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  • Not as well thought and planned out as my ideas. Perks are centred around a single killer and therefore wouldn’t work, she’s basically a mix of Hag and strapped only more limited. pretty bad 
  • If they give us another licensed chapter I have an idea for one Chapter 9: Restless Dreams Its said that the Entity handcrafts the worlds in which is prey play the game, but this world was waiting for the right moment. Shrouded in fog, rust and decay; the town of Silent Hill has long attracted the entity and finally the…
  • The only way you can get Evil Incarnate is to use Fragrant Tuft of Hair and Judith’s tombstone, the piece will always leave you lacking enough stalk to get a third or fourth kill. its a difficult achievement and it’ll take you ages to finally get lucky and get it but using both Ultra Rare’s is really the only way to go.…
  • I brought Claidette’s pink top outfit with the brown bob, brought some tops for Kate, blonde hair for her, black shorts, I also brought two Clown outfits, a weapon for him and a a 4800 jacket for Jake and a green beanie 
  • ID more support a proper Anniversary Weekend Event. Triple BP. 2.5x XP, special challenges, three a day to complete that earn you some Auric Cells (say 50-150 per challenge, with 150 ones being quite difficult; say pull 3 survivors off generators) Double BP is nice and all but it’s so overdone and honestly isn’t that…
  • Let’s not. 2 killers being looped by multiple survivors as they all finish the gens in 6 minutes rather than 4 and then all escape while blinding you and teabagging. No thanks. 
  • I’d like a chance to buy a new Mori for the Clown that isn’t so long, he currently has the longest Mori animation in the game, I witnessed it screw someone at an exit gate as he was performing his Mori with Devour Hope 5, and I got the entire gate open in front of him and escaped.
  • Tunnelling is when you focus a single survivor, chase them constantly, ignore everyone else for them, go straight for them after a hook save etc. as killers like Freddy you want to tunnel especially if it’s your obsession as it works in your favour. People call me a tunneller all the time, which I can be and I get called a…
  • Just break the pallet.
  • *screams in Kate Denson* loving my new cosmetics on Xbox tbf, Claudette has some flawless outfits <3
  • Okay then. dont cut yourself on that edge.
  • Rank 6 and higher survivors run perks and loadouts dedicated to finishing gens faster. The group I mentioned with 4 chases all had Leader 3, Decisive 3, SB3 and SC3, and they were pairing to do gens and the one by themselves had a BNP. So no, I wasn’t doing anything wrong so ######### you?
  • I just don’t find him very enjoyable, only killer I proper enjoy is Freddy as I have him fully loaded out with game lengthening perks and also because he naturally slows the survivors down a fair bit. i think I’d enjoy every killer more, especially Clown if gen-rushing wasn’t such a rampant issue, 4 gens to down a single…
  • Actually no. there was no deadline. They said upcoming weeks, that could be any amount of time, possibly even months. you PS4 players are so over expectant I hope you don’t get it until the BP event is over tbf, sick of the constant whinging from you guys.
  • Xbox had a two weeks wait we got no compensation, PS4 players shouldn’t for waiting longer either and if they do there will be a huge backlash. You’ll get 1800 shards like everyone else and you’ll be ######### happy with it :) ’kay?
  • What does it matter who wins? We all know it’ll be inactive accounts anyway.
  • The new pallet system will take a while to get used to, killers seem to get a lot of free hits now vacuum is gone. also they said the chapter was £5.19 in U.K. so I’m not happy I had to pay £1.20 more
  • The chapter unlocks on Xbox at midnighttor whatever region you’re in advance that’s what time they update their store daily, to unlock any pre-orders etc. 47 minutes and I’ll finally be able to play as a female character with nice hair <3
  • With PI3 I constantly pull greens minimum, maps, first aid kits, toolboxes, broken keys, I’ve also pulled a rainbow map, some purple flashlights and medkits/toolboxes and a fair few keys to escape mid match. Works extremely well for me *shrug*
  • It's passed certification on Xbox. Check their twitter, there’s a minor problem but it’s likely going to be fixed with a hotfix so I’d expect the patch anytime now on Xbox :) 
  • By not stating it’s solely available now on Steam it either has to come out on consoles in a short span of time aka today or someone could actually take it further and sue BHVR for a second time for false advertisement. 
  • This whole thing hasn’t been a total farce. If you want to celebrate your anniversary you don’t do a raffle anyone can win just by registering then abandoning the profile, you don’t have tournaments which are in by absolute dickweeds, you don’t forget to submit the god damn update and leave 2 of the three parts of your…
  • They should have made it so you needed to post in a thread every day regarding the anniversary raffle to be eligible, also profiles with less than 10 comments that haven’t been rated also shouldn’t be eligible. But just give the rewards to those who signed up and will never use the forums again. this is the worst…
  • Well there’s no update in England so bravo for spreading bullshit.
