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  • I only directing my complaints to the DBD team the game is cool once you reach rank 15 you usually know enough about it to understand how to play properly but most people are not about to beat their heads on the wall for a game that been out for not 1 or 2 years but 3 and still sucking dollars out of the game rather then…
  • Im fine with that tbh and I willing to form a team around having fun with a killer instead of being toxic every game if the devs seriously made this game with the intent "not to be taken seriously" then why cant switching up how the known way that has been played for mainly 3 years with a few acceptations be so bad? I not…
  • *Sees* I guess im back cause its true
  • Im a rank 1 survivor I mainly play swf I just feel like the game is balanced if you have ruin and some other good perks as killer your chances to win are 95% so the fact that killers can control the game in a way where all can get max points they should take the time and think like an actual killer no killer kills their…
  • Only trashbags use ruin
    in Ruin Comment by Raidoku September 2019
  • My friend there is a rather easy way to deal with moris whenever the offering screen pops up and I see killer using secret offerings im checking my NAT type even if I find out it wasn't a mori I love wasting killers secrets offerings usually 95% of the time its mori they need to change how it works two hooks and then mori…
  • they always say that ive even said that and played later that night xD
  • this opinion is flawed your saying that ruin is the only way to kinda slow down gen rush? silly you need 1 perk in order to enjoy game as killer xD
  • This is serious If a killer quits the match making will take a little longer we cant have that... seriously stop trolling this guy if he serious feels this way try to help him not see it that way instead of encouraging quiting I swear this community is toxic af
  • It can be tested again with the timer stopping for a certain amount of time before begins giving the killer camping credit should they desire but should do something to encourage the killer to move away from hook such as cant get bloodlust when chasing or slowing down their speed I believe this mechanic needs to be…
  • Only kids whine about camping and the non kids who do whine are trash a good or decent player will admit when they got caught it was likely they fault and I want you to camp me so my swf can fix gens and I use deliverance once you walk away
  • point proven toxic :D
  • na there should not be a cap to points obtained because a game can last 30 mins I want points for each second im in the game or why be there if I did the max I could get 15 mins ago but still gotta spend another 10 mins playing thumbs down.
  • Killers shouldn't be lunging to begin with they already running after survivors and can get extra speed by lunging?! Na son...
  • Only killer mains says this move is fine as it is it sucks in my opinion so after being unhooked im suppose to run into the killer within 60 secs? that sounds dumb since the point of the game is avoiding the killer I should be able to heal, fix gens, and cleanse totems before it expirese should work like deliverance once…
  • so if im on one side of window and you on other if you swing at window I take an hit? DUMB remove feature better yet if that's the case you may as well grab me and pull me through window basically.
  • 10:05 perfect example of vaulting and moving and getting hit still
  • Add me on xbox Raidoku Samurai im pretty much one of the elite 4 on xbox (rank 4) :D
  • Killers have more advantages then survivors only natural to complain about that just like how poor complain the rich has too much same difference.
  • self care is trash at high ranks because it takes too long to heal when you can bring a basic med kit with an instant heal I barely get caught by killer using sprint burst lets me get away from killer before they find me.
  • The Devs will never rework all perks that's an overhaul of the game they have no desire no willpower to do that proof game being out for 3 years with little gameplay changes and more changes into how certain moves work. So the only option is to remove Noed because they will not rework it or Hex Ruin so why waste time…
  • Agreed some perks shouldn't be perks at all should instead be normal gameplay mechanic.
    in Tunneling Comment by Raidoku July 2019
  • When can we expect rework for survivors fixed animations better hit boxes and perks for survivors that are more fair to help go against killer.
  • Agreed I have my whole team use meg so we can SB and we use no glitch its not OP or broken even if there was a glitch no fix needed keep as if they fixing perks start with hex ruin
  • TBH I been saying how the hell this game been out for 3 years and only 1 mode that is extremely lazy and kind of feels like the DEVs sat back got paid from those who brought the game and supported them throughout the years and said " eh they got what we gave them" idl why the creators cant be more creative with modes of…
  • Although you right to a degree he still can whine its his opinion but I do agree since it has no gameplay impact in the slightest bit this is not noteworthy tbh in my OPINION.
