Vibration for actions - Console but general idea.
Briefing: Last week as i found a killer who was camping every hook at behind, instead of facecamp (maybe to not offend or to piss). At the end of the match i was like very angry when i read the killer profile saying (i'm deaf-mute) and instantly I understood his behavior and I felt so bad for judging that person with a…
Buff Legion
I know you buffed legion a short time ago but he is still bad and i am not going to play him. He cant down people, his chases are not fun and he has very low mobment speed what i want is higher movement speed or that he isent forced to hit you 4 times to down you. if some one say but you can chase without his power no you…
Please don't nerf DS.
It is the only way solo survivors have a chance :/
Surveillance Rework Idea
In its current state, Surveillance is a very weak perk and there is almost no reason to run it. This is an idea I thought of to make it a slightly better perk, but nothing too meta. "The progress of the last 1 regressing Generator's/2 regressing Generators'/3 regressing Generators' can be determined by the intensity of…
So 4 man swf and object of obsession
Made a thread about this elsewhere. Now putting it to the developers as a balance complaint. Its happening far too often. Seems to be catching on. Its absolutely breaks the game. It needs addressing.
Wish: Release The DATA On...
I know that there's data on the escape rates, but that is not what this post is about. This post is about a very specific way that escape rate is divided. There is a problem in this game and I go into great detail as to why it occurs in this post:…
End of lagswitchers/cheaters of any kind
My wishlist for christmas is simple af: * Get more control on Lagswitching killers, facecampers and tunnelers. If that is the way to win a game, they should stop.. But I start to believe that the dev's can't find out a good way for dedicated servers, and start taking control on things that are happening for years now..
Gen Rushing needs to be addressed ASAP
This getting rediouceleus in the past weeks. The match hasn't even run 2 minutes and you already see 2 to 3 gens getting done. The major problems are * Killer gets spawned on the far site, while survivors are spawned near 2 or 3 gens * Killer's totem is most of the time on the side of the map, near the spawn point of the…
Changing the "Match Result" screen, so Killers aren't at a disadvantage.
At this point, we should all be pretty familiar with the numerous advantages that Survive With Friends players have over "regular players." They can coordinate effectively, they can communicate easily, they know who is or isn't the obsession, they encourage a bolder play style, etc. But one thing I never really see brought…
BBQ and Chilli bloodpoints
Why is BBQ And Chili not like the survivor equivalent We're Gonna Live Forever? With survivor you are effectively playing with only 3 perks but in exchange you gain more currency, but as killer you get incentivized to use an aura reading perk because it also gives you blood points at the same time. Should these effects not…
Request about the Sapling Siren Hag skin
Hi! Recently I decided I wanted to buy a skin for the Hag and I really like the body of the Photosynthesis skin, but something that bugs me is that the front part of the lettuce/hair is "glued" to the body and makes it difficult to mix the skin with different hairs because of it. Would it be possible to tie that part to…
So Decisive strike...
Since I get the feeling a number of you don't play the game in your own time, here are the last 3 of my games... 1) Down survivor. Walk to basement nearby. They hit 35% and surprise Decisive strike me. I now have another chase which lets a gen get done and I'm robbed of early momentum. 2) Down survivor at end while other…
Struggle should be automatic and stopped on a button press.
You've all been there, yes? You with PCs that aren't forged from legends, or with internet that isn't created by the gods themselves. A mere framerate drop, a slight lag spike... just like that you're dead on hook. Your spacebar jams. A random window pops up in front of your game. You unconsciously fail to tap the button…
How does the pigs pink add on work
I mean if she has one how does it work
How does the clowns pink add on work
I've heard people mention it in a party chat before when I was going for his adept trophy and seen it used but do you need to hit them with the bottle or just the cloud
New saw survivor if possible John Cramer the original jigsaw
Now before people say he's be a better killer he never killed people and always let them have a chance to win while Amanda rigged her games and failed his last test but anyway reason I ask this is because I had a idea to make the pig games more interesting for everyone instead of search for a box and here's why would be…
Hoodies for all the suvivors
I think this would make going against the Legion and Pig a lot more of a surprise, and maybe even get more jump scares.
