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  • My only bad experience with a TTVer was when I noticed that she seemed AFK somewhere in the corner while I was dying on the hook. After I died, I checked her stream to see why I wasn't saved and it turns out that she was doing some mini game thing with her chat for a DLC giveaway, lol. When I died, she was like "Oh no!…
  • I'm not sure why your go-to method to get it was to let everyone die? I did this challenge the first time I tried it. I just brought an offering to spawn the hatch by the shack and then played normally. When gens were done, I 99'd one gate, made sure the other was also 99'd, and then I hid near shack. Everyone ended up…
  • Oh, something like this happened to me. I went against an Oni that only downed and hooked one person all game. When the exit gates were powered, two other survivors were teabagging and flashlight blinding him while he just stood at the entrance. So, I ran up to him and pointed towards the nearby hook and let him kill me.…
  • I hate it when I play as survivor too. The number of times I've been on the hook and had to watch some poor Meg try their hardest to figure out how to get to me is too high. I hate this map when I'm playing killer, and I hate it equally as much when I play survivor. Every time I load in, my finger hovers over the DC…
    in Hate rpd Comment by gemjas December 2021
  • A killer choosing to waste everyone's time by bleeding people out unnecessarily is not BMing, but survivors who waste time standing at the exit gates to teabag... are? Or do you mean neither is? I'm just confused because OP didn't bring up survivors, so this stubborn whataboutism doesn't make sense. You and someone named…
  • ?? So, you agree it's BMing? I'm not quite sure what your point is. I just think it's bizarre how some of you have absorbed the side you "main" into your identity, to the point where someone bringing up BMing from the "other side" is met with "but survivors/killers do this too!" The community is filled with toxic people…
  • Note that OP said the killer "bleed [them] both out." They weren't describing a killer who slugs for the 4k, but one who slugs both remaining survivors after catching the last one just because. Had a Ghost Face do that to me and another random. He slugged her, I didn't want to waste my time hiding so I tried to pick her…
  • His main power works like Nurse with a built in flannel add-on. He can also shoot chains that slow down the survivors. A sub-ability allows him to teleport to survivors working on a puzzle cube, which survivors need to complete to get rid of the tormented effect. So, from what I've seen so far, he's Nurse with a dash of…
  • Meg was condemned to spend an eternity getting maimed and killed in gruesome ways. Let girlie have this one.
  • If only licensed characters had linked sets, then that'd be fine. But this doesn't explain why original characters had to have fully linked sets. I only liked Yun-Jin's blue hair and only wanted the set because of her hair. The stupid outfit can be linked, whatever, but why the head piece? And Huntress' Moredo outfit is…
  • Élodie and/or Claudette. I have Élodie's hair texture and skin tone, but I also wear glasses and am awkward.
  • Crouching up and down has several meanings, though. The meaning can range from "thank you" to "good bye" to "haha I win" and etc. Like, there was a killer that came here a while ago that described the epitome of a meme game, and at the end he complained about the survivors t-bagging after he let them go. But what he…
  • Why would you report, lmao? I mean, honestly, who cares? It's a glitch in the game that's been around for a while. He's just using the cosmetics that he paid for how he wants to.
  • No, I got mine for free and I'm glad for that because the killer himself is so disappointing. I was really excited and optimistic about him at first, but actually playing him was just awful. Just me saying to myself "I could have just M1'd you" over and over again. Also, you don't know true frustration when a survivor…
  • I treat them like every other survivor. I mean, I'll take note that it's there and look out for the hatch when it spawns, but if they're able to key out then oh well.
  • Camping/hard tunneling are usually tactics killers resort to when gens start popping, yes. However, I don't like the idea of "punishing" killers who do this. Those who do it to BM won't care about a penalty, while killers who were forced to camp/tunnel will just get penalized on top of having to deal with a probably unfun…
  • How would you punish killers? There's no way to accurately tell if a killer is camping to BM vs camping because another survivor decided to loop near the hook or it's a last resort to secure a kill. How would the game tell if a killer is tunneling to BM vs a killer who leaves to hook, can't find anyone else, and goes back…
  • Yeah, it's only Doc. It's not really painful or anything. Definitely not something to complain about (in my case, at least). The effect is like the visual equivalent to nails on a chalkboard. Most of the time I can bear it, but other times it's just too irritating, especially when I'm getting shocked continuously. Like, I…
  • DCing against Doc specifically? Most of the time people are just being petty. But there is a legit reason not to play against him. His power can cause discomfort. For instance, I have sensory processing issues. The madness effect on the screen can sometimes be overwhelming and the shock itself can sometimes cause me to…
  • Did you check the surrounding area thoroughly? If I'm close to finishing the gen and the killer is coming, I'll finish it and just hide. I won't try to sneak away or run. I'll still be close to the gen, just be behind a tree or something. This sometimes actually works, lol.
