I don’t think getting P1 on a character is having perks “handed to you”. Especially at scale. Doing that for all characters currently easily takes 300-500 hours. ———— You made a post about the bp economy and longevity of the game. I admit it was worded a bit tongue and cheek, but my goal in responding was/is to demonstrate…
“What are people going to do when they’ve unlocked everything?” Some Options: Get every character to P7 for the additional cosmetic rewards (7x the grind!) Start going for P100s (infinite grind!) Grind Iri Shards for cosmetics. Self-imposed challenges/goals. Take a well-deserved break from playing DBD for hundreds of…
I feel like tunneling is sweating your booty off to make your mmr higher so you have to sweat even harder the next game.
Practicality aside, I would find it extremely annoying to listen to.
People want each new released killer to be the next Wesker. So a lot of players are hyper-sensitive to anything that could make them see less play.
Well, let’s assume I want to get every perk T3 on just one killer. Just my “main”. Under my suggestion, I would just need to get every other killer to P1 and my main to level 44-48. Under the current system, I would still need to get every other character to P1, but then I’d also need to get my main to almost P4.…
Yeah. Being blunt, I cannot see casual players who complain about killers dodging compounding that by dodging tons of lobbies themselves.
Swf were intentionally using the old system to match up against grey and yellow killers. Killers cannot use the new system to intentionally game anything prior to the match. Since the Swf were the ones intentionally opting in to an unbalanced game; they are more deserving of dealing with the negative consequences. And no…
I don’t know if the above would happen en masse; but the most likely thing to happen would be a whole lot of players quitting the game.
Who said this would get rid of the bing bong?
Rank 1 + Rank 20 =\= Rank 10. If a rank 1 and rank 20 queue together, the game will be massively unfair for someone. The swf survivors deserve it more than the killer does, bc thry chose to do this. Your rando survivor teammates are getting kind of screwed; but Rank 1 survivors can deal with it better than a killer 10…
Also Wraith, but i would just give the ability to attack out of stealth :p
I’m going to play survivor while a bunch of survivor mains try to play killer for more blood points but fail by nuking queue times. Any BP I earn will go to getting the rest of the perks on Meg again. I fell behind a bit after the Legion chapter.
Rank 1s cant exclusively bully baby killers anymore.
High rank people will not derank on purpose. THat is too much of a pain in the a to lose a game for every one you win.
Quick someone post a crab rave but with bubba.
Now i want a pet demigorgon instead of a pet skag in bl3.
Pennywise would generate a lot of positive interest; and I support adding any such killer to the game.
Huntress and Hag should swap places with Leatherface. And you need two more tiers at the bottom so we can argue the minutiae.
If they do the event again then they’ll probably make 2, 5, or 6 more. Nurse, Hag, Clown, Spirit, Legion, and Plague are the ones missing skins that aren’t licensed. 2 bc age gap prior to clown, 5 bc they did that many last year, or 6 to finish the set lol.
I am hoping for another 5 hallowed blight skins, some more lore, Myers and Laurie cosmetics, and a Benedict Baker killer.
The new map is a pain to play as both sides; so it’s probably balanced.
Ah. So the TNT Evilution on Nightmare without quick saves? Groovy.
Am I a bad person for now wanting to see a cyberdemon play the tuba?
You are forgetting about people like me who do totems but don’t need small game.
Yeah. I’m a rank 4 killer rank 6 survivor atm who has paid full price for all dlc, bought some auric cells, and almost never camps who also created a thread where the main point is sort of that people should stop pretending camping doesn’t work bc survivors can technically punish it. How dare they let people like me play!
It’s not going to become meta mainly bc it is too hard to use while being tunnelled. And if you aren’t being tunnelled you don’t need an extra way to heal. Decisive Strike and Bond are more useful in situations where I would want this kind of effect.
After a certain point, some people stop caring about rank and blood points. To those people, getting kills IS the objective. This is especially true when it comes to caring about rank, because quite a few people view ranking up as an actively bad thing right now. As far as blood points go, the main time you get severely…
Tried to quote whole thing but im bad with my phone lol. Thank you for bringing up something I hadn’t thought of recently. I agree that punishing a camper means you should pip when three people escape. I disagree with the last part. Otherwise good players don’t punish it enough imo. But I play solo survivor so maybe I am…
Once again a lot of the bad ones are bad bc the numbers are too low.
Today i had an obvious cheater in one of my games. No one unhooked them when they finally got to cocky and went down. Everyone including Ghostface did teabag them on the hook though. Not sure if toxic or wholesome tbh.
If i was going to intentionally camp i would play Leatherface.
If you want to play against less of them than ask the devs to make other killers better. Otherwise be thankful billy at least isn’t the only killer people play lol.
At this point i just want people to stop complaining about this. Shall we summarize? Swf is an unfair advantage that most groups are too bad to make use of. It’s also one of the few reasons people have kept playing the game; so the devs will not be discouraging it any time soon. Thus complaining about this ad infinum…
If my hex gets destroyed I generally don’t even bother to go look who did it. They are supposed to get blown up. Thats why you run the better ones.
Hag, Clown, Trapper, and Doctor all should be moved up at least one tier.
*Fragile Wheeze *
Jeepers Creepers would be the worst I could imagine them doing if they hadn’t already promised not to. A flying killer would be the worst mechanically.
Im saying that you wont get extra perks per level until 40 so the first bunch of level 50 bloodwebs will be a lot worse and you wont be able to stop investyin a character as soon ad you can now. on phone so tagging and autocorrect painful lol
Getting pink perk at bloodwebs 70+ does not make up for them being ultra rare for the firdt 70 or so levels.
Pink perks would be a lot harder to find lol.
No it won’t. Making tier 1 perks common and tier 3 perks pink would not balance out.
People are just bad. Its overwatch all over again.
The tier list isn’t any different imo. People just play worse so you rarely see a good huntress.
The game got 3 licensed killers in 4 months back when pig hit. Theyd need a 4th
People who would believe you would not need a video; and for people eho wouldn’t there is no reasonable amount of evidence that would help.
I think it’s obvious at this point that when they got the opportunity they dropped everything else to do stranger things. Normally they have roughly a 1.5 chapter buffet or something.
Is the switch version out?
Looking for an echo chamber
The only reason i run the perk right now is because you start injured. If this change ever occurred, people would stop running it, not start using it; because it still wouldn’t be a good perk worth using instead of unbreakable.