The worst part for me is that they openly acknowledge that Blast Mine has no other use than annoying other players, yet see no issue with that; wild take: don't put stuff into your game to purposefuly make it aggravating to play.
The new system protects Survivors who create a 3gen by themselfs just as much as Survivors who are forced into a 3gen by the Killer, that is the biggest mistake Survivors can make short of just running into the Killer, but thanks to the new system they no longer have to face the consequences. But at the same time you…
So a downed Survivor getting saved is a failure of the Killer that deserves them to lose the game, (because a save is always preventable - yeah), but if Survivors build a 3gen by going for the savest gens first, they deserve to have their game saved by a mechanic, that was allegedly designed to only activates against…
Making sure that player mistakes don't have lasting consequences is great game design - if one assumes that players are playing against npcs.
Kill rates don't show where problems might be; Killer-specific MMR ensures that every killer that has some realistic potential to kill Survivor without being unbeatable will gravitate to the same kill rate.
Well this is... not as bad as expected. STBFL should only receive the later change as long as M1 Killer are so dependend on it, it doesn't make or break the perk, but again the weak get weaker. And honestly, who looked at Ormond and thought "Yes, this are the changes the map needs to be balanced"?
I think it should lead to a permanent ban. Killers should be required to play suboptimal if that means a subjective improvment in the Survivors experience. After all it isn't up the devs to make sure that the base game design doesn't cause unfun interactions and if it does the responsibility to play around that should fall…
There is only one rule Killers have to follow: "Smartasses get killed. We always see to that."
How did the Killer get STBFL stacks if they were tunneling?
Hook grabs as a mechanic led to bad gameplay, but removing them without an replacement means that Killers now can't prevent an unhook at all.
I usually try to adapt to the Survivors, I start out casual and only start to play more "optimised" if they are doing it too. I feel that doing it this way is the most fair and fun for both sides.
The Blight in the picture didn't win, 2K isn't a win by any metric. A wellplayed Blight is the strongest Killer, everbody knows that, but I don't see how "the strongest Killer in the game can get a 2K without meta Perks" reveals any balance problems.
So, assuming that nobody in this thread is bs'ing, Deja Vu is both vital in preventing 3-gens but also has too little of an effect to make a noticable difference... But honestly, I think the big difference new Deja Vu makes is actually not its repair speed boost (though buffing a repair speed Perk during a gen rush meta…
Every second chapter now is a rework of a broken Killer, Realm and set of Perks instead of the release of a new one.
I'm not a huge fan of the new Deja Vu and I actually used the old quite often. It's once again a solution that has only limited viability against the most egregious instances of the problem but at the same time provides some value even if the problem doesn't even arise in a particular match. I'd also imagine that it rises…
I'm certainly no top tier Survivor, but I'd assume that camping should occur at all levels; high level player would do it when they have no other chance, mid level players would do it when they think they have no other chance and low level players would do it because they have no meta-knowledge and without that it seems…
I see maybe one proxy camper per ten games, face campers are even rarer; is this a platform thing, are there different servers, or am I just the luckiest ######### in the world?
In a vacuum, the perk isn't too problematic (though you could argue that its range shouldn't extent past one tile). The issue is that the perk allows one to take full advantage of the broken maps. So ideally, BHVR should "simply" fix the maps, but I don't think anyone actually expects that to happen.
This is something far to many game designers do and I will never understand; why push players towards elements that you know are broken?
There never was any reward for spreading hooks. You yourself clame that the game becomes killersided once one Survivor is out, so what system was were that made the game killersided if they spread hooks?
This is getting ridiculous: "Make Killers stop doing what the game design tells them to do!" "So let's give them an alternative but equaly strong strategy." "No! It has to be a nerf! Preferably one that also hits Killers who don't even do the thing I'm upset about."
It is Killer-sided only in the sense that it doesn't put Survivors at an advantage or Killers at an disadvantage. Gen regression builds used to dominate on it since it is relatively small, but with gen regression nerfed into the ground, it's a fair map.
Chill, I just made a joke about how people get super worked up whenever someone says "tunneling gens", like you just did. But out of curiosity, how do you feel about Killers who focus on the one objective they have?
Only focusing on gens while ignoring everything else... having tunnel vision aimed at the gens, so to speak... I just can't think of a snappy term for that...
Thus the required rebalance. Individual Perks could be made way stronger if they weren't stackable and had predictable synergy. For example old Dead Hard would have been way less problematic if it had to be used together with No Mither on David, or take the recntly nerfed regression Perks, they would have been fine if they…
I'd make it so that every Survivor and Killer had to use their three perks plus one universal or learned perk. That would require a massive rebalance, but in the long run would lead to more variety and a healthier base for balancing. Also Survivor wouldn't just be skins.
