It's possible that i could get there by just grinding out game after game. But lately with the matchmaking problem i can't get myself to play that much. I don't have the premium rift pass, though. And luckily the majority of the good basic rift rewards are given early on.
Because I don't always run straight to the hook when someone gets unhooked, instead i might be patrolling generators. Instead, i might just HAPPEN to run into a generator with the guy that just got unhooked on it, while the unhooker is nowhere to be seen. There are plenty of reasons why i might not be able to go for the…
When i first started in the tome i felt like it was great. I got to level 25 in the rift in no time, and i thought it was going to be easy. But then it started to get slower and slower, and now i don't think i can make it to 70 at all. Chapter 3 especially feels bad because the challenges in there take way longer to…
I do think that endgame toxicity gets tiring pretty quick. I have been meaning to suggest that they give an option for players to just disable end-game chat altogether. However, i don't agree with your assessment with who is getting the most score at all. Doing generators generally gets you the least amount of points. I…
I run noed on my wraith and i am lucky if it even nets me one kill endgame. Most people have the gate open before you can even get there nowadays. If survivors play smart and split up as soon as they see noed and go for both exit gates rather than one, noed will have little value.
Really? Balance? You have a pretty warped idea of balance. You can't tell people to 'wait' 40 seconds and give up a free generator and call it balance. You can't slug someone who jumps in a locker, so nice try there. So you just want us to let them do generators for free? Our only choice is to let them work on a generator…
They can't make feral frenzy's attack a basic attack. As much as you would like it for getting things like STBFL stacks, it would simply be completely broken when paired with Devour Hope or NOED. I disagree that he should be able to see scratches or blood when in feral frenzy. The idea of his power is that legion is in…
If you remove the struggle phase so that people can't allow themselves to die, they will just DC instead, which is even worse. There isn't anything you can do to stop people from quitting a game, you can't force people to play. The best thing they can do is just keep making improvements to the game so that people don't…
While i think thanatophobia could use a tiny buff, i don't think it should be a hex perk. I already dislike having to rely on hex perks as it is, they are extremely unreliable and its like rolling the dice if it even gets any value or not in a game. Even if they wait until you injure a survivor to spawn the hex totem in,…
Agree, and i think this is the most suggested and reasonable change to DS to balance it out. I also think second chance perks in general should be disabled once end game collapse begins, because at this point they change from tunnel protection/second chance to free escape perks when used as a combo. They obviously would…
Suppose that is not a bad idea. She could also use Play with your Food along with Dying light so that she gets even more benefit from ignoring the obsession. Since her Vile Purge does not cause her to lose stacks of PWYF, she can be +15% speed for a majority of the game.
You have to play completely different against a doctor when it comes to looping, but that doesn't mean it cannot be done. He simply counters the normal looping procedures. If you are coming up to a pallete that you want to drop, and you hear doctor start to charge up his shock, then attempt to drop the pallet as early as…
I have seen those games, but they are largely caused by her addons rather than her corrupt purge on its own. I think they need to slightly tune down her iridescent addons so that they can allow corrupt purge to be more available without being completely game-crushing. When she is using both iridescent addons, and she…
If you just simply like the idea of injuring all of the survivors and making them easier targets for later, then you are playing the wrong killer. This is what legion is for. Or if you really just want to one hit people period, play ghostface. Her corrupt purge is very deadly and very difficult for survivors to dodge, i…
It cancels out other perks that let you heal, sure. But what you don't seem to be understanding is that healing isn't always needed. If you watch rank 1 survivors play, they often don't heal at all. Because being injured is not as big a deal as you are making it out to be. You can play a perfectly fine match being injured…
I don't disagree with what you say here. But i think a bigger priority should be focusing on making a lot of the perks that are useless regardless of their tier level more useful. I mean... Fire Up, Monstrous Shrine, Unrelenting, Beast of Prey, and Gear Head just to name a few from the killer side, are like joke perks.
