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  • We could have a chucky / Buddi AI combo. They'd both be short but stacked together theyd make a normal sized killer. :) because lets face it, if it got him the kill chucky would TOTALLY be okay with scooby-doo villain tactics. (If foul language was allowed they could add Tiffany for a killer that can see above the corn…
  • Scratched mirror myers = 50% of getting called a hacker at the end of each trial. :)
  • I play a ton of myers. Like, I used all 25 of my scratched mirrors yesterday lol. I think it might just be RNG gods rolling you against other killers. The only sad thing about this weekend is that none of Michaels clothes went on sale, I want to run around as leggy man myers.
  • Ugh, I get a DC almost every match. It's gotten to the point now where if two people DC before the first gen is done I just throw the game for the remaining two survivors. I get one hook on each and down them occasionally throughout the match but mostly I just go a find a chest to stare at really hard. This used to be a…
  • I run Franklins as a counter to the unwanted touching. Survivors can't offer me their items if I smack 'em outta their hands. :) Seriously though, piggy harassment is real and the only thing that seems to stop it is taking the free hits until they stop. Generally nobody says anything to me after the matches about it either.
  • I had 3 billy matches in a row. Followed by a huntress, a doctor, and another billy. I dont play a survivor often so my rank is only 17, but I had zero problems finding him lol.
  • *chants* myers myers myers! Also like, Doc got some arms on him that I wouldnt mind getting smashed with. ;) But for real though, new survivor dude looks cool. He just needs some black ripped skinny jeans or a nice tux as an outfit.
  • I meme my boy PH. He has a box, that is his box and anyone touching his box will be crushed. Also, sometimes its just really helps the stress levels to mess around and get everyone onto madness 3 with doc and than just... Wander away to lurk in the bushes b4 repeating.
  • Im not entirely sure ps ToS lines up with xbox ToS, which would make chatting difficult to implememt without moderation. And I know no chat aligns with nintendo ToS so those players just wouldnt be allowed into the party regardless lol.
  • Nope you wanna talk to us you gotta send a direct message via platform. Which is hard if you dont know what platform they are on.
  • Killers cant twist very fast on console. So survivors run up behind, wait for the hook and for the killer to turn around. At which point they can usually grab the hooked person and start running before the killer is able to realign back in the right direction. Best way to fight it on console is to use mad grit and iron…
  • Every time I ping to 3 on myers the screen stutters and I walk into a wall, or rock, or artfully placed pile of junk. And it takes a good 6 seconds to detangle myself and by than whomst ever I was chasing has left and is gone forever. And dont even get me started on aim assist. I tried playing on pc and kept swinging the…
  • I had someone on ps4 message me about this very thing. Like, it takes so much effort to send a message through the ps4 friend chat and youre gonna send me a 'you mad bro?' When you hatch escape on a 3k match? Like lol, nah bro. I ain't mad. I hooked you next to the hatch and walked away to break pallets. I clearly stopped…
  • So does this mean this a known, common error/thing or was this sarcasm for general game state?
  • It's... It's not toxic to use in game items. Like, thats why they are there. To be used? Also lol @ being called a cheater. I got called a camper yesterday after hooking someone and running to the other side of the map to hook another using bbq. I was like ??? how can I camp if I'm not anywhere near you? People are ao…
  • Keiichi as the survivor from Higurashi: When They Cry. And make Rika the killer. Or the shrine spirit thing lol. Eta: Miyo is the main killer of the series and would make a good stalking killer in the game, but Rika is the main catalyst for all of the deaths/infections/shrine ghost and thusly why I vote for her. Her forced…
  • Lol anime was originally intended for adults, not kids. Just like american cartoons were intended for adults, not children. Also, how silly must you be to think that bhvr would implement a waifu style model into the game? No they would recreate it in the games style. Just like they've done for every liscensed character so…
  • Game mechanic: VR headset survival mode Both killers and survivors are placed in first person mode and must meet their objectives. (I just think actually having to move while playing sounds lile a lot of fun.) Survivor perk; Tear-away shirt: This weird shirt you found with the back held together by Velcro is pretty flimsy.…
  • Its actually easier to vomit on a dying survivor than a hooked one. Just, everytime you knock someone down - vomit on them. The hit box on the hook is fiddly and will often not do the thing lol.
  • My legion build; Sloppy, Relentless, I'm all ears, and Bbq. Ears shows you auras in your immediate area and BBQ auras in the distance. Relentless makes miss recovery faster and sloppy applies mangled. If you feel lile gens are being done too fast you can replace sloppy with either corrupt intervention or ruin. Also I love…
  • I'm pretty sure DC was taken down because hackers were triggering the penalty on killers/players they didnt like. There was also a glitch where people who completed a match would aslo get a 5 minute DC penatly. Although to be fair, it was unclear if this was indeed a glitch verses a hacker thing happening. It should be…
  • I always aim higher than were I want it to go. And swing in slow motion. Which sounds counter productive but it really does help in getting it exactly where I want it to go. Think of it as having a .5 second speed delay, its always going to be just behind of your center screen point. You can also infect someone when they…
  • You mean something like this? Lol, in case photo is too blurry thats a me, 15, getting bad touched by red survivors. I thought the level cap difference was at 8? But maybe that was just a forum post I read saying that.
