Did the balance changes coming to the Clown bring a ner as well?
I was glad to see the chunky guy getting some nice buffs, but after playing him again- maybe I just never felt it this much but: Is there a massive slowdown while reloading now? It feels way slower than before and just before you're done reloading your bottles, suddenly you're 99% slowed almost to a complete halt. Is this…
Missed opportunity with the Doctor card.
Should have been: "Can't you feel the spark between us?"
Rank dispute
Sup, guys- the thing I wanted to talk and hear about is ranking in general and maybe provide and hear some ideas on how to fix it for both sides. The premise right now is: Both Killer and Survivor have a screwed up ranking system, that people who don't really belong can reach a rank they were never supposed to reach in the…
Should Survivors share their sacrifice progress?
Now I imagined this way back- this could help complete the Killer complete their objective easier, in persepective to how the survivors objectives is presented. It could also help against swf and the feeling of not accomplishing anything against their progress. It would finally present a feeling of: Do I really want to…
Balance of Bloodpoints
There should be a huge balance update to the Bloodpoint gain on both sides. It would help the grind a lot and in general make it a little less frustrating to "lose". Most often it is more frustrating that one didn't get enough Bloodpoints to reach that desired next level, than it was to reach the exit gate as a survivor or…
Is there a way to contact a mod or someone who can ban people?
I being held hostage in the game right now and got some video proof. This is going on for about 20 minutes already. Just wanted to ask where to submit the video and profile link.
Legion's Deviousness.
Can their Deviousness BP gain be increased? Maybe add another BP action. Deeper Cut: 500BP for hitting and already deep wounded Survivor. Right now it's kind of lackluster in Bp gain. Same as Pig when she was released.
Since not all Killers are supposed to be viable in High-rank games...
can we add a function, that those mid to low tier Killers can only get you up to a specific rank? Let's say Freddy can only get you up to rank 12 or smth. Pig to rank 8 for example. That way you get to play the Killers you love - without the matches ending in complete and utter frustration because of the wreck of balance…
Killer perks I thought others might like.
These are just some ideas for now, not minding balance too much. Just felt like presenting some ideas. :) Brutal Grasp: * Your boiling blood and anger allows you to be extremly vicious in a chase. When lunging and hitting a vaulting survivor, hit the action key to initiate 'Brutal Grasp'. You immediately grasp the survivor…
The Spirit in the main menu
Can we tone down the audio the Spirit makes in the main menu? It drowns out any other sound, like music. No other Killer makes such a loud sound and it would be nice if it was at least toned down. :o
Upgrade to Surveillance.
I just recently got this idea, thinking about how Jigsaw was always the Game's master. Every piece had its place, everyone had to follow HIS rules and every thing was under his watch. Instead of simply giving you an auro of a kicked gen, the perk will do something like this: Surveillance~ This game runs by your rules.…
Pallet saves on an Enduring Killer.
Is this ever going to be... I guess 'fixed'? Shouldn't you recover 75% faster when hit by the pallet, why are pallet saves an exception?
A rework to the Killer cast. Might be long.
I wanted to feature some ideas that I've collected over the time I spent in this forum or simply by playing the Killers' myself. I don't think ALL of them need complete reworks, but definitely the treatment the Clown got before release. Some need a tweak to their base kit, so some add-ons are part of it and then lower the…
Any suggestions to influence Killer reworks.
Is there a better place to do this than this forum? Is there a forum where there is a greater chance to like see what the dev team think of their players ideas? It feels kind of sad when you pour your heart into the ideas and they go by barely noticed. A quick nod to the ideas or a simple 'Interesting idea!' would be…
Upcoming Wraith add-on update.
So there's one add-on which keeps your Terror Radius even when turning invisible and granting you bonus BP in Deviousness. I was wondering, will it count as the actual Terror Radius, so if I were to take Distressing and Unnerving Presence it would actually affect the Survivors? This would be cool for some interesting…
Trying to balance chases and tracking.
If they want to try to break things down and find balance, they'd have to alter some things during a chase. Chases need to end quickly, either by losing or winning them- ie. the survivor hiding of the killer downing them. This is the main problem, since we're facing maps which enable window and pallet loops. I wish they…
The Pig's Rules Set Number 2.
I think everyone can agree that some version of this should simply be apart of her basic kit. The 'power' you gain from it is laughable, expeically for an ultra-rare. Instead why can't it be, that Survivors are unable to interact with Jigsaw boxes, until their 'game' has started? Thoughts, fellow fog travelers?
The Pig - Power Overhaul
Hello dear people of the fog, I'd like to suggest some ideas I've collected for some time now, about our dearest Pig, aka. Amanda Young. I would like to start of by saying that I enjoy playing the Pig, but she feels a little underwhelming at times. Part of this is, that I feel like Survivors don't feel threatened by having…
The Pig's power overhaul.
Hello dear people of the fog, I'd like to suggest some ideas I've collected for some time now, about our dearest Pig, aka. Amanda Young. I would like to start of by saying that I enjoy playing the Pig, but she feels a little underwhelming at times. Part of this is, that I feel like Survivors don't feel threatened by having…
What exactly is the balance the devs strive for?
