Any chance you could read the first part of that bullet point?
They will, of course, be absolutely shocked, stunned and amazed when the devs add basekit anti-slug. I've already ordered in a truckload of popcorn ready to enjoy the rage.
Public MMR will be a disaster. People will treat it like a progression mechanic and cheese games even harder than ever to make the magic number go higher. More genrush, more camping, more tunneling, more sweat, more misery. Still, I can't deny how much I want to laugh at all the salty bois finding out they're not actually…
I wish I could play Huntress and go for those cross-map snipes but I can barely hit people standing still 3 metres in front of me.
From a recent-ish Q&A: Q: Are you planning on ever doing something about survivors blowing up gens when they leave? It's very frustrating to have it happen multiple times with nothing you can do about it when we know other skillchecks (overcharge) don't work that way. : A previous AMA brought this to our attention, and…
He clearly doesn't really like the game any more but he's forced to play it because he knows that's his audience. Plus his competitive mindset and giant ego mean that he really can't take losing, so he's more than happy to make the game a worse place for everyone else if it means he gets to win. It's really sad because he…
It would mean that the killer can't slow the game down by making it a completely unfair 3v1 scenario where the survivors have no hope of escape, yes. But slowdown perks would still exist, and the survivor objective could be rebalanced around having four survivors all game, although not by much. Strong killers can…
They should just make it like Among Us, where survivors respawn as ghosts when they die and can continue to contribute to the objective to help their teammates (but not interact with their teammates or the killer). This would immediately render tunneling useless and solve the problem of people going next in one fell swoop.
I don't think the devs want to admit that sometimes not playing the game is preferable to playing it. I can't imagine they will add a "just go next" mechanic. They are more likely to nerf slugging.
Red Light, Green Light slug races. That is, assuming I can communicate as much to the survivors. Also Trapper slalom (all traps in a line, preferably leading towards a chest, which the winner can open).
This is only on Ultra, as far as I'm aware. It's a post-processing effect, much like the awful bloom that you also get on Ultra. You can disable it by navigating to: C:\Users\[YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME]\AppData\Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Config\WindowsClient\GameUserSettings.ini Then set sg.PostProcessQuality to 0, so it looks…
Survivor objective rework (Gens are boring). Proper graphics options - individual settings for Textures, Shadows, Postprocessing, Reflections, etc. so we no longer have to manually edit the settings file. Stronger anti-tunnel options. Bubba in 2v8.
It should activate on unhook and grant a much higher repair buff. Tunnel at your peril.
Can confirm sandbagmen are annoying af, although I'll probably stick with the event because pelting turbosweat killers in the face with snowballs will never not be funny. But please devs disable the moving snowmen.
Dedicated servers. Admittedly, they've been in the game for longer than they weren't, but they were the single biggest improvement to the general state of the game. It was tortuous having to invite all your friends to a lobby, queue for 10 mins, finally get into a proper lobby (assuming nobody got disconnected at that…
You can disable this (and all other godawful postprocessing effects, such as the horrendous bloom effect) by navigating to: C:\Users\[YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME]\AppData\Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Config\WindowsClient\GameUserSettings.ini Then set sg.PostProcessQuality to 0, so it looks like this: sg.PostProcessQuality=0 0 =…
Somebody tried to do this the other day but they are still blessing so we don't yet know the result.
Excellent and completely expected news. The TotH buff is one of the most short-sighted changes they've made in a long time.
Imma need more than three…
Killers are usually too proud to accept pity kills so survivors generally don't bother to offer. I stopped trying years ago.
Playing 4v1 feels like I've slipped into a coma. It's so slow paced compared to 2v8. Gens have never been more boring. Those "foundational changes" that Cote mentioned had better involve a rework of the survivor objective.
2v8 is the most fun I've had in DBD in years. I'm already dreading going back to the drudgery of normal DBD.
Devs in 2021: Moris are seen as toxic so we're changing them. Devs in 2024: It took us three years and what we came up with sucked so er… free moris for all. Everyone likes moris, right? 🤪
Because it facilitates tunneling.