Devil’s Nightmare (Rare+Ultra Rare Offering)
Devil’s Nightmare Rare + Ultra Rare Offering! How it works: Basically a piece of the entity lays within a trapped chest trying to “kill” a survivor. This is a form of distraction. These chests don’t look any different from a regular chest. When a survivor opens the chest the entity grabs a hold of them trying to “kill…
Advanced Game Mode Idea
Okay so the idea of the Game mode is basically 20 survivors 4 Killers and 1 Killer that Kills killers. Maybe make it that killers can kill the 1 killer but its really hard and unrealistic.
Its ridicoulus thats there is a hex perk with the skill checks so survivors have to look for the totem for an hour to destroy the totem plus some killers has 1 shot perks and matches are over in 5min. there r not enough palletts to have a good chase hooks respawni g realllyyyy?????? cant use dead heart after sprint burst…
Can you block M1 self care in front of other M1 actions?
This is soooo nasty. I will open the exit door but instead of opening the exit gate my survivior starts to self care. And this happens so often in other situations. Idk if this happens when an item i sinfront of a hooked survivor... Can you please block a radius for self care in special locations? at the door opener and…
Do people even pretend swf is balanced?
God this is ridiculous. Spawn in, ruin gone in 30 seconds. Find survivor, by the time he's down 3 gens pop. Hook him don't even have time to get across the map before the other 2 pop. It's insane. Secondary objectives would be amazing. The objective time imbalance is so hard to overcome and survivors need something else.
DbD GameMode: Capture the Flag
Simply put; 2 teams - 1 Killer, 4 survivors on each. Killers cannot leave their half of the map (goal is to protect flag). Survivors have to capture flag and bring it back to a designated point. Killers can leave their half of map when flag is captured. Winner is Bo3 captures. Thoughts?
Creepy Killer Emotes
I'd love to see some creepy killer emotes get put into the game. Like Freddy Krueger swipping his gloves against the wall. Nurse having that creepy "Head Shake" that you see in horror movies such as Jacobs Ladder. Leatherface swinging his Chainsaw around like he did in the original movie. Hag could have a "crab-walk" kind…
Leatherface Faces
Can we please get a counter on the locked faces so we know how far we are from unlocking them. It is just irritating not being able to see just how close I am.
More Gamemodes!
I appreciate Behavior's additions of new killers, survivors, and maps, but I think a great way to freshen up the gameplay would be to add new modes to play in. Maybe mess around with the objectives or add new ones, especially for the survivors. Maybe do some "arcade" mode where people get completely randomized characters…
Broken hitboxes
Anybody else watch NO0b3? If not you probably still have whack hit box stories of your own. Squad family at DBD, try to tighten that up a bit, yeah? Get the killer to actually make some contact on a survivor before you get that blood splattering going. Appreciate you.
One of my wishes, since I've started playing this game, is to see replays of my matches from each of the players perspective (just like in World of Tanks, Overwatch or League of Legends to make some examples) so I can learn from my mistakes made during a match and correct them in my next ones. There is still the option of…
Add an option to disable post-game chat
Disabling post-game chat would make playing as Killer less stressful because Survivors tend to either complain or brag after a match and can easily gang up on a Killer, making for a toxic environment. Survivors always reach the end-game screen before the Killer does, so the Killer is forced to see Survivor messages before…
The Decisive Strike Problem (Rework)
I know that you killer mains are very upset and enraged that the Decisive Strike nerf didn't hit the PTB but you gotta think about the other side as well. Now before you get you pitch forks and torches for me saying that, allow me to explain before you bombard me with LOL's! :) The Problem With Decisive Strike: This perk…
Hi, I want to offer a good (in my opinion) idea about the balance of the game. Why not make it so that if the maniac hangs the survivor, who had been hangs before (and no one was hanging between this gap), then he had the same phase where he had been removed before. This will remove a lot of dissatisfied survs about…
A confirmation message when a report was successful
one of my favorite things about reporting is the confirmation that action has been taken in one of the people I report. This makes me know that they care, and someone that I witnessed break the rules is now gone.
