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  • A. Men. Absolutely superb post and I couldn’t have put it better myself. A tad confrontational maybe, but refreshing. I’m a serial solo. And sometimes you get camped, tunnelled, and moried. Sometime it’s just a slaughter. And that’s great! It’s rough! The game should be brutal! It’s survival horror!
  • I really like this thought experiment. It's a thought experiment. I don't know why people are taking it so seriously. Yeah. It would be boring. Obviously. That's not the point of the experiment. I say underpowered. A 110-er (permanent insta down m1 or not) is very easy to loop. PWYF would instantly be meta and camping…
  • I made a thread about Kindred addiction a week or so back and it got a good response. I even went so far to say it's the only S-Tier survivor perk. I really think Kindred should, nay, must, be embraced by solos like us. Its just that good.
  • First of all, I’m very happy a ticket has been written for a vulgar person. Lets’ hope they are banned. Any mouthing off in post-game chat must be dealt with severally. Rubbing it in is one thing, but... no words. I think it’s normal to get angry. Whether we admit it or not, we’re emotionally invested in the game. If we…
  • Ah I see. I'm more of "midfield" survivor myself. Battle-tech I suppose. I can loop for a good minuet or two if I get in the zone. Iron Will for outlandish jukes, Adrenaline for pushing the last gen and some wild escapes, and the fourth perk... DS? DH? Whatever I fancy. In the past 6 months or so I've only had a really…
  • Interesting! I would've thought Kindred would be a wasted perk slot with SWF. Whenever I check perks post-game I always assume Kindred = solo. I guess Kindred and comms would make coordination super effective, but I wouldn't know. You do make me want to try Open Handed again though... Y'know what, I tried it with Bond but…
  • Agreed. I think this is an excellent tier list. It’s too bad the tier list format doesn’t do perk synergy justice, but that can’t be helped. Maybe the list a touch generous though? The key one is Spies from the Shadows. I tried it as Spirit because the notifications can proc from the spirit world, and even then it wasn’t…
  • I got all of them but really busted my balls doing so. Some of you guys are absolute machines! Freddy and Spirit were the easiest [1 or 2 attempts] whilst Hag was the hardest taking DOZENS of attempts - and I did it before the ruin nerf. I shudder to think how hard it must be now, but the same rule applies: just hope they…
  • One time when I was running We'll Make It, I rescued an Ash when the killer was nowhere near and Ash just ran away - and Dead Harded as he went. Y'know what? Some folk aren't worth healing.
  • I got about 1200 hours [720s, 480k] and it's very clear to me the killer "side" needs to be thrown a bone or two. Buffs for the weakest trio [Bubba, Legion, Clown], reduced map size, will happily trade banning keys for banning moris, etc
  • I'll confess I didn't know the Wraith was black. I thought he was slavic and I'm not sure where I got that idea from.
  • I’m over 1000 hours played (650 as surv) and Myers still scares me. I often find I make very silly mistakes against him. Like this one time on the meat plant – and it turned out to be Otzdarva. But I couldn’t tell you why. Maybe it’s the staring. It does make me appreciate Halloween much more though.
  • What if the animation only played when the other three surviors were already dead, or on hook?
  • 34 [and I actually had to stop and think about it]
  • It always breaks my heart to think how amazing this game could be without the toxicity [and the DCs but that's a sub-issue of toxicity]. I hope the OP doesn't quit the fog. I will say taking toxicity is one of those things that gets easier the more it happens. And it happens every other match - anyone who has ever actually…
  • The hag is awesome! I think I started playing DbD *just* as she got her buffs because when I got around to playing her [to unlock Ruin], I went in thinking she was one of the weaker killers. I was expecting to hate playing as her skag campy girl, but now, she’s my “bad mood main”. I was a bit scummy the other day. I wound…
  • Lol. This is fair enough. Survs are supposed to have the jumpscares not killers! XD Also, most surv DCs [in my experience] happen while you're *carrying* them. So to have the entity instantly burst up *right next to you* might be a bit earrapy. So okay. How about this: DCing puts the surv in the dying state for 2 seconds -…
  • This idea is brilliant! I always doubted killers would see the auto-sacrifice at all (3 mins is a long time), but if the sacrifice triggers on a DC, that animation won't be "wasted". As a further bonus, all remaining players get a jab at selfish DCers. It's rare that an idea on these forums gets this much support.
  • At least I made myself chuckle
  • Agreed. In some of my killer inventories I have the Coldwind Farm offering which i will never, ever, ever use. They just get in the way. If not a recycling option to combat the grind, at least a delete option?
  • Oh damn! Lol. My bad To be fair I made this before Susie and Joey were "things". The wiki didn't even have a good photo then Maybe I should change it to "has black freinds so not racist".
  • I’ll put my hands in the air and confess. I feel the same way. I’m actually very ashamed, but it’s just the way it is. DbD is a naturally competitive environment and at least some part of us is invested in that. We want to be effective, or at least not be a drag. And it sucks if you die several games in a row (or are first…
  • I really relate with this post. Any new player will be at a disadvantage enough from the learning curve, (and) having a suboptimal loadout, (and) the BP grind, (and) the perk unlocking, (and) all that. It’ll take at least 100 hours to get “polished” enough, but all of that can be overcome and with great fun. Sadly this is…
  • To be fair... it's a good observation. Maybe because foxes are cunning and stealthy like survivors? My name is a combo of Star Fox 64 and Perfect Dark. It's been my name since I was a teen on the N64.
