Multiple Gens instapopping
Is this patch bugged like a previous patch, and not updating the gen count number? I just played 3 matches of the newly buffed Singularity, and in 2 of them, multiple gens popped at the same time. The first one was theoretically possible, as among 3 living Survivors, 2 gens popped. The locations of them was a little weird…
Gen Regression and Early Kills
Edit: Accidentally hit enter early and posted this blank Looking at Ruin, I think we made the wrong choice with which nerf to revert. We should have brought it back to 200% instead. That being said, that would mean the removal on death would still apply. That seems to be a better way to deal with the current hyper-fixation…
Avoid Anonymous Players Option
With the rampant amount of cheaters, I have had to dodge numerous lobbies of the most suspicious players. Outside of people with a same platform profile 8+ timezones away, Anon players are most often the sketchiest. I don't even care if it is a similar option as turning cross-play off, and you lose the incentive. I just…
New Endgame Screen With Player Profiles
I don't know about you guys, but there are a few too many pixels for died/escaped, perks, offerings, and items. You might actually figure out what happened in the match now! I did a mockup of how it could be improved below. /s end Ok, but honestly it looks horrible, too cluttered, and important info isn't even properly…
Allow Self-Pickup if AFK crows are active.
I don't know what my luck is, but I have encountered 10 separate intentional bleedouts across various matches (of myself or my soloq teammates, more were my team than me) during the event. There is no reason for Killers to intentionally play so scummy, so this suggestion is meant to only impact bleedout Killers, and force…
PC - Thompson House Gens spawning too close
The gens spawn nearly adjacent to one another and there isn't a single pallet or window within all 3. The center is a complete deadzone with only Lockers and small rocks in the triangle. I remember the rest of the gens were 1 gen at shack, 1 in the filler on the opposite corner closest towards the center, 1 near the…
PC - Bloodweb Prestige Level Stays on Screen
Step 1: Spend BP and Prestige Step 1.5: (Maybe attempt to open different tabs of Bloodweb/perks/customization while searching for a match during the lengthy animation?) Step 2: Attempt to spend bloodpoints on a specific item, but unable to due to the Prestige Level staying on the screen. Auto-spend is still available, but…
How much does the incentive influence your solo play?
I've previously thought of myself as a Killer main, but that was largely influenced from old BBQ and myself being a 'Bloodpoint Main' more than anything. I even used to have 60% Killer 40% Survivor (roughly 20% solo, 20% SWF) as my split, but checking my stats, I'm now at 48% Killer and 52% Survivor (still roughly 20% SWF,…
Server Shutdown counts as DC - PC
PC/Steam The match ended from a server shutdown, but it still gave a DC ban (for 50s) for both me and my friend. This would only really be an issue with an excess of DCs getting this set to a higher DC penalty, but still shouldn't exist regardless.
Is it Time to Basekit NOED?
Ok the title is more of an attention grabber, and to check who actually will read the body here, so let me list the pre-req first before I've lost your attention. Basekit NOED when there are no dead Survivors going into endgame. I'll get into the nitty gritty details below. I've off-handedly mentioned this in other threads…
Simple Basekit Buffs for the Weaker Half of Killers
In the light of Trapper's basekitting of Coffee Grounds, what are some other simple buffs that you would like/think wouldn't be too much? Here are some ideas I have. Myers: T2 normally takes 5 stalk points, and T3 takes 5 stalk points. The suggestion is to shift T2 to 1 stalk point, and the first T3 taking 9 stalk points…
Linked Fire Moon Sets
Why are the Fire Moon Player for Feng and Fire Moon Engineer for Gabriel both linked sets? They aren't a license, so why can't they be mixed and matched? Feng's makes even less sense than Gabriel's, as at least Gabriel coat might be considered a hybrid chest and leg piece, but Feng just has a normal top, a normal leg…
Terminus not lingering 30s after Exit Gates open
