This is when you use reassurance and block them from giving up
it was to buff nurse and blight so they can catch you even faster LOL
When no one asked for those changes I fixed it for you
Inb4 dark sense meta in 2022 LMAO
like all im going to say if you know where the fourth is fine but dont be that person not having a clue where the last guy is and leave a person on the floor for 3+ min cause youre legit wasting that guys time he could already be in the next match
I remember good old double charge speed billy with tinkerer when it effected addons
Honestly trapper got nerfed hard in realm beyond all maps had red forrest grass now its grass you can see trough so i agree
i think its cause there are more killer dailys then survivor dailys like you got 2 survivor dailys added each chapter but for killer there are 3 dailys so with the amount of chapters we have we are at a massive amount of killer ones
theyre just the better hockey player 😃
2016 perma sabo says hi
Nah they will be when maps de are footballfields with nothing but hooks
i agree there is no way in hell you win a 3vs1
two at every house for optimal doorbreaking
I remember people saying i had wallhacks cause i saw a crow fly up by the rock they were hiding behind
You already answered your own question
You heard about THE OP killer perk lightborn it might help
Trickster and pinhead
Unpopular opinion for what i use territorial imperative its fine i currently cant do the build tough haddonfields still disabled
He was clearly the better hockeyplayer
its a weaker pop so i doubt it
Your teamates are most likely not doing gens
Do gens and dont get found cause if he finds you. you be down in seconds cause low loops
You forgot monstrous shrine
The devs actually once put in the patchnotes wraith is overperforming and then they nerfed him so LOL
Laughs in grim pantry rock totemspawns near shack
Wait this isnt a Billy post anyway
70 those 2 extra halloween rifts were very usefull
Are people really complaining about flashlightsaves when 95% of survivors cant even get the timing right LMAO
i maybe in the minority but to me as long as the gates are 99 i have unlimited time to still secure kills and no timepressure
Lethal just isnt worth it tbh but thats my thoughts on any perk that doesnt last for almost the entire match but corrupts good for the time it gives i guess
I wait for tampered timer and the gear addons cause this might get intresting
Haddonfield somehow has breakable walls now
this is still a thing
I thought she got ugly as a trade for Laurie quinten and nea looking better
Look at nurse her bugs involving not being able to blink a 2nd time which is in the game for 4 years so dont expect them to fix blights slams
so you havent seen nemesis sounds weird tbh
ghostface and bubba you can play perfect but oh god use your power BHVR: thats not allowed here is gold chaser im just like arent the killers who are effective at using their power better then the ones who barely use it and just m1. it makes no sense tbh
But what about killers complaining about keys
a common problem on any killer that can oneshot and plague cause her power removes a healthstate and doesnt even give you chaser pts for it
well all the toxic freddy mains moved to wraith after that minimal nerf so you can see why
Surge and ruin exist
Not as good as you hope if it had the same time as pop it would be
you realise nurse is bugged for four years we love the m1 bug
i cant wait to bomb and flashbang killers also its nice to have an azarovs like indoor map with multiple floors
we all remember the time off huntress nurse billy in red ranks and then billy got nerfed
ironicly as long as the door is closed the killer has unlimited time to get kills if you open it the killer has maybe 3 minutes to get kills so the survivor are just helping you
welcome to killer mains need something to complain about and after ds got nerfed theyre on the dead hard hunt dont be shocked when they want inner strength to not counter sloppy butcher
i guess you got you very unlucky