But you got caught and died.
Obviously......They said its not meant for killers to get kills its meant to end the game and my response was so why not end the game?
Then why not just end the game when all gens are completed?
Good a more enjoyable game for you lol.... Its good with lethal pursuer.
Pig is one of my mains and sadly you are right its so hard to play her right now. The only thing I have been using is the one at the start of the match the traps are on everyone's head. Thats the only decent thing she has going right now.
Cant go wrong with a nice tombstone Myers
If you’re playing survivor and you’re playing in a scummy way such as tea bagging at pallets , clicky clicky flashlights, Tunnelling gens the whole game, why do you get mad if Ghostface teabags you after downing you or hooking you? I understand the Survivors that play normally and still get teabagged, that’s…
Love it!
Well you cant get scared if you know where the killer is all the time. You know when they are close by and you can see their stupid red glow before they turn a corner. You would think that survivors wouldn't want to go by the killer cause that makes sense but instead they will go right up to you and body block and its all…
I Just tombstone lol
I play alot of Myers and depending on what addons I use Ill use different perks. I usually run brutal strength, corrupt, Jolt and Deadlock on my normal Myers but if Im doing tombstone ill sub out Jolt for for bamboozle.
Why do survivors get to see which way im coming before I even turn the corner. Its stupid. Why should I have to walk backwards to trick you.
This is why I have been only playing tombstone Myers lately. Get sombody out very quickly
Cant do that. Would ruin survivors fun.
Wish the killer was the power role. The survivors shouldn't want to be anywhere near the killer or be able to toy with them unless they wanna get wrecked.
You forgot pallet breaking simulator.
Killers ae not allowed to have fun
Daddy Myers
Ya I tried it a few times and there is always that one survivor you do not see all game.
Played when she first came out on console and I did not like the button setup to place the crows it kept confusing me.
Daddy Myers because quick insta downs!
I know what you mean all these survivors keep Tunneling gens to get out fast idk what to do!
The only way swf should work is if there was a proxy chat kinda thing. You can communicate with people next to you. Other than that its just bs
Indeed....All hail daddy Myers.
This is what ive been saying! You can get that first tombstone off really quick some matches. This is all ive been playing lately cause no point in doing anything else in the state the games in now.
Tombstone Myers
I legit only play tombstone Myers now
Myers is top tier. Just tombstone everyone
Ya that makes sense. I could tell you a different story about another Killer?
Would you like a third?
Every time I pick Myers I get sent to Red Forest. Happens probably 90 percent of the time. I never get sent there when I pick any other killer. Only Myers and its annoying.
Oh that bust be why I never get to use it! Every time I put it on its gone in like 5 seconds. Would be cool if I could put it back up like something else.
You should be a writer.
What could I add to make it better?
I like to tombstone people!
Lmao exactly
Ya just had a game survivor I didnt see all game is running around one of those hills. I go up it break out tier 3 jump down and just grab her neck 😂
Thank you!
Since they know where I am at all times. Let me see there aura so I know where they are at all times.
Yup literally every game since the update is gens fly and I get like 1k or they all escape.
I would but i actually suck with bubba 😂
No you are not. The game is unplayable lately.
I hear you man the games are just unplayable since the update. The game thinks im some kind of god at killer. Gens are done so fast and most of my games are a 1k or they all escape. Was never like this before.
Yup every single game get like maybe 3 hooks and they all escape. Same thing over and over again.
I literally just posted the same thing. Every single game it thinks im a god killer and its a 4 man escape every single game. I have been having zero fun lately.
I had so much fun yesterday! I think i managed to get one kill cause I camped the ######### out of this guy. Every other game they all just get away. Soooooo fun.
I have been enjoying this addon. I even got a few head pops from it.
I see no problem here.
Yup I feel you. been getting nothing but sweat fests every game. The other day was sent to Haddonfield 4 times in a row vs these death squads.
I dont see the issue.....what's wrong with tunneling?