Perk Idea
Perk idea - Grave Sacrifice You are able to give a fellow survivor a second chance. If a fellow survivor is on their death hook you can give a hook state (as long as your next hook is not death hook) so they can take one more hook state. Grave Sacrifice can only be used once per trial. What do you think guys, would this be…
the mummy returns fan made dlc
new killer is called The mummy bio: She was a regular normal girl in Egypt. As soon as people found out that she been killing people for rituals they killed her and wrapped her in Linen. When it was peaceful they tried to find old artifacts in ancient times they disturbed her resting. When she woke up she killed everyone…
Moved: linking problems
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Moved: New character
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Legion Cosplay question: Jeans/Cargos/Pants
I've done a ton of research looking for a really similar kind of pants to what frank wears, but no luck, and aliexpress/chinese camo pants that are really bright litter the results. Even that weird stitching or lacing at the bottom back, really hard to find. Something like a biker jean, camo, cargo, and skinny. I wonder…
Killer Request
I think you should add Jason Voorhees in Dead by Daylight. It's hard to think of what he would be able to do for his perks, his ability, and his character title along with his design, because there are 9 technically 11 Jason's, we have Jason part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6 and so on with different looks and outfits,…
A Killer concept based on Marty Robbins' "Big Iron"
Killer: Texas Red Height: Average Speed: 110% TR: 32 meters (TR music is "Big Iron" by Marty Robbins) Power: Big Iron Tap the Power Button to aim the Big Iron. Pressing the Active Ability button will shoot the Big Iron. If the Big Iron's bullet hits a survivor, the survivor instantly becomes injured and A bar will appear…
Killer Concept: The Death Angel
NEW KILLER Name: The Death Angel Realm: Silent World Map: Abbott Family Farm Height: Tall Movement Speed: 115%|4.6m/s Alt. Movement Speed: 90%|3.6m/s (Speed while using Echolocation) Terror Radius: 32 Meters Power: Echolocation The Death Angel has no eyes and it purely relies on sound to hunt. Holding the Power Button down…
Fan-Made Chapter: The Light in a Dark World
Ever since I played Dead by Daylight on May 2020 per the recommendation of a friend, I loved it, and also it became one of my favorite games. So I said to myself "why not try to create ideas for a fan-made chapter". I posted this on Reddit, but I needed to find out in a much detailed discussion specifically in the forums…
Chapter idea - The enchantress
I don't care that much about lore, so that part I left out, this is simply for the killer and survivor. This is far from completely thought through and is only something I've put here, as I find the idea of the abilty interesting as the survivors will get new things to worry about. Do you let the other survivor injure you…
Is De pipping on purpose for killer a bannable offense ?
Just curious. Don't abuse me with nasty messages lol
Moved: Nurse addon changes because imo some of them are wack.
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New Killer: The Namahage + New Chapter: Koshōgatsu Karnage
The Namahage Backstory: It was 1592 in the Akita Prefecture of the Tōhoku Region of Japan during the Sengoku Period and the Azuchi-Momoyama Period. Being the right-hand man of his lord, Daiki Ryūnosuke & the most powerful general in his army was never enough for Kennjirō Miyazaki. He wanted to surpass his lord just like he…
Killer from the movie "Us"
Name: The Doppelgangers Description: small scissor-weilding killers that are identical to the survivors except all wearing red jumpsuits Power: We Are One- Have four bodies at your disposal (each body looking like one of the survivors). Strategically place each body around the map (all bodies will spawn in the same area).…
Killer ideas
I'm just saying my cousin had a great idea that the demon from Jeepers Creepers and the girl from The Ring would be amazing Killers for this game. Especially because they are both really scary and would be amazing features in this game don't you think?
The Reflection
I was thinking about a power like this for a while. What should be changed? ——————————————————— The Reflection Name: Amy Boque ——————————————————— Story: Amy was a simple daughter of a small glass blower. While normal didn’t wholly apply to Amy, for the most part, she was normal. Her entire life was centered around glass…
Survivor Concept - Grandmother/Mother
Name: Susan Hartfield Story: Susan is the average matron. A mother and grandmother, She has two generations of baby raising under her belt and always knew how to keep each child she sees joyful and calm. Every day was bliss, until her husband died. She soon lost hope and, despite the loving concern of her family and…
New survivor: Blaise dupont
Name: Blaise dupont Ethnicity: french Lore: Blaise was engaged to leah clairea, they were planing there wedding at the eiffel tower and there entire family was invited. Blaise was exited for this moment, he coulden't wait to spend the rest of his life with the person he loved. But Leah seemed off, she would seem somewhat…
Loogaroo Chapter Idea
PLEASE NOTE: I am by no means a professional at this so I welcome your CONSTRUCTIVE criticism in order to help balance it out. I'll be giving my opinion of why I did blank by putting them in parenthesis. Violine Aristile: The Loogaroo Movement Speed: Walking: 4.4 m/s, Fireball: 6.38 m/s, Lunge: 6.9 m/s, Carrying: 3.68 m/s.…
The Apparition - Licensed Killer from Slasher Season 2
This is my second concept from the Netflix series Slasher, a Canadian horror show with 3 seasons, each with a different main killer. Major spoilers for the show are ahead so be warned! THE APPARITION A tricky killer, able to conjure visions of herself to confuse her prey. Using her power, SPECTRAL DECOY, she can receive…
Hello devs! If your reading this, then I have quite the idea for you. I've been all over different Dead by Daylight communities, such as Facebook groups reddit posts. Even viewers of my channel have brought it to my attention time and time again. But it seems the majority of the people I see really want Chucky as a killer.…
Concept Tips! For aspiring concept creators!