I'm also in the both sides camp. However, I think it is entirely possible for someone to play and enjoy both sides and still hold "Survivor main" or "Killer main" viewpoints, due to personal preferences.
Survivors don't play against gens, they play against Killers.
I absolutely agree you can't blame players for doing what the game tasks them with. Punishing players for doing the obvious thing to do would only feel unfair and breed resentment, the only solution is fixing systems at their core. But this kind of backfiring can only happen if one Survivor is considerably better than the…
This is of course a possible issue, but honestly, between having both a griefer and a face-camper in your game and simply being on a map where the Killer can't avoid going near certain hooks, I think the later will occur way more often. Midwich, Dead Dawg, RPD, The Game, Lery's and every mapgen that has the Basement in the…
Explain to me, why should the system just lessen instead of stopping when the Killer has a reason to be in the area? At this point this is basically saying: "Don't break this rule, or you will be punished. However, if you are not breaking the rule, you will still be punished, just not as harshly."
Getting away from the hook isn't enough, with the 16m range you also need to stay away from the hook.
The method exists because of the 16m range and because the bar still fills when another Survivor is nearby. How fast the bar fills only decides how effective the method is. The possiblity, no matter how small, of a bar-assisted self-unhook against a not-face camping Killer, doesn't need to and shouldn't exist, but with…
The mechanic is supposed to punish face camping, full stop. It is not supposed to provide a new method of unhooking against Killers who don't face camp, no matter how effective or ineffective. If it were impossible to prevent face camping with a smaller radius we'd have grounds for discussion, but that's not the case. The…
"The bar will still take time to fill." "We don't know the numbers, yet" Doesn't matter, the mechanic is only supposed to punish face campers, as it is now it also affects Killers who don't camp.
So apparently another gamewide new mechanic, that once again is exploitable (despite not even needing to be) is equal to two specific maps, that should never have been in their state to begin with, being locked at.
No, it isn't.
That if you are feeling the effects of Sloppy Butcher or the self heal nerf, you're not being tunneled, because if you were being tunneled you'd have no opportunity to heal. "lol."
Buff Ghostface, how can the Killer who is famous for meticulously crafted chase scenes have no chase power? Rework Legion, because if a Killer is mid tier at best yet still one of the most hated by Survivor mains, there is something wrong with their design Nerf Ghostface, because if he receives a buff to his chasing power…
I remember a time, not long ago, when tunneling meant "hooking, camping and chasing again the same Survivor until they are dead while ignoring everything else" and not "killing a Survivor before the eighth hook"
Honestly, what world are some of you living in? Players who play for efficiency even if it ruins someone elses experience are monsters, but players who go out of their way to ruin other players experience just because are doing nothing wrong? What?
I think that's the core of most issues this community has. If people here would see other players as other players instead of scheming villains we'd be able to have constructive dicourse.
At this point you're asking for a massive nerf to Killers. Hardly any Killer main would complain if the general gameplay flow would be shifted to reward spreading hooks over tunneling, but if you demand that a solution to a problem feld only by Survivors is paid for exclusivly out of the Killers pockets, you shouldn't be…
The problem is that "Wow tunneling is really unfun, I wish the devs did something to make it less viable" still boils down to "Punish Killers for doing what is simply the "right" course of action", so you obviously won't get many Killer mains agreeing with you. A better point would be "Wow tunneling is really unfun, I wish…
I'm sorry for the tunneling, but as a lone Killer, I have to do it. If I don't camp you, your team will do gens instead of trying to save you, so I have to keep them occupied so they don't work on the generators.
Okay, prepare for some searing hottakes: Legion isn't that unfun to play against Dead Hard is still going to be a top tier perk next patch; it will be just like in 6.1, its usage rate will plummet and then recover over time Both sides should be able to see if and which Survivors are in a SWF group, in the lobby Skill…
Yeah, that completely ignores the point of this thread, so at least it's on theme. What would you suggest, slugging, tombstone piece or slugging with tombstone piece? All versions of Dead Hard, old, PTB and new are are made useless by tunneling. Forcing Killer to be "patient" is value and also the very reason why Dead Hard…
The thing is that the new Dead Hard won't discourage tunneling; a good anti-tunneling perk would be strong if the Killer tunnels but meaningless if they don't, the new Dead Hard will be meaningless if the Killer tunnels but strong if they don't.
So now Killers will have to "wait out" Dead Hard again, just not during the first chase. This reduces the power of the perk but ignores all of its actual issues. I guess it was to optimistic to expect to see a the single most enduring Survivor meta perk to be treated like every single Killer meta perk.
I'd say Legion are lower midtier. Their major problems are that their power can be played around relativly easily if the Survivors know what they are doing and general M1ness. I also doubt that the healing changes will help them much because the best way to play against them won't change. On the other hand, Legion would…