Can you reccomend some builds around these perks: Reactive healing Wiretap Any means necessary Boil over Lucky break
Crow Charms?
Is there any way to get charms from previous rifts? I haven't been able to play DBD for about 2 years & I want to try to play again soon. I noticed that crow charms exist. I love crows beyond belief & I wanted to know if there's a way to get those charms. Charms: Stuffed Crow from rift 5, Skeletal Crow from rift 7,…
perk tiers?
can we just get rid of them they are pointless i feel like i only use tier 1 pebble if im doing time challenges
What does the "Charcoal Stick" add-on do for The Artist?
So i thought that this effect would apply to survivor but i think i've played against this before and it didn't do that so what would be the point of this add-on? Does anyone have gameplay of it.
Any way to purchase killers with auric cells on a family shared account?
I am on a steam account that has dbd family shared to it, and when I previously tried to buy auric cells with steam funds it wouldn't let me as I don't technically own the base game. I'd like to pick up wesker and sadako, but steam only sells the dlc as bundles with the survivors and it costs about double per killer that…
Demogorgon add on question
So I'm wondering about the interaction between lifeguard whistle and thorny vines. Lifeguard whistle allows you to detect survivors near open portals with killer instinct without channeling from the abyss. Thorny vines increases the range at which you can detect survivors portals when using from the abyss. Does this apply…
Name change PS4?
So if i change my ID name on the ps4, will I loose everything like add ons because i wanted to change my name on the ps4 but it said about loosing paid add ons and content?
Cross progression from Epic to Steam
I was just curious about what all will get transferred? Does high inventory override or add to your account as well as cosmetics? Excluding some exclusives like charms I know do not. Do the higher prestige add to your total or override when you share cross progression? I have been playing a lot more on epic games and…
renewal and for the people
will for the people activate my renewal perk? so i dont have to heal someone for 16 seconds
Is the killer expansion pack worth worth it?
Just curious about this since my birthday is coming up I'm considering buying it. Anyone have any thoughts?
Wiggle Effect
How does it work? Sometime killers shake a lot and have an hard time even walking straight or crossing doors, sometime it seems they are totally unaffected; I don't think it's related to hitting crit on the wiggle check, so what? When I play killer it seems I've to struggle 90% of the times, and if I don't move the shake…
Is this intended?
In facing my first 5 minute ban, but not because I DC'd. It literally kicked me out of the match saying Disconnection From Host. One second Im trying to avoid hatchets from Huntress, next I get kicked out and banned for five minutes. I had no reason to DC, the match had just started and I hadnt been hit yet. Do I have to…
Kill Rates
When calculating Kill rates, does BHVR account for all the games when a killer lets survivors go? I've had 5 games today where the killer just let the entire group of survivors escape.
Can Unrelenting reduce this?
Do you know if missed attacks that hit an obstacle have the same cooldown as normal missed attacks. If yes, theoretically you could reduce the recover time after hitting a locker (that has a lock) with Unrelenting, making it actually useful.
What is this?
So... I was playing a regular Plague match the other day, nothing out of the ordinary, except that at 2 or 3 points of the match I got this symbol at the bottom right of the screen and every time I wanted to break a pallet the animation lasted like ages. At least double the normal animation time. I checked all Ada's and…
Does Breakdown combo with Deliverance, Slippery Meat, & Self Unhooks?
Will your progress merge if you get the nightmare edition
Hi, I used to play a lot on switch and had a lot of content including the stranger things dlc content but the game on my switch stopped working about 6 months ago, so I have transferred to playing on my ps5 and have now built up a large amount of content on my ps5 but I’m missing the stranger things content so I was…
Is the nightmare good?
I just played against the nightmare for the first time and he seemed to be amazing but as usual I come to the forums before buying.
Game crashes for no reason resulting in 24 hour ban?
Has anyones game been crashing consistently since the 6.2.1 patch? mine has and ive sent in over 5 crash reports since then and now im banned for 24 hours. I am afraid to play the game anymore because I dont wanna get banned for a week or forbid even a month. Heres what happened every time ive crashed -About to crawl into…
Healing while running in a chase
Is this possible or have I just played against a cheat lol? I won’t lie, it confused me. I was chasing a wounded survivor and after a minute or so they became healthy again mid-chase.
RE character voice lines
Is there any way to trigger the Resident Evil Characters voice lines? I don't have friends to play with, and my characters never seem to speak Is there something I can do in the lobby to trigger them?
RCPD map area??
Guys, which area is this 2 maps east and west wing (m2) ? on fandom there is info about all maps except this 2.
MMR questions
Is MMR tied to each character individually or is the survivor queue really that low? I have been waiting for 30 min in killer queue as a killer I have never played on and haven't found one game yet.
Hey guys,I just want to know ,if you use to bulb for a flashlight, does the blindness effect of those stack or not ?
Wesking question: Bounding over pallets
If you use your first bound to jump over a pallet, does your second bound get cancelled? So far I haven't been able to jump over a pallet and then bound again.
Where are some resources for how to get good at survivor?
Hello Dead by Daylight forum users! I've played DBD for a few years now with month long breaks in-between. I've played a lot of killer and have grasped many fundamentals for killer and been rank 1 multiple times (I don't know if that means anything tbh). Anyways, I started playing survivor because I figured I would be…
Forum username change.
