Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Because they're more than likely unilaterally giving themselves (outside of the game with a 3rd party app, mind you) the biggest perk advantage in the game with comms? The roadblock of limited information is the primary source of difficulty for a survivor team, and making the "free choice" of using comms neuters that. It's…
  • I am gathering that English is not a native tongue so I admit I am having some trouble figuring out what you are saying here. Yes, killers can end the game by killing all the survivors. What I am saying is that if you have lost the pressure of gen repair and the killer is dictating the pace of the game by killing…
  • If you're still around the hook 10 seconds after the unhook, that's not a tunnel. If you're fully healed by the time the killer starts a new chase, that's not a tunnel.
  • Oh it's definitely an easier win than one where survivors play smart. Yes, two survivors braindead threw themselves at him multiple times. All I'm saying is that it's frustrating that after that exchange, four survivors are still alive through no extra effort or skill on the survivors' part and they ate up enough time for…
  • Definitely still winnable but I think the point remains that it's just a frustrating mess of survivor misplays that should have put him into a guaranteed win position instead of him having to eat most of the consequences of their mistakes. BT and DS encourage that kind of eye-rolling behavior and obviously don't do…
  • Why not just let killers rebuild their totems after survivors dismantle them?
  • Survivors quite explicitly control the pace of the game as the game ends when the generators are repaired. The killer cannot repair gens. If you are in a match where the killer is controlling the pace of the game then the killer has likely already won. The truth is that a coordinated group of survivors will make mincemeat…
  • I think the problem with DS isn't with the conditions that cause the trigger so much as that it's a passive ability that requires next to no effort from the survivor for a major momentum shifting benefit. There's zero counterplay except to slug and wait - which, if someone is legit tunneling in a toxic way, they don't…
  • I think you can find a line between too distracting and braindead quicktime. I don't know about throttling to artificially induce an even match, that never feels good (thinking about those Mario Kart races where you obliterate everyone and suddenly all the cpu karts are faster). Another idea is to spawn as many chests as…
  • I think they just need a more involved mini-game that gets progressively harder as gens are completed - kind of like the "hacking" minigames in Fallout, so repairing a gen becomes more of an activity than a passive waiting game. The point of gen repair isn't just to make survivors sit still at a likely ambush spot, it's…
  • Just limit the sources of information that the game gives them since they're using a 3rd party app to give them extra. 2 person SWF? 3 perks each. 3 person? 2 perks. Running a four man? One perk per survivor. Since comms essentially gives them 2-3 recon perks for free I feel like that's fair. In fact they should be…
    in Nerf SWF Comment by JustCats July 2020
  • The issue isn't that voice comms make a swf superpowered it's that it gives them the option of removing the primary source of difficulty in the game for survivors - working together as a team with limited information. You don't need to be in a SWF to be good at this, of course, but voice comms are basically an easy button…
  • I think it would be interesting if the killer could take the time to reassemble the totem after a significant cooldown.
