Medkit not giving a full heal
I’ve had this happen on so many occasions since the new update. I’ll bring in a medkit with 16 or 32 charges and as it runs out, I’m left with a full progress bar of healing but still injured. I didn’t miss any skill checks, killer didn’t have the doctor perk to make it last less. It’s just not giving me a full heal.
Legion bug that made his power 100% useless
Platform : Steam after the new update I played as Legion and something weird always happen when I use his Frenzy. his Frenzy lunge distance is pretty much the same as the normal hit lunge his Frenzy speed goes down from 5.2m/s to 4.6m/s after you hit someone with your Frenzy This might sounds not a lot, but this definitely…
Ready up glitch
Every few games I play with friends it shows that they are not ready on my screen(PS4) and they load into lobbies without me. It is completely random and only happens in 2 man from what I have seen
Still disconnecting from matches
can somebody explain whats happening?, already got a 1 hour ban because of this without any intention of disconnecting?, is not my connection, so... whats happening? why im able to see killer's build when it happen? even if the match is not over.. because i played with friends, since i started playing this game, this kind…
Stutters every match
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: stutters are now more frequent in 8.5.0, almost every time i try to use freddy power (snares, pallets, teleport) the game is stattering massively, people are getting stutters on other killers and survivors so it's unlikely to be freddy related PLATFORM: steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE…
Legion still buged after 4.4.1
Still no improvements...
Hooking restarting mid animation
Hello there, I have played several games of killer since the new update today (9/8/2020) and each time I went to hook a survivor I would be standing in front of the hook attempting to hook them however all that would happen is the bar would fill up and then empty a few times. During this the survivor was free to continue…
Can’t invite/join friends after cross progression
I can’t join or invite friends since cross progression, says the party doesn’t exist or they don’t even come up on my friends list
Weave Attunement
I think the symbol gets stuck or can get stuck when you pick up an item. It's very confusing when there's no item on the floor to be giving aura but the Weave symbol is still there from the item pick up.
Blight Fatigue
blight goes into fatigue twice sometimes seemingly randomly
Rubberbanding is not only NOT solved, it's even worse
The rubberbanding issue is somehow even more broken, I can't even play as Survivor now because it's so intense, I can't get away in a chase.
nemesis hinder slowdown
PC: The hinder effect isn't working as it was before patch. it doesn't slow down as much as it use to, with no mention of this in the patch notes
No chase killer
So, I just played trapper with jolt, overcharge, NOED, and sloppy butcher on the swamp map and idk why but there was no chase music when I chased a survivor, the chase was not initiated so I got no bloodpoints under the chase category, and also no bloodlust. I was getting looped on the kitchen, not with an infinite, but it…
Female Legion members still use the male animation despite "fix"
On PC Steam. Tested it with a friend and both Julie and Susie still have the wrong walking animation even though in the patch notes it's listed as fixed...
Save Problems On Steam - All Bone Chill Offerings and Items Disappearing After Playing a Game
PLATFORM: PC - Steam SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: I spent a lot of bloodpoints and picked Winter Party Starters and Mistle Toes Offerings. I got around 10-20 of each and prestiged my survivor. I played one game on the survivor and used the Mistle Toes offering (but did not use the Winter Party Starters) and escaped. Upon going…
The scar marks produced by the survivors are too far apart.
pc Scar marks are displayed where the survivor has not gone. Interrupted scar marks make it difficult to follow the survivor.
Spine chill broken
After the new update, I noticed that when I use spine chill, it doesn't notify me when the killer is in range. It just stays dull, and it spazzes out whenever i'm being chased. I saw that in the new update, they added the 0.5 seconds of the effect lingering, but nothing else changed, so I don't understand why this is…
Disturbed Ward spawn too many breakable walls.
Easy Anti-Cheat won't install and causing Dead by Daylight unable to load
There is a similar issue posted here After Update 8.2.0 - Windows getting easy anti cheat not installed error who is going to fix this — BHVR But somehow admin thinks the issue is resolved because someone provided a solution that DOES NOT WORK. Clicking on EasyAntiCheat_EOS_Setup.exe DOES NOT WORK since we get nothing but…
Survivors leaving no scratchmarks without perks to do so
Have been watching survivors run around in multiple games without leaving scratchmarks even thought they are using no perks to do so.
(PHOTOSENSITIVITY WARNING) Nightfall Visual Glitch, flickering between very dark and very light
When the Dredge ults and everything goes pitch black, my game does not stay in the darkened state. The screen will flicker between the darkness of the ult and the standard lighting of the map by default depending on the direction you look. This happened in PTR when this killer was still in testing and it is happening in…
Demogorgon going invisible
Hello there, so I just had a game of DbD where I was playing Cybil Banett against a Demogorgon. Right after hooking a David he used his portal and teleported to another portal. From there on I heard his terror radius and went away from the gen I was doing. I see his red light around the corner and immediately hide. But…
Blight Double Fatigue
The Blight has had this issue going on for so long, It was fixed than it got reverted back, everytime i fatigue I automatically Fatigue once again Please fix ASAP This shouldn't take 3 Months to fix meanwhile we keep releasing cosmetics and not fixing game breaking Bugs Here is a clip of it happening
Wesker Bug 16.07.2024
Hitting people with weskers secondary causes them to float around. It's happened over and over again.
