Ghost face not in cloaking when looking at him
Has happened multiple times to me and my brother where is stalking us and we stare at him and he doesn’t come out of it and we also have hit him with pallets and he doesn’t become stunned
Hello, this bug I encountered, cosmetics on my own characters appear on other peoples. The cosmetics I wear are not visible to other players. I can't even see when my friend is wearing a costume.
The RPD map, for me, has been lagging to the point of unplayable since it’s release. After the patch it’s better but still bad. It’s especially bad in the foyer area. I’m in PC and have tried turning the graphics down and other no other map lags like this.
Dead Dawg Saloon map, get stuck after cleansing totem
PC steam Getting stuck after cleansing a totem on Dead Dawg Saloon. Have not tried to do it again, but it was caused by cleansing a totem... After cleansing a normal totem at one side of the map I got stuck. I could not move at all, Killer didnt seem to be able to pick me up unless they were using their power (Oni). Here…
Please help. Random disconnect until 1 hour ban
I've been getting random disconnects in a match, and there are no constant variable that I can see - it can happen after a gen is fixed, it can happen when the killer chases, or when I hit the survivors - totally random. Screen would freeze for about 15 seconds, then 5 seconds later, "you have been disconnected from the…
Un-vaultable Pallets Bug
PC This pallet on auto-havens was completely unvaultable, I try the first time, no vault prompt, I try second time and it still doesn't work. Proof: https://streamable.com/jtpv49
Midwich zombie bug
So I had this bug with zombies Is it possible to take a look and maybe fix zombie patterns?
Uncleanable totem at Hawkins
Platform: PC Description of the issue: I could not cleanse the totem. Steps to reproduce (If possible) Go to Hawkins and find this specific spot and try to clense it. How often does this occur: I only did this once, not sure if other people ran into the same issue, however.
Ironworks still broken and getting desyncs
It's even worse now. Every time I enter the main building my game would teleport me back to where I was and the killer would down me usually ocurring when I'm being chased. From what I can tell this only happens on Ironworks. This map needs to be disabled until it's fixed.
Survivor hiding behind locker to avoid damage
Platform: PC. Killer: Huntress. Survivor: Dwight (was the only one abusing the bug). Map: MacMillian Estate groaning storehouse (basement). Frequency of issue: Survivor could do it any time they entered the basement. Wouldn't let me upload the video but hopefully you get the idea. Logs attached.
Lament Box location bug
System: PlayStation 4 At the start of the match,within few minutes..the killer had already found the Lament Box..then afterwards throughout the match,the location of Lament box hasn't been displayed for me..not sure if my other teammates we're able to see it or maybe it's one of the killer's add ons but I managed to video…
No sound of grunts of pain
Platform: Steam I wasn't using the perk Iron Will, but my survivor did not have the grunts of pain. It occurred more than once, different matches with different killers. At the video below, some seconds after I stopped recording, the grunts came back, so i's not permanent.
Newest patch stuck downloading at 100% on steam - PC
Hey is anybody else having a problem where the newest patch won't finish downloading when it reaches 100%? I've tried deleting other games for more storage and clearing my download cache but nothing has worked so far. Thanks!
Pyramid Head Lag
Playing Pyramid Head tonight live on my stream and a lag started. It got worse in 2 maps in particular. Wreckers Autohaven and Yamanoka Estate. I was unable to do anything most of the match. The lag came from either Pyramid Head or those maps.
bug: 5.2.0: steam: can't pick up survivors
this was my second match where I couldn't pick up a survivor. The first was as Doctor. Notably, the other survivor I couldn't pick up was near a locker, and this one was near a breakable wall.
Unable to cleanse totem in Dead Dog Saloon
Can't reach it to cleanse.
Swapping with Twins causes gen noises.
Playing Twins after Pinhead's release has been causing a false gen complete noise to sound whenever you switch between Charlotte and Victor after a single gen is completed. Really annoying bug and throws me off really hard.
Cosmetics in lobby not accurate
Two-screen setup. On the left is the game lobby, on the right is my streamer buddy's screen. Every match is like this; the cosmetics in lobby don't line up with what they're actually wearing. The Dwight healing the Crew was wearing the Fu Crew in lobby (photo not provided), however, as you can see....
Alert not prompting
On PC (probably all platforms too), the perk alert doesn't prompt when nemesis breaks the pallets and doors with his tentacle. Every other killer that can break pallets alerts you. Nothing happens everytime he breaks something.
Pinhead Cube Animation Bug
Platform: PC While solving the Lament Configuration a Chain latched onto me, right at that moment Pinhead started to Teleport. The Teleport happened like allways but The Animation with the Cube bugged out, i could remove the chain but no longer Move or Crouch afterwards untill hit. Looking around was fine. I assume, the…
God pallet on Gideon only breakable from one side
I don't know if the stun caused this or the railings on the side, either way you can only break it from the other side as you can see
The Engineer's Guild (Tome Challenge Bug)
Hello i did this mission with a teammate and i count it by myself and i did 5 gens but its still 0. Does it bugged ? i need help i want to finish that.
You can only see your own outfit on every Survivor in the Lobby.
That's how my Feng and Jake look, and they magically change outfits during the loading screen. This must be a bug
PS4 Console - Unable to hit survivor who is not moving
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match Step 3 : In-game, survivors healing a downed survivor and unable to hit David. Step 4 : David escapes unharmed The Cenobite Franklin’s Demise, Pop Goes the Weasel, Make Your Choice, and Dead Lock Springwood so far only once David Perks: Resilence, Prove…
Jill Valentine face
Her face is still butchered. If you can't fix it i want a refund for my DLC. This is unbearable.