Is there a way to change my username? I've been named NerfDejaVu on here for years now and I'd like to update it to the name I use on all the other platforms I use. If there's a way please tell me, thanks in advance.
Accessing perks with other characters
Hi all. This is probably two questions, one on the mechanics and then one on strategy. It’s also a bit wordy so apologies! Let’s say I want to play most of my killer games as The Cenobite, using somebody else every now and then, but I want to equip a Trapper perk at tier three. Am I right in assuming that I have to…
why cant i add some people as a friend
i have a friend but i cant add her i can play with her when i join one of my other friends if shes there but i cant add her she has friend requests on and all but we cant figure out why we both play trough epic games too
Controller issue, odd behaviours?
Currently running DBD through Epic Game Store (got it when it was free to download). Usually I run mouse and keyboard, but occasionally I like to use a controller. Using a new PDP Xbox One controller and it seems to be acting erratically. On the main menu it randomly opens the daily rituals, and on the character select…
Is the Flashbang hitbox smaller now?
I do remember that when Wesker came out in 6.2.0, Flashbang hitboxes were wild and blinding people when they were looking up. Was it over-corrected? Had a few instances where a killer walked into the Flashbang as it exploded or where they looked down to avoid it (which is weird, since they'd be looking directly at the…
Prime gaming reward question
Hello ! I have a question about last prime reward, the code for 400k bloodpoints. Are these codes stackable ?) Let's say I have 2, or 3 - can I use more than one ? Is it abuse or some kind of violation of the rules ??
Huntress seemed to see me no matter what
So, I played a game against a huntress that ran BBQ and chili, hex: undying, hex: blood favor, and one other perk I don't remember. Huntress threw her hatchets DIRECTLY in my direction no matter where I was --> at a gen, behind a wall, behind a stack of hay. (i haven't been hit once yet & she had an add-on that let her see…
Killer vs Looping and GenRush
Please dear Community... I hate God-Loopers and Gen-Rusher... My Questions: 1.) Which Killer all of them is good for cut looping or/and gen-rush? Artist, Wesker, Legion, Ghostface, Onriō (i have more killers, but thats the only ones i can play with, if the Survivors are not rushing or god-looping). 2.) Which Talents are…
Who is the best surviver in the game?
I'm wondering who the best surviver in the game is?
bugs and fixes to them?
so you know how there’s bugs in the game post 6.2.2, which is the last bug fix till the mid chapter.. will we have to wait to the mid chapter to get any of them fixed? because there is like some really scary and annoying bugs, such as the facial bug on jill… there’s actually a lot of survivor facial bugs. so i was just…
When can I have killers incentives?
At what time do you have the killer incentives? I'd play as killer with incentives on by their side. xD
New hack where all my Hooks disappeared?
I had a game where the survivors sent me to Haddonfield and i was playing Pinhead, and There were literally 1 hook in the entire map in the middle (Excluding Basement) So i could only get a 2k (1 was with Mori, i bought Devour and moried 1 guy before devour was cleansed) And it was super weird, initially i thought It was…
Where is individiual MMR data "stored"?
If I play DBD on another computer where it is already installed, but I just switch to my steam account.. Do I get my MMR games or MMR of the other person? Do the other person's game files affect the MMR data of my account in any way?
why does my jane look like this????
i guess she hates swamp too
Is pig or myers better?
I'm wondering which of these killers is better. From my understanding pig can crouch but myers can't.
Does every player hear the same voicelines?
I'm wondering, with a couple of characters now having voicelines AND reacting to certain other characters, does everyone actually get the same voicelines in a match/lobby? Is that at least the intend (because I haven't heard anything from e.g. other RE chars in a lobby, which feels weird)
is this the new meta build????
new meta!!!!
Which hexes make Soul Guard work?
I recently purchased Cheryl Mason cause I'm fan of the games and Soul Guard seems like a cute perk. It doesn't feel that niche but the secondary effect is pretty niche, being able to get up on your own. The one I found so far is Hex: The Third Seal, but I think Haunting Ground only gives you Exposed status and I think it…
Any idea what this symbol is?
Was playing killer and this popped up twice? It looks like a dotted diamond with an arrow to the side. I wasn't lagging noticeably so I don't know what it could of meant
Switching accounts from epic games to steam
So long time ago i collected dbd from epic for free. i wasn't playing too much but i came back to this game and i started playing a lot. on steam there are very cheaper so i wanted to buy it on steam and i bought it but i want my account from epic games to be the same as the steam one becouse i spent "little" money on this…
What determines if one can join or invite?
Recently had this with friends from around the globe: Friend in SE asia and I (in europe) could invite, but the friend in the US couldn't. We are all on steam, none of us is appearing offline... What determines who can join a party/invite?
Transfering from epic games to steam.
I saw that cross progression is possible but some stuff is not transfered, like auric cells and 'some virtual goods'. So my question is: What are those 'virtual goods'? Are those the dlc characters? Rift unlocks? I wish they was more clear about it...
Are there bots in public matches?
Hi, I'm new to the forum and I just recently played a match against the onryo but the killers profile cant be viewed only blocked... so are there now bots in Dead By Daylight on console?
Checking my ping
So before on this screen, above the READY button, I'd see my ping. But how do I check it now? Is it changed so I can only see it in match? What if I have poor ping? I want to leave lobby and fix my internet first, I dont want to have a bad time or drag my team down because I have it bad. Please help