What is your favorite proposed Winter Event cosmetic?
Behaviour announced their potential sets of Winter Event cosmetics for 2022 in their survey below. Which cosmetic is your favorite? (A and B refer to the set they're included in in the survey.) P.S. Unfortunately ran out of space but the last two are Out of Bed Boxers Adam Sunglasses At Night Meg P.P.S. Not sure what the…
Favourite killer perk type?
Killers have now three general types of perks: the ones I'll call "common", the hexes and the scourge hooks. Each of these categories share a common mechanic, and not everyone is fond of them. Taking this un count, I would like to know what does the community prefer between these perk types.
Rather BHVR stick to individual character styles, or have more outfit styles per character?
Personally, I find it rather annoying how, imo, certain characters (mostly survivors) get multiple really good cosmetics, and others repeatedly get the same cosmetics that are lame and interchangeable. For instance, imo, Kate, Mikaela, and Feng, all get amazing cosmetics one after another, while Meg gets boring track stuff…
Which killer are you picking to Fight in a 1v1 to save your life
What licensed chapters? Part 3
Candyman beat Child's Play. The tournament continues.
What Licensed Chapters? Part 2
Alien won VS Predator last time. The tournament continues.
If Wesker were to come in, what would be his Ultra Rare Add-On?
The Dredge's Pronouns
I noticed a lot of people refer to The Dredge with male pronouns. I even do it and I don't think it has a gender per se. It is interesting to me how others unconsciously think of The Dredge? https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/The_Dredge
Who’s the better killer?
Will you continue to play Solo Q Survivor if the Mid Chapter patch makes it worse than it already is
Will you use the new legacy portraits
I really like the new portraits and want to ask if you are gonna use them, assuming you got your character to p3
Are you gonna use Dead Hard after the nerf?
New Legacy rewards good or bad?
Are the new Legacy Rewards good or bad? Should they have given similar exclusive legacy clothing for this go around or stuck with the sprinkles on the character portraits that no one but you can see?
What do you think of a kid killer?
I was just thinking of seeing how different people would like to have a kid killer, I mean kids have more energy then teens and adults so it would make sense
Should BHVR have removed Perk Tiers?
This is going to be a very simple poll. Instead of creating a million problems that didn't need fixing, should BHVR Interactive have removed Perk Tiers from Dead by Daylight, just to reduce the grind?
What do you think about DBD rework overall?
What is your opinion about the changes to perks and gameplay mechanics? I'm really not digging any of it. I don't like the changes to base mechanics, and i don't like the changes to perks. I don't understand why nothing was done to help killers with the early game. I don't understand why meta gen defence perks got gutted.…
Should Hillbilly have his overheat removed?
In my opinion overheat isn’t necessary because Hillbilly has a very versatile kit but those elements of his kit aren’t the best in the game allowing for counterplay, also with map design becoming seemingly anti-Hillbilly with maps like Eeyrie and Garden with hard to curve loops, weird hit boxes, and increased clutter…
How many slowdown perks in your favorite loadout do you think you'll run after midchapter?
Among the upcoming major game changes is that generators now take 10 seconds longer to complete. That, combined with shortened stuns and buffs to a bunch of lesser used perks, in principle can help make loadouts that run no slowdown feel a bit more effective. So out of curiosity, thinking about what you suspect your…
who wants to get the old dbd movement back because this new one made me stop playing the game
I hav put quite. Bit of money into this game and i cant enjoy the game because of this new movement please i dont want all th money i spent from working to be in vain it would even work to make the animations and option so everyone wins
What licensed chapters? Part 1
What licensed chapters out of these 2 do you want more? This is for a little bracket tournament thingy I made to see what people want.
Which Trickster skin combo do you like the most?
I'm sure a couple of people know that I'm going to be streaming my Trickster gameplay soon to hopefully become a top if not #1 Trickster player in the DBD community. I think that a lot of the #1 killer players have a unique skin combo that makes them recognizable so I've been debating doing that with Tricky. I love his…
New perk buffs
Out of the buff survivors nonmeta perks whcih is your favorite
Old Corrupt base kit or 90 seconds gen?
