Wasnt saying it did, just thinking up new items, like I said it would be way too op to put in the game purely a hypothetical.
I never use corrupt and I do completely fine most of the time.
Killer main with 2.7 k hours, and no, no its not, A new meta will rise after the changes, pain res + bbq or floods or rage, and overcharge + call of brine and security I could easily see, maybe even leave security out.
I run blood favor but I dont totem defend, it wastes so much of the killers time to defend totems.
Haha no
He is not LGBTQ+, he is just flashy, pretty sure it would say in the lore if he was.
I removed the link but they should be named and shamed they ruined the game for other players, why can't we at least show the evidence of their twitch stream, hell they are streaming themselves doing it, why are they protected.
Your timing is probably off.
Well I got it!
Thanks i figured it out during one of my games, you have to grab out of a trap
I almost put my background as Infectious because of how much I love it on my main , oni.
It does not need it, you already have Iframes on the ground you don't need them in the air.
As much as I would love it, they really can't even if they nerfed all the group perks they still have the most meta thing of all, discord.
I really hope they do it. It's a really special event to me because it's when I started playing the game.
Ah yes too easy of an soultion as the devs say, but here we go with blood lust. I don't know maybe they will test increased gen times.
This would have to be tested and I could see it going both ways.
More infinates are being made with breakable walls now.
I'm a killer main and want to tell you a few flaws, looping isn't toxic it's the way the games is designed, also if your slugging all the time you should not be maybe down 2 then hook. Something I think killers should know yes some of their perks are more powerful than ours but that just means some of our perks need to be…
I don't think there is a problem with deathslinger currently he is a good killer that does not rely on survivors mistakes like most killers. He can get the job done without the opponent messing up which is why he is so good. Too many killers rely on 2 things their power which can help and survivors messing up. You should…
She does look like her.
It's not that I ditch the game or stuff like that it's that people have school to go to and jobs to work at. Not just sit on their ass all day.
Okay yeah I can see it.
I could see it but I don't think sexuality should be in the game at all heterosexual or homosexual. It does not tie in with the game that well. The survivors are focused on surviving and killers on killing. It feels like it would be too much of a stretch to have any feeling towards other characters at all.
I want a fire fighter like killer.
I don't think there should be. It's the survivors who determine how much blood there is in the trial, based on how fast they heal and other things like that, now you can make the argument, that perks like sloppy butcher and that make it hard to heal. But that's their job and it synergizes well with the power. Overall the…
Alright, I main deathslinger and I don't get that much hate for it. Also in terms of "playing fair" if you aren't using cheats anything can be "fair" it might just piss you off, like keys or moris which are unfair.
Throw out the other sides rule book, I threw out the suruviour rule book a long time ago and have felt better playing the game ever since.
I feel like this is wrong but possibly virginia from the forest?
Enough with exhaustion ds and flashlights.