Survivor is just miserable now and it's not an issue of balancing, matchmaking or solo-queue. It's entirely to do with killer behaviour. I've never seen so much needless sweat. The sheer amount of toxicity I faced from killers this evening almost made me want to uninstall. The last game of the evening ended with me being…
Bring back the old grainy black and white look. It looked way cooler than the "can't see #### because it's so dark and cheapo low-res blood drips vignettes everywhere" version we have today.
Old Freddy was one of the worst things they ever added to the game. He was a giant DC magnet and hardly anyone liked him. They said around the time of Legion that they were moving away from aura-reading as a basekit power component, hence why Killer Instinct was created. Mega gen slowdowns are a no-go as well. It was also…
Get in line behind the "survivor perk that blocks windows like in the anniversary event" people (me).
Thx blessed devs for this megapint of blood 👌
The average is pretty steady. The only reason it looks like it went down is because there was a massive, temporary influx of players taking part in the 2v8 mode and the anniversary event.
I was just experiencing this error after Steam maintenance. Restarting the game seems to have fixed it.
I think a limited block list of say 5-10 people would be fine. Although not if you have to play a match with them first to block them in the results screen. Because I already got my list ready.
Cool but please don't complain when the slowdowns get nerfed again. It will be your fault.
Oh man, tonight was like hitting a wall. I honestly don't know how I ever tolerated M1 simulator survivor gameplay in the past. I'm going to have to become a killer main because at least that role is still fun.
Make the survivor objective more interesting. Holding M1 on gens all game is just so tedious at this point. It's been suggested a million times before, but something along the lines of having to find resources like fuel, gears, engine keys etc around the map in order to repair the gens. Then obviously shorten the repair…
Offering items to the killer = free escape
No, PTBs have been a part of the game since 2016, long before Ash.
I really wish I'd found this thread earlier because this bug has made playing Naughty Bear in this mode absolutely infuriating. Trapper with normal cosmetics feels so good now.
I had a killer called 'REMOVE 2v8 (AFK)' and it was a Wraith who went afk somewhere on the map. Weird thing is he's a player that I recognise and encounter occasionally. They have over 1.4k hours. Really felt sorry for his teammate who was trying their best in a 1v8 game. Reported it but according to Steam he was still…
I would say end of 2018 and first half of 2019 because I finally convinced my old L4D2 friends to play the game. Sadly, they soon abandoned the game due to the mid-load crash bug that plagued the game for half a year. With no dedicated servers, we had to re-make the lobby and queue for 10 mins every time someone crashed…
I play him a fair bit with normal addons (ie. no cheesy crap like tombstones or infinite evil), but since his power involves watching people as they finish gens in your face, it's not always the most rewarding experience. Also kind of sucks that you can get to the end of the game and no longer have a power because you…
Sounds more like good news that they are going to give her serious changes, which will obviously take a while. I'm willing to wait.
Gens give bonus BP on completion so everybody is slamming gens harder than ever. They should give bonus BP for chases, pallet stuns and other killer interactions instead.
Old Freddy ain't coming back. They moved away from aura reading in killer powers back in 2018 and basekit megaslowdowns are a total non-starter. What does that leave? Manual entry to the dream world? What's the point? Plus old Freddy was a giant DC magnet. Everybody hated him at the time, which was why he was reworked in…
Yes, obviously. The devs suggested it themselves years ago. I've lost count of the number of times that the lack of Kindred on my solo teammates has led to horribly inefficient plays and/or gotten everyone killed. It is absolutely mandatory in solo queue and if you're playing solo without it, don't ever complain about the…
Remove the "Level X" message that pops up between bloodwebs. Just go straight to the next bloodweb.
Pros: You will probably win. Cons: Nobody is having fun, probably not even you.
I wish they would stop awarding bonus BP for completing event gens. All this does is make survivors focus the gens even harder, which obviously sucks for killers. And worst of all is when: You get tunnelled all game while your teammates hoover up all the bonus BP You get a gen to 90%, the killer comes and chases you away,…
Probably because they are nothing alike.