Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Damn I think my first game was as Meg or Claudette I didn't know what I was doing at all lol. I got downed and hooked tried attempting and got to second state I think I either wasn't ready for the space mashing or I just did it too slow or something cause it was just death lol
  • They should probably remove ruin as a perk altogether and make the current ruin a permanent thing but at the regular 100% because it would be kinda broken if it was still 200%
  • I say you should just have to hold it during struggle cause the mashing is annoying
  • Rushed vaults can be used as a distraction too not just to bother the killer. I almost never spam but I do it once to get them to come to me when I can get out for sure. I'll spam if the killer was like hardcore tunneling me or camping if I'm specifically annoyed with them tho lol
  • Honestly I play survivor much more than killer and a 2 blink nurse wasn't that bad to go against unless she was a god tier nurse. All they should have done is given her a longer fatigue because it gives the survivor a chance to escape or break los
  • They seriously just need a 2nd objective it's stupid that they don't listen it's clearly needed
  • Maybe we can just get a free chapter one day? That would be nice
  • Bruh I think this confirms Jane isn't thicc look at those arms she mega buff she should just smack down the killer
  • Facts the game the new killers already feel a bit forced at times and with all the useless perks we already have they should be either reworking perks or leaving them alone and fixing broken game mechanics
  • Just because they have to work on bugs it really shouldn't excuse them from making more content especially because their events are already super lazy and don't really change the game and you just grind for some crappy cosmetics. They really should make actual events that aren't just repair this generator, but this one has…
  • I think what they should do is have a set amount of time between your games if you dc. That way if you dc for innocent reasons you aren't in too much of a problem something like a 10 to 15 min penalty before you can queue again would be fine
  • In fairness it is just an add-on the killer shouldn't be handed the win for using an add-on. Aura reading is already very strong and hitting survivors give a significant amount of blood so you just gotta be an m1 killer for a bit before using the power
  • I'm pretty sure that's why the doors open kinda slow the gates aren't really a big deal tbh
  • I'm so tired of threads that complain about a single nerf so a killer because seriously this doesn't kill the character at all. If m2 was just for movement and they removed the damage of it altogether it still would be pretty good because his m1 is pretty easy to hit in the rage. And honestly playing against the m2…
  • Thank God I'm lucky enough to only have gone against it once or twice but it's so awful but I like going against regular Freddy so that's cool
  • Its because of a lack of communication and stupid teammates really. Sometimes multiple people go for the save not knowing if anyone else is at the same time. Then if a survivor sees another survivor trying to save they either think "oh they see me they will leave now that they know I'm saving" or "MY BLOODPOINTS" and…
  • I don't get why it matters I don't use ds personally but why not just make them use it? It removes a perk from them for the rest of the game and if you slug there's a chance they can be downed near the exit gate where you either let them crawl to the exit or pick them up and get hit by the ds you could have gotten rid of
  • This idea isn't terrible but it can't be faster than the sprinting perks because the killer can just use theirs when the survivor does making them pretty much useless
  • The problem is if you aren't playing swf the game is awful and you get idiotic teammates. Legit most games I solo queue I'm not saved until 2nd state and sometimes never saved its really annoying. The game is unfun for killers in swf but the game is unfun for solo survivors so there's not way for everyone to win unless…
  • Bruh body blocking is just free injures and sometimes even downs sometimes you don't get the hook but it most scenarios it just helps you that you get multiple hits
  • I've always thought a perk like wake up could use a small buff that if you are opening the gate the red progression bars become invisible to the killer or whatever but idk how strong that would be
  • Bruh idk I play Kate mostly and I'll wear the winter set and biker set with white hair stealth is doable with any outfit. If you know they are coming and you don't wanna be chased just get ready to hide. Make a plan before the killer shows up not hide in plain sight and hoping it'll work.
  • It does seem kinda short. Maybe they should increase the speed his charge is for better map pressure? Because the power is gained pretty easily tbh and if the power last really long it might be too powerful. Also if the power breaks pallets faster than a regular break it isn't a big of deal but idk the speed he breaks it
  • Yeah dbd is garbage in all honesty. Idk why I still play it it's not very fun for either side.
