Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • "In a roll" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  • Was it confirmed somewhere that it wouldnt be worked out or that it was intended to be accessory-less?
  • Dont know why it double posted sorry.
  • Jack o lanterns, scarecrows, etc spread around map for survivors to interact with. Getting items for cosmetics, and killers could have the usual hook or a similar item to interact with, like maybe the crows.
  • Not an option just make this a reverse game mode. Killers in 3rd person, survivors in 1st. Could be the pizza party mode lol
  • "Salt, Ochido, and Everything Toxic" lol i love it
  • Honestly when i see Horvath on stream i think to myself "he would be an awesome looking survivor". Add Stefan!!
  • Being from the south myself, Beverly sure does say south. Lol Georgia fits you
  • Just had to save this 😂😂
  • I also love the community. Of course every community has their trolls etc but mostly ive seen people being helpful. As a survivor when i play i always do the teabag greeting and we usually work together if solo and look out for one another. Its a pretty funny insider amongst survivors. Id love a campire hub so everyone can…
  • I am from Planet Tiamat. United States. Miami, fl. Sup everyone!!!!
  • To be honest i do the same. I also use my peripheral vision as killer it really helps. Sometimes i catch the end of someones clothing, or the item in their hand. Its like a built in M&A lol playing survivor helps me alot as killer too and vica versa. 
  • I do this all the ######### time idk. The first person view is for that purpose, to immerse you in the chase and make you feel like you are doing it. I love it! Its funny because while my bro plays battlefield, if someone shoots a rocket his way he ducks lol haha
  • Yea git gud and go cry me a river. 3 weeks and you're whining like a baby already? Pathetic. Learn how to counter and punish before you cry. First complain is about the 1st person view.. grow up. If you cant punish survs for being over altruistic thats on you for being a horrible killer. Every game blah blah i doubt that.…
  • This is so cool. Id love to eventually get a complete version. Even if they release a DBD shirt with the Entitys alphabets that would be awesome. 
  • Have fun with that buggy ass AAA title lol fallout was nice at first but but its overrated. You are better off gettin elder scrolls..and even that was mehh. October? Yeah ok no way she comes out that late. Enjoy your crappy beta though.
  • Well lucky for us, his haircut and alternative wardrobe is basically fresh prince inspired. The high fade and his alternate jean jacket outfit .Gives a hint in his bio about it too.
  • Lmao go ahead. Those names will be what i name them during my streams etc. Cant wait to get situated!
  • Trapper= TrapDaddy Wraith= Philip Hag= Hag the Lag (due to trap spamming) Hillbilly=Billy Doctor=Herman Huntress=Anna Clown=Kenneth or Thick Boii Spirit=Rin Bonus: Dwight=Dwighty Claudette=Claudy Jake=Monto David King=Richboy Feng=Fengalickin Tapp=Tappy Kate=Thick Girl Adam=Fresh Prince
  • Open handed is Ace Viscontis perk. It extends the aura reading of every1 by 8 meters on lv3 if im not mistaken. So it helps any survivor running aura perks as well as yourself, and extends bond even further. One of my favorite non meta combos.
  • Im very excited. All the people talking ######### because shes not nurse or billy needa play with someone else. If all you play are those 2 because "they are best for high rank" you are pathetic. Have some fun, pick someone with different gimmicks. Dont just run metas, thats boring. Billy takes no skill anyway... But yes i…
  • Bond+open handed= your welcome. One of my fav perk combos.
  • You are good man, the trifecta would be considered the meta. DS, SB, AND SC. DH is situational and takes more skill to know when to use it etc. I love DH. Also BBQ OP? Lmaoooo... doesnt want extra points for not camping? Its a perk to motivate playing fairly and going for other survivors. Just because people use BBQ to…
  • Touche' lol same can be said about running the meta build. I dont run the trifecta (SB, SC, DS) and i still have great success as a surv and have fun. Unless i spawn with potatoes....
  • I was gonna p3 Tapp as my 2nd male main but once i knew he wasnt getting cosmetics it broke my heart lol so im excited for Fresh Prince of Jamaica Adam, im gonna main him and swag him out for sure.