Myers cant reach lvl 2/3
Myers cant reach lvl 2/3, i tried everything... unistall my game, verify cache files, and others things... others killers are ok but with myers when i stalk anyone doesnt work... so annoying, any help?
Uncleansable Totem on Lery's
There's an uncleansable totem in the hamper on Lery's tile 1P_HD62-Sqr_Bed_0P_3P . No prompt to cleans it appears
The Engineer's Guild Tome IV Challenge Broken
The Engineer's Guild challenge in Tome IV is bugged at the moment and you cannot complete it as the game doesn't recognize you completing generators with other survivors. This is especially annoying since this challenge is the last one in the tome on the survivor's side to complete the tome fully.
PC - Unbreakable totem in Glenvale
Hi, there is an unbreakable totem in Grave of Glenvale. I can't reach it, its under the stairs.
Framerate chugs when playing on Steam Controller
Platform: PC Description: Frame rate drops very noticeably when turning and walking simultaneously (or turning and performing a held action) as Killer Steps to reproduce: Simply play a Killer match while using a Steam Controller. The issue will become very evident almost immediately How often does this occur: 100% of the…
Skill Based Match Making is a Joke.
How tf am i able to to get Campers constantly? Both the old ranking system and this new system Suck. I highly doubt my skills are like my random teammates DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and or Campers who think they are good at this game. I/m 9 times outta 10 doing most the looping and when i have my friends play they do gens.…
Graphical Glitch during Pinhead Mori at Pallet
Steam, Pinhead, Macmillan Sheltered Woods During the Mori, the survivor kept vanishing. I don't know if it's random or related to being at the pallet
Totem is unreachable on dead dawg saloon
I checked the forum but it’s not the same totem, that’s why I am making a new report. Sorry if that’s wrong. It’s my first time reporting. I play on Switch. The totem is on the edge of the map under the stairs between the wooden-logs.
Проблема с отображением скинов на персонажах в лобби на других игроках
Здравствуйте! После багфикса у меня появилась проблема: мой скин на любом персонаже отображается на других игроках, которые выбрали этого персонажа (к слову, в самом матче такой проблемы нету).
Cloning cosmetics bug
In lobby every survivor is a hard copy of your specific survivor(cosmetic wise) as in if you load into a lobby with a random nea, meg, and dwight, There cosmetics will be exactly the same as yours. This has been happening EVERY single lobby for me since the patch I installed today. My friend invited me and we figured this…
What happened to the offering screen????
Platform: PC Issue: How often: Every match.
Game wont start because of missing patch, that isn't available?
Game tells me I need a patch to play, but there doesn't seem to be a new patch? I was playing fine yesterday and all last night, but tonight it seems I need to patch the game? I had this issue a few days ago and it only went away with reinstalling, I'm not going to do this EVERY time I want to play, so can someone help…
The problem with displaying skins on characters in the lobby on other players
Hello! After the bugfix, I had a problem: my skin on any character is displayed on other players who have chosen this character (by the way, there is no such problem in the match itself).
Uncleansable totem Dusty
There is an uncleansable totem on Dusty Noose map. It is the building across from the saloon under the stairs next to the wood pile. You can see the totem but you can not cleanse it. The fact that we could not cleanse it got us all killed.
PC - Disconnect with Pyramid Head Error 8012
So I was securing a kill in gen 1 with Pyramid Head, I use trail of judgment to hit a Leon nearby and when hitting, the game disconnected telling that I've no internet, which isn't the case. Prompting ''Error 8012'' and when entering again, putting me a the penalty as if I left on purpose. The character was Pyramid Head…
Gameplay bug- pinhead gate- Azarov's resting place (Main building)
Cannot use Pinhead's power to summon a gate anywhere in the main building (the long shack) of Azarov's resting place
PS4 and PC - Nurse Bugs
Examples of the bugs Step 1: Boot the game. Step 2: Play as the Nurse in a public match. Step 3: Ingame while blinking the bugs have chances to appear some more than others, in this case, the blink bug is the most common. Step 4: After blinking for either a considerable amount of time and not sure how this bug is caused,…
Totem spot bugged.
There's a totem spot that's bugged on Dead Dawg saloon where no one can get to it to cleanse it!
Bug issue with cosmetics on survivor
It’s in PS4 right now basically what happened is that I was with a group of friends in Kyf and everybody started putting on there characters and it started showing the cosmetics I use for those survivors but in there screen they have different ones and there other people using there’s. It happened after every match but in…
Land Mine Perk remap key doesn't work
I found a bug, where if you remap the ''Activate Skill'' key, wich by defeult is the (E) key... the Explosive Mine Perk doesn't work, I'm using mouse M5 and works for Dead Hard and others skills, except Mine Explosive Perk.
PC - No progress on Challenge in Tome
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Select the challenge from the Tome IV "The Engineer's Guild" Step 3 : Play as survivor in a public match Step 4 : In-game, work on generator with another survivor from start to finish, and sometime from half way to finish Step 5: Exit match 0 progress for 1 week ADDITIONAL INFORMATION…
Specific pallet in The Game map cannot be broken from one side
Due to the randomised nature of the 'The Game' map, I can't exactly give directions on how to find this pallet easily. But here are what details I can manage: The pallet spawns at the top of some stairs that spawn on the edge of the map (not that one set stairs that spawn in the corner of the map but this is a set that…
Cleansing this totem causes you to get stuck
Cleansing this totem causes you to get stuck
HLP! Bloodpoints Frozen
I submitted a ticket already but wanted to ask if anyone elses Bloodpoints are frozen? Mine have been frozen since last night. I've escaped multiple rounds, completed about 5 challenges, 2 Daily Rituals, and yet my point sit still. This is VERY annoying considering the main part of the game is to earn BP's and level up.…
Jill valentine face
From today's new patch. Jill's face went back to being swollen again!!!