What would you have preferred? I would have preferred old corrupt base kit because i think that early game slowdown does help the killer way more. If survivors group up its less than 10 more seconds/ If survivors splits it barely slow down anything in my opinion.
Trapper buff still needed?
Trapper often comes across as one of the weakest killers and often acts as an exclussively m1 killer. I know this issue has been tackled a lot; but does it still need a buff of some kind, a rework or is he fine like this? Feel free to share your suggestions.
Would you use 100% extra BP as a perk?
No extra effect, just double BP per game.
Which killer from the game Last Year The Nightmare become a dlc for Dead By Daylight?
The Giant as The Smasher and The Priest as The Teacher .
Help me decide the next cosmetic to save up for!
I just had a quick stroll around the store and have difficulties deciding which cosmetic to go for next, so I thought why not ask you guys and girls what you like best? I'll provide you with a screenshot of each cosmetic in what I find to be a fitting combination for it below: Option 1: The Trickster's "Brilliant Dye"…
If you see 2-4 flashlights in a lobby, what do you do?
Does genrush exist?
Killers Who Use BBQ - Why?
Got a point to prove. To all killer mains out there who use BBQ, I'm interested in knowing why. What, to you, is the best part of the perk? What makes it essential? Which part is just a bonus?
If you had to choose, which killer/Survivor would it be?
I'm just pulling these outta my empty brain at this point...
Who is tired of getting camped and tunnelled
Killer not leaving or killer leaving chases intentionally tunneling every game
Is deep wound on Deathslinger noticeably useful?
I've found that I can't reall capitalize on the extra time the status gives. I'm wondering if I'm alone in this or if others also feel it has little impact.
Should Autodidact increase the odds of triggering skill checks?
I think it's hardly rng based.
Who's up for some gore??
I really think gore should be added into the game as an option. So many different aspects of the game can be improved just by adding some lacerations and bone breaking here and there. Moris would become sensational to watch, killer's powers would become truly scary, and Dead By Daylight would become more of a…
Does Freddy Need a Small Buff?
I have plenty of arguments for this. People say Freddy shuts down loops. Yes, but only after walking through the loop once or twice. Then they just slam a pallet down and you have to hope they hit the pools. Not only this, they also have to be in the dream world. The pools are so small, survivors just run to another loop…
Is Trickster an M1 killer?
Would you rather: Nerf Meta Perks
How do you feel about dead hard being reworked?
Is the Dredge OP?
Is Iron Will gonna be a dead perk?
How fun is it to go against Legion?
Which meta perk got the most undeserved nerf for the upcoming update?
How would you tackle aggressive genrushing 4-man SWFs if you were a developer?
It's no secret that the least fun part of DbD is going around and kicking every possible gen, and that achieving true pressure with most Killers that don't have a trap like ability like PH, Trapper, Hag etc. or ranged abilities like Huntress and similar Killers is nearly impossible especially with a slightly coordinated…
Should the BP bonus for BBQ and WGLF stay?
So it was recently announced that the BP bonus for BBQ and WGLF is going to be removed in the next update. This is kind of a problem because this might increase the already bad grind. Should the BP bonus for BBQ and WGLF stay?
Where should a stand alone licensed survivor come from?
Should nurse suffer fatigue after getting pallet stunned?
I am talking about the instance where a survivor drops a pallet and stuns during either a blink charge or after a blink where she hasn't gone into fatigue yet.
Should Survivors be able to see what perks, addons, and items other survivors bring in?
Personally, I think this would be a great chance to help solo players and one that won't increase or help swf as they already know what perks, items, and addons their teammates are using. I don't see why this wasn't in the game a long time ago and can significantly help out solo players especially knowing what exactly your…
Should madness have more effects?
The Doctor is a killer whose power is mainly used to detect, stun survivors and end loops; however, madness on survivors goles beyond that, as there are strange skillchecks and hallucinations of The Doctor and pallets when having certain addons. However, many people say that this power has not reached it's full deceptive…
Would you like to see your (and others') MMR score after the match?
It can be a numerical value or in the form of colors / visuals