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  • Games leggy as hell and randomly crashes on xbox so yay My friend on pc has managed to escape a few times only to not get the crown she'd been carrying most of the match Killers are face camping and tunneling, more so those with a golden shine and then being BM once you die and hitting your body over and over again…
  • March 23 should be the release date, but with the devs you never know
  • Had This happen to me when I solo qued the other day. Last second the obvious swf threesome all switched to keys, I was so pissed I couldn't lobby dodge. I worked gens, got a hex off the board and even ran the killer at one point. Never saw those three. Finally with 2 gens left the killer got me. I run kindred and where…
  • Sometimes you have to take a break or if you have people you can play with and are willing to screw around with you, mess around during the match, expecally if your team mates start off as problems right off the bat. At the end of the last rift I took the month off, felt better coming back to the game. On a bad night where…
  • If You need to take a break, then take a break. After I finished the last rift I took about a month off, felt better coming back to dbd after that, was terribly rusty and died a lot, but playing was fun again. Another option and something my friend and I do after five plus matches of toxic survivors and killers is just…
  • When we do get grief from other survivors its usually with the Huntress, it's super weird how that goes. Sometimes Legion, but normally Huntress. I don't get it either, as my friend and I have ranked up we've run into more and more people doing their best to try and ruin the game, we've learned how to avoid them during a…
  • I get where you coming from with this. Had something similar happen last night where myself, rank 5, and my friend, rank 7, where put with two rank 20s who kept leading the Huntress to us. When she finally caught both of us they kind of just....danced? Around the hooks t-bagging and nodding. It was ridiculous to be honest
  • There is nothing wrong with this, there is Nothing Wrong with Casual Killers. If someone is unhappy about it do your gens and leave, gets your dc penalty and leave. Sometimes a casual killer is taking a break after having an SWF team murder them, yes it happens. Sometimes they have rift stuff they need to do, they've tried…
  • But...but I actually enjoy thinking I got all the totems cause I run Detectives Hunch only to realize I missed one and they have NOED. If done right I can still find it and save the day. Also the screaming of my teams mate cause I missed one makes me laugh and gives me an excuse to tell them to run the perk
  • Sorry, I'm more then likely one of the people making the totem cleansing hard, I run detective's hunch and go for totems hard due to getting NOED and Devour Hope almost every game. As for this challenge, took me about 6 games, but running unbreakable definitely helped, so did the slugging Bubba who was pissed I got back…
  • Hehe, as a Susie main I will go with this
  • I want chill Bubba's, you need to share. In the last 7 days of playing only one was cool. The rest tunneled and face camped. One was a lvl one killer and he was the worst. Would rather play against any other killer.
  • I'm learning to play Jeff, that man is a bear and the killers can see him anywhere on the map he's so tall, but next to Quentin, he's my man
  • I don't know if anyone has already pointed this out but they could be forcing the vertical survivor pictures because there are a decent amount of shooters, Borderlands for example, and single player games, where the companion icons are vertical and in the top left hand corner. They could have thought it would be a popular…
  • Spawn points are super wonky right now. Had two matches last night where someone put down an offering to have the survivors spawn together and well, Everyone spawned together, including the killer. You can bet Bubba and Huntress took advantage of that Otherwise at least one of my team mates spawned almost on top of the…
  • Played Pig yesterday, brown add ons, no hexs, nothing special. Games starts Steve is right there and obviously wants me to chase him, not going to happen, so I crouch and find the Nancy, down her, go to put the mask on and she disconnects, we aren't even a minute into the game. Steve shows up again, I humor him and give…
  • There is nothing wrong with farming. People who claim it takes the game hostage or is just no fun well... they can finish the gens and go play waiting simulator again. This game has a horrible grind and some of the tasks in the rift can just be to much sometimes expecally if your not toxic or don't play the rifts chosen…
  • Just had to respond to this one cause you make a really good point. But I main Quentin, Yu and Fang, my friend mains Jane, Zarina and Felix so.... that counts for something right lol
  • What exactly do you consider crutch perks other then dead hard, adrenaline, ds, OoO? I don't use any of those myself, what I run depends on my tome challenge or how I'm feeling. Lately though detectives hunch and wake up have been getting a lot of use. Head on because I have to do a lot of stun the killer challenges and…
  • Farming isn't against the rules, its not taking the game hostage because the survivors can just finish the gens and go or the killer can kill the survivors if one side doesn't want to farm. As for farming itself I don't see anything wrong with it as a survivor or a killer, hell half the time it helps me to get rift things…
  • I'm not a fan of what just happened to Legion, but as a Legion main I tested out the bug, nerf, whatever we are calling it now, yesterday and out of 5 matches I got 4k in 3 of them. I struggled with the larger maps because the survivors were able to spread out better and I just couldn't cover the distances the way I'm use…
  • Yeah, where can I see these?
