DBD players that have played Identity V, which character was your favourite?
Just curious for anyone that’s tried idv (at any point) who their favourite character was, have been seeing a lot of DBD players try identity V recently so I’m a little curious since I have like 1,5k hours in DBD and 2,4K on idv (yes I need help 😭). So wanted to do a lil research I’d be happy to hear any answers!! :D
Houndmaster’s visceral is nice! But overpriced compared to the other viscerals.
first of, I get there’s no new mori cause the skin comes with a unique Snug variant (which I love btw!!!) but it still feels a little lackluster especially this skin is part of the highest price pool in the game. Naughty Bear: He has a new skeleton so ALL of his animations are changed in technicality, narrator speaking to…
BHVR’s popularity favoritism in balance changes.
We need to genuinely start complaining about BHVR’s insane favoritism for killer balance changes. i’ve noticed, especially with this recent PTB how BHVR only lightly nerfs (or just flat out don’t nerf) the popular killers but killers who are disliked or not popular get nerfed often or randomly. Take Nurse as our first…
Those skull merchant changes are awful
4 nerfs and her only buff doesn’t do anything if the survivors know what they are doing. literally my favourite killer has been absolutely butchered because 70% of this community is too lazy to play against her cause ya’ll will not remove hookicides WHY ARE WE NERFING AN AT MOST B TIER KILLER BUT NOT NURSE, BLIGHT ETC ETC.…
Iron Maiden Dredge skin lacking certain sounds
Dredge’s “Eddie’s Tribute” outfit is lacking a few sounds, it still has the metal clanging noises from moving but the guitar riff noises when dropping from high places doesn’t seem to be there.
We need a giant update to buff the chunk of weak killers so slowdown can FINALLY be nerfed
BHVR please, buff the weak killers i beg, playing over half the killer roster feels painful without slowdown meanwhile the half that are decent and don’t need it as much just get to run 4 of them and most mistakes they make will be nullified cause their base kits are strong enough without it. playing survivor has become so…
a weird, questionable bias i’ve noticed with Sable (and recent original survivors)
Sable has green rarity skins aswell as releasing with 2 purples, guess who also released like this, Vittorio. let’s go back to the 6 year anniversary, Haddie, who technically did release with greens, had them twitch prime locked. She had an anniversary outfit and a linked set, the anniversary outfit’s head was just an…
Why are killer powers still affected by survivors that are literally dead on the hook.
Why do powers like Twins using Victor, Artist summoning birds, knight using guards, skull merchant placing drones, unknown’s hallucinations, etc etc. Still get affected/prevented from being used just because the person you just hooked is dead? Like whenever you get a final hook on someone and the death animation plays, do…
to the people that think there shouldn’t be DC penalties, why?
it feels like a third of my matches recently have had a DC or 2 because my teammates went down too quickly or if I’m playing a killer people “don’t like” (Skull Merchant, Knight, Nemesis, few others) and I down them too quickly they DC. i constantly hear the argument of “I paid for the game, if I’m not enjoying it, I am…
new Skull Merchant add-on tier list (opinions pls!)
Been maining her since day one and i was thrilled for the rework. i went through her add-ons and did the math for everything, this what i ended up with for my opinions on everything. Would like to hear everyone else’s opinions though. Context on S: Low-Power mode can give you infinite undetectable by making the cooldown…
VERY HOT TAKE: i think we should remove unhooking by chance
Idk how else i need to describe this. But it could fix a lot of stuff aswell as get rid of a really outdated rng mechanic. It could also stop suicides on hook and force people to eat penalties and give their teammates a player that isn’t sad and pathetic. and if you people REALLY want to Hookicide/take the chance, just…
Easy fix for distortion: make token gain based on chase time instead.
Distortion is a hot topic atm. My 2 cents on it is just reworking it so token building requires chase time would make it MUCH healthier for the game and fix other small things. It would make the perk better against stealth killers since it’s now chase time based and not TR. it would let people with actual game knowledge…
have survivors gotten worse as of recent?
this is a genuine question, and it’s not meant to be harsh. It’s just i’ve noticed how ridiculously popular WoO has become, it was definitely wasn’t an unpopular pick before, but now i see atleast 1-3 of it every match i play. i’m not asking for it to be nerfed, the perk is completely fine and acts as a decent way for less…
i think the new background player buff is problematic.
I don’t really need to make this post long, this perk is going to be atrocious to play against in coordinated teams. with pick up time being roughly 3-ish seconds, that allows a second survivor to stay at an atleast EXTREMELY safe 20 meters away. Meaning if the survivor being picked up on pallet is guarenteed to get to…
Can hook grabs return now that the anti-camp system is here
You read the title, the new anti-camp system (which i think is good) is releasing live in a few days. But i was wondering why hook grabs are still gone then, it was basically just a bandaid fix, why not bring them back? (Although if you have a counterargument i’ll be happy to hear)
so, is Singularity next on the chopping block?
