Faced a Nurse last night
Trickster is oppressive? Lmao I don’t know anyone who lost against a Trickster.
Bruh they really shadow nerfed Nurse? This game sucks
Won't be less than 10 seconds at night
And that means longer survivor queues lmao
I stopped playing the game back in October, BHVR needs to stop giving survivors so many advantages.
Not a solution
God forbid the developers would actually have to do work
Then don't complain if killers continue to complain about SWF
Same can be said for SWF vs. killers...
I already left, only time I play the game again is if my friends plan on playing dbd and I have nothing else I want to play at that time.
Correction: 5 years
Yes, that's how you get yourself permanently banned.
Internet issue is still as bad as DC'ing on purpose. Get better internet before you play any game that requires internet.
I'd love to see your low MMR number
Cool story, now play at least 300 games so we can actually believe you hit high MMR.
I think the chains should go after everyone REGARDLESS if someone is holding it or not.
Mind telling me how to do that as killer?
Yes, might make me return to the game to play some matches.
I played all 3 series except for Outlast 2
If they don't involve ring-around-the-rosie yeah they can be fun
Bhvr encourages survivors being toxic to killers, I mean they even made a counter that tracks how many t bags happened in a match.
Dude, you need to get a better system if you’re running into problems like this.
You know there are hackers on pc who can bypass cross play right? Plus bhvr I don’t think can afford doing this with their playerbase.
Have you tried Darkwood? That one is actually pretty scary.
Have you played against the tutorial bots?
And the recovery speed is doubled!
Here's another anti killer change on the way: they're doing something to punish face camping even further. ######### this game
This man casually ignoring the fact Spirit was gutted, Dead Hard got a hit validation buff, Deathslinger got an unnecessary nerf, need I go on?
Gonna have to ratio you real quick
Consider maybe not disconnecting ever?
Allow the survivor to have a button to bleed out faster BUT a certain amount of time needs to pass before the hatch opens so it still matches the time the 2nd to last survivor had before bleeding out normally.
If you're consistently having internet issues, you need to fix your internet or get better internet before you play ANY online game. The increasing penalty is fine, makes it a lot harder to abuse.
RPD. Hawkins would be my second choice.
Killer's build isn't frustrating.
Just don't be the only person I see when I come back to the hook. Well, if you'd ever see me coming to the hook which you won't because I don't play DBD anymore.
Don't forget that survivors like to play a children's game: Ring-Around-The-Rosie
Oh sounds like an opportunity to make No Mither a real perk. I'm all for it.
DC timers don't get bugged, you dc a lot.
Bruh they really shadow nerfed one of the weakest killers in the game.
NOED isn't a good perk my guy, so yes.
You can't use Pop when gens are regressing due to Ruin lol
Game balance is horrible, it's why killers camp because survivors are too strong.
Welcome to pareidolias!
What I'm talking about is that this is a feature and not a bug. You now have to walk or stand still to see the bear trap prompt, same with medkits and active add ons for the medkit.