Luck offerings are bad in general (Its kinda bullshit that they actually counter trapper, lmao). So i doubt anyone would cry if these were removed from the game. The addons for killers that reduce the amount of chests in the map are also pretty useless, never seen anyone use one, it's just not a big enough deal to worry…
Problem is that when the game first came out, there were very very very few cosmetics, this made bloody character clothes actually something valuable to work for. Nowadays cosmetics are way more common, and much better ones can be unlocked with rift/holiday/iri shards, so the bloody clothes is pretty bland. You are…
Well of course 99ing the gates is also a problem, i have already made my opinion on this in other topics that the gates should regress so that they cannot be safely 99ed. Though i guess starting endgame collapse after the last generator is also an option, they might have to extend the timer a bit longer to compensate.
First off, its probably most important to point out that most of the killer problems only really show up and become prevalent in the higher ranks. If you are a mid to low rank survivor, you probably won't notice many of these as being a problem yet. Genspeed in general isn't the problem, its usually the speed that the…
There are maybe some tweaks they can do with him to make things a little more clean and less frustrating, but i doubt you will see any blatant huge buffs for him like movespeed increase, or allowing him to kill you with his gun from range. He did only just come out, so maybe you might see changes with reeling speed or…
I don't disagree that he has difficulty pressuring gens enough to keep up with the games speed. But that is not a Deathslinger problem, its a general game problem. Pretty much every killer that can't teleport or dash across the map is having that same problem, which is why i think when they do fix the game speed problem,…
They need to just make exit gates progress regress if someone lets it go, period, without the need of any perk. 99ing the gates shouldn't be a viable option for survivors. If they want to be able to leave at a moments notice, they need to open the gate and begin the end game collapse. Its kind of bullshit that they…
His shock therapy is way stronger than his blast. His blast only gives him information, and information means nothing if you cannot catch and down someone. Even if it hits 4 people he can only chase one. Shock Therapy is what gives him kill potential. Once you get into the high ranks, being able to 'know where someone is'…
It's true that his killspeed potential is lower than huntress but that is only in that one scenario where they are attempting to down multiple enemies one after another. He has other advantages that huntress does not. He can sneak up on people way way way way easier. He can shoot through tiny tiny holes in almost every…
I don't think suffering from the broken status effect is what is wrong with no mither. There are plenty of killers who can kill you in one hit, which means that no mither is amazing against them. Besides, a lot of high rank survivors never heal anyways, whether broken or not, because once your skill level is high enough-…
I don't think Deathslinger is in an unplayable state. All things considered, it could be a lot worse (Cough Clown Cough). He does have a lot of strengths to make up for his weaknesses. And if they do fix genrushing then he might be in the perfect spot. And they have hinted at wanting to do something about generator speed,…
You know, when i first started getting into more competitive games when i was younger, i used to play a lot, and i never really seen blatant hacking in most games firsthand. So i always was under the belief that people who cried about hacking were just looking for an excuse to explain their loss. But as i played more and…
A better idea would be to start the match healthy, but once you get injured you cannot heal it, ever. And all of the benefits of no mither will activate for the rest of the game. This would basically leave it as mostly the same as it is now, without you having to be injured from the very beginning. The biggest problem with…
While i will agree that DCing is bad, the developers (and many of the players who complain about DCers) are missing the main problem. Instead of looking to just simply punish DCing, why not first ask yourself why DCing is becoming so frequent in the first place, and fix it? DCers are already losing their addons/offerings…
We all WANT to love this game. That's why we complain so much. It's so frustrating seeing a game with amazing ideas that is so close to being great all go down the drain because they just have their priorities completely wrong.
I was at least lucky enough to get BBQ/Chili like over a year ago in the shrine. TBH it doesn't feel like leveling a single killer to level 50 is really that hard, i could level one killer to level 50 in one day pretty easily starting from 0 BPs. The problem for me is that the majority of those games i will play to grind…
I do watch otzdarva, but the majority of perks he recommends i just do not have access to yet. No pop, no play with your food, no discordance, no corrupt intervention, no make your choice. Also, regardless of what kinds of tips he can give, Trapper still relies (maybe more than any other killer) very good map knowledge.…
"Always live tweaking the game" I can't tell if this guy is serious or if this post is sarcasm. Every live tweak is full of random buffs or nerfs that nobody wanted while they consistently ignore all of their players primary complaints.