Chess merchant is dead, good. What people failed to realise is singularity can play chess just as well. the reason people used skull merchant to 3 gen is because it’s much easier than singularity. However, bring the correct build, place cams well, bring the right add-ons (for example the constant heartbeat one, that’s a…
Please BHVR, don’t mess up the Skull Merchant rework
Skull Merchant is a character i’m weirdly passionate about, she’s so different from the killer cast and i even have a whole essay written as to why i like her character (i know it’s ridiculous but i can easily get attached to characters). i’ve advocated for a rework for her since the whole “chess” strategy Got popular. As…
can we agree Wraith is one of the most boring killers to face?
I kid you not Wraith is probably my least favourite killer to face besides spirit (for her it’s due to accessibility issue’s). Wraith is the exact same every match, always bring the strongest add-ons (either silent bell, faster uncloak or faster kick during cloak), cause he’s pathetic without them. Always cloak after hit,…
Skull Merchant now confirmed to not be a failed Predator license
now will Ya’ll please learn how licensing works before jumping to conclusions with new characters? (incase ur wondering, Predator and Alien have basically the same license holders aka Disney)
Tierlist of how strong killers would be in a fight lorewise. (Open for debate)
these fights are based on the killer vs an average human, the Human has very little to zero prep time (adrenaline and fear is gonna start kicking in), guns are not allowed for the human, killers are at their normal strength IRL (not entity strength boosted). Quick context on the tiers: Death: you could not beat this killer…
What are your hopes for the “existence” tome stories?
for me, i hope that this tome puts Gabriel and Hux into one slot so another character could get some more lore because dear lord idk how they can expand their lores without it being useless info like Gabriel’s past life which never even existed. Skull Merchant’s tome story was really good so i’m for something great because…
This game DESPERATELY needs a survivor item overhaul. (+ a concept of how)
Survivor items feel like such an ancient and odd feature that could really use an update. The only time it gets updated is for balance changes, we haven’t had a single new item (event items don’t count) in YEARS. Matches are just getting even more stale because items are such a boring mechanic. Newer players can barely…
Was end transmission really that good?
It’s been 3 weeks since End transmission has been live and i want to see everyone’s opinion about it. for me, it was kinda overhyped. only one of the new perks actually sees play (Made for This) and only 1 perk was truely positively received (troubleshooter). The killer (while SLIGHTLY better now) feels atrocious to play,…
A genuine Rework for Skull Merchant to make her more fast paced and chase oriented rather than 3 gen
You saw the title, yes, i gave her a full rework because her gameplay is very easily abused by certain players (COUGH COUGH 3 GENNERS COUGH). This rework is also made by someone who is a certified Skull Merchant main, take that how you will. The goal of this rework is to keep her power lore accurate and make her a more…
New killer is just a worse Skull Merchant
Singularity feels so lackluster to play as. His counterplay with the EMP’s is an extremely fun gimmick but taking the EMP’s is extremely boring. I have a multitude of reasons as to how singularity is just a worse Merchant: limitations; the fact singularity has too look inside the camera’s meanwhile Skull merchant. Gets…
Skull Merchant tier list ranking?
Since she’s been hot topic since release, I’d like to hear from all of you what you think her power level is. personally i’d say B, Maybe A.
Sprint Burst is fine, Lithe and Overcome are the issue.
wanted to quickly talk about exhaustion perks and how Lithe and Overcome need nerfs/reworks. I think it should be clear as day as to why Sprint Burst is fair but Lithe and Overcome aren’t: SB can partially handicap you due to your higher amounts of walking around to save it. Ntm, the 99-ing SB tactic still requires you to…
Spirit NEEDS some more interesting counterplay.
Spirit is easily my least favourite killer to face in the entire game, because it’s so painful to loop her it’s baffling. Why does a killer require (DIRECTIONAL) sound for their more important half of counterplay? Sound has always been important for killers as a counterplay method (like huntress winding up her hatchet,…
Rework to Circle of Healing to make it more consistent with the other boons.
Circle of Healing has been the glaring that it was since day one because of it’s ZERO risks. The only downside it had was finding a totem and maybe the killer was running shattered hope (which barely anyone did). You could place CoH in the corner of map and just get the value for free meanwhile the other boons required you…
Does the community prefer Polished powers or Visuals?
I wanted to stir up the Tools of Torment discussion again. Because the absolute hivemind of hatred pushed towards it was extremely unfair. the only genuine glowing bad things about it were the Mori being awkward, the wall break animation looking a little goofy and the lore being mediocre at best. and may i say: VISUALS AND…
What would be a reasonable reward for prestige 100?
Something that the new prestige system is definitely lacking in is special rewards. Since, the only rewards you have is P1-3 is for teachables, P4-6 is the bloody cosmetics and P7-9 the perk charms. Afterwards it completely stops and its purely a number to show your love. now, i know it’s been talked about with more…
Tools of Torment wasn’t rushed.