PC/Steam All players other than me had the globe symbol, so console/epic. No one responded in endgame chat so likely console. I opened the exit gates after I already knew the Pig had Terminus seeing Feng become Broken on the final gen pop, and Meg appeared to take a protection hit for her and become Broken. I open the gate…
Ormond Invisible Walls
PC - Invisble walls when the hill is near main on Ormond Step 1: RNG roll the hill adjacent to main on Ormond Step 2: Billy Saw (or presumably any collision based movement like Demo Shred, Blight Rush, etc.) off of the hill next to main to go in between the pillars. Step 3: Bump on an invisible wall. Step 4: Cry yourself…
Chemical Trap Permanently Disabled with Any Means Necessary
Step 1: Use a Chemical Trap on a dropped pallet Step 2: Use Any Means Necessary on the dropped+trapped pallet (maybe an allied Survivor instead?) Step 3: Chemical Trap Perk permanently disabled for the rest of the match, no 2 minute time out, no progress on gens to earn another one, just permanently disabled. A teammate…
PC - Demo not entering chase until injury (couldn't repeat it in customs with bots)
Demogorgon with Lethal Pursuer/Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance/Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain/Save The Best For Last/ Black Heart and Barb's Glasses for add-ons, and the BBQ offering. Ormond Resort for the map. Happened the entirety of the match. I started the match placing a portal and heading towards my closest Lethal Pursuer…
Dance With Me + Boon:Dark Theory Buff
Both perks are somewhat mediocre and in need of some help. This is an older idea I had for both of them, that is made all the more effective with the Fast Vault bugfix, so worth bringing up again. Dance With Me (on the cooldown) and Boon: Dark Theory would now additionally convert Medium Vaults into Fast Vaults, with a…
Trail of Torment July Proposed Buff
I like the idea of ToT being buffed, but I'm not sure this is the way. I think allowing ToT to stay up across multiple injuries is super cool, but for some Hyper-mobility and instadown Killers I think it may be too effective, especially in lower skilled/soloq matches. Even then it could empower (proxy)camping a hook and…
Doctor QoL Add-on Buffs
Doctor is more than a bit outdated, especially against MfT and other forms of power creep. Here are some simple buffs to the common classification of add-ons to modernize his potential a little bit. This does not adjust the Madness features like Illusory Pallets or Illusory Doctor spawns. Discipline: Arguably the best, and…
Toggle option to show numeric latency in pre-game lobby for all players
Simple option to show the number of ping for the lobbies' players, including Killer's when playing as Survivor. Probably found under Graphics -> UI/HUD. Possible execution in mockup images attached. Mockup done in all red for visibility, but could use Green/Yellow/Red for normal thresholds used. Maybe also include an…
Forced Hesitation and Tunneling
Forced Hesitation shouldn't work against Survivor's under any 'conspicuous action removes' effect. Currently you can facecamp and hard tunnel with a slugged hook trade, and still be rewarded. If the Survivor has OTR/DS/basekit BT/etc., they should be immune to this specific effect, to prevent intentional tunneling off hook.
Invisible Walls on Garden of Joy
PC(Steam), but appears to afflict all platforms. You can't use mobility off of the 2nd story/top floor on the Garden of Joy map. Unlike nearly all other map's main buildings and other high terrain points on maps. Step 1: Go to the top floor of main building with a physical movement based mobility Killer (Blight/Demo/Billy,…
Heal time changes Hook time changes?
If we want all forms of heals to take 50% longer, then should we also make hooks take 50% longer per stage? This would only nerf camping abuses. To be fair Reassurance and Camaraderie would also need a 50% increase in duration as well. It only makes sense right?
Are known bugs Bannable?
The 2 main bugs I am aware of and I am talking about for example are Blight "hug tech", and the "infinite" (gen limited technically) flashbang bug mentioned in the patch notes. If someone on either side uses these can they be banned for doing so? Both of them can be accidentally or purposely done very easily, without much…
Is there a known bug with matchmaking at the moment or recently?
