cosmetics are paid only. We have to pay $70 for the full game and if we want cosmetics, the prices are way higher. Without the DLCs essential perks are missing when playing killer/survivor and you are basically forced buying the DLCs in order to get the…
Stay on SWF lobby
Instead of having to go through then entire process and menus when dodged or the game ended.
There Should be an Option for Black Bars in 21:9
I use a 21:9 monitor, and because of this I cannot play the game. It crops out my screen! It'd be nice if the developers would add an option to have black bars on the sides so it's just 16:9. Myself and many others would appreciate this. Thanks,
PS4 running smoother!!!
Maybe it is in my head, but it really seems like the game is running a touch smoother since 2.3 I know the menus are smoother for sure. Just interacting seems to be like a few frames better? In game, it seems to be 2-3 frames better maybe? I have no clue... it's better tough it seems. Yeah... I'm pretty sure some sort of…
Changes I would like to see
As a survivor: * rework the old maps so that there are more good hiding spot, the new map Yamaoka estate is a perfect example, the sump maps too * rework obstacles so you can actually hide behind them. All the boxes in the McMillian maps are a joke since all killers except hag and pig can look over them * award points for…
The serum idea
I look a secondary bonus objective used to gain an out of match reward? Hmm. What if we keep these flowers in some form and chance what you can buy with the rewards? What if with every Serum gained you can trade it for one add on or offering of any rarity. Just a quick pop corn thought.
^ - what it says up there.
New Matchmaking system or old
Before my lobby was instantly filled by survs at any ranks even if there was 7k people in game. Now it takes a lot of time more than 10 min with 50k people online.
Make a movie whit dead by daylight maxim 2 houre please dead by daylight is super cool pls make a movie
Advanced controls option
Hi, I getthat every game today has 1 button for everything but an optional advanced setup would be nice. As an example I was playing a game earlier where trapper had put his trap in front of a vault window. I pressed a button to disarm it but instead it tried to vault the window which pulled me into the trap! Not good.…
Idea for new item
Hey all, I thought I would throw in a suggested new item in the bloodweb for both players and killers. Ever feel frurstrated while working the bloodweb that that next item is only a few hundred points away? I know I have and I'm willing to bet everyone else has, too. So my suggestion is to add flies to the bloodweb :) .…