Share your best post game salt messages
As killers, we know all too well that its NEVER the survivors skill level (or lack thereof) to blame for their demise lol! Well have all at one point or another received that lovely "new message" notification at the end of a match and open it to find a nice hefty dose of salt. I've had messages calling me everything in the…
Freddy Kruger is just too OP
He is too OP, there is no chance to win against.Nerf him pls Devs.Im gonna quit this game if he does not get nerf.
What are some of your greatest achievements?
Not steam achievements, but moments in-game that you are proud of or you think are your greatest achievements. Mine has to be when I killed all 4 survivors as Freddy while slugging and not using any perks.
I Hate My Own Side
I'm a survivor main. Always have, mostly will continue to be. But god damn, survivors are so horribly toxic. If you're forced to camp to counter their altruism they say that you're "tilted". During chases they will literally stand at a pallet and do nothing just for them to hit you with it. They butch and moan when the…
Why people say nerf nurse ?
I am playing on console and i am rank 9.When i see nurse i always win she get only 1 kill or 0.Why people always say nurse needs a nerf?
gen magic number and camping: road to rank 1 killer
i bought this game last august just because I’m a huge Halloween fan. Wanted to play as and against Michael. But i survivor mained for months, killer was such a chore. I can’t remember why, but along the way I decided to keep track of, and ask myself, what are the chances of the gates being powered in any given match? I…
Shadowborn and M&A
I know FOV increases don’t stack but what happens when you run both these perks? Does one completely negate the other?
We should put Slenderman as a killer
Like my question post, I think it would be interresting to add Slenderman, I don't know I thought it would be a good idea... he could have the same mechanics like in the game stop it slender but I little needed and not instant death by looking at slender but it would be cool if he could go invisible and if you look at him…
VS high rank
I don't know why; but am i the only one who thinks facing against high ranking survivors is a real pain or really stressful? (Preferably rank 10 to 1) Going up against high ranking survivors there's just nothing enjoyable; especially when 90% of the matches in those ranks; your dealing with generators getting popped left…
We NEED a Rambo head for David now...
Few things
1.a.) cells on the 11th does that mean midnight today?lol B.) Going to be poed if they have a sale a day or two after they drop. 2.) Got my clown trophy last night and now it's gone. Has this happened to anyone else?
[CLOSED] People of the fog! Questioning about DLCs hype!
Hiya people of the fog! I'm here to know much more about you guys, what are you the most excited for when a new DLC is announced. Tell me what are you the most hyped for! Select the numbers down below in your answer: 1. The killer style/design 2. The killer power 3. The killer perks 4. The survivor style/design 5. The…
Daily Rituals you want to have
150,000 - Search 5 Chests 90,000 - Complete the equivalent of 5 generators. 80,000 - Hook 8 Survivors 180,000 - Have all 4 survivors downed (slugged) at one given time. What dailys do you wanna see?
Is it just me or has anyone else not played against a Clown since release day?
Nurse Nurse Nurse Nurse Cooldown?
So at high ranks theres always nurse and hillbilly in almost every game. What if players had a cooldown of 3 matches for whenever they play 3 consectutive matches with the same killer. I imagine people woud be outraged by this idea, but it's annoying and it's not fun playing try hard nurse with moris aswell as strong perks…
I want more random scary maps
Spaceship, Cruise Ship, Train Station, SuperMarket, Underground Bunker, Overgrown Garden, Museum, Cave Random is good, we want something new and refreshing to play at.
FPS '''Problem'' PC
So I have noticed since a week or 2 or more, not sure, that my game is getting to like 30 fps when I try to set it any higher than normal OR when I try to stream. When I try to stream, setting it to normal does NOT help and it goes to about 30-40 fps, now with other games this is an issue but can be played around, with DBD…
Songs with survivor names in lyrics
One I thought of is Aerosmith- Don't wanna miss a Feng Just a fun little game in my opinion
Spawning locations
I heard a streamer talking about spawning locations of the survivors and that you should try to memorie them. Is there any kind of map where they are indicated? I am really tired of 3 gens done before I get my first hit
Make the Dailys more random (or less random)
I am a Killer, and about 75% of my Dailys are Killer Dailys, so, I am fine with that, because it takes me way longer than it should to get Survivor Dailys. The problem is that 80% of my Dailys are either Freddy or a Saw-Hit (LF/HillBilly). This week, I had 4 saw Dailys and 2 Freddy Dailys. A HillBilly was replaced by a LF…
As a survivor...
Don't you just love when in the lobby the connection is good but somehow when u are in game and mostly during chases the killers' internet goes really bad... u know out of the blue.
i don't even know in what category i should put this but whatever. This wraith held me and another guy hostage on the basement for hours and i wanted to make sure he's going to be banned . His steam profile is "rage quit" (im a dumbass and forgot to print his name
Double bp event
Double blood point event + bbq and chili + pudding / bloody party streamers = x8 bp Just wanted to tell you that. Love to all of u
I got the new dlc
Just purchased and it's working. Just an fyi
Kate's hair?
