Mori Shop
Would you purchase Moris from the shop? After asking on a few Fog Whisperer Twitch Chats, seldom was there a negative reaction. Those that did complained of the grind for Shards. I would also like environmental Mori animations(ie: Pallets/Lockers/Gens/Maurice??)
Opinion on year six live stream changes
What is your opinion on the year 6 anniversary change announcements
What if the devs only listen to survivors for one year for balance?
I did the same poll but with killers the other day so now I am going to do the opposite out of curiosity
Timeline: what if the devs only listen to killers
Do you think that if the devs only listen to killers and ignore survivors for 1 year, the number of players will increase or decrease?
How much do we love Haddie?
I personally adore Haddie, i’ve been wanting her as a survivor forever. but i see a lot of mixed reception (mostly of her design for some reason), so i’d like to see how much people like her. so, will she be your new main, or do you never wanna play her?
Predator Upgrade ?
Let's be honest, how many of you even remembered that Predator was a Wraith perk until I just reminded you. This perk is the laughing stock of Killer perks. Not only is it basically useless, but it destroys your ability to better track survivors. What should we do to make it useful, especially for the Wraith?
Would you rather
How would you feel if The Riddler came to DbD
Weird question, but I honestly think he'd wouldn't be that bad of a choice, a 1v4 based Killer, and maybe you could give him a gun, not like Deathslinger's Redeemer, an actual pistol, for a 1v1. So, Riddler in DbD?
You're playing survivor. 2 mins in, 4 gens left, 2dc. You would rather...
Hi everyone. So. It sometimes happens that just after a match starts two people dc or go afk - or one does the one and the other the other thing. Either way, at barely two minutes in there's only two survivors left who at least managed to do a gen. As one of those two survivors, how would you want the match to continue at…
What Licensed chapter would you like to see a tome for?
By the way, It includes both the killer & survivor (Unless it's a paragraph chapter)
Who has the strongest anti-loop?
This poll is only voted based on the anti-loop part of their kit, disregarding any other aspects.
Premonition Definition
Premonition is so low on the perk totem pole it might as well be pushing up daisies. I have never seen this perk taken outside of meme loadouts and challenge builds. Seriously, this perk has so much that it can do - but what should it do? It's gotta be a useful information perk - a compliment to the indirect information of…
Killer or survivor main
Are you killer or survivor main?
Select your Step-mom
Killer 1v1's (Artist vs Executioner)
In this 'Killer 1v1', we'll look at 2 similar yet totally different Killers, those being Artist, a long range sniper able to injure from afar and from up close, and Executioner, a Killer with an amazing 1v1 that also has a few cages tucked under it's muscles. So, who's better? The Bird Mommy, or the Cone Shaped Head with…
Should charms be universal (Available to both sides)?
It's kind of odd how certain charms are restricted to certain roles in the game. There are survivor only charms, killer only charms, and universal charms. Should all charms be available for both roles to use?
[LEGION] Do we give some love to Joey?
For a long time I've been seeing more Rift Cosmetics for Frank, Julie and Susie. It's possible that the new Rift (at least the one where they might add an outfit for Legion) might be for Joey, but It's kinda sad, that there ain't much variety in his current ones. I actually like the Joey's version of Never Stop Slashing,…
Who is the best Licensed Survivor King or Queen in your opinion?
No original survivors, just the licensed ones. Full disclaimer: The Yoichi part was my bad. Whether it'd be perk wise, lore wise, or cosmetic wise it doesn't matter. Have a bit of fun. ;)
What tier do you rank Discordance in?
Is it time that Behaviour stops adding new killer and focuses on mini games instead?
Adding a 6 perks mode is an example of a new mini game
What License killer will be the easiest to obtain?
Killer 1v1's (Ghostface vs. Shape)
2 "similar" Killers, but only 1 can win. One of them recently got a few changes, the other one hasn't been touched in a while. Which one is stronger, The Ghostface or The Shape?
Do you want MMR to be removed?
Curious to see the results of this and reasoning. Personally I would like to hope the anniversary stream announces the removal of it, but I doubt it will happen.
Would you like more cosmetic killers
There are a type of cosmetics that make another character in the game without new powers .
To both sides, are gen regression perks or gen speed perks or items necessary in your opinion?
Thank you all for your input. 😊 Have a wonderful day!
How do you rate Ghostface now?
Whether you are an experienced Survivor who has played against him a couple times recently, or you are a Killer who has a good number of Ghostface matches under your belt, how do you rate Ghostface now? The only little twist is that this Poll will make you think about the new Ghostface versus the old Ghostface. Cheers!
Who Do You Want for The 6th anniversary
I know this gets bring up a lot but I personally really want Jason since he’s one of my all time favorite Slashers and to finally have him would complete the top big slashers like Michael, Freddy, Leatherface, and Ghostface. Edit: I mean I’m fine with the choices that everyone suggested and if FNAF does come into the game…
Anti-Aliasing change
so since last update now BHVR forced us to have Anti-Aliasing (AA) on for everyone and 5.7.0 patch removed the ability to disable anti-aliasing from modifying config. Should they add back an option to disable Anti Aliasing ?
Nurse - best RN or needs a PHD?