  • I like farming killers, expecally when I'm trying to do a particularly difficult challenge and I've had 10 sweaty killers in a row and its taking way to long to complete. Also some of the killers who want to farm end up doing super silly cute things that my friend and I love to watch. Love Ghostfaces, Pigs and Plagues who…
  • I don't blame the killer for bringing a mori, the end game chat however was ridiculous and he really didn't believe that there was a rift challenge to use the hatch, which surprises me for a rank 1 killer, but what can you do.
  • I don't blaim killers for bringing mori's, my buddy and I took bets on how many times we would get killed before we finished this challenge so I count us lucky to get it done on our second try.
  • I feel tunneling is very viable as a killer, expecally if you have to do rift stuff and I say this as a someone who plays 50/50 killer survivor. Face Camping on the other hand I really don't feel like there's a need for expecally on Bubba, Nurse or the Spirit and lately those killers have been face camping my little group…
  • I don't understand people who do things like that. Loaded into a game with a friend, had the Bill disconnect right off and the forth person, a Kate with Bonded, chase my friend and I around the map doing everything she could to draw the killer to us or try tobody block us in. Refused to let us do totems or even attempt…
  • My friend and I always let the Plague puke on us. Sometimes they get super confused and sometimes they have fun with us. Its like booping the snoot for Pig or Max and dancing with Ghost Face. Best things ever!!!
  • I would wait it out, but we bought the new rift and that would make it even more of a grind. The killers will either say good game, or give us advice on how to better play against them, or if we were memeing, joke with us in the in game chat or message me directly on Xbox. Does that make sense, not sure how else to explain…
  • I don't use those perks, but my friend does. Main difference I've seen is the killer mains we've gone against more then twice will slug her and leave her on the ground coming back to check to see if she got up and slug her back down if she does when they are right there. As for me, those same killers know I don't run those…
  • Hey, a silent pyramid head coming up on you unexpectedly still makes my friends and I shout.
  • Congrats!!! Side note, I'm pretty sure your the nurse that murdered my group last night lol. Seriously though, congrats and good work, nurse mains are my fav
  • Depends on what challenge I'm doing but I love when Killers want to farm and play around, expecally Ghost face, Pig and Hillbilly, they are adorable and I love them. Also Amanda's and Billy's who are farming are more likely to let you boop the snoot and thats the best. Leatherface is the only one I really don't enjoy…
  • I main Legion when I do play killer and I don't really run into a lot of issues with him, unless I get a SWF hit squad I can normally get at least 2 kills with him, often I get 4k. Their mildly easy to learn, personally fun to play and often times underestimated by survivors. Are there better killers? Yes. Are their worst…
  • As someone who mainly plays survivor I love going against the nurse. With her my group actually has to be careful, we have to plan better knowing if they are a good nurse we are dead, if their halfway decent and we make a mistake we are dead. If they are new or struggling okay we've got this but only to a point, because…
  • I had to let the survivors know I was a friendly blight and they let me do it. Totally got I was doing a challenge and gave me pitty, would not have gotten it done otherwise. The struggle is real on this one
  • Your gonna get hate no matter what you do, I've had the same thing happen to me and my friend. We weren't fast enough on a save, my friend was crouching, nevermind the killer was right there, they thought I was to close to a door for several minutes, generator anyone? I didn't spend the whole match looking for a hex totem…
  • When I play killer I'm all for someone body blocking me, but if they are being a prick about it you better believe I'm face camping till they are dead so shrugs As a survivor I don't do it, one because I play killer so I know how frustrating that can be, two my team mates give me so much crap about it if I do it on…
  • I got just the cosmetic since I had the dlc but my friend and my husband each got both
  • Thank you, I had completely missed it
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