Wiggle bar full, yet not wiggling out
Platform : Steam Description of the issue : Was playing as a survivor on The Game, against a Ghostface. Game progressed normally, except for one player DCing mid-game. As the last survivor, I run around downstairs trying to find the hatch. Killer finds me first, carries me, I hit all of my skillchecks. As I hit 70% of the…
Maps are flashing
When I play both killer or survivor all the maps I am getting are flashing at some point of the match but this is only for 10 seconds max
Framerate drops while using Controller + Mouse
The "Fixed an issue where performance drops could happen when having a gamepad plugged while using a keyboard and mouse." fix isn't working, great.
Post Bugfix 4.5.2 Pips displayed incorrectly
Im on on xbox and this is after the release of the 4.5.2 bugfix. This match completed at 17:27pm GMT today As you can see after a game where i escape, my rank progress is displayed as +2, but from the emblems im only meant to get a +1
Flashed while facing wall entirely
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Flashed while picking up someone while they survivor didnt have an angle or clear sight PLATFORM: PC/Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I was picking up a downed survivor facing a wall inside the exit gates (Which you can see are red on the right side of the clip) and this…
Nemesis audio
sometimes when the nemesis uses his whip it will not make an audio cue and it won't play the animation.
DEVS please look at this...Doctor weapon SEIZURE inducing flash...
Am I the only one that has come across this extremely brutal to the eyes issue? Something in this cosmetic set I am using makes the entire screen flash when the Doctor is on screen at any point and OMG it is HORRIBLE in game. I can only imagine what would happen if someone prone to seizures had this same setup.... Pointing…
Badham Preschool Inaccessible Hook
Map - Badham Preschool Nothing else to add, other than it was an inaccessible hook in Badham Preschool. See clip. Sorry for bad audio. Used Windows Game Bar, and didn't set audio properties high enough.
Impossible Gen on the Game
Gen can spawn in pig-vat room, entirely blocked by breakable walls and closed doors.
Files getting corrupted after every update
Platform: PC When entering game menu, or sometimes when match starts i'm getting error, that says my game files are corrupted or modified Occurs after every update
Party creation failed - Failed to create a party. PS4
Only started happening today, when I go to play survivor it loads for about 30 seconds, then proceeds to prompt me with the message 'Party creation failed - Failed to create a party.' Killer loads perfectly find with no errors, but I am not able to play survivor.
bottle projectile goes over the obstacle, but the gas cloud appears right in your face. Bottle continues flying even though the game apparently thinks it already shattered. repro: throw a bottle over some kind of chest-height obstacle at a particular angle. on PC happens to me at least once a game lately.
Chill bone challenge, the one on the screenshot, doesn’t work. I’ve destroyed lots of snowmen but still not working. This happens on Xbox series x
Gatekeeper badge not counting points correctly
The survivors did not complete 1 gen this game but I only received +28 Gatekeeper points for having the exit gates closed. This is the second game it happened. PC
Tome's lore makes the game freeze. (do NOT check your tome pages!!!!)
Platform: Steam Description of the issue: When you go into the archives and open one of the lore pages, the game will mute itself. If you get out of the archives, the game will freeze. Steps to reproduce: Go into the archives then go to Collection and click any of the tome lore to make this bug happens. How often does this…
Bot Presets Bugged
Both Bot Presets 1&2 are bugged. Whenever you make a change to either Preset 1 or 2, the other changes, meaning this bug reduces the amount of Bot Preset from 4 to 3.
Bug Report: Missing Cosmetic Options
The black left 4 dead shirt cosmetic (infected - black) found on Dwight, Meg, Jake, Claudette, and Nea are missing from the selection page. This happens on the PC (steam) platform, and is confirmed to have affected at least 3 people who had previously had access to them. Bug should be reproducible by opening the game and…
PS4 - Screen Goes Black / Stuck after hitting survivor with Possessed Chain as Cenobite
I loaded into a game on Coldwind Farm (Fractured Cowshed I believe) as Pinhead (Cenobite) and I found a Dwight at the killer shack, we're starting the chase and I immediately shoot the possessed chain at him and it lands, but when it's supposed to bring the camera back to the killer pov, it didn't. It was a black screen,…
Unusable clock on Haddonfield
This clock on a 2nd floor balcony on Haddonfield can't be interacted with. More info: Yes. This was my required clock. It was highlighted. That's why I went there.
Couldn't stop Healing - No Progress
Playing on PC, I booned up while injured at water tower on dead dawgs saloon. Immediately after I put up the boon, I started to self heal, and when I did, I got stuck infinitely healing, with no progress gain. No ability to stop, couldn't move or anything, I could press escape and no changes. Internet was fully stable, no…
PC - Rocks in shack in crotus prenn (nurse one)
The survivor can go through but the killer can't The killer was the clown (i know he have big curves but it's unfair he can't go through)
Skill check
PS4 whenever I would perform an action that would require a skill check the noise notification would occur like normal, however the skill check itself was not visible. At least 2 games in a row in occurred
Forgotten Ruins - Passages completely break Knight's power
When a Survivor is Hunted and enters a passage, instead of the Guard being able to go through the passage, the Hunt instantly ends. This completely breaks his power and makes him practically unplayable on this map.
Cannot pick up traps as Naughty Bear
I've noticed since buying the Naughty Bear skin, I have issues picking up traps on the ground. I get the prompt and the motion, but the traps stay on the ground. Sometimes it takes several attempts but it's quite frustrating. Anyone else had this?
PC - Wrong animation when opening Wesker's chest
When opening Wesker's chest, the survivor will be stuck in the opening chest animation and it doesn't display the animation where the survivor lifts the chest.
Stuck in Forgotten Ruins Portal
After exiting the portal near shack i was stuck in the portal for the rest of the game