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  • Dont think this is a bug issue...
  • Ive noticed the same thing. I came on to the forums hoping to make a difference for the solo survivors and ive made a few posts in accordance to that. All of them ended quickly with many many killer mains shoving it back down my throat. I play both sides equally so I have also thrown encouraging suggestions to killers…
  • I appreciate you asking! I'm not very creative which is why I enjoy reading everyone else's ideas but i think maybe the time between switches would need to be experiemented with for sure. I usually play survivor but i feel this killer would be weak becauase of all the time he/she would lose in transformation. I hope this…
  • Interesting. I feel the killer might be hard to play but it opens opportunity for adjustment if you feel another killer might be abetter set against specific survivors.
  • I understand that i can get a 4k easier than i can escape. I have 13 4ks in a row as killer. I played 5 games as survivor last night and escaped 1 through the hatch as last survivor and im rank 1. You must be killer sided based on your complaints. Which means you don't understand how much we prefer to get out then get a…
  • Keep in mind tour sword is deadlier. Thats why i brought up the story of the trapper. He was so good about calling his shots and spent a lot of patient time waiting till he could down a survivor.
  • Bro. Calm down. Your reaction is rank 20 man. I agree that the clown is not the most powerful killer, but with this add-on he becomes op from my experience. Luckily there arent a lot of killers that use clown, but the ones that do wreck with that.
  • Bro. Calm down. Your reaction is rank 20 man. I agree that the clown is not the most powerful killer, but with this add-on he becomes op from my experience. Luckily there arent a lot of killers that use clown, but the ones that do wreck with that.
  • Anti tunnel would be nice. Even if this idea went through, killers would need justification for keys because they are the closest to comparison when comparing game changing elements. :/
    in Mori Idea Comment by Yrakaz4 April 2020
  • If im not mistaken, it takes 80 seconds for one survivor to pop a gen without interruption. So chances of three survivors finding a gen with corrupt intervention going, and each spending 80 seconds on one, indicates to me that even if your chases are quick, you are applying no pressure on gens. What killer are you using?
  • Cool idea, but i feel the percentage would have to be lower. Similar to escaping a hook. Base would probalby be set to 4%. Also like hooks, would you only be able to escape it once? Or any time they tried to mori you throughout the match?
    in Mori Idea Comment by Yrakaz4 April 2020
  • This is where a survivor main comes in and says "GIT GUD". If you cant catch the survivor , go patrol gens till you can. I admired a trapper last night that would not waste his time chasing me. He hit me and if he saw i would make it to a pallet, he left. He went to a gen. End of the trial im by myself slugged and only 2…
  • I haven't noticed a change at all in vaulting. I play ps4 and i wish I wouldn't get hit while I'm already running the other side of the window. Or when killer hits you after the pallet is already dropped. Or yesterday I dropped pallet and it sent me to the killers side and sent killer to my side. We completely switched.…
  • I let the last one go as long as they were a good teammate and weren't toxic to me. If they just hid all game, werent altruisitic, or gave me one teabag, they ended their own life. I do this out of respect to being a good survivor and submitting to my power. I ususally bring them to hatch or exit gate if they let me
  • If this is true then no longer should killers complain about SWF. In football they have secret plays that the team doesn't know, in business companies compete to have the best product and keep it confidential, in war each side has tactics and specific plans towards victory. Unfortunately in soolo que you just have to…
  • Buddy, if you read the comments , ive already known how it works. That's why it says to FIX BT. To CHANGE it. And thats why I've brought up all the other killers without TR.
  • This game has already pushed survivors team work away this would just push it over the edge.
  • Exactly. This has been an everlastic topic of how camping is too strong since even though it's 4 v 1 every single one of those 4 are crucial to progress. If one is camped, you've nearly lost especially as they slow gens more. Ive recently tried " just work on gens if they camp" and we are still lucky if one gets out.…
  • Yeah revealibg ghost face comes with a price, the pig gets a sprint coming out of stealth mode, as does the wraith. I get these are stealth killers and any could be with insidious. I just hate how killer mains always complain about BT being too strong when half the time it doesnt even work.
  • I get that he doesn't have a terror radius. This just goes to the point that borrowed time is not a counter to face camping. Its useless against pig, ghost face, wraith, Myers. That's almost half the killers. Then there's insidious for the others. So if yall want to complain about BT being too hard to go agaist, just "GIT…
  • Yeah i don't usually count but i was doing it to examine if game is balanced. I probably could have fotten more but i stopped playing killer cuz i got bored. Haha. I agree that survivor skill is harder to come by but takes a lot more practice. Im rank 1 survivor but not a pro. I admire players like ayrun and true talent…
  • I know it's not 100 or nearly close but I decided to jump on killer to see how easy it is. 2 days ago I went from rank 17 to rank 13 getting 7 4k in a row. I always appreciate when killers let me get the hatch or door if I was a good survivor so a few of the games i stood and watched survivor open the gate. Otherwise, 7 4k…
  • I want to point out the words "easy enough to down survivors so quickly" Well there you go devs, even a killer main has said it's too easy to be killer.