  • But you stated it WAS coming tomorrow? Why lie?
  • Do you have any evidence to support this claim? I highly doubt that’s happening :( 
  • That feeling when the OP is a laughing stock and became a meme on Reddit.
  • The obsession perk makes literally no sense to me. Far too convoluted
  • The Hag definitely has the most unique and deadly looking Mori, ripping their throat out before disembowelling them and eating their insides, most of the others are a bit lame. Watching the Chainsaw slice survivors in half but they’re still whole sucks. 
  • Hex Glimmer feels too op, it reduces regression by 15% followed by an immediate 30% extra if they fail a skill check? Pop Goes the Weaseal already fills the first half of this, I do like the pallet idea, maybe you could also make it so that during a chase Survivors have a 20/40/60% chance of seeing windows that aren’t…
  • IT was a game of Team Nani vs Jawstoppers. Jawstoppers were Survivors I think, they got a single kill with Huntress and a Pig was about to kill one of theirs with 2 gens left and another on final hook so a toxic Claudette blocked the route to the hook then ran around in front of it blocking the hook, The Pig hooked them…
  • I cried laughing when one of the teams tried to body block the hook and was instantly disqualified. shows how toxic the Xbox playerbase is.
  • Apologist. It’s been over 3 weeks since the content hit the PTB, people are counting it as time PC has had the content over us. which they should, I know I do. 12 days is far too long also, 5 would have been pushing it. this has overall been the worst simultaneous release I’ve ever seen, 3 weeks is hardly simultaneous 
  • At this point I’ve given up any hope of getting the update before July. such an amazing 2 year anniversary and 1 year anniversary for console release. bravo!
  • ITS all well and good what you’re saying and I do agree but you’ve hardly ranked high enough as either killer or survivor to justify what you’re saying entirely. ive been Rank 1 killer and 4 survivor and it becomes a true chore as killer at Rank 1 and an absolute walk in the park as a similarly low ranked survivor. im…
  • I have multiple but mostly Huntress, Pig and Freddy. Sure Freddy isn’t viable but I’ll be damned if he’s not enjoyable to play as
  • I Think the keys basic effect should be to give a 32 metre aura reading range of other survivors for 15 seconds, add-ons can be used to increase its time, increase time efficiency like the map burning, add range to the aura, add killer reading range and an add-on to allow unlocking of the Black Lock solely for the…
  • It says right at the top of the discussion page when it will be back? or are you incapable of reading?
  • I’d like to see a green offering for each map that when burned reduces the chance of that map being chosen. playing as killer and actually want a chance, burn the Badhan Offering for less chance to go there. offerings that increase speeds would be nice too, 10% faster healing, 10% faster destruction speed etc. finally…
  • The a Sony Store usually updates once a week unless a game or big DLC is releasing at which point they’ll update on those days. the Microsoft store updates daily, sometimes multiple times and DLC, games and movies can be added at any time, seemingly st random. EpicFailTryhard is talking out of his ass as usual. 
  • These nerfs needed to happen. With them killer might finally be rightfully OP.
  • I don’t understand why we’re both behind bars but I’ll go with it and feel totally savage. members only bitches. 
  • The proposed changes are great. Decisive has always been far too powerful and exists to do nothing but ruin matches for the killer, one chase involving decisive can cost you an entire game, I like the new change, in glad of it. the self care change isn’t so bad, you can still heal yourself to full at the normal rate you…
  • They have a solid case duet on the fact bugs present in their game are also present in WestWorld. That’s all the proof they need that the exact same code has been used for both games. it probably won’t impact BHVR much but if it does it’s deserved for their total disregard for any sort of decency, with this and the console…
  • Begone apologist thot, take your thoughts and opinions somewhere they’re wanted, because they’re not wanted here :) 
  • It’s not really worth it on a survivor, it is worth getting to P3 on killers you enjoy playing as you have a better chance at their more game changing add-ons, I’m getting Freddy and Pig to P3 for this exact reason, possibly clown too
  • No, no, no, no. You stupid brainless monkey Sony and Microsoft went on record to say that any issues with certification and the lack of a simultaneous release are entirely on BHVR, they offer same day certification, they offer step by step updates, they offer so much, BHVR is the one to blame here, not the companies..…
  • My browser froze and when it refreshed its tried posting it multiple times :( I didn’t mean to 
  • If the killer has rarer add-ons you really like it’s worth it, I took my Pig to P3 because the ultra rare that removes box auras until the trap activates is amazing, even if it should be part of Pig’s base kit >_>
  • WEll the games servers just completely died for me and my friend group in the game at the same time and we now can’t get back on. usually this only happens to all of us when a patch is being pushed through. fingers crossed it’s the case this time too.
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