Twins Bug - Unbinding and Pick Up
While playing the twins at one point I was unable to do anything that required me pressing the space bar, neither could I unbind victor again. I was crushed as Victor and when I got back to Charlotte, I could not unbind him again, nor kick a gen or pallet or pick a downed survivor up for the rest of the match. Map: Sanctum…
Xbox Series X Achievements not Tracking
Since Sunday evening my xbox achievements have stopped unlocking and tracking for this game only. I am able to unlock them in other games, and they track in other games, but not in dead by daylight. In DBD I met the criteria for Nurse Adept and did not get the achievement. I am also unable to make progress in the Looter…
Pinhead Hooks Stay Through Locker Duration?!
I just played against a Pin Head. As I was running him, he got a very unlikely lucky hook. I fast vaulted into a locker, didn't work, the chains made me slow vault. That was fine, he couldn't hear the explosion. When I tried to fast vault out of the locker after already being there for 10-15 seconds, I slow vault out of…
Nurse's range addons
So it's been over a month since Sally came back to players after being killswitched for a whole month, and after several bug fixes, range addons are still "bugged". Basically Nurse's blink speed is way more faster than it should be, making it basically uncounterable. Those addons makes even unexperienced Nurse player a…
Artist crow bug
Platform: Steam The Artist will not be able to attack at all or interact with anything if one idle crow swarms a survivor at a pallet Place an idle crow at a pallet have a survivor run into it lasts untill the idle timer runs out and the duration of the power cooldown. I've had it happen to me a few times.
Unable to use Toolbox
Platform: PS4 While playing as Laurie Strode equipped with the yellow Uncommon Item Toolbox with add-ons Scraps and Clean Rag on the map Silent Hill’s Midwich Elementary School (against the Legion), I was unable to use my toolbox to repair any generators or sabotage any hooks. I was only given the button prompt for R1 to…
Chase Music Playing as Killer when not in Chase
Platform - PC Steam Edition Killer - The Nurse Map - Lérys Memorial Institute Perks - BBQ, Agitation, Starstruck, and Jolt Notable incidents - I knocked out a couple of players on this map utilizing my perks, every survivor was pretty close to each other, it was pretty much back & forth slugging trying to get the other 2,…
Nemesis Speed and Animation bug.
Cause: Just playing on Haddonfield, with some friends. What it is: Happened 4 times in 2 days now, Nemesis slowing down to a crawl while playing on the Haddonfield map. While yes, the actual speed is awful, I believe the animation looks far more natural and truer to character with the actual animation speed being lowered.…
This box just literally eats your blinks on the game map
Gsync not working ingame!!!
I use nvidia 165hz monitor and gsync does not work. Game feels laggy.
PS4 Cenobite power bug & crossplay desync.
My GPU recently gave up and I‘m currently playing the game on console again, PS4 to be specific. There ärmste be a desync issue. It is most noticeable while playing survivor: Desync As you can see my camera is still panning around while other players are already moving around. This also results in a lot of very…
Artist bug - Birds of Torment getting stuck permanently in structures
During a chase as Artist, I used my power to attempt to hit a survivor but missed. The birds appeared to be stuck in one spot. I didn't think too much of it until I realised that they still appeared in the same area minutes later and that it was still possible to get killer instinct from them. This is the first time I've…
Undying survivor
Playing on PS4 as killer (Legion) After being hit with a pallet, and blinded by a flashlight, I couldn't be able to break the pallet. When I enter in Frenzy mode, killer stays in Frenzy stance but nothing more happens (no meter down, or jumping over the pallet). The game seems to be broke. As you can see later in the…
Fuming Mixtape Not Regressing Gens
Platform: PS4 Character: Legion Addons Used: Fuming Mixtape + The Legion Pin Perks Used: Nurses Calling, Sloppy Butcher, Tinkerer, Coulrophobia Map: MacMillan Estate-Suffocation Pit Step 1: Equip Fuming Mix Tape. Step 2: Survivors works on Generator Step 3: After survivor stops working on Generator, the Generator doesn't…
PC - Killer can't perform actions after gate is powered
Hi Team, Once the exit gates powered in the game I just played, I was unable to take any actions as the killer (attacking, reloading, breaking palettes etc). It doesn't appear to be an animation being stuck, but rather just not being able to do anything other than walk.🤡 How to recreate: Play as The Clown with his three…
PlayStation 4- Flashlight doesn’t work.
I’m a PlayStation player and when I bring my flashlights from my inventory it bugs out and it aims down and takes my full charge or when I run and try to use it it aims up and uses my charge and I try to stop it but it gets stuck in that animation but when I use flashlights from chest it works fine we’ll sometimes the…
Rubber Banding
(Steam) Rubber Banding, I believe it has been occurring since the latest update or possibly the update prior. Haven't been able to play do to the controller used with mouse causing major performance drops. I have troubleshot and it seems the issue is NOT my internet connection and/or ports on my router. Steps to reproduce…
Fire Up doesn't get 5 stacks when closing hatch
Well, it is self explanatory. Is it a bug or is it supposed to be like this? Because when we close the hatch the game considers 5 gens done.
