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  • sloppy butcher + nurses calling spirit fury + enduring ruin + surveillance distressing + unnerving presence (overcharge fits in good here too, this combo works great on doctor, add in backwards skill checks and increased TR add ons for extra bite)
  • sounds like its well agreed that its too weak with it being inactive while injured next question: would it be overpowered / balanced / still weak if it worked while injured? seems like it could be a pretty fun perk and an easy change for the devs. The perk meta environment desperately needs some variety, and even if this…
  • good post, and good first comment. Spirit fury / enduring are A tier when used together, but either by themselves would only be B tier imo, so just a minor caveat
  • I can understand the negative responses to my post, I really can. To summarize a few of them: -The survivors you are playing with didn't ask for it either. This is generally true, but also indirectly false. Survivors complaining and being catered to by devs are the reason the game's balance is broken and there is a huge…
  • Devs? Where are you?
  • Yes, its so broken its not even funny. Check out my thread on what you should do: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/128578/im-hard-camping-every-game-until-matchmaking-is-fixed#latest
  • "Dont bring that negativity into my discussions!" Its not "your" discussion, its a forum where anyone is free to bring their viewpoint. Get over your own self entitlement please. "I have never complained about a killer beinf overpowered." I'm not saying you did, but the reason your matchmaking queue times suck, and then…
  • Totally agree, and I'm actually having fun and getting good laughs from the post game salt when Survivors aren't having any fun based on what I'm doing. Thank the devs, don't blame me for the awful game experience you waited an hour for.
  • How the devs have left the game in this state for this long really baffles me. But hey at least new cosmetics were released. Congrats to all the survivors who kicked and screamed until Killers were nerfed into non-existence. Enjoy your matchmaking wait times and unbalanced unfun matches.
  • Completely disagree. The devs aren't total idiots (I think?), they know the game is in a dire state right now, and that they need to fix things urgently. Don't expect Killers to eat dog ######### for months and have a horrible game experience just to prove with stats that the game is lopsided and broken right now. There is…
  • Completely agree with thread title. The matchmaking is completely busted- in yellow and green ranks I'm only facing red/purple ranks. I just hard camp with Bubba now and run noed/blood warden too. If the devs can't balance the game then I'll make sure no one has fun.
  • Dude, you're obviously a survivor main: "Fix the stuff that is actually broken like people being bugged and unable to get healed, vaults and windows, hitboxes, not being able to leave through exit, DS bugging out and not proccing, etc... Like come on". Don't do the whole "I'm a Freddy main and even I think this is broken!"…
  • If I see someone getting intentionally screwed over by a teammate, I will tunnel and camp the person who did it (blocking loops on purpose / unhooking in front of me without borrowed time / or just otherwise being scummy to someone on their team)
  • Iron Will, it's saved my ass so many times its not even funny
  • people say its not great besides the bloodpoints but I disagree. "You just learn where survivors are" --what? really? Information is huge in this game, losing momentum after a hook because you went to the wrong side of the map can cost you a game.
  • I think its generally true. I have a lot of empathy for the other side these days whenever I play. If you've had to deal with a facecamping killer or someone that slugs all 4 people and makes them bleed out, you won't do it to survivors. If you've had a match as killer where you get absolutely smashed and nothing goes your…
  • +1, no idea why she has gotten creamed by the devs, she was never above B tier to start with. Doing anything at all to hurt her was a bad mistake, and if changes were truly necessary (with the creation of end game collapse), she should have gotten a buff somewhere else. Really hope they fix her, she isn't in a good spot.
  • jUsT dO mAp PrEsSuRe
  • His reach is the same but its deceptive because he is a lot smaller than some of the other killers. It is definitely satisfyng to constitently get hits where you can tell the survivor didn't think it was going to happen- so he gets my vote for best M1 still.
  • He has good map pressure. Snares can make certain loops very unsafe if he is controlling the pallet and doubling back. Spamming snares can also greatly reduce the pain of certain window infinites like iron works or farm. They also take a lot of value out of strong loops like killer shack, cow tree, or what have you, and…
  • it was better before they nerfed heal speeds, now its like low B tier perk. Iron will / adrenaline / dead hard are core perks for me so its not that strong on my load out.
  • I think it could be kept consistent with the lore by having a recycle mechanic, like you sacrifice an item/add-on/whatever to the entity and it gives back 20% of the bloodpoints you spent. 15% would even be better than nothing.
  • S: Nurse A: Spirit, Billy A- / B+: Freddy, Huntress, Hag B: Myers, Plag, Demogorgon, Ghostface
  • 110 movement speed, m1, add on dependent, hard countered by flashlights and urban, and good survs have counterplay against her setting off traps when they know she doesnt want to use them (close to finishing another chase / picking up a survivor / etc) Not saying she is bad by any means, but she is B+ tier behind the big…
  • It's already been said but BBQ isn't that great, mostly good for the BP and survivors that refuse to play around it. Starting at purple ranks you get way less value out of it- survivors jump in lockers during pick up, get in range, misdirect, or lead you to a bad part of the map.
  • +1 This is really obnoxious, it shouldn't be a guessing game which way the survivor is going in a chase when they turn a corner if they are injured. Dial it back 20% or even 15%
  • The game honestly feels pretty well balanced for all the complaining, both sides have stron perks and add ons or items. There are games I play as Killer where the survivors feel strong, and games I play as survivor on a good team where the Killer feels strong.
  • I'm thinking it will be decent on Freddy Red Paint Brush + Jump rope = Obsession has permanent considerable action speed decrease, you can basically leave them alone or slug them, basically ensure you don't kill them Couple it in with things like ruin, thana, pop and you have a really nasty looking slow-down build
  • how much better was enduring+spirit fury before they messed enduring up? I've only had this combo since enduring got accidentally nerfed, and it seems pretty underwhelming for how frequently its hailed as the top build
  • Iron Will is the single best stealth perk, hands down. Definitely worth leveling up Jake for it if you don't have it already. I played very immersive and stealthy for the first couple hundred hours in the game, when I got iron will my rank got a lot better. I don't play as stealthy these days because I like being in chases…
  • I don't know man, things like fast vaults when running along a wall were pretty ridiculous. decisive strike. the old flashlights were completely out of hand. etc. honestly theyve done a pretty good job so far
  • slow repair speed by 3% for each person in YOUR group (solo survivors repair speed not impacted)
  • adding fake rev like billy has is a no brainer, it should be in the next hot fix instead of leaving leatherface busted for another year before they fix him (like with Freddy)
  • Leatherface and Doctor. They don't even need massive re-works, here are QOL changes that could be done with minimal dev resources that would take them out of garbage tier and make them at least playable at purple ranks (not even red): Leatherface: -Remove slowdown for the 1st .75 second of his chainsaw charge - allows him…
  • I was a Doctor main, then Freddy, then Wraith (guess I'm a glutton for punishment). I recently started playing Myers and am having an absolute blast (and winning way more games). Lots of fun builds and add-ons, the low base terror radius means you get the jump on survivors a lot which I love, and having a baked in…
  • For me its 4k-ing against a toxic SWF team, especially if they are lower rank than me. Went against the full works the other day (flashlights, instaheals, full meta-perk loadouts, murky reagents, etc.) and got t-bagged and blinded a lot, but was able to pull it out. I felt like a king when I saw the whole team was several…
  • Can we table the discussion on whether "leatherface is good or not" -- its a different subject. Here is one thing, at an absolute minimum that should be changed about his chainsaw specifically (what this thread was created for): He CANT fake rev his chainsaw like Billy can! Revving the chainsaw instantly slows him down,…