  • That's toxic for hating on how someone feels I do SWF and when a rank 1 spirit or plague is running hex ruin im disconnecting idc about losing rank since it doesn't mean anything tbh people should just d/c when your not happy with a match since there is no penalty maybe the devs will add one if we all complain about it.
  • If the Devs listen to our pleas can you guys at least acknowledge how flawed of a mechanic this is? And work towards removing it or changing how it works? On console its deadly fingers slip for 1 second and that's it your dead.
  • I AGREE times 10 im sick of low rank killers all running the same perks and using same killers.
  • All the killers with bs no terror radius abilities is silly Michael, Huntress, Freddy (before rework) can just get up on you and youll know cause it will be too late
  • Its nice to hear a dev saying our feedback matters from console I know that it matters but the real question is do they listen or are we just " console players" because I one of the SWF on xbox where I meet 3-9 new players everyday from looking for group. And I meet low ranks and high ranks with good opinions who played…
  • I used a entire yellow flashlight while the killer wasn’t picking up a survivor and he didn’t get blinded in the face recorded footage on console but agree researching and being informed about how “angles” work and difference between flashlights I sorry for speaking about things I didn’t know the entire facts on and I not…
  • Not true ESO, Maple Story, WOW, Black Desert, Fortnite, Apex Legends are just a few games that you can literally pick up for the first time and decide if its your type of game and feel even if it isn't your cup of tea you can fairly say that was fair just not for me.
  • happens when your using thegates to exit and you leave off screen and are still inside of the trial this has happened to me on console idk about the pc experience.
  • I assume I upset killer mains I am rank 4 survivor as of today lost rank 3 for playing with randoms but ok I forgot that complaining about anything killers have in the game is considered toxic ill just deal with it even tho all low tiers use the skill with other OP perks
  • If you D/C three times or twice a day should be banned for 24hrs cause that would limit D/C maybe but there does need to be a ranked mode and SWF isnt alalways balanced just means your usually in communication with your team mate they still could suck.
  • DS should be token based with a max of 3 tokens should only be able to use it after being hooked minus the timer like distortion. DS as is currently isnt fine and needs serious revamping.
    in D-Strike Comment by Raidoku July 2019
  • anyone who says get GREAT skills checks are toxic because you cant get Great every tme or no one would complain about the perk so dont fall for the "get good" toxic talk.
  • Hex ruin RUINS the game it doesnt matter how GOOD you are only killer mains says that and TBH its annoying because you spend 15-20 mins looking for the totem half of team has been on hook by then and only when you find it does the game actually start but its too late and takes the fun out the game because i think it needs…
  • Thats one of the reasons i dont play killer because it takes too long if i get home at 3pm from work and start playing DBD i sit there for 15-20 mins for a match and if your playing all day your wasting about a hour plus just waiting when survivors are damn near instant lobbies devs need to fix this or i will never be able…
  • Freddy is a ######### killer dont make no sense you cant see him until your sleep and getting hooked wakes you up but taking actual damage dont wake you up he needs to be fixed if he is in the dream world in THE MOVIES taking damage would awake the person he was stalking so he should follow the same rules are or are the…
  • I agree killers attack recovery speed is too fast only killer mains going to disagree and say otherwise and all killers should move the same speed like how survivors do so nurse speed is reasonable considering there are many speed attack and movement add ons and perks.
  • I think a total of 6 Perks should appear in the shrine because its there for an entire week 7 days and tbh if your a serious or common player you can get an easy 1200-1500 currency a day and if you been waiting and saving your money its a big smack in the face to wait about 2-3 weeks only to get perks you either already…
  • TBH playing as a survivor means your lkely going to die due to your team not doing their part camping hatch or simply hiding in the basement or lockers the whole time if your playing with randoms. Hopefully Devs patch game to make it less toxic experience for all players i made a forum about other modes that could be added…
  • Killer Gets 1 Perk active per generator fixed Survivor Wiggle Speed increased by 15% Add melee perks or melee items (bats, knife, fists) fix hit boxes of killers so they cant hit you even though you dodged them If using a pallet and killer attack they ALWAYS hit pallet and not survivor Add more generators or spread them…