  • I think you should have to time it like DH. Just before the killer bends down to pick you up you roll over and stabby with whatever. This gives the killer an opportunity to dodge the hit and requires some sort of conscious effort from the survivor. The problem with perks like DS and BT is that there's next to no effort…
  • I see what you're saying but you're missing my point. Add-ons aren't generic to the killer, they're specific to the killer. A chewed pen increasing the rate of GhostFace power recovery does nothing for any killer except GhostFace. Thrilling Tremors, however, is generic to all killers. What does this mean? It means that…
  • Except you haven't finished your objective (escaping), you're just closer to the end game. Adrenaline is a boost if you are currently suffering and may not be able to complete it. A catch-up. NOED is the same - haven't finished your objective (kill all survivors), but it's getting to the end game and the killer is…
    in Hate noed Comment by JustCats July 2020
  • The problem with killer perks is really killer add-ons. Add ons serve the purpose of perks - enhancing your killer's abilities - making perks too hard to balance across a roster with very diverse abilities. That's why you get these weirdly long cooldowns and the clumsy totem mechanic. When killer abilities aren't even…
  • Number one, recognize that if a survivor goes down early that builds a lot of momentum for the killer whether he camps or not. Don't get downed early. If a teammate goes down early, tell yourself that the killer is currently "winning" the game and you will have to adjust what you're doing in response until you get the…
    in Hate noed Comment by JustCats July 2020
  • It's very hard to say for sure whether you're facing a swf or not, and generally close to impossible in the lobby. That being said, over time you develop a feel for when you're facing a team with a much higher than usual level of coordination. Every down has a flashlight fight? There's one survivor who is shadowing you all…
    in Nerf SWF Comment by JustCats July 2020
  • Killers don't really have any way to be toxic during the game. I definitely don't count camping/tunneling as neither of those things are abuses of a game mechanic and both can be responded to or played around. I mean I guess GF and Pig can kinda teabag and there's the hitting a hooked survivor thing which I guess is kind…
  • Bill Overbeck's Nightmare: 4v1 with all players starting as survivors, one must be Bill. Game rules as normal except One player starts with a zombie bite. There is no visual indicator of this for anyone. Generators require cooperation to progress. With four survivors, 3 must be on a gen to repair. With 3, two must be on a…
  • We Are Legion: 4v1 but all players start looking like survivors with baseball bats. Game rules as normal except: Survivors can attack and down each other, but are permanently broken and cannot heal. All survivors including the disguised Legion can repair generators and perform all other survivor functions. A survivor who…
  • Well keys are just mass DCs... if you don't want to play then don't queue up. Even with an ebony mori you gotta chase people and hook em once then down them again (as stupid and unfair as they are). Here's how keys work for the killer - "hmm I don't see any of the survivors, maybe - oop match ended you lost." Whether…
  • They just need to activate when you put them on (or you can't remove them until they activate) and she's probably mostly fine.
  • Well once the "matchmaking is fubar, whaddya gonna do" excuse is gone I'd imagine legitimate balance issues will become clearer. But yeah, if you're super super good you'll probably have to play against super super good survivors. If that's extra unpleasant, maybe they'll fix the game. Or maybe they'll introduce…
  • I think it's more that nobody wants to play versus red-rank survivors. It's not every group, but it's close enough that when I get to rank 5 or 6 and start seeing them I can be virtually guaranteed that the match is going to be unpleasant, win or lose, with all the various toxic and unsportsmanlike behavior that . DbD is…
  • Killing survivors is the killers objective, but people still complain about camping, tunneling, NOED, and whatever else they find annoying. This is a video game. People complain about the things they don't like. Just because gens are the objective doesn't mean that they have to be as quick and/or easy to repair. Nobody's…
  • People do blame BVHR. That doesn't mean it doesn't still suck when games end in 5 minutes.
  • How'd they find one to hook and activate BBQ in the first place then? I don't even have BBQ unlocked on most of my killers and finding survivors is the least of my problems.