  • I usually stay away from games with voice chat for this exact reason, lol. Sure, I could always mute everyone, but then I'd be put at a disadvantage because I'm either a) missing call outs or b) getting sandbagged for not responding. There's also just the fact that some people have disabilities or other barriers that can…
  • Exactly this. Proximity chat wouldn't buff solo-queue much, if at all. It would be exactly the same except instead of peace, you'd get something like: "I'm working on gens!" "Who cares, [insert racial slur]." Most strong SWF teams are strong partially because they know and can rely on each other to communicate.
  • Bad words? On MY Christian murder game? It's more likely than you think.
  • I played against a Hag who had NOED. One was downed and hooked near the gate. This was solo queue, so there was no way to coordinate. Me and the other survivors just kind of stood by the gate because the Hag was camping. But then all of a sudden I just ran for it and someone else followed. The person behind me stepped in a…
  • Chill. There are so many variables and bugs that can determine a match, that playing 'to win' would infuriate me. Like, sometimes you're just competing against the game itself, lol. I just whack people with my weapon and have fun. I don't care if I win.
  • Yeah, this forum is extremely killer-sided, but that's because killers have more reasons to air their grievances, lol. Survivors aren't OP, but it's not difficult either, especially if you're in a SWF. Meanwhile, playing some killers can be frustrating. There are some that are underpowered, have useless perks, etc. Plus,…
  • Yep. I really, really hate that the laceration thing decays so quickly. Because the gameplay is just a matter of catching a survivor and throwing bullshit at them, hoping they don't stumble onto a good loop where your blades could disappear.
  • I hate to break it to you, but I've never seen any of the Halloween movies partially because I don't find Myers interesting. The movies just seemed boring to me, but that's because I'm just not into that genre of horror. As you've said, Myers' design isn't the main reason why people are afraid of him. They're afraid…
  • If Myers' was an original DBD creation, then I'll bet half the people here would call his design lazy. There are plenty of killers who are not scary just based on their appearance alone. Like, who is seriously afraid of a woman in a pig mask? Or an edgy teenager? I mean, fear is subjective, but come on. This killer isn't…
  • The point is that Myers doesn't look special. He's just some guy in a mask. What makes him scary is his lack of humanity, his emptiness. And the big knife. If you read this new guy's lore, he's just as terrifying: He targeted those who lived alone, coming to them in the night. The first was a college student with a fire…
  • I was watching someone's stream and they threw a knife at a generator in shack and it ricocheted off the gen and downed a survivor that hid in the corner, lmao. Simultaneously the dumbest and coolest thing I've seen in this game. So, I mean, he definitely has potential. He's not better than Huntress, but he doesn't really…
  • Yes. It came out. And I laughed so loudly when I saw the killer lmao. Not what I expected at all.
  • The most recent Tweet by BHVR was pretty much an announcement. It's in Korean, but it roughly translate to "Finally! SpO is released today!" I'm assuming SpO, which is probably "spoiler" abbreviated, means PTB.
    in PTB day? Comment by gemjas March 2021
  • If the match was that chill, why would you automatically assume the t-bagging was mean spirited? Might have been a thank you t-bag in case you were on a different platform and they couldn't say it to you post game. Or they may have thought you were memeing since you chased them with a survivor on your back. There is no…
  • Lmao, I immediately thought of that one guy who streams himself hacking DBD. So, a hacker with an entertainment platform? Maybe. But does anyone know if they've ever teased the Survivor by themselves before? Yeah, I was just thinking that. At first I assumed the glitch effect for the previous teaser was for the killer,…
  • It might be a teaser for the Survivor. Looks like they're a streamer or something, which is also probably why BHVR tweeted a picture of Feng in front of those monitors.
  • According to DBD leaks, Crotus Prenn Asylum and Autohaven Wreckers were disabled. Offerings won't work.
  • The PTB was basically just telling the player base that "this is how it's going to be, get used to it." It was always going to go live. When it became apparent that the player base hated it, they said that they only had 3-4 days to do something about it. And in those 3-4 days they chose to adjust the terrible UI for…
  • Not_Queen is answering questions on Discord now. This stood out to me, though. I'm not sure if I missed the context of her answer, and I'm hoping I am, but it sounds like they can revert the changes--but won't? However, to be fair, Not_Queen also said: "I am trying to get you answers but there are discussions happening at…
  • No, actually. I can't play it anymore. Not because of some protest, but because the new UI actually disorients me. It's uncomfortable for me to play.
  • I know all of these points have been mentioned many, many times but it's worth repeating. Credit to user In7tinct4 on Reddit. Please implement of version of this UI instead. All information is in a compact, easy to see location. Instead of glancing all around the screen, all relevant information is easily accessible. In…
  • I clipped a part from Otz's stream, because--lmao.
  • Yeah, I saw this on Otz's stream. It was such BS. Like, one survivor ran through a pallet and I was like "why didn't they drop it?", but then there was another safe pallet three steps ahead, lol.