I just played 2 matches as Blight where I played with people with <100 hours. The second match had a Meg with 20 hours and 4 perks (T1/3/2/2) and the Kate had 3 perks (T1/2/1). I have over 1500 hours and I net gain MMR in my Killer matches (on the more kills than escapes basis). Some of these players let their allies die…
Finisher Mori Updates
Widened FOV for final 1v1 - Strange but fine, extended slugging for quick 4ks will be countered by the basekit self pickup so that seems fine to me. Auto Mori on final down at the cost of all other Moris - Very bad change, Rancor and Hex:Devour Hope should still allow their Moris. I would even go as far as unlocking…
Have Blocks on Anonymous Players Prevent Re-Matching With Them For 24H
If I play a match with a non-anonymous bad/toxic/cheating player, I can currently dodge any match lobby if I remember or write down their name. If they are using anonymous mode I have to instead dodge all lobbies with the same anonymous character, and even then they can still swap characters or turn off anonymous mode and…
DBD Problems and Potential Fixes 8/10 Strong and Weak Killers, Items, and Add-ons
This is a series of recommendations to hopefully change the game for the better. I am posting each section separate, but a lot of them are connected and work much better understanding the other changes. Some are more Killer sided, and some are more Survivor sided, but overall I think it levels the playing field in a…
DBD Problems and Potential Fixes 2/10 Tunneling off Hook
This is a series of recommendations to hopefully change the game for the better. I am posting each section separate, but a lot of them are connected and work much better understanding the other changes. Some are more Killer sided, and some are more Survivor sided, but overall I think it levels the playing field in a…
Locker placement on The Temple of Purgation
There are 2 lockers within the locked gate of Main Building, and I got stuck there for the cooldown when my third TP prioritized them instead of the lockers in the back I was trying to target. It was my fault for not checking my target and feeling rushed, but those 2 lockers just shouldn't exist. Please just remove the 2…
DBD Problems and Potential Fixes 10/10 Perks performing vastly below the norm
This is a series of recommendations to hopefully change the game for the better. I am posting each section separate, but a lot of them are connected and work much better understanding the other changes. Some are more Killer sided, and some are more Survivor sided, but overall I think it levels the playing field in a…
DBD Problems and Potential Fixes 7/10 Scourge Hook Spawning AI
This is a series of recommendations to hopefully change the game for the better. I am posting each section separate, but a lot of them are connected and work much better understanding the other changes. Some are more Killer sided, and some are more Survivor sided, but overall I think it levels the playing field in a…
DBD Problems and Potential Fixes 9/10 Lack of Match Variety
This is a series of recommendations to hopefully change the game for the better. I am posting each section separate, but a lot of them are connected and work much better understanding the other changes. Some are more Killer sided, and some are more Survivor sided, but overall I think it levels the playing field in a…
DBD Problems and Potential Fixes 6/10 Totems and Boons
This is a series of recommendations to hopefully change the game for the better. I am posting each section separate, but a lot of them are connected and work much better understanding the other changes. Some are more Killer sided, and some are more Survivor sided, but overall I think it levels the playing field in a…
DBD Problems and Potential Fixes 3/10 Excessive Slugging
This is a series of recommendations to hopefully change the game for the better. I am posting each section separate, but a lot of them are connected and work much better understanding the other changes. Some are more Killer sided, and some are more Survivor sided, but overall I think it levels the playing field in a…
DBD Problems and Potential Fixes 5/10 Spreading the Pain VS Killing Early
This is a series of recommendations to hopefully change the game for the better. I am posting each section separate, but a lot of them are connected and work much better understanding the other changes. Some are more Killer sided, and some are more Survivor sided, but overall I think it levels the playing field in a…
DBD Problems and Potential Fixes 4/10 Camping
This is a series of recommendations to hopefully change the game for the better. I am posting each section separate, but a lot of them are connected and work much better understanding the other changes. Some are more Killer sided, and some are more Survivor sided, but overall I think it levels the playing field in a…
DBD Problems and Potential Fixes 1/10 Splitting Up
This is a series of recommendations to hopefully change the game for the better. I am posting each section separate, but a lot of them are connected and work much better understanding the other changes. Some are more Killer sided, and some are more Survivor sided, but overall I think it levels the playing field in a…
Killer build reveal timing
I think the killer's build should be revealed when you are dead, and no one in your group (that you queued up with) is alive. When I started the game I had so little clue why things were happening, resulting in me dying early, getting no feedback as to why, and going into another losing match. I honestly thought it was…
Endgame Chat Censor Changes
Since so many legitimate messages are censored by the endgame chat, I suggest adding extra options in the endgame chat. Each would be toggle-able on and off. The default would still have messages filtered. First option, unfilter specific user messages. This could be an extra option under the "send friend request/block/view…
New Thana Numbers
The dev planned numbers are 2/2/2/14 (Total 2/4/6/20). I propose a sliding scale instead, with 2/4/6/8 (Total 2/6/12/20). That way it get reasonable value across the range.
August Update Opinions
Thana: I think reverting the buff is good, however I disagree with the number split. In the Dev version you will get 2/2/2/14 (Total 2/4/6/20). I would propose 2/4/6/8 (Total 2/6/12/20). You get slowly rewarded for more injured survivors, and it scales, so it doesn't have the absurd jump from 6 to 20 total. MoM: I loved…
Revert Hatch Spawning Criteria
Given that a Hatch escape counts as a tie in the current matchmaking system, maybe we should have the old Hatch spawning logic apply again. Even if one person is hard tunneled out of the game, the remaining 3 survivors would need to complete 4 of the 5 needed gens in order to spawn the hatch AND have a Key to escape with.…