  • Don't forget to use geography. If she's running along the edge of the map, take the inside track. Make it so that she can't cut inside to the middle of the map without losing distance, and you'll end up catching her pretty quickly. Having someone at the map boundaries is usually your most advantageous scenario, as you can…
  • I don't want to push you into buying any content, but my advice is usually to find an m1 killer that is not particularly power-dependent and reasonably small (in actual size) when first starting out. Reason being - every killer is going to have their quirks, but at the end of the day it just comes down to outperforming in…
  • Yo I somehow forgot to address the bit about me.. watering things down but also taking them to their most extreme at the same time somehow so I can apply my... dogma (?) to it and how I'm ruining media but honestly I do not have the tinfoil context to know how to respond to that. But just so you know I did read it and I do…
  • Yeah man, it's not rabid foam at the mouth explicit bigotry but it also doesn't appear to be a ######### mystery what he's saying. He could probably do with a little more effort to writing with clarity but if you took something significantly different from what he is saying I'd love to hear it. If you don't mind can you…
  • No, and you're not. When you see references to a 110% or 115% killer it's a reference to their move speed relative to survivors. However, hitbox collision means that, to varying degrees, survivors can cut corners closer than killers. Since the game has boiled down to running in a circle around a pile of trash, that small…
  • You need me to read the OP back to you? Okie dokie. "I made the choice to check on some DBD news knowing that the event was close and I discovered a letter from the team discussing "equal representation" and "giving sexual orientation" to the characters. Now IMO this is a poor move by the team because of the RPG element…
  • I assumed you were a straight white dude because your post is an exact example of the perspective that doesn't understand why representation is important even if the media portrayal isn't perfect, deep, and complex, or the context of historical over-representation of straight white dudes. For that, I apologize. I have no…
  • It's cause it's legitimately a poorly designed game that requires the stars to align to provide a positive experience to all parties involved. The internet is a toxic place, of course, but DbD's higher than average share of it for a multiplayer game isn't some weird coincidence. It's honestly up to you how much you want to…
  • You'll get better and looping will just be annoying rather than insufferably frustrating. If I can make a suggestion, try focusing on an m1 killer like Legion or Pig when you're working your way out of the lower ranks. These guys will help you establish fundamentals that you can supplement later on with the killers who…
  • Right, you trade the current danger of being unhooked where you are injured and the killer knows exactly where you are for the future danger of having increasingly less margin for error in your next encounter with the killer, but it's on fairer terms. It also gets you in a position to get back to work on gens faster as a…
  • @csandman1977 This isn't offensive but I do think you are considerably exaggerating. These new characters aren't any more or less shallow than the previous ones (in general, anyway - bad writing does exist of course) they just have personality traits and characterizations that are unfamiliar and unrelatable to you, so they…
  • Yup, you're right, and why I posted for discussion as I was thinking a bit too narrowly. We probably posted at the same time-ish. Modified the idea to require a teammate to rescue, but keeping the spawn away mechanic. To compensate for that element of immediate safety, they spawn broken and increasingly injured/vulnerable.…
  • @Orion I do want to make it clear that I am approaching this not as an argument but a conversation - game design thought experiments are fun for me and I do appreciate the back and forth. This isn't an "I disagree hear me internet roar" sort of thing. In fact, I do see exactly where you are coming from and it presents a…
  • Right. Okay. I don't mean literal Ruin and literal Pop. I mean the way it should work is that gens should automatically regress just as a normal thing and you should be able to kick a gen after a hook and make it worse whether it's already regressing or not. However you want to word it I think killers should have more…
  • That's a very good point, but I do think it's addressable - and needs to be anyway as a committed gen rush is already a giant problem in terms of overall game balance. Hook pressure is more of a bandaid than a solution, and just encourage the exact kind of killer play nobody really enjoys. I personally think Hex: Ruin 1…
  • @Golden_spider Yeah I'm envisioning no self-unhook attempts or death struggles. Final survivor timer refers to the last one not needing to wait the full minute with no rescue possible, but also giving the killer time to stalk to likely spawn choices.
  • @Nurgling7 Well, ideally you would free the killer to apply pressure more directly to the gens since they wouldn't need to be concerned about hook rescues as much. No pressure to proxy, no time wasted running back to an unhook location.
  • Yeah this is a suggestion made outside of bloodpoint considerations, which is just a spreadsheet decision more than a game balance one. You'd also want to tweak hook and repair timers too, as now their function would be to remove a survivor from gen repair rather than to provide a window for rescue. It'd also severely…
  • Tokenism is a real concern and if we were discussing an issue with how BVHR implemented wider representation and not whether they should, this would be a different conversation. However it's also important to remember that we're dealing with a video game already pretty light on characterization whose whole deal is to…
  • The OP is on the first page. The only reason to bring up TLOU2 in the context of his complaint is in regards to having non-binary characters as that is the only characteristic about that game that links it to his general complaint. Are you trying to tell me that he brings up TLOU2 in the context of a complaint about…
  • Yeah, it'd be nice if it didn't have to be "forced" (by who? or is this the gay mafia again?). It would also be nice if having representation didn't signify some sort of political or social stance. Unfortunately that's not the world we live in, and I'd rather companies and producers err on the side of hurting the feelings…
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