Bug or feature? Haddonfield Windows
Half of the claudette's body is already on the other side, it has already begun to fall down, is this how it should be? Сlaudete had an account closed and she said that this is a new account (she is a smurf) Her legs went through the frames, i.e. how a normal jump happens in other places, first there is a jump, you throw…
PC - Decisive strike bugs when skill check is at the end of the circle.
Platform: pc (I don't know if this also happens on different platforms) Decisive strike bugs if the skill check is located at the end of the skill check circle. When this happens, decisive strike will be used but no stun will be applied and you won't escape their grasp. You can reproduce the bug if you are lucky (or…
User without For the People gets visual prompt to use For the People if another person has it
Platform: Person with FTP (PC), Person without FTP (Console) Description: The prompt "Press (Active Ability Button) to use For the People" is shown for the person who does not have For the People when the person with the perk has it. Unsure whether they can actually use it or not as it seems like a frame perfect thing...…
Post blood points award not working
Platform: PC Description: Been playing a few games today as killer and I notice that my Post award blood points was not working. Usually you would get a bonus with bloody streamers/survivor pudding and barbeque and chili. But one of those things are not working. I'll have screenshots here to show proof. Hopefully it can…
Problem with killer challenge while playing Myers
I had a problem with "Exposed target" challenge from the tome 11, lvl II. It need to hit 4 survs with a your weapon (standard atack I suppose) while them being exposed. After a match playing with Myers and making around 6-8 exposed hits, I hadn't got any progress. Here's step by step guide: Step 1 : Boot DBD on PC Step 2 :…
Couldn't solve puzzle box because I was getting hit by chains every second
I couldn't solve the puzzle box because I was getting hit by chains every second. I tried for about 30 seconds, and the killer walked across the entire map to M1 me in the face. I was also fixing a generator with someone else during a chain hunt, and I was getting hit every second, but I don't think the other person got…
Nemesis Syringe Bug - Switch
Encountered a bug attempting to use Nemesis' syringe while playing as Jane on Father Campbell's Chapel. Syringe action appeared, but upon pressing it, got locked into the animation and couldn't get out. Never cleared infection, was just stuck in animation for about 30 seconds until killer hit me. Haven't tried clearing…
Leatherface chainsaw audio bugged
If you are looking away from leatherface while he is revving his chainsaw audio cannot be heard at all for the most part, depending on angle and whatnot.
Nemesis Power and Movement Bug (PS4)
Played Nemesis on Grim Pantry. Used Lethal to find the first few survivors. Saw Hoarder proc on the edge of the map. Go to ready my tentacle and nothing happens. I jokingly walked at a snail's pace towards another survivor who was there until I realized that I genuinely couldn't move faster than a snail or use my tentacle…
Hook Stage Glitch
Description of the Issue When a survivor is on a hook until they go into Stage 2, it still shows that they've only been hooked once, and when a survivor rescues them and they go back on the hook, it says that they're on hook stage 2 and it shows the red bar at the half way point. Basically, it acts like the survivor is on…
Nemesis might need to be disabled
I was playing a match with some twitch streamers good sports by the way and any time to took out my tentacle it wouldn't appear on my screen but it acted like it was there even showed up on the stream since I wanted to check if I was just bugged and well it was but I couldn't use it every time I tried a slowed down more…
Died on hook but match didn't end
Was Running Meg On Haddonfield Against a Hillbilly. He downed me and hooked me on last hook. I died but for some reason it didn't fully update on my end. I was then stuck in the match. The game wasn't frozen as the hook was swaying back and forth and the other players updated Once everyone was dead I was able to leave the…
Savage Beast cosmetic for The Trapper is bugged
The Savage Beast cosmetic for the Trapper does not stay attached to his face when his head moves. Anyone else seen this?