Nurse fans, fear not - i do not believe the nurse needs to be nerfed or changed! She's balanced on the tip of a particularly sharp pencil at the moment - we don't want to make her broken or too strong for her own good. However, if the developers chose to take her in a different direction, for whatever reason... ... If…
What do you think of SBMM?
[This post is old news] to see my current opinion on SBMM now that the tests are finished and I have played for a while with the "finished" SBMM, go here https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/322432/my-final-thoughts-on-sbmm/p1?new=1 I think SBMM is quite bad, cause the grade by itself looks at how skilled you…
Would you rather go against a new killer or a killer that is way above your skill? (read dsc)
POV: you just loaded into a match as survivor and the killer seems to be new. im talking about completly new to the game, just downloaded from epic games, has no clue how to play, no previous expirience. You obviously destroy this poor kid in loops and get flashlight saves after flashlight saves. In your next game you face…
Pyramid Head or Nemesis?
Making this because of reasons. Who do you enjoy more, and why?
Who else thinks the hillbilly needs a rework (no biased answers)
I just got through getting one shorted by the hillbilly regardless of all my perks regardless of jack. Please no biased answers when I ask does this “power house” of a killer is in a dire state and needs a rework and really needs the developers attention please vote with honesty and unbiased opinions thanks and I’ll see u…
Twins main favorite wood type in Minecraft
Autohaven maps are TOO DARK
I just had a game in autohaven and i hate those maps so much because they are just too fkg dark... Even swamp isn't that dark anymore so why those are?! I literally found a key and I CANT FIND THE HATCH BECAUSE ITS JUST WAY TOO DARK 👎🏽 (if you use filters in-game do not answer to this) BHVR should change the brightness up?
Would you buy hockey outfits if BHVR released them?
We already have some sport outfits but we still have no hockey outfits. This is weird because Dead By Daylight is just like hockey, right?😅 All jokes aside, would you buy one? I definitely would!
Should Legion Chase Music Stay When in Frenzy?
Legion's music is spectacular. So when I hit a survivor and leave to hit another one, the chase music ending makes the frenzy have this anti-climactic feel. I believe that it would be a lot better if the music continued to play when in Frenzy after starting a chase with a survivor, only ending when Frenzy ends or other…
bring back roman numerals on the tomes
arabic numerals suck and look out of place on the tomes page, bring back the sigma roman numerals <3
Remember Me? - No I don't
Remember Me has basically no use in the current meta. Not only is it highly unreliable and, in very particular circumstances, only create a slight advantage for the killer. But this perk also promotes tunneling the Obsession, as they become the greatest end-game threat. This perk is basically dead on arrival in later game…
There's still something off about grades
I previously made a poll where people agreed for the matchmaking to be based on grades, and I think the devs actually took action, but there's still one flaw. Grade reset. The grades completely reset every month on the 13th day. This just punches another hole in the matchmaking system, cause every 13th of the month, the…
Should NOED be changed?
In my opinion yes it simply will cause a loose loose situation consistently unless you’re the top SWF. But what do you think?
It just me or does new Ghostface chase music make you feel ill?
I promise I'm not using hyperbole when I say that the new Ghostface chase music makes me feel nauseous, like I might throw up or trigger a migraine if I keep listening to it. I have tried listening to it over multiple days, but the feeling doesn't go away.
Killers as survivor ultra rares
The reason why I bring this up is because of a twitter post I saw of Trickster as a survivor. I need to know, can a bunch of people share their opinions and perhaps bring this up so a bunch of people can see? It's a no brainer with the money they can make from this...…
Why is pin head so overpowered
Is it obvious pin head is over powered, but they add such OP perks for killers but survivors don't stand a chance
Buff Distortion
4 tokens is just too little. It should have more tokens.
What alternative form of media would you like to see in Dead by Daylight?
How often do you run into cheaters? Please specify your region.
I'm talking specifically about blatant cheaters like survivors and killers flying, doing weird animations, throwing hatchets, etc. Subtle cheaters are very hard to actually detect and say for sure. I've been in NA for a month now and, from the moment I started keeping track of it, I ran into blatant cheaters in 12% of my…
Would you like Devs to aquire and add this DLC to the game in the near future? HALLOWEEN MONSTERPACK
For next Halloween maybe secure some classic looks like Dracula, Dr.Frankenstein, Lagoon Monster, Chuthulu etc. 😉 If not as killers then as skins, along with other fun ones: Full on Dracula for the Wraith Dr. Frankenstein for the Doctor The Blair Witch for the Huntress Silent Hill nurse for the Nurse Slasher’s Druid for…
Would you like Devs to aquire and add this DLC to the game in the near future? TERMINATOR
Terminator/The Machine: (Survivors Kyle/Sarah) Track: Industrial foundry with heavy machinery and liquid metals etc. Like Nemesis it would have the T-800 punch as a basic attack. Power button would be to hold and track targets, at the cost of matching the survivors lower speed but then also filling up a %-based guage for…
What do you think about the possible nerf to dead hard's distance?
It has been a little while since that Q and A... so, do you think that nerfing dead hard's distance is a good thing? Overall, i'd say yes. I'm welcoming any nerf to that perk. The question is "will it be enough in practice?". I don't know, but if dead hard ends up looking like those dead hard under clown intoxication...…