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  • Is a gen beinf blocked for 12 seconds really affecting you? (Dms shouldnt activate unless youre a potato). It only works 3 times at that duration and gives killer 5-10s to find one target. Rest just go back on gens. Gen blocking is trash v regression.
  • Overreaction of the century. Its not busted at all. Ultimate weapon and dms does the same thinf but every hook and isnt expected. All dms does is extend the timer to 25 seconds instead of 12 (time taken to activate). This is if you STAY on a gen (which people countrr already with pain res and dms). Its also only on first…
  • This applies to every game in existence. Guess what they do to fix solo queue? Nothing. If you want better teammates, you form a group. As for tunnelling, you make it so a killer doesn't have freedom to go for who he wishes and guess what happens to killers? They'll quit due to the horrendous baby step playstyle they have…
  • Devotion 7 I believe. However i have played since day 1 of dbd on alpha/beta, and then moved to console so devotion is only from then when it started. I quit every few months as I'm killer only and have ptsd of gens flying. Hour wise? Around 4-5k. Devotion needs to actually do something other than show your nolife status.…
  • I don't argue that much. 'some of the best' would have been better wording. Or 'best that you know of'.
  • Pointless. There's thousands of killers who are amazing who don't post online, or twitch stream, or are on PC where there is charts of kills. Console killers are insanely good too. Saying a streamer is the best like supaalf nurse. How do you know he's the best nurse? Because he YouTube's and has a streak and hangs about…
  • Nobody's discussing this except twitch streamer follower cults.... Who cares if someone got a 1000 streak. We know certain killers at the top 0.0001 percent skill level are busted. They don't represent the majority. Same with the top .0001 percent elite survivors doing escape streaks. Let's focus on actual issues that…
  • It's honestly not better, survivor main. It's utter trash. 25 percent regression on first hook on a gen 2 survivors are already on, that delays them by like 10 seconds and it's still done instantly. Not talking about actually landing the scourge hook rng too. Pain res needs fully reverted, period. It was the best…
  • Baby mmr. Hard as survivor but you afk 4kd as killer. Yeah you've never been against good survivors before because I can assure you, gens fly no matter who you are. Survivors dgaf about being injured, it's gens gens gens leave.killer gets his kills if survivors slack off or overly altruistic.
  • You mean Killer and Killer right? Survivors get 16 meta perks that stack into absolutely busted combinations when a killer needs 8+ hooks. Killer gets 4. So this would only apply to killer. Survivor doesn't need an extra 4 perks.
  • I will continue to tunnel and hard camp survivors 24/7 because it works. I get to relax, survivors die, don't get bullied, and they cry 24/7. Something they only do to overpowered things. See: eruption, every killer meta ever. Don't care for your rules, you go on the hook and now 2 more and your dead. Why would I waste…
  • I have over 1000 hours alone as a facecamping toxic bubba. I can assure you it doesn't get a 1k. 2k minimum, no matter what. Deadlock guarentees this. 3-4k if altruistic. 1k if you turn off and let them play you... But your bubba so it isn't hard. Lethal guarentees the first down insta quick, deadlock means their dying…
  • Hahaha. This reads as a I love both sides of the changes. What it actually is, is a completely 100 percent survivor main moaning that not only was his healing nerf reverted, which is huge, and unfair since nothing of killers was reverted, ....but Wants dead hard and coh buffed too. See yourself to the door delusional…
  • I keep seeing people saying survivors spawning on a gen isn't the issue, it's multiple... Uh, what do you think my post is saying? It's that all 4 survivors are on separate gens within 5 seconds of a match. That is absolute insanity thus why I said killers should get the offering to group survivors together so that cannot…
  • Yeah this making the offering for all spawning a killer item would work, or a form of corrupt basekit, half as good like BT was. Or perhaps make it so gens need a minigame completed before they can actually be repaired, that takes 10-20 seconds? This gives bonus bp etc and can't have failed checks, just something different
  • Seeing these little surv mains saying survivors don't spawn on gens is funny. Sorry you spawned literally NEXT to it. Negligible? You having a wind up? They should have to FIND gens, risking killer finding them. Not move 2 metres and tadaa. There are a few games where I have to spend a good bit of time running to find a…
  • Ah your okay with the killer meta destroyed when gens fly already even with it, but you're not ok with it taking longer for you to heal and not more than once without a team mate. Right my bad buddy. Let's revert your needs, and just destroy killers only fully effective gen defense while keeping survivor (the power role)…
  • And I can tell you that the casual player does not read patch notes nor car about changes they don't know have happened. They just go ... Oh I can't do that anymore ok. They then continue to play. That's what a casual is.. they aren't on the forums, they just enjoy horror dbd game, and my fiance is one of them and gives…
  • Yeah keep coping with them reverting healing but leaving killers nerfed. Accept your new meta and not being able to bodyblock bully heal 24/7. There is no way they go back on it unless they BUFF killers directly. The uproar for reverting the survivor changes (because we are survivors we don't get nerfed attitude, we can…
  • Yeah except I'm not at average MMR, sorry mate. I face TTVs 24/7, swfs, prestige 16+s, Nonstop otr prove thyself sweats. Wish I knew my MMR number and where it falls but it ain't middle of the range that's for sure. I play my fiance's and she's a good killer and I destroy everyone on her account without blinking lol
  • I've had many survivors flat out suicide on hook or just stop playing to throw the game. Surely the Devs aren't that silly they can't play there own game at multiple mmrs to find out themselves. What can they nerf lmao. Hardly anything got buffed .... Oh god don't take my .1 second speed increase off me! Nerf my 2 percent…
  • Lol it isn't about ds or dead hard honestly!!!!11111!!!! Ok? Go ahead and revert all the buffs and watch them still complain lmao. It is 100 percent because their crutch is gone. You think I care about an extra 10 percent speed after a swing? Or 10s when everyone runs prove thyself now? Better yet don't please don't nerf…
  • Sorry I'm sure you'll find a perk to replace dead hard and decisive eventually. For now just keep relying on your last crutch windows of opportunity til that's nerfed ;)
  • Because there is 1 killer and 4 survivors? Potato moment?