I love creating concepts. I currently have 3 concepts that are posted here, and at least 7 that are still just drafts. Including but not limited to. Jeepers Creepers, Jason, Slenderman, and Pinhead. Right now my most popular one (and what I think is my best) is my Alien concept (I will be referencing that one througout)…
Killer Concept:The Summoner & the Demon.(2 in 1 Killer)
Killer:The Summoner Moves at huntress speed & the Size of Freddy. Power:Demonic Ritual While holding the power if you are near a survivor you can Curse them.While a survivor is getting cursed you move slower.When a survivor is Cursed they are susceptible to being "Possessed" The Summoner can not see Ghost Survivors.…
The Twin - new killer. Two in one
The Twin - new killer. Tricky killer, that have a spectral Twin Brother, repeating every action he does with some delay and have the ability to immediately take his position by using a cooldown power. What one did not do, the other will finish. Ability: Spectral Brother The Twin passively have his twin brother repeating…
If I was in Dead by Daylight to be put on trial
I've been thinking about this ever since a had Dead by Daylight: "what would happen if I was transported to the Entity's realm and had three teachable perks?" So I've been thinking about what my perks would be and what would they do. This is just a bit of fun so everyone knows what my three teachable perks would be and if…
i have a DBD killer concept in mind. stay tuned!
My Fan-Made Chapter Idea
Hey guys, I made a chapter! It's a fun project I decided to work on, and I'm really proud of how it turned out, even if it doesn't see the light of day. Also, a tremendous thank you to RaineKeidWilde for providing me with much-needed feedback during the creation process. Enjoy!…
Licensed Killer Idea from Slasher: S1 - The Zealot.
SPOILERS FOR SEASON ONE OF THE NETFLIX SHOW SLASHER So most people seem to not know much of the show on Netflix called Slasher. It's had 3 seasons now, each with a different type of killer, and honestly isn't that bad of a show. Decent gore (for season 2 and 3 particularly) and interesting killers that are very different…
Chapter Concept: Deepest Desires
Reminder: All of this is just a concept and i'm open to constructive criticism and ideas, thank you! Chapter's Realm: Despised City-Block Map: Pierced Pleasure-house Description: A warped recreation of the city block The Mistress worked before she was consumed by the Entity. The torn-down brothel know as "Lady Midnight"…
Chapter Concept: Burden of Nobility (Killer & Survivor)
Greetings, I'm Jake, referred to as such by my online friends due to my love of the solitary survivor. I am a studying game designer and have worked hard to create a fulfilling and compelling fantasy for the Dead by Daylight community. I've spent several months on this particular design and consider it to be one of my most…
Spider chapter | Shelob
After watching the new teaser, I thought about a new chapter. There may be many most interesting assumptions here, but I'm not talking about that. It would be really cool to see a spider killer. I do not mean a huge killer spider, although that would also be cool, but does not in any way spill over into the gameplay, but a…
DBD Chapter Idea - Corruption of Ideals - Version 2
“What separates desperation from hope? Lust from love? Killer from survivor? The Killer - The Athlete “...blinded by its bloodlust, the beast is relentless in its pursuit… Desperation is what drove her to the entity, anything to save her mother, anything. A deal was struck, and the mother was saved at the cost of the…
candyman new killer dlc
new killer is called candyman or The_candyman bio:He was a regular guy back in 18 or 19 hundreds a lot of people gather up and when candyman is alone they will strike.When he was walking with a cow they all surround him and slice his hand off and replace it with a hook and they threw a hive full of bees on him and let the…
New Killer. The Robot + 3 new perks. Hex: Long Sighted, Splintered and Killing Instinct!
