They aren't good mindgames, the vault one perhaps can be argued as such, but fake-phasing is so incredibly unintuitive and brainless. The survivor knowing she's phasing does NOT remove the mindgame of where she is gonna reappear at.
No, he can set them so easily that there's no way to justify that, he'd legit just be a better Hag then.
hell no.
The idea is great. Too bad the game's base code is literal spaghetti and I guarantee it'd lead to an assload of exploits. Unlucky!
I bought this game to play killer. And honestly, if you find killer stressful you probably shouldn't play it. I haven't felt bullied, abused or stressed in this game after my first 100 hours or so at all.
Rank means practically nothing after you're in the greens. I feel no difference between R10, R5 or R1, it's a placebo or a non-connection you make based on luck.
Agreed: a) It either gets cleansed early and now you play with 3 perks. b) The survs just work through it. c) The surv's can't hit the skillchecks. A ): Well wasnt that a waste B ): Well wasn't that a waste C ): Yours survs probably aren't good enough that you'd even need the perk in the first place.
Hag is INSANELY powerful if you know what you're doing: Most Hags I see just start chasing turboearly for no reason, you NEED to set up your web and shouldnt have more than 2 or 3 traps at hand at any given them. -If you find a surv early, pretend to chase them while setting up your web. -Do not chase outside of your web.…
Here's what I think Doc could use: -Increase base shock range, reduce range provided by electrodes -Make him swap between the stances faster -Reduce the slowdown penalty when charging the shock -And compensate by making it so that RANDOM screams do not cancel actions and that survs do not enter Madness 2 or 3 from the…
just do what Hexy does and moonwalk every chase :)
Just 360 him lol
I didn't want to make Rotten too frustrating to play against. Brutalize feedback taken. Dismember feedback taken. I dislike adding major weaknesses to killers, restrictions are one thing (Huntress is a good example for that IMO) but straight up crippling weaknesses like Legion or Freddy are extremely irritating.
If we remove Nurse, Spirit, Billy and Hag or heavily nerf them. Otherwise survivors could never beat any of these 4 because they're already suited to win consistently with the current gen-time.
Because people don't care about being "optimal"? This question is easily turned around to ask why does literally any killer besides nurse get played?
Hell no, considering how many cheaters there are during free periods already and how awful the community can be F2P would kill this game
There is.
I don't use Ruin unless I have no other options.
I play Doc as a pure offense-killer with Sloppy, BBQ, Nurse's and Enduring, and NC is a big part of the build to constantly have a chase
It seems I accidentally posted this twice lol.
Freddy doesn't need a buff- he needs a rework.
I would personally lower the base fatigue-time, currently he relies on cooldown add-ons too heavily, would make frenzy still down injured survs (so they have to actually heal) and make Mending take longer and not store progress. I don't think the power should show auras, and mending shouldnt count as healing because it…
@Wolf74 still waiting to hear why you think instasaw is fair btw
???? I just said I enjoy this, I think you're completely wrong and delusional but I am looking to have a genuine argument. Speaking of echo chambers, you've been unironically implying that survivors are still overpowered, that is not true. The weaker killers are underpowered and some maps have been poorly designed, this…
I don't agree or disagree, I think it would be nice but I think that a buff like this would require at least the compensation of reworking I-heads.
Also if you think the tinkerer rework did anything you are just plain wrong, Carburator Tuning Guide + Thompson Mix/Primer Bulb is still extremely broken
Instasaw takes literally 0 skill to use. There is 0 argument to be had for keeping it as is. You are arguing that "Billy shouldn't be nerfed" not "instasaw shouldn't be nerfed". A nerf to a killer is either nerfing their add-ons when they NEED them, like the blocks or class photo for freddy, or leatherfaces add-ons, but…
Instasaw is not a SIGNIFICANT nerf to Billy, because good Billies do not need it, Billy is top-tier with or without add-ons, this specific combo just makes it too much. The entire delusion that Billy takes no skill comes FROM instasaw removing the need to time chainsaws and reducing the cooldown to an extent where you dont…
Nerfing instasaw would not hurt Hillbilly's viability, it just makes the player actually have better timing (I dont use charge-speed add-ons because they often cause me to overcharge), Billy's saw is perfectly viable around loops without instasaw if your timing is good. Instasaw takes away this need to have timing skills…
Wolf74 calls every counterargument a survivor-meme, disregarding the comment where I said one of the best Billy players says instasaw is stupidly broken and continuing the delusion that you cannot main killer and consider some things they have stupid. When you talk about balance you talk objectively. The lower-tier killers…
Run it from the inside, most killers do the mistake of either vaulting the window or running through the outside which is really safe.
Bison has the most, I cant remember his steam name but last I checked +10k if memory serves
That's this dude's argument against anything "darn survivor meme", I feel like he has nothing real to say.
Zubat says instasaw is stupid. If you dont believe a killer main would say that then what's your argument vs that?
You do realize Billy literally doesnt need add-ons right? Nerfing instasaw wouldnt hurt good Billies whatsoever.
Agreed, instasaw takes no skill to use and it's basically impossible to dodge.
Though if that wasn't baseline then it'd make sense. I do however think Doc could have his power shifted from the passive into his chasegame: -make swapping stances faster -reduces movespeed slow when charging a shock -buff base range, reduce the range from electrodes. -make it impossible to ender madness 2/3 from the…
??????? That's already how it is, why are you making posts about things you dont even know anything about???
I literally do not understand where you got that idea, crouching is a sruvivor ability, youre saying spamming it should cause a debuff, why shouldnt same apply to killers BMing?
Nodding their head should sprain the killer's neck forcing them to look up/down permanently for the match, spamming M2 should break billy's chainsaw, trap-bagging as Evan should cause his traps to break. Any other stupid ideas?
I think there are programs for that. I have a toggle button built into my mouse that allows me to "hold" M1/2 just by clicking which I usually use to do gens Also have a button to spam m2
Any coldwind map because transparent jungle gyms or haddonfield because that map was designed by a literal sociopath
People just need to learn to play around them, if you don't cleanse dull totems and dont slug the obsession you're literally asking to get f'd by the perk Get good.
I was in a hatch standoff as Billy and I just chainsawed the guy (I dnt like standoffs) and the saw somehow made him knock away from the hatch so he couldnt jump and I just picked him up and hooked his ass.
How to buff Freddy: Remove lightburn and the slow when he's uncloaking.
* Doctor * Hillbilly * Nurse * Huntress * Freddy I dont really play anything besides the first 3 but I do enjoy Huntress and Freddy as well.