  • I was just saying in another thread you can just roleplay as The Clown. It's a giggle!
  • Y’know what? I would still play! But stress will be ramped up for the reasons already stated. So I may need a stiff drink or two before creating a lobby. It’s okay. I’ll just roleplay and select The Clown. If I 0k I’ll just stand by the gates like: “I and you... friends moving with pallets, in the... the... decisive...…
  • I appreciate the aleviation to map pressure DS brings. But to be fair, I run "Agitation" a lot [escpecially on the 110%-ers]. Not as some indirect counter to non-obsession DS, but just to get the job done faster. But this indirect counter aside, is taking 4 DS's in a trial really that common? The most I've ever taken is 2.…
  • I 100% agree. I've had SWF grief me in many different ways as a survivor. hell, there should be more survivors arguing against SWF. And I respect the devs very much as well and all the work they do. I don't envy them for having to deal with this problem. I suppose this is more of a "headless frankenstein" sort of issue.…
  • DbD may well be better than it once was, but that’s no argument for just accepting the way things are now. Fact is, there are still issues. Old issues like infinite loops and OP flashlights are before my time anyway. Their prior existence doesn’t detract from toxicity or SWF. Though I think you may be right in alluding to…
  • We're in a minority though. Maybe we deal with it differently? I dunno. I just don't see it as a big deal. And I'm also thinking about those poor obsessions that get themselves downed right in front of hooks. I bet they're not happy about that. I have a theory that the "DS debate" isn't necessarily because DS is OP, but…
  • Yeah and I’m accusing you of lying. Try re-reading the post. You do not “get lobby dodged 10+ times in a row” while playing solo. That is a complete lie. Utter, utter nonsense. And killers do not exclusively dodge over cosmetics and items. That’s complete and total trash. Dismissive arrogance. And I made arguments…
  • This. Ffs. This. I can’t believe we’re still complaining about dodging! How many more times? I exclusively solo and am seldom dodged [there’s a correlation there]. But when I am dodged, I assume there was a SWF in the lobby, and I respect the killer doesn’t want to deal with that stress. Then I click “join game” again.…
  • So do you think most survivor mains never actually play killer? Or (if not “never”) they have only dedicated less than 10% of their playtime to the killer? And it’s a lack of understanding that drives half of the toxicity? It would make sense mathematically. In an ideal world everyone would have an 80-20 split burt that…
  • Thank you very much for reading! Okay. A lot to talk about: Firstly, Decisive Strike. Personally, I don’t feel DS is OP when I’m killer. I feel it’s a situational and REACTIVE perk with several drawbacks and it costs a perk slot [and blah blah discussed to death]. However, I know a lot of killers do have issues with DS, so…
  • At nearly 400 hours, my play time is divided 75% survivor and 25% killer [and I take that very seriously]. I think most would call me a “survivor main”. I do it this way for mathematical reasons, but I’d probably be a survivor main anyway because playing killer is really damn stressful. I’m always worried I’m going to get…
  • Thank God this is a "thing". I honestly thought it was just me. I forget I have moris all the damn time. This one time I completely forgot I had an Ebony and lost them all. They were "kind" enough to point that out in the post-game chat sigh. I dunno why I keep forgetting. I guess being the Killer is so damn stressful I…
  • As others have stated, there is a massive difference between being a street thug and a murderous sociopath, but I don’t think that’s the reason King is a survivor. I think the reason is because King has a heart of gold. His perk “We Will Live Forever” promotes altruism and suggests something about his mentality. So even…
  • That was fantastic! "We have to pay John Carpenter" XD I love those videos. :)
  • I quite like the idea actually, and it’s a well written post to boot. DS is a real thorn in killer mains sides [pun intended] and a “stealth buff” of any sort (be it real or just perceived) will be met with hostility. But hopefully the trade-off of killers not having to enduring the pickup animation only to walk two steps…
  • I just finished a 1 or 2 hour session of 100% Leatherface. I just love the purity of the experience. Although I got a delicious 4k against prestiged survivors with private profiles, I also got a 0k and two 1ks (courtesy of NOED and SWF). Either I suck, or our boy is one of the weaker killers. I’m prepared to bet it’s both.…
  • No. Wrong. Dead wrong. There's no excuse for toxicity. None. As a community this should be the message.
  • I’ve had instances where the other four players put the HB offering in and I didn’t. It makes me feel very guilty. But some of us don’t have a crazy reserve of BP. I have a character at level 50 and want to prestige them. But not before using the stuff I’ve got in the bloodweb prior (or I’ll just lose it all and be down to…
  • I agree with almost all of the OP. But not all killers who are "victims" are vengeful. Also I still feelThe Pig should be on the "tragic" side. I made a topic about this a while back: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/21377/what-are-the-killers-motivations-and-how-do-they-relate-to-the-entity#latest TLDR;…
  • Hehehe! That is delicious! “Tank this” But what about when their Adrenaline kicks in once the final generator is finished? They’re in the chase, down one health state, gates power up, they recover, they feel invigorated, but then, BAM! Next time just bring Sprint Burst sucka. I have videos of taunters at the gate not…
  • Luckily at the average-high ranks Nurses and Hillbillies are often played by folk who haven’t quite got the hang of it yet. In theory they should be the worst. But for me, it’s still Myers! I don’t get it! On paper he’s a good killer, but is pure poison for me. He always seems to find me no matter what I do, never seems to…