  • Oooh gotcha. Thanks for answering. :) I figured it had to be me doing something wrong but for the life of me I couldnt figure out what.
  • I think she looks wonderful. The huntress could always use some glitzy formal wear in my opinion. Good job on the art. :)
  • Thank you! 💙 I don't what it is about Rin but every time I'm violently murdered by her all I can think about is how cold she must be in those linen strips.
  • Added more art! A concept for her sword and an actual portrait picture. It's missing her gloves but I worked so hard on the hands that the thought of putting gloves on filled me with despair. Ok, lots of love, bye.
  • Not the mountain! ;o; Edit: Idk y the gif isnt working but it should be saying oh my goooood. Because thats what the revelation made me feel.
  • I think it looks like a great map and story. You think the Entity ate all of those passengers?
  • Thank you! I agree, Rin deserves all of the adorable outfits. ;3; Added a third picture, it's uh, slightly sloppy but I wanted to see what she might look like with normal skin. The green is def intentional. Like zombie moss or something. Yes.
  • Thanks! :) The skin is blue because thats the color my color picked up when I was trying to grab it from a screenshot. Mostly I was just trying to get a base done for her that kinda looked similar to what she actually is. But yeah I think she would look great regular skin color, I might go in and see if I can edit a third…
  • Bubba. For no other reason than I love my large frightened son.
  • His gremlin-like face and Freddy's weird, and slightly uncomfortable, rant about how his eyes sparkle as he bleeds out or something probably. Like, Im not saying She has a problem with him; just that maybe She was a bit hasty indulging Kruegers requests. (She also probably doesnt answer his calls anymore too tbh.)
  • Tear away clothes: when interrupted and grabbed by a killer, your shirt tears allowing you to run away. (For a male stripper surv my sister insists would be a grand character) Blend in: You look like your obsession, matching them almost exactly, granting undetectable. This effect lasts until you attack or damage something.…
  • Like, a parasite or chest burster type thing? You could have an infection power; implates baby via violence into 1 survivor who than becomes the obsession. The survivor has 180/160/140 seconds to cleanse before becoming a mother! And cleansing stations like the fountains for plague to cure survivors. hive connection; your…
  • Uh, I think the thread went into a weird direction lol. So like it was mentioned earlier for legal reasons you cannot force mod a 3rd party product. Ie, bhvr cannot use their platform to make an in game code that disables the use of discord. If it was legally allowed could it be done? The short answer is, kinda. It would…
  • I've been there twice on ps4 today. What system are you using?
  • It makes me feel pretty. I love the glitter effects.
  • I had a couple of Davids chase my Doc around Haddenfield when they realized all I was doing was shocking people instead of hitting. They were just so cute I wanted to pinch their cheeks. And the crown spawned in the same spot like 3 times in a row so everyone was able to get it before they left.
  • Im a killer main on ps4, and I haven't sacrificed a single person all day. Lol, I will first hook people and maybe smack them if they heal themselves fully afterwards but mostly I just get my chase points and try to steer people towards the crowns. I don't mind, as long as I hook 2 people my level doesnt depip and in my…
  • Maybe I just dont understand, but event cosmetics in nearly every other game I've played... always, like come back? During the next matching event? So that the items are available for everyone during said event? I understand that the event is not out currently, but from what I have read these specific items were gifted…
  • I'm pretty sure the current challenges are hard because its the fourth page of the tome that just unlocked. Unless you mean on the earlier pages in which case I'd say that the (kate/dwight) specific survivor challenges need certain maps to complete that might take a while but are otherwise doable. I am not sure that there…
  • It might be possible after crossplay is implemented, but not before then. In order for something like that to work the account and all of its details would have to be hosted on a 3rd party server, i.e. at behaviors office and not via the platforms built in service. So instead of using the PS or Xbox membership details it…
  • It might be the lighting of the area? Dull totems are always like an soft white color for me, except on new map where the ones upstairs are like... cream colored.
  • I switched back over to doc to farm bloodpoints so I could level PH. I was getting about 12-15k after each match on PH, whereas I can get 60-70k with the doctor. I figured once I get ol' triangle heads perks up to atleast 2nd tier each I'll start playing him again. I am also not the great with aiming so its nice to run a…
  • Give us back the THICC. Its bad enough we didn't get the movie outfit that is just a front apron with an open back but now?? They take away his best assets?? Unbelievable.
  • I thought I read somewhere that each new piece is from a different game, for the SH anniversary or something? Map is SH1, killer is SH2, and survivor is SH3. Now if we are making a wishlist of killers to add I want Walter Sullivan. And one of those bat things from downpour.