  • This. At the end of the day, the right build in anyones hands can work wonders too. With some tweaks til the official release Spirit will also play a bit differently. Once you know how to truly play, counter etc unless you're using a true low tier like Freddy or CampingFace you can F up survivors. People are so quick to…
  • Hag cause of the trap spams, especially if theres dumb survs included. Id also say no skill Billy, other killers are pretty fun to play against. Wraith can be annoying sometimes, due to being invis like Freddy but its ok. I think once guys like Freddy and LF get a buff they will be crazy. LF maybe a speed buff and add-on…
  • When one of the weakest killers gets a thread asking for a nerf 😂😂. Might as well nerf Freddy because you cant locate him too. FOH.
  • Black jacket red undershirt with bloody pants or Golden robe Ace (clean shaven with mohawk and shades) Camo Joggin Meg (with red hair bun) Pizza Pajama Dwight (i mixed his pizza skully with the red stripe pajama set) All Black Sci-fi, Trapper face Feng Oh ######### im scared of clowns full outfit for ThickBoy Kenneth…
  • Someone didnt read the rules lol one question baka
  • Nice 11am for me lol ill make sure to take my lunch at that time for sure
  • SWF? Heh, if they come item heavy use Franklin to break their hearts, IG to help DS and any tracking perk you like, BBQ/BM my 2 favs. Also force their gen repairs to certain gens in ######### up spots if possible. I only dodge SWF if its 4 flashlights or 4 tooleys. If its mixed items i play idc. Id say give killer 20% BP…
  • Besides blatant facecamping, and some little things here and there im not so upset with the game like others. Sure it has some balancing issues but hell COD does too other games as well that are AAA and people still ride that train. Most complaints are little kids who dont want to learn or counter, they want things handed.…
  • Multiple choice moris...yeah no thanks. I rather have a complete mori rework for a few killers, a 2nd built in mori (killer chooses how to kill), or a character specific mori. License killers with special kills towards their respective dlc survs. LF could just mori his camping self for all i care lol 
  • I say they will support and add til it hits about 5yrs. During that time im sure DBD2 has been conceptually talked about etc. So by YR 5 id expect some news on that or a new title altogether. But i see a polished DBD2 in the future. Now with all these carbon copies around, im sure they wanna blow them out the water.
  • Yep. Idk how a deflating balloon counts as a voice.....
  • Ahhh Iphone problems :p . Luckily the Ace cosmetics i wanted were cheap with IS, besides me getting his gold robe. I think part of havin excitement though is not expecting too much. Also just lettin it come to you, it could turn you on or off come PTB. PTB is great to work out power kinks, at first Clown was a little OP…
  • No no lol dont do that. Id say smoke bud f alcohol, but to each their own. You can always play the mobile DBD til you get a new TV lol by that time new chapter will be out, and you can save up for the cosmetics coming along with it.
  • "Im not hype for the new album of so and so artist but you know..ima buy it" um ok? :| 
  • More DS cries sheesh....Dead by DS?
  • Will us fog travelers be getting a new game mode anytime soon? Ex. 2killers vs 8survivors on bigger maps, or modes with multiple objectives. 
  • So glad they changed my thick girls voice lol
  • No shes fine to me. Comes down to how you pressure with her i feel. Some piggy players dont bother with RBT which is a big mistake. Always put traps to counter gen rushing. That with her blindess build will make survs reluctant to unhook along with MYC, and i forgot that perk that damages the unhooker etc. All killers need…
  • Actually yes the origin is mixed between original and modern stories. Some stories indicate he just slit her mouth, others say he slaughtered her and gave her the smile. In this video hes clearly slaughtering her. Her story is constantly twisted, modern age has her wear a mask but it didnt start that way.
  • Smh do people not use context clues anymore? The woman is Kuchisake-Onna. Shes being slaughtered for cheating, and the man speaking could be her father not the man slicing her. 
  • No no and NO. Kuchisake-Onna got slaughtered by her samurai husband for cheating. The mask will be a cosmetic as well as the sword im sure. Lmaoo how you got Oni killer from that idk what you seen. First thing you see on the screen and you jump at it lol i guess when Kate was teased you thought the killer would attack with…
  • I always leave f those toxic survivors. Ive never been that type of surv, unless im purposely trying to distract the killer from a newb etc thats the only time i tbag. Other than that i tbag as a greetin to survivors..idk why but its a thing. Once you tbag a fellow surv they know you know how to play more or less. Once at…