I just wanna say, this chapter IS NOT RUSHED. stop crying that it isn’t some robot. This chapter definitely has flaws yes. But it feels like the lot of you are just crying over such small stuff. this killer was not meant to be predator, BHVR is not gonna do heavy work on a license that they haven’t even fully secured, even…
Did mother’s dwelling get smaller? (If it didn’t it should)
Just asking to the people that have already played on PTB. i already ranted about mother’s dwelling in a forum post last week so i won’t go over that. If it’s still the same oversized map, please reduce the size BHVR, doing something similar to eyrie with it would really help.
How should Eruption be changed? Considering the ‘proposed’ nerf basically nuked it.
big day it’s been on forums since the eruption nerf was announced. The perk absolutely needed nerfs or changes, but the current (proposed, it can still be updated) change basically nukes its viability. Completely getting rid of any consistency it had. my take on a nerf for it would be removing the incapacitated, instead…
Can we just agree both sides have extremely unhealthy perks?
Eruption is unhealty, DH is still unhealthy, NOED is unfun to go against, so is COH. can we just complain equally about our own sides and other sides perks? Yeah, i get dead hard was piece of unfair garbage for 5+ years and still can be. But BHVR is starting to do more perk changes. So there is hope we won’t have stuff…
Mother’s dwelling needs a size reduction with the rework
Since the red forest maps being changed, i remembered of how obnoxiously large mother’s dwelling is. And it’s an absolute PAIN playing a non heavy mobile or map pressure killer. if you get mother’s dwelling as a killer that can’t counter it’s large size. Might aswell say GG if the survivors are decent. (Not complaining…
If you could place the dredge in a tier list, where would it be?
This is just more of a first thoughts poll, since it’s only been out for a day, most of your opinions will probably change but currently, what tier does it belong in?
Dead hard nerf comes, sprint burst meta arrives.
Im surprised sprint burst isn’t getting nerfed alongside dead hard considering how both are very strong, while dead hard is definitely the perk that needed updating the most, the fact that sprint burst isn’t getting touched frightens me. on the few occasions someone is running an exhaustion perk that isn’t dead hard, it’s…
Add more lockers to the swamp maps due to lack of them.
Since dredge came out, i’ve been playing it a lot and it has come to my attention just how little lockers are on those 2 maps. Pale rose is definitely the larger offender of this, with their being only around 6 lockers (not counting basement). And most of them are resorted on either the docks or the main building with 2 in…
I think a nurse rework is something necessary, so here’s a concept of one.
Nurse is a killer i’ve always had mixed feelings on, she’s not uncounterable, you could try and hide from her, but that usually requires specific perks (which feels a little flawed). But i just find it unfair she can teleport and ignore terrain instantly without a prerequisite and instantly being able to attack. she’s also…
How much do we love Haddie?
I personally adore Haddie, i’ve been wanting her as a survivor forever. but i see a lot of mixed reception (mostly of her design for some reason), so i’d like to see how much people like her. so, will she be your new main, or do you never wanna play her?
Anyone have a source or something to read Haddie’s and The dredge backstories?
I don’t have access to the PTB and i’d like to know if anyone has got the character backstories available somewhere to read.
AoT skin predictions?
Since we’re getting a whopping 10 skins for the Attack on titan crossover collection, what survivors and killers are you expecting to play which characters?
Since we got Haddie, what other original lore characters do you want playable?
This one’s for the fellow lore enjoyers, any characters from any lore of DBD do you want playable? My personal pick would be Tristan (From David’s archive lore).
Killer concept: The Kitsune
Don’t have much to do, so i did what a totally healthy person should do and sat down made this, enjoy! (Criticism is allowed and much appreciated). The Kitsune A mischievous killer, being a remnant of dark culture, the Kitsune toys around with it’s victims by filling them with fear before scaring them in lethal matter.…
Why are anti-loop killers so disliked?
I’ve come to notice that many people don’t enjoy anti-loop or chase oriented killers. i’ve just come here to ask why, because i personally don’t see the issues (besides a few killers). i don’t think we all want to loop every killer basically the exact same way, and look at sadako, she’s not very good for a reason, 0…
Killer concept: The Entomologist (Studies insects).
(I had some fun cuz i was bored, open to criticism!) The Entomologist Difficulty: Hard A faceless killer, inducing pain with swarm of insects and nectar to guide it with their power, Hive mind. Their personal perks, Scent Of Nature, Double minded and Sticky Formula, allow them to easily track survivors with manipulation of…
Should nurse be nerfed?
It’s without arguement that nurse is easily the best killer, she can ignore obstacles and has strong pressure. now, Should she be nerfed with how strong she is, or is it fine because of her skill cap? If she should be nerfed, suggest stuff.