Bloodpoints: Insane grind
I know there are changes being made regarding how bloodwebs work, like unlocking perks in the first 5 levels, but are there any more changes planned? With the introduction of new characters and their teachable perks the grind just gets bigger. It takes an already insane amount of time to level up characters (especially…
Open Handed Rework Idea
Hey all! Been thinking for a while how the devs could make Open Handed an actual useful perk. I don't think a numbers buff will be enough to make people use it, so I came up with this idea. (Perk description isn't the best, I know) You know that sharing information is vital for survival. Every aura revealed to you will…
Deleted Post
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Killers balance: perks
Hello everyone, First of all, thank you to the developers for making a great game. I have had a lot of fun playing it as many do as well. I have played DBD for quite some time now and looked both at survivors and killers. I have read about the past patch notes, where DBD came from and where it's going, which is the only…
I want to see Kate get a sherriff outfit, or a Reno 911 uniform.
It's dumb, but it clicked in to place when I put Detectives Hunch on her, and saw her as a country cop. Maybe too much Deadly Premonition on the brain? But I want to an outfit like Deputy Clementine from Reno 911 on her.
Fools Greed for Breaking Totems
I remember when the devs discussed the potential idea of fools greed. What happened to that idea? That was a cool risk vs. award type of deal. For those who don't know, the idea behind it was, if a survivor breaks your lit hex totum. That survivor would lose a random perk within their build. So in the end it would be a…
Why my beloved Amanda Oinky needs a buff...
God damn it. I am gotta start right off because I opened a thread long ago and really please buff Piggy. She NEEDS a buff. Combat Straps and Rule NO.2 built in would be enough for myself. But the thing is every Piggy Main on the forum says she needs something but it needs to be buffed. She is weak at Rank 10 and above.…
Dedicated servers
Dedicated servers are a goog thing, but please make sure that they cant be abused. I am especially worried about 360ing and huntress hatchets
Bloodpoints with DLC
So I know a lot of people store up a million BP just before new DLC comes out. These are often streamers who have a billion hours on the game and have everything else unlocked anyway. For some of us though that's hard to do. I've got that much to unlock that I haven't been able to save up BP. On top of that you have people…
Legacy color icons
Since previous announcement of implementing dedicated servers which is huge thing. it makes me wonder if there are other plans in the future like QoL updates and such, and one thing came into my mind is the repeated question of many players who liked the old colors and how the perks looked like, yet they have to change…
One thing I really wish we had with the new cosmetics
The ability to overlay your prestige bloody on all cosmetics such as ones purchased from the store would be so nice!
Companion App
A companion app with stuff like the forums, stats, etc. Things could be more mobile-friendly.
What if hexes grew brighter over time?
What if hexes started out as dull totems and grew brighter over time? Or maybe they had thick entity style smoke surrounding them that gradually lessen the more time that passed? (If a dull totem has a 0% light level and a lit totem has a 100%) 1 minute into match: 10% light visibility 2 min: 20% 3 min: 30% etc. Dull totem…
Hook density on Gideon meat plant
Just had a game with only about 5 hooks downstairs not including the basement. The hooks might have been 20 meters away from each other, but the distance I had to travel definitely wasn't. Dropped survivor multiple times because I couldn't make it to the hook since the path was blocked by doors/walls I had to go around to…
Two Ideas to Make the Legion more Viable
Due to the Legion's Deep Wound being very easy to deal with and Feral Frenzy being non-lethal, the Legion's power needs to change in order to make him viable. I have two ideas on the subject but only one would be implemented: 1) Feral Frenzy Buff This rework makes Feral Frenzy itself Legion's ability and not the Deep…
Kindred 3
For Kindred 3, can we make it so that the survivor on the hook (with kindred 3) can also see the killers aura. I like to use Kindred with Open Handed but I can't tell when the killer is in the radius or where he is behind a wall if he is within the radius.
Buff the rancor perk
I’ve seen the last killer, in particular her last perk, rancor. I think isn’t really useful as it is now, because the only advantagies that gives to the user is to know the position of the survivors for 3 seconds, to down in one shot and than the possibility to kill your obsession (all after completed the last gen); it has…
Hex ruin
i'm so tired of hex ruin! it ruins the whole game when the whole team is running around and looking for the totem and no one can find it. It almost always ends with everyone dying and no engine has started. really hope this is fixed in future update!!! Otherwise i think i will stop playing this game -_- What are your…