  • Why do people always act so pretentious? Everyone knows it happens on both sides stop acting like your side is more important than the other
  • The game is not in a very good state imo solo queue surviving is literally terrible at any rank relying on randoms never ends well. Swf gets ######### for existing too. But killers have it bad too with some annoying swf teams and impossibly long queue times I haven't played killer in forever because It takes so long I lose…
  • How is he op? Maybe some add-ons are stupid like the slowing add-ons like the swing chains or whatever but he's not broken
  • These are much easier now we hope that the game lets us find games as killers lol
  • Imagine being so entitled that you whine about pointless garbage like killers messing around with survivors and just giving everyone bloodpoints. Those are the games that shouldn't be complained about. Stop being a stupid little baby and complain about something actually worth complaining about
  • I hate noed for the big reason of stupid teammates will be stupid. I have games where I cleanse like 3 to 4 totems because when I see a totem a break it because duh you should it's also easy bloodpoints and inner strength is fun to use. So a message to all the frankly dumb survivors just C L E A N S E
  • Nurse can still be super strong in the right hands. The blink recharge should increase slightly but not a lot. She used to be way to op if she was good enough you literally couldn't run away she just comes right back and hits you again. At least now you have more time to run. But I agree with the nerf being a bit much not…
  • Claudette, Nea, Laurie, Quentin, and Meg need face changes. They all honesty look awful. Meg has strange wrinkle looking things and Claudette has a mustache lol. If you look at their concept art they look so good there I wish they made it look more like that
  • While I miss vaccum pallets I know they were strong. Looping isn't hard people it really isn't
  • Well people use the word nerf because giving her counterplay is technically nerfing her. People essentially mean she needs to be balanced. The injured noises have to be omnidirectional and she needs a damn vault animation and she would be fine. Also prayer beads is actually unfair because it removes the already small…
  • If billy is far away bait him the turn right or left and then switch directions and use trees and corners and vaults if you have enough time. Leatherface is garbage just use vaults if you have distance which you don't need much against him it's an easy way to prevent chainsaws. I love to go against chainsaw killers…
  • This game is so awful for both sides survivors need swf to have fun playing. I refuse to play survivor without people I know because so many people are awful on this game lol seriously if I play alone I die on first hook way too often
  • I personally despise spirit. It's not that she is necessarily op she is just incredibly annoying and unfun to play against. Her phasing is very very annoying and she can use it pretty often. If she had a shimmer or something when phasing that would make her actually fun to go against but that would remove a lot of her…
  • I would like the game to have free items all the time but it can't be every item. A free brown toolbox or medkit would be fine. Flashlights aren't that amazing imo but a yellow probably wouldn't be an issue especially if add-ons can't be used on the free items
  • The keys aren't very hard to notice tbh. It should be hard to see it's not like everything is exactly shiny and clean in the game. If you dislike keys pay attention to the survivors hand in lobby if they manage to get a key in game you can still see it it's just not as easy. Besides dropping a key makes it hard to find if…
  • Keys aren't that big of a deal. If you despise them so much use franklins and remember where it was dropped. If you are trapper or hag trap the item. You can also kill the person with the key because it is noticable if they have one. Not to mention you can use a key when downed and the killer can grab the person when doing…
  • I said I'd prefer they buff the other killers. But seriously pallets should still stun nurse she's supposed to actually be stunned by pallets not just ignore it lol
  • I think it should just say if noed is up right away instead of it not showing until someone gets hit. I always cleanse totems when I see them dull or not but I repair, save from hooks, and work on gens. I can't be searching for totems the whole game and If I do I'm not altruistic enough because I'm cleansing instead of…
  • This is completely true. I'm still a long way from complete completion but lemme tell you 500+ hours of the same thing has gotten a bit boring. This is not a horror game after the first week of playing it. It's pretty much a necessity at this point to add more gamemodes and maybe something actually scary lol
  • I feel like Nurse needed at least one nerf. If you stun her with a pallet it should stun man lmao. Like I can't count how many times I've stunned her and she's just like nah fam I'ma pass on that lol. It's also a semi good thing she's getting nerfs because high ranks will have less of the same killer over and over. But…
  • I feel like this is kinda a little of an overreaction. I mainly play survivor and I never really complain about killers except nurse and spirit. Now against spirit I'm just bad against her that's all. But nurse is actually really strong to a point it can be unfair. If you are a rank 1 nurse you can kill people so easily…
  • This is the best idea I've like ever seen I want this in the game so bad