They mentioned they want to reach a point of two sacrifices and two escapes. This would be the kind of balance which is acceptable to them. I always wondered from that point. How does that translate into hooks? Are we talking full on one-hook never saved and they die. Is it along the lines of three hooks for them, so two…
Trying to balance chases and tracking.
If they want to try to break things down and find balance, they'd have to alter some things during a chase. Chases need to end quickly, either by losing or winning them- ie. the survivor hiding of the killer downing them. This is the main problem, since we're facing maps which enable window and pallet loops. I wish they…
Trying to balance chases and tracking.
If they want to try to break things down and find balance, they'd have to alter some things during a chase. Chases need to end quickly, either by losing or winning them- ie. the survivor hiding of the killer downing them. This is the main problem, since we're facing maps which enable window and pallet loops. I wish they…
Attempt to balance chases and tracking.
If they want to try to break things down and find balance, they'd have to alter some things during a chase. Chases need to end quickly, either by losing or winning them- ie. the survivor hiding of the killer downing them. This is the main problem, since we're facing maps which enable window and pallet loops. I wish they…
Some small changes that could go a long way for Killers.
The general stuff: * Give their BP scoring events some love. * Award Brutality 'hit' BP's for each health state you breached with your attack. The Pig: * Make her crouch animation faster and rework combat straps. * Unarmed traps are dropped after a survivors takes them off and can be picked back up. * The Pig can grab out…
Selfcare suggestion
Hey, with the ptb just going live I wanted to mention a change I had in mind for Selfcare. Selfcare is a rather effortless perk, where you get a lot for doing rather little (or nothing at all). I thought about turning Selfcare into what it should be. Since Claudette was mentioned as the healer of the team, it should come…
All I thought I knew was a lie.
The Huntress seriously needs to be changed in regards to some perks. Ever since they nerfed Franklin's Demise, like really hardcore, other perks such as Make Your Choice and NOED don't function with her axes either. It's at least a relief you get a Remember Me stack with a hatchet hit, but these two perks should also…
New Killer perk
Posted this in Killer section already, just wanted to see if people like the idea. Name: Silent Slice When you draw your weapon for an attack you no longer make a sound. Time for lunging is expanded by 0,2/0,3/0,4 seconds. What do you guys think?
Potential Killer Perk
I don't know, idea came from watching someone try to mind game and I thought it could be cool to strengthen hitting around corners. Name: Silent Slice When you draw your weapon for an attack you no longer make a sound. Time for lunging is expanded by 0,2/0,3/0,4 seconds. What do you guys think?
Huntress iridescent add-on
Ever since they nerfed it, I had the feeling that taking all of your axes was really overkill. Even with the purple add-on you'd only have three hatchets. I think the nerf was kind of undeserved, and I wanted to suggest something to tweak it a little bit and eliminate the problem, that people might have had with the…
My wishful thinking of a re-reworked Wraith
I would like to share an idea I wrote in some other post, too. I thought it would actually fit to the Wraith, being a predator and everything. I had envisoned it like this: * The Wraith can now stalk survivors in his invisible state. He does this by simply looking at the survivor in question and slowly fills a meter (He…
My wishful thinking for the Wraith.
Hello great people of the fog, I would like to show you an idea I had for our dearest friend since the very beginning, the Wraith. The Wraith's ability doesn't change that much, except for an added feature for prolonged stalking in his invisibility. I envisioned it like this: * The Wraith can stalk survivors while he is…
Can we get hooks that affects gameplay, like some Generators do?
Hello, simply wanted to see if others would also like the idea of hooks also getting an impact on gameplay or simply have something aesthetic to it. Ideas I had for example would be: * A new map from the Backwater Swamp with a specific hook in like a 'meat' harvesting house. The house itself is pretty empty at first, but…
Give back Franklin's old Power!
Hello, just wanted to make a simple suggestion to Franklin's Demise. At release, any killer could knock out any item out of your hand, no matter what attack they used. It might have been frustrating with a huntress snipe and such, but taking away the chance from Billy and Leatherface to use their chainsaw just to get your…
Killer point gain
I always wanted to ask, could one-hit Killers get a little 'fix' to their specific point gains for one-hit downs? Especially Killers like billy and Leatherface suffer a point loss for using their chainsaw, so why can't we get the brutality point based on health states broken? So you would get 500 points(after the point…
Freddy Power Buff
Hello all y'all folks of the entity. I had been thinking about several changes to our dearest Sweater boi- and now I would like to present one change that would help Freddy drastically in chases and give him the dream changing abilities he always deserved. With Freddy you now can activate a secondary ability. This ability…
Killer cosmetics
Hello good people of the fog. I've wanted to ask this for quite a long time and now that the cosmetic store is out I hope to be able to ask and reach out for it. Will 'older' Killers, specifically the Wraith, Hillbilly and the Hag get their outfits overhauled? The thing that kind of hurts is that their upper body is seen…