nameshaming is only agaisnt the rules if its actually shaming. He can show names of other players (for example his teammates) as long as he doesnt talk bad about them in any way.
there is a huge difference is 2v8 and lights out..
I have over 6k hours on console and switched over to pc now. I do agree its a better experience for killer but still not easier. For survivor i still prefer controller by far.
you acting like the killer can block 2 exits lmao. If another survivor also blocks exit, its the survivors fault not the killers.
would still be the same thing with survivors waiting on exit gates. Both can be uneccesary and drags the game out for no reason but can be easily played around (unless someone decides to go a step further)
can we finally stop acting like mnk/controller is harder to play on? Its only harder if you are not used to. Otherwise both can have advantages and disadvantages but its not easier or harder.
It really depends on more context i think. Did the killer knew what the survivor was doing? If not, he shouldnt be punished, unless we agree to also ban people waiting for the killer on exit gates. Both kinda the same thing. however if he knew dwight was blocking as well, both should definitely banned. For me it sounds…
i had the same issue. I just waited for like an hour and then tried again and it worked.
there is still a chance we get a map. They could give us instead a map variant for example. They did the same with skull merchant back then and didnt include that in the roadmap if i recall correctly.
as someone who uses alot of dance with me and quick and quiet paired with lithe, it can definitely be strong if used correctly. However you have to sacrifice all your perk slots to make it work lol.
skill issue
getting to p3 really doesnt take long lol nowdays, especially since it also auto unlocks all their perks for everyone else.
i agree it needs to stay but tbh weaves, franklins and also lightborn for example are also completely useless if they dont bring items.
probably dlc stuff but honestly i dont care about that and think its fair. Just give me my levels and my cosmeticsc, especially my aot stuff.
same happened to me and some of my other friends. We always crashed at the same time as well.
Id gladly help you out in my free time. I will pm you my steam etc.
wrong timeline, freddy dead here already
I never ever see him in my matches. What exaclty isnt working on him rn and since when?
If people defend something its a proof that its overtuned?? By that logic alot of stuff you defended needs a huge nerf
if we go by winrates to decide whats balanced etc, nurse and other stuff would need huge buffs.
I always say gg, even if i lost.
Not my fault if you are a bad loser. If you cant handle a loss, dont play and close chat.
what exactly is bugged there?
I didnt even knew i had to have it active..
it does not hide scratch marks, i even tested with fixated.
By that logic the character would be completely free even tho its a whole different ,,skin“ and voice etc.
its not only a possibility, its definitely a castlevania reference. 100%
The middle icon
Whatisaman is a castlevania reference. One of the most popular lines there
Next month
I think its pretty fair like that for newcomers but also older players. Next year you can get them for shards.
Its fairly simple to understand that this is not what op meant.
Same kept happening to one of my mates. All the time only to him. No clue whats going on.
Cheryl and Artist i guess
I also made a thread about this last time. GIVE US OUR CHARACTER INFO BACK
Its weird that they all comment on this exact thread. I like your name tho.
how could side x dare to not farm or let me have some easy wins! Stop trying to have fun and stop trying to win!
whats up with all these brand new account just under this thread? Seems kinda sus
where is that hinted at?
this is the exact mindset why solo q is so trash
You dont know how it works either it seems like. Btw guys, even if you use the perk alone, your mates will acutally benefit from it once you are within i think 16m range again. Once you used the perk, you actually have a aura with the effect kinda like you were a boon yourself. Go into custom game and try it yourself.
I dont think thats quite the same to compare.
Maybe you could post a link to the support page since?
Not neccesary, they also do ,,random“ meetups as well so it is possible to stumple into it even if its rare.
The thing is more that many players need something to work towards to, to stay motivated. I gotike 6k hours in this game but i would have never played that much if we had everything instantly unlocked with basically no progression or whatever.
I play with crossplay but there are still alot of people who play with it off for different reasons so lets not try to defend it.
It hurts nobody? I want to play the game how it is meant to, i dont want to farm. But if i dont join, they will just slug us and let us bleed out. How could we possibly dare to want to play the game the intended way.
No, giving both endurance is a terrible idea that would get abused so hard. I wouldnt mind giving the unhooked person more haste for longer and maybe even at a greater value but also buffing the unhooker is such a unhealthy idea.
how can you tunnel the unhooker? If the unhooker had bt as well, we could just go for the unhooked again.
Hell no, this would get abused so much. Besides, if they did this, it would only make tunneling more appealing again since it wouldnt matter after who you go, especially if they just insta unhook in your face.