New Killer. The Robot. Difficulty Intermediate Power. OP Reduction Power. Start the trial with 10 broken computers. Survivors will have to repair these computers and hack into the system to decrease the Robots power. 10 seconds to repair a computer, 1 minute to hack into the system. Only one computer can be hacked at a…
New Killer The Alien. New Survivor. Rosie Turner. New Chapter. Problems Of A Parallel Universe
Power. Illusionary Upside Down Holding L2 whilst looking at a survivor in your field of view will cause the survivor to feel like they are upside down for as long as up to a minute. If the survivor gets hit whilst upside down, they immediately go back to normal. (On the survivors screen, the screen will be flipped when…
Killer Concept - Bird Box
Source : https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=Awr9LtZVjaNfj98Ap9CjzbkF;_ylu=c2VjA2ZwLWF0dHJpYgRzbGsDcnVybA--/RV=2/RE=1604582869/RO=11/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.looper.com%2f142110%2fwhat-the-bird-box-creatures-look-like-finally-revealed%2f/RK=2/RS=ZgJQmIMo41XuDe4w5GnrOIw3vm4- I don't have any idea if this is the real look of the…
Until Dawn - Fan Chapter
Killer: The Wendigo Survivor: Sam Giddings Potential Maps: Alternative Outfits: Possible set of outfits inspired by other characters:
Do you think spirit is a god tier if you can play her rigjt?
Honestly, Lots of people think spirit can be god tier if you can play her right, but i just cant see it.
Killer Idea - The Medusa
The MEDUSA Movement speed: 115% Terror Radius: 32 meters Power: Petrifying Gaze - Hold M2 for up to 5 seconds to charge Petrifying Gaze but no less than 1 second. While charging you are undetectable and all Survivors that have you in their line of slight are revealed by Killer Instinct. When you finish the charge or…
Killer Idea: The Illusionist
Power: Decoy The Illusionist sends out a fake version of himself that has a terror radius and red stain Perks: Is this your card?: After hitting a survivor with an m1 attack, you see their perks over your perk icons for 1/2/3 seconds Rabbit in a Hat: You can see survivors' auras within 10/20/30 meters when they jump into a…
What Concept would you like to see?
I make concepts, its just what I do. I'm well known in the discord server, and I think im decent at it. Do you have any killers you want to see me do a concept of? (I only do serious ones, or ones that have a chance of being in the game) If you want to check out my concepts, I have posted a Bioshock, FNAF, and Alien…
The Pain of Maining Legion
I am a Legion main. I have about 2000 hours in the game, and I think im a decent Legion. So it does pain me when people say that Legion is the worst killer in the game. SO let me explain why Legion is not the worst killer in the game 1. Cool edgy teen gang 2. Fast hits, can create great slowdown 3. Because of fast hits,…
Yet another Fnaf concept
Oh... you actually clicked? Oh hi! I wasn't expecting anyone to because of how many Fnaf chapter concepts there are. Well I thank you so much for clicking and im just gonna get straight to the point! New Killer: Springtrap (The Machine) New survivor: Micheal Afton New Map: One of the Pizzerias from one of the games.…
This is just a joke
So I had two weird addon idea for huntress which may or may not make for some interesting plays. •Aerodynamic Blade: A ax head that has many holes and curves that give it strange properties when thrown. [very rare or ultra rare] +Decreases number of maximum available hatches by 2 +When you throw a hatchet, it will travel…
The Ladies Man: Yoshikage Kira
Character Name: The Ladies Man Real Name: Yoshikage Kira; Kosaku Kawajiri Backstory: A sheltered child raised by two elderly parents, Kira has always been shy, withdrawn, and had battled with intense compulsions. The seeds of his troubled adult hood were sewn when he saw the Mona Lisa during a field trip, it is then he…
Killer Deathmatch Mode
Long time Listener, first time caller. I have been LOVING killer. Found out you can tunnel your way to rank 12, then you have to start using your brain. Anyway. Killer deathmatch mode. Pretty straight forward, slug killers, and hook them in your base. They could have a higher struggle luck, 1st time - 100%, Second time…
New killers purple guy(s)
His daughter's death had made him suffer mental torture.It made him so jealous of other people's children that on one night, he put on toy's clothes, seduced and killed many children.The children's souls can't forgive the killer's atrocity. In the children's revenge, he finally died in the clothes of mechanical toys.When…
xenomorph big chap and Ripley as killers
Ok so I know alot of people for some reason get salty over people wanting alien in the game.But I know how it would work perfectly.1st off it would be the big chap xeno from the first movie and would walk at 150%speed like the demo.then its L1 (ps4) would make it take 2 seconds to crawl and would make it run at 200% and…
new killer : the saboteur
hello people just my two cents for a new killer, absolutely new way to play killer, love it or hate it spyman walking speed 105. like nurse. power : sabotage , number of stacks depends on the remaining number of gens kick a gen, even one that has zero repair progress put a mechanical bug on it , survivor can NOT see the…
Springtrap Killer Concept
There's a small jumpscare-like sound effect, like a violin sting, as the camera jerks to The Attraction (similar to The Hag after triggering a trap) when the lure is active and working.