  • Sorry am I seeing you complaining of something that worked the exact same way before the patch existed but got buffed a whopping 2 percent and only works good on legion and plague? Talk about survivor onslaught of fake accounts pretending to be killer mains creating mass hysteria.
  • Right but the 10 seconds is only relevant to the gen the killer is going to. So if 4 survivors are on gens, that 10s let's killer save 1 gen and begin a chase. The other 3 gens still pop, 10s extra or 30s extra. Survivors are crying because of DH and DS. They've now turned to this 'its not about dead hard who mentioned…
  • Then your wrong because at 3000+ hours killer main, I ain't even averaging 50 percent right now. And that's using the sweatiest perks on blight plague and legion. Deluded survivors
  • Who are these people on a crusade to get killers nerfed? Do they think Devs can't actually play their own game and find out for themselves? Lmao. All the Devs need to do is logon play killer see gens flying as usual, constant swf stomps, new meta perks, and then logoff and laugh at these dead hard rangers crying as the…
  • TLDR; Dead hard removed. Can't bully killers and pretend I'm good. Wahhhhh I quit games dead. Welcome to killer every patch yet we still play.
  • Hahaha next joke. Acting like all those buffs are major. Yeah let's remember it's 10 PERCENT. Thanatophobia was ran on exactly 0 killers except legion and plague before, so no difference there. 2 percent buff. Camping buffed lol what you got inbuilt BORROWED TIME. Doesn't matter if it's only 5 seconds. It's free. Use old…
  • Also this is very similar to the revolt when they literally fixed being able to 360 by correcting animations. Bunch of noobs who couldn't bully console killers anymore started crying for their 4th health state. It's all about dead hard tbh. They just ain't saying it. They relied on DH and decisive to stomp. Now those are…
  • What are the survivors here smoking? 3k+ hour killer and there is literally no difference in gameplay other than dead hard is gutted and less decisive strikes. I still get genrushed, infact more so now. Its hilarious maybe I'm playing a different game but when I see 4 prestige 10 survivors and TTV, I laugh as its business…
  • Haha many survivors switched to killer? The ######### outta here killer is just as horrible as it was before at decent MMR. Those 'survivors' are in for a reality check when they get their turd pushed in by any capable swf who aren't brain-dead. Hilarious ######### post.
  • Really bad killers are getting 4ks because of 10s gen time that is all done simulataneously as killer can only stop 1 at a time..... You having a laugh mate? I've played 30 games at sweaty MMR and the game is the same old fuckfest survivor bully simulator it's always been, this time with faster gens due to full loadouts…
  • Just feels like same old same old, but worse as I'm trying less regression and more fun. I'm ps5 myself too but holy mother I've played atleast 20 games and 95 percent of them have been prestige 10 coordinated swfs, very easy to tell how they operate. Give me a break already I want to relax and enjoy the gameplay.…
  • Lol at all the survivor sheep saying 4ks are easymode.. I'm a 3k hour killer main ain't much changed.... And I play nonstop swfs. Dead hard being gone is about it. Gens still fly. Losing too
  • Yeah because 10s of gen speed made the game killer sided get out of here lmao. I've been destroyed FASTER since the patch unless playing plague.. I have over 3k killer hours, but I'm console so there's a huge difference as killer there. Survivors are all stacking gen speed stuff and swfs are out in full force.
  • Increases your Repair speed by +15 % for each other Survivor within 4 metres of your location, up to a maximum of +45 %. For reference, 4 survivors using this is 100x more busted than Thana, and will be very common post patch. Now back to your survivor closest.
  • Your complaining about a killer perk that slows gens, yet you have a survivor perk that counters it and works for multiple survivors per gen. Next joke please
  • Again, if we are wanting Thana nerfed that reduces gen times, then by all means, once prove thyself etc has been gutted.
  • Right and this applies to every killer in the game, I don't see the problem. No offense but gens ######### fly with any competent team WITH thanatophobia and 10s more ain't doing anything when killer can only be on 1 survivor at a time. Thanatophobia can be nerfed when prove thyself and other perks that speed up gens are…
  • It got buffed 2 PERCENT, literally nothing... It's been fine forever and I use this build on my plague anyway. People are complaining about a .5 percent increase per player holy mother of god. Revert it you'll notice absolutely zero difference I don't care. Jesus. So 2 PERCENT better thana needs nerfed but 20 percent is…
  • 270 on dredge, 150 on plague, 100 on legion, 2-300 spread over other killers. Only played the first 4-5 days tbh. Missed most of the event due to not wanting to play until the mid chapter patch.
  • The replies wording is confusing tbh they say it's an additional 100 percent then say all flans etc add up aswell as the bloodhunt, THEN the 2x multiplier is added. Either way extras extra
  • Their twitter confirmed it is all flans and offerings added up, THEN doubled. So yeah 300k+
  • Honestly pc brothers. Try console and see how bad it is before you say nah not many swfs. Maybe not on pc. P.s I'm swapping to pc soon anyways for the frame rate/mouse
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