  • I The response is "doing gens is a counter" does not satisfy that survivor on first hook dying as soon as he gets in. And with gen speed being decreased, it will only encourage camping more, because they don't have to worry as much about gens. Losing 1 survivor means 1 less person on gens, getting totems, distracting,…
  • I get that. And just like any other strategy, this could be a counter. Like mad grit is a counter to body blocking survivors or sprint burst is a counter to killer lunges. I never said camping wasn't a strategy. :)
  • The difference is Adrenaline giving you THREE SECONDS vs. Unlimited time if the 5 totems aren't broken and 1 health state that is useless when I get instadowned by NOED no matter what state you're in
  • I like my sloppy butcher with Nurses Calling. They are constantly trying to heal because you get quick hits. This slows down gens and gives eyes to down someone. For the other two i use discordance and surveillance. Both of these counter their thoughts " h maybe i will just repair injured to avoid nurses or sloppy". Now im…
  • Similarly, on PS4 it will say Dead Hard on to indicate that it activated, give me exhaustion , but killer will still hit me down. Then when im down exhaustion goes away instantly. I will send in video but it has been causing a lot of deaths.
  • I ask myself that all the time. Unfortunately some survivors play just to pip to make better rank. So they will go into the game, get a couple saves, finish a gen and try for some chase points and not care about improving by completing the objective. You got a lucky easy won. Haha
  • "Squatting in front of killers by hooks" ? Do you mean body blocking while survivor is beong carried? That is a way survivors can be a team. Toxic involves the t-bag or even a constant flashlight blind at every pallet. Taking a hit for a teamate so they don't get hung is just plain altruism.
  • The syringe heals a survivor in 8 seconds as long as they don't get hit in that time. "Instant" doesn't exist. If you actually saw that then they are cheating. Or they used FTP. But the syringe depletes a survivors medkit on use and takes 8 seconds to heal 1 health state. If you get hit in that time it is cancelled. Barely…
  • So this guy @ice_Smuggla that made this discussion decided to find me on PS4 and add me to talk trash. Lol 😂 Are you going to make a new post complaining about me?
  • I guess i don't notice a difference in difficulty of hitting the skill check so I will give that to you becaise i dont know any better. But other than that, I as a survivor prefer old DS. Its settled! Devs, Killer and survivor want old DS! Haha
  • DS was nerfed hard. As last survivor if killer hit you down you had another chance to get away. Now you HAVE to be hooked (the exact thing a survivor is supposed to avoid) and then you only have up to 60 seconds after being saved. It's way more conditional. And being dribbled wastes more time for killer so it still helped.
  • They nerfed syringe so there is no insta heal, you can't run Sprint Burst and Dead Hard together. You wouldn't be able to use dead hard. This goes to show all the killers that don't have perspective.
  • And DS and Borrowed Time is a strategy. Especially jumping in a locker to activate DS. Glad we all agree I underatand your logic behind MYC being anti tunnel and i dont have a big issue with it because of the distance barrier, but it does prioritize the killers mission to get to that hook as soon as a save occurred. Thats…
  • Yeah just play killer. Its the easier win and the easier BP gain. :) Has been since i played back in 2017
  • There are also perks that encourage camping and tunneling ( insidious, Make your Choice) yet those are frowned apon. And then killers will say that camping and tunneling is a legit strategy but then complain about an already nerfed DS to be outrageous. So whatever perk you're referring to encourage slugging doesn't make it…
  • Can any attention be brought to this?
  • This hasn't made it to ps4 yet but id like to try it before they change it again. :)
  • On ps4 this last month body blocking stopped working.. I thought they just took it out of game. I used to do it a lot so i know how..
  • It's crazy how they created the EGC to minimize survivors taking hostage of the game wheb now, killers need their 4k that they will slug 1 survivor down ubtil they find the other so on and so forth until they either bleed out or get the 4k. IF 1 survives, killer gets hatch then like you said,gets to monitor the two exit…
  • That quick sabo was a hidden nerf. Before, survivors could 99% every hook in the map with 1 toolbox then pick and choose as needed to sabo. Now with the best toolbox you can only sabo 3 maybe 4 hooks and hooks are ofteb so close that you need to sabo 2 just to get survivior off shoulder. Toolboxes were a big nerf and…
  • I honestly like ruin more now as killer. They can't tap gen past the skill checks or the experienced players just hit the great skill checks anyway, not slowing them down at all. But now i apply pressure and they have to leave the gen which AUTOMATICALLY starts regressing at 200% and i dont have to take time to kick it. I…
  • Not if they are running insidious, which many facecamping killers do.
  • Whiners man... How do you think killers got this buff? BECAUSE THEY WHINNED AND COMPLAINED! The only players on DBD are going to be loners that don't have a group to play with so killer is the only logical option. Why? Because playing survivor (especially solo que) is terrible. Thats all i do anymore is killer cuz my…
  • Yeah my group just said we're all going back to Minecraft. The balancing is terrible and playing killer is no fun cuz you can't play with friends for blood points.
  • If you can down 2 more survivors in 60 seconds then you shouldnt complain about anything. Sounds like you've got a win in the bag. They nerfed it once already. Go on to the other survivors if you can down them.
  • Yeah they took a decent killer and added a ton to him. He can: 1: Teleport like the Nurse /Spirit (kind of) but strait to a gen so it's precise. 2: Place traps like the hag but has more effects like clown. (Blood pools) 3: Fake Pallets which is kind of related to a Trapper in the sense that survivors tend to avoid them.…
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