Is it doing the bungie thing for anyone else? Running is fine but when I'm unhooking or doing a totem it goes crazy for a second.(Ps4btw)
PS4 dlc
I don’t care how annoying this is it’s passed the date and we still don’t have #########! I want an answer from a dev dammit I haven’t spent countless hours playing this game and buy every dlc just to get shafted like this, @not_queen may have shut down the compensation thread but I’m reopening it here because we deserve…
to the devs and this company
a sincere and heartfelt thank you. i have had as much fun playing this game tonight as i did the first night the game came out on ps4. i can play killer again without the necessity of camping and tunneling. that is all i ever wanted. i wish a long and prosperous career for all of you. this is still the very best videogame…
Someone purposefully stopped Struggling and let themselves die because they didn't want me to get any more kills from people coming to rescue her which is, well, fair enough. But she also called me a Soft-Camper. The hell is a Soft-Camper? Someone who checks their hooked Survivor when you lose track of someone or someone…
No auric cells for ps4
Can anyone else not buy cells
Need Help for 1 handed player!!!
First off, I love this game and that I can play it pretty well with just 1 hand. I just started a few days ago and am rank 10 survivor. A few things I need help figuring out. Since I am 1 handed and only play with the mouse I find it difficult to move in any direction besides forward. Going backward, left, right, or even…
No auric cells for ps4
Can anyone else not buy cells
Possible new killers
Jason or this guy on the bus
Is anyone else not getting the leather face masks
They we're available before the update but aren't there anymore
Your Most Cherished Rage Friend Requests Stories
Hello, my fellow killer mains! Let's share about the most angriest people who sent you a friend request after a lovely game of Dead By Daylight. A personal favorite of mine was when this one guy attempted to add me six days in a row.
Why is the Chuckles mask so expensive?
I was dying to get my hands on this original mask. But when I looked, every site selling it generally charges $40-75 each. One guy I was playing with today offered to sell me his code, in exchange for a game on his wish list (which was only $15!!), and I jumped on that opportunity FAST. He followed through, and now I have…
Can we just respect the 4%? I mean is one kill really so needed to inflate a killers ego.
Auric Cells July 11th
Just in case you didn’t see the twitter post, Auric Cells are delayed until July 11th.
Be Nice
This community is really salty. I know it's a meme by now and everyone knows it, but it's still a good opener(I think). And the sad thing is, that it has only stayed this way because so few people try to take action against it in any way. As far as I am concerned, just staying calm while you get D-striked for the fourth…
Despite it being a strategy Camping is one of the most annoying things to come across as a survivor. I think I have a solution that may seem overpowered but really helps bring the negativity down. It would work like this: once a survivor is hooked a circle appears in the killers veiw this will be the no go zone if the…
Doc bugged after last update??
Playing on Xbox. When the update came out I went up against a Doc first or second day. After the match they asked me if they were moving faster. They said they felt faster, but I hadn't noticed honestly. That was maybe last week and I have not played any Docs since then. Most weren't very good and I had escaped, but I just…
Cells available July 11
Curtain call is now working at least guys. Cells in 2 days. Keep on foggin ######### up in the meantime! :p
Double Blood Points
The best part about this game just ended.
I think PS4 NA players should be compensated for getting the run around from DBD and Sony. In 4 days it will have been a month since the DLC was "released." I'm not asking for much maybe a free Auric Cell pack or something?
PS4 NA DLC Just Dropped
Thread for the recent PS4 NA where is DLC threads
New DLC but no cells?
So the Currain Call has FINALLY released for everybody and the Clown & Kate are available to purchase now (as I just did :) ) but there’s still no Auric Cell packs available, that’s a shame cause there’s a few cell only skins I really wanted to buy when it all went live....
It ready!!!!
Just bought it
We should put Slenderman as a killer
Like my question post, I think it would be interresting to add Slenderman, I don't know I thought it would be a good idea... he could have the same mechanics like in the game stop it slender but I little needed and not instant death by looking at slender but it would be cool if he could go invisible and if you look at him…
I'm back to high ranks for the first time in months and deeply regret it
The amount of bullshit one has to deal with from Survivors and unbalanced game mechanics is unbelievable. If it weren't for the Blood Hunt, I wouldn't play at all. I'm sorry, but the idiots on the dev team who thought that the game is balanced up there have either never been on high ranks or are proper lunatics, otherwise…
Pig's 2 "Jigsaw-" Add-ons
Can you please correct them already? They're apparently switched, according to the wiki. And wiki, please be clear on what's switched: It says the names are switched, but when you click either of them, they say the descriptions and rarities are switched. So, naturally, i'm really confused now. While we wait months for a…
It ready!!!!
Just bought it