My favorite killer is trapper but he is almost unplayable without very specific addons and relies heavily on perks to help his heavy weaknesses. So i don't even get to play him. I can have fun trapper games if i am playing against people in the mid ranks, but he just has too many disadvantages against red ranks. It…
Probably just like most other dev teams when it comes to games, they don't play their own game. Probably especially not competitively. They likely play little casual games once in a while. They seem completely oblivious to what the actual balance of the game is like at the competitive level. Somehow they deem it OK to put…
Right after i posted my comment earlier i queued up for a game. After a 5-10 minute wait, I ended up going against a full premade SWF of rank 3 and 2s. I am only rank 12, still haven't had time to grind out and unlock the meta perks/killers, so as you can assume it was just a fiesta of chasing as they beelined from one…
I agree with most of what you say here. I also have made a topic suggesting a training tool or practice mode. You aren't the only one having problems with matchmaking, its been an issue for a while. They said they were doing something to fix it, but i can't tell if that fix was supposedly already released, and did nothing,…
I actually think wraith should be fully invisible for the first 2~ seconds when he cloaks, this way he can hide what direction he decides to go when leaving a hook without them just calling you out instantly on coms and rendering his stealth useless. Also would allow for some potential mindgaming in some tiles, instead of…
It would be easier, simpler, and equally rewarding to just say that if all 4 survivors get slugged, and one of them doesn't get up within 60 seconds, then all of their aura's get shown to the killer, until they are all dead/hooked, or until one of them gets up. If your entire team loses because all of you got slugged, you…
I have had a few survivors sabo hooks right after i downed someone. At least 4 or 5 times they have tried, and only once has it ever worked. Most of the time you can just reach a different hook without a problem. Or, if they sabotage the hook before you even pick up the other survivor, just leave him on the ground and…
His kit feels a little awkward in a few ways to me. His GUN, which is his defining factor, has no lethality on its own. You can not kill someone with his gun. This is the same problem legion has, basically. It's hilarious that they named Legion's power KILLER INSTINCT when it literally cannot kill anyone. Think about how…
If anything i think they should make the struggle phase more important, not remove it. They should no longer allow you to pan your camera while struggling. You shouldn't have the opportunity to feed your teammates information while you are struggling against the entity. This would help reduce SWFs power and keep it (at…
I agree that if they make the infection stronger in order to encourage cleansing, they would need to balance down her corruption. That is why i suggested requiring 2 people to cleanse before she can get a corrupted fountain. This way her corruption can still stay useful and strong, but she wouldn't just have infinite…
A lot of players would be against this, especially in some niche cases. There are a few perks, not many, but a few, where you might want to keep your perks at a lower rank for specific reasons. Discordance, for example is arguably more useful at Tier 1 than it is at Tier 3. Or if you play doctor you might want to use…
You know, i always thought it would be cool to have immersive voice chat. Where its directional/local, so you have to be close to your teammate in order for them to hear you whisper. And the killer might hear you talking, etc. But that just would never work, since the SWFs are just using discord anyways. Not to mention it…
To be fair, he is already getting punished for this. Your other three survivors should have been able to complete all the generators way before you even bled out and escaped. He gets very few bloodpoints for letting someone bleed out and ignoring everyone else. That being said, there isn't much other way to punish them. It…
He literally just got buffed a week ago. What do you mean by 'about time' he got some nerfs? They haven't even had enough time to collect data on how he is doing yet. There is an entire perk (Calm Spirit) that completely negates his ability to make you scream. There you go. It also counters Freddy and Clown, too. So now…
@Raven014 It's not my argument. It's the devs argument. I'm pretty sure i read a dev's post just a day or two ago saying that they tried to even the challenges out (On PTB i guess? Or maybe one of the tome pages specifically), and as soon as they did, the survivor/killer queue ratio got really off balance since there…
I definitely think they need to find a way to make survivors want to cleanse/heal against her. It seems pretty backwards that her entire kit is built around getting people infected and having them cleanse, and yet the smart survivors will just go on without cleansing instead. It's way too easy for survivors to completely…