Non-collectable green glyph
Step 1 : Play game on Suffication Pit (as killer; have not tried as survivor) Step 2 : No prompt to collect the green glyph in the main building. Tried this from many angles. Additional information Playing as Legion BBQ, Floods of Rage, Pain Resonance, Ruin Suffocation Pit Experienced once (but may happen again, I only…
nurse bug
After blink the skin head appears on the right side ! Skin "DARK ROSE GAUZE" (head on nurse) Perks:Tinkerer, Thanatophobia, Shadowborn , POP
[Bug]: PC - the match isn't finish after end game - RPD
Description: My streamer is playing as The Huntress Into RPD map. Here when he has closed the hatch and he has found the last survivor and hit her and hook, the end game is starting, but the match isn't finished (Video 1) WHAT TO ADD IN THE DESCRIPTION Step by Step: 1)Launch the game 2)He's plays as killer such as The…
Exposed Target Challenge on tome cannot do with michael myers
i tried to complte this challenge like 5 times to comfirm that i cannot use tier 3 myers to complete this challenge
PS5- Perk:Alert bugged
Alert is not showing killer auras. The audio cue still goes off, but no aura. I didnt find any current threads about this, but its happened in the past. Last time i had used it was before the Ghostface music patch n everything was fine. Character: Feng Min Maps: Various Other perks used: WGLF, Lithe, Empathy Platform: PS5
Missing Sounds For KIller
PS4 Cannot hear most sounds. No survivor footsteps, breathing, injured sounds, gen repairs or progress. Could hear basic attack hits, pallet drops, pallet breaking, killer-specific sounds. Was playing Myers on Crotus Prenn Asylum and Freddy on Mother's Dwelling. Corrupt Intervention, Spirit Fury, and Enduring were used in…
Healing bug On The Game map
Playing as Dwight Persk: Borrowed Time, Prove Thyself, We're gonna live forever, kindred tried to heal a Mikaela Reid Her perks: Circle of Healing, Iron Will, Windows of Opportunity, Unbreakable Map: The Game Room: The Bathroom Going against: The twins After Mikaela Reid was injured i tried to heal her but i was not given…
Killer unable to move-xbox
Is anyone else having issues with this? Every time I play killer I get stopped completely from moving. And it's constantly throughout the match. I'll be walking straight and I'll get slowed for anywhere from half a second to 2 seconds. It won't be all at once either. It'll start, then progressively get worse until I'm…
PC - Gen blocking perks (Repressed Alliance, Dead Man's Switch, etc.) do not stop regression.
When a generator is blocked by perks suck as Dead Man's Switch it will continue to regress from sources such as Ruin, Pain Resonance, etc. Reproduce by: Activating Dead man's Switch, or another perk with the generator blocking effect, on a generator with Ruin active (or that is actively regressing). This has occurred every…
The Cannibal's chainsaw has a shorter hit cooldown than it should
After successfully hitting a survivor with a chainsaw, the cooldown after it is shorter than what it is supposed to be. This is most noticeable when downing a survivor after using all charges because the cooldown is supposed to be longer the more you use (it effects using less charges too). Yet currently it's as if I was…
Midwich totem spawn
The place that was blocked off in the last fix...looks like you forgot to remove the totem spawn there.
I got hit through a wall
Platform: PC Description: I was in chase with a spirit on the Eyrie of Crows and, correct me if I'm wrong, got hit through a wall that I'm pretty sure shouldn't be possible to hit through. I almost immediately took this screenshot: The spirit was stood almost where she is in the picture, but maybe a little more to the…
PC - Myers T3 hits don't count for Archive challenge even tho they are inflicted w/ exposed status
STEPS TO REPRODUCE: Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as Myers in a public match with infinite T3 add-on Step 3 : In-game, stalk survivors until T3 is reached Step 4 : Get more than 4 hits on survivors and finish the game Step 5 : Notice the Archive challenge isn't complete
Stuck In Place Glitch
I was playing as The Wraith on Dead Dawg Salon. When I was about to Mori a survivor, they disconnected before I could start the animation. As a result, my Wraith was locked in place and all I could hear was the disconnected survivor groaning. I couldn't move at all! My controller had no affect on my Wraith either, it's…
Haddonfield 2 gens instead of 3
I was playing as survivor on haddonfield and when there was only one gen left to do I've noticed that only 2 instead of 3 gens were remaining. I also had a map and checked
Plague Pickup hitbox next to Pool Of Devotion
Killer Played: Plague Perks Used: Corrupt Intervention, Dark Devotion, Barbecue & Chili, Distressing Add-ons Used: Emetic Potion, Olibanum Incense Map: Yamaoko Estate: Family Residence Problem: While playing plague If i downed a survivor who had been attempting to cleanse in the Pool of Devotion I would not get a pickup…
Having to drop and pick up your items
Flashlights Aim down, toolboxes and medkits don't work. You have to drop and pick up your item for it to be usable
PC - Character stuck while opening exit gate
Playing as Ace on RPD against Twins (you can see Victor in the screenshot), two teammates D/C'd and the Twins took pity on us, letting us go after the last generator Started opening up the backside exit gate (near the photo development room) but as soon as I clicked Ace let go and could do nothing else the entire time. Had…
Barbecue & Chili Bugged at Three Stacks
It appears if the killer ends the match with three stacks of BBQ (Maybe less) they do not get awarded the 75% additional bloodpoints. I've now had two matches in the